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1、毕业论文附件:英译汉(译文)中 文 题 目: 移动电子商务 英 文 题 目:The Emergence of M-Commerce 原 作:美 Henry·Stewart 学院(直属系): 经济与贸易学院 年级、专业: 09级电子商务 学 生 姓 名: 张 月 学 号: 312009110209409 中文译文:摘要:移动电子商务作为电子商务在无线网络中的拓展和延伸,会进一步促进网络消费的成熟。据独立机构研究结果显示,移动电子商务,即通过移动设备及无线网络进行的商务与服务活动,不久将会成为商业和社会的主导力量关键词:移动电子商务 驱动移动电子商务的力量在90年代中期,美国联邦通信委员

2、会拍卖了个人通信服务的频谱空间,推动了当代无线通信方式的发展。现代无线通信终端不仅仅包括移动电话,而且还包含个人掌上电脑(PDA),数字助理等一系列设备。 无线基站的建设 互联网的应用使传统PC领域的网络发展强大。据Dataquest公司和Yankee集团预测,服务器的发展规模将会在2003年达到5亿。电子商务及其他沟通应用促使如此大规模的服务器领域必须持续增长。此外,由于这些系统将拥有更大的处理能力和存储能力、更好的价格性能比、更强大的性能以及更复杂的应用,它的出现有可能会渐渐成为台式机应用和互联网的主流。 虽然这些预测令人印象深刻,但个人电脑有两个限制的地方。首先,用户必须坐在它们面前。其

3、次,即使便携笔记本电脑,但它需要加载软件,拨入和网络服务供应商连接,并在接入互联网前需要等待握手协议的进行。这个过程是可以理解的,但它最好是在一个可容忍的范围。因此,主要应用虽有许多麻烦,但仍在可接受范围内让那些用户遵循这一访问序列,至少以保持计算机和应用程序的操作运行。 总体来说PC的规模是巨大的,当中还包括了更多的移动通讯设备在使用。 Gartner集团和其他研究机构估计,到2004年,全球移动电话用户群将超过10亿,以2倍于PC用户的数量。此外,其他无线移动设备的用户数量也将大幅度增加。无线PDA的应用规模将会在未来三年内扩大3倍 。不同于个人电脑,这些无线设备无需启动顺序,因此人们可以

4、以方便、快捷的方式使用它们,这种快捷应用能使这些产品更具吸引力。无线协议标准 正如传输控制协议/ Internet协议和通用浏览器作为中流砥柱力量驱动着互联网的发展,让不同的设备互连以及交流,类似的因素将简化异构互连和无线设备通讯。移动网络运营商目前依靠在一个多标准且互不兼容的无线接入标准。最近一个共同的通信技术终于出现了,它制定和提供了移动设备的无线服务、无线应用协议(WAP)的统一接口标准。 Wap的规格包括一个微型浏览器、类似JavaScript的脚本、接入功能、会话分层交互规范、传输以及安全性。这些规范使应用程序的接口独立和互操作成为可能。 大多数手机和无线设备制造商,以及一些服务和基

5、础设施供应商,已经认可了WAP标准。 充足的带宽 当前的接入技术,包括TDMA(时分多址)、CDMA(码分多址)和GSM,提供速度为9.6至19.2 Kbps的传输。这种速度对比台式的拨号接入互联网具备相当大的差距。虽然移动电子商务可以在这种低速带宽下实现,但这种低速却不利于调动广泛商家和消费者参与的积极性。 到2002年,3G(第三代)无线技术将实现应用。除了拥有高达2 Mbps带宽速率,3G还将支持多媒体传输。整合语音、数据交互、以及多方视频将可以在任何无线设备上进行移动电子商务。此外,3G技术得到了国际电讯联盟的积极支持,并提高3G技术实现的可能。 移动电子商务的应用 移动电子商务的应用

6、可分为三大类:交易管理,数字内容交付,遥测服务。 交易管理 用户通过移动设备将会体验到越来越丰富的商业应用。针对手机和掌上电脑的在线购物平台已经出现,并已实现浏览、选择、购买、付款及交付的功能。 这些网站囊括了购物所必要的因素,如在线目录、购物车和后台功能。在这个领域中网上书店已经实现了无线平台的购物交易。另一种移动电子商务交易应用涉及通过无线设备实现购买支付以及实时服务。这种交易应用会随着用户所获得的越来越多的应用体验而不断增长,并可使管理更为简便。 对移动电子商务发展呼声最高的来自小额交易。相对于硬币他们更愿意通过手机或掌上电脑使用电子货币,以便解决诸如地铁付费等问题,电子货币的广泛应用将

7、会成为现实。内容交付服务 数字内容交付使用了无线频道的分布特征。这些移动电子商务活动包括信息浏览、即时状态信息检索(天气,交通时刻表,体育比分,门票销售情况和市场价格)和目录服务。CNN的无线新闻订阅服务和UPS掌上电脑的包裹追踪和定位服务是这种新兴内容交付服务的代表。 数码产品易于通过无线设备实现传输。因此,3G的到来能使如娱乐、MP3音乐等下载应用变得更为普遍 。传输软件、高分辨率图像和全动画广告信息也将成为日渐普遍。高品质的显示屏和更大带宽的出现无疑将引发视频应用领域的发展创新。人们在未来可实现通过无线设备访问、检索、存储和展示多媒体的高清晰视频内容,以及远程教育。 遥测服务 以传输、接

8、收、传感和测量信息的遥测服务,这个新领域的广泛应用离不开以移动设备建立的基础。这领域的创新成果,可以让人们使用手机和其他无线设备接入到他们的家、办公室或者其他地方。比如,送货司机接入到智能配送机或仓库的电脑,确定他们哪里最需要活动库存或哪里需要立即服务。同样,用户可以通过发送邮件来激活录音设备或远程服务系统。被动式应用 主动式移动电子商业应用是指只有在当事人传达付款细节,请求信息,接收具体内容,或检索状态信息等活动,应用才会被启用。相比之下,被动式应用是作用在用户没有实施任何行为的情况下,例如个人现金卡的消费资料收集。电子资金流在移动设备上的集成将会对现金卡造成冲击,使现金卡变得不那么必要了


10、视频广告为收入的免费服务。 被动安全、预防入侵和紧急遥测服务会对设施及个人进行完善的检测。任何不寻常的事件或不能接受的条件会及时给用户提醒,无论身在何处。 航空公司正在测试一项技术,通过无线设备用以提醒乘客,特别是那些飞行的常客,给予他们一些座椅的升级、日程的变动等信息。目前一些航空公司已将这种原型遥测系统投入应用,当旅客进入机场或者通过就近的自助服务设施时,就会及时收到这一类的信息。被动式移动电子商务遥测是另一种互动营销形式的基础。商店可以将他们的产品与服务以促销优惠券和信息的形式传递给客户,如“:进来免费品味一杯我们店新推出的混合咖啡吧!”或者“半价促销,仅限这半小时哦!”但这种营销也可能

11、面临一种新的挑战:关掉您的移动设备,防止移动垃圾信息。这种技术对移动电子商务的促进是无穷的,甚至可以演变成为其发展的障碍。 应用程序和无线设备的发展是相辅相成的,二者中一个领域的革新都会使另一方变得更为强大商业的机遇和挑战是需要一个不断变化的战略, 利用移动电子商务的优势,去帮助他们在日渐白热化的数字市场中竞争。而构建这种策略所面临的最大挑战,来自于技术创新能给用户什么功能,与消费者与商业人士所期望的是什么功能,这一矛盾。 (摘自:电脑报:移动电子商务的兴起,2000年12月,第148-150页。)The Emergence of M-CommerceDriven by a widesprea

12、d understanding of the Internets capabilities, the power of electronic commerce, and advances in wireless technologies and devices, mobile commerce (m-commerce) is rapidly approaching the business forefront. According to independent research findings, m-commercethe conduct of business and services o

13、ver portable, wireless deviceswill soon be a dominant force in business and society. For example, IDC, an information technology research firm, reports that 70 percent of all wireless subscribers worldwide will access data applications via their phones by 2002.The investment firm Robinson Humphrey p

14、redicts that, in the US, 50 percent of Internet hits will originate from wireless devices by 2004.The Yankee Group, a telecommunications research firm, projects that by 2004 more than 40 percent of wireless users in the US will access Internet content directly from their mobile devices.The viability

15、 of these projections depends on the power of the underlying technology drivers and the attractiveness of m-commerce applications. To compete in a marketplace dominated by wireless devices, businesses must devise effective m-commerce strategies. Building successful strategies begins by recognizing t

16、he forces driving m-commerces emergence.FORCES DRIVING M-COMMERCEThe US Federal Communication Commissions auctioning of personal-communication-service spectrum space in the mid-1990s triggered the current rush to the wireless communication methods. Wireless communication now encompasses not only tel

17、ephones but also appliances, including personal digital assistants (PDAs).Wireless-installed baseInternet use has grown on the strength of PC networks. According to Dataquest and Yankee Group projections, the installed base of PCs will reach 500 million by 2003, as Figure 1 shows. This huge base is

18、essential to continued growth in electronic commerce and other communications applications. Moreover, because these systems will have greater power and storage capability, as well as the best ever price-performance ratios, more powerful and sophisticated applications will likely emerge into the main

19、stream of desktop computing and the Internet.Although these expectations are impressive, PCs still have two limiting characteristics. First, users must sit in front of them. Second, even portable notebook PCs require loading software, dialing into and connecting with a network service provider, and

20、awaiting completion of the handshaking process before launching an Internet application. This sequence is understandable, but at best it seems a tolerable nuisance. Hence, the dominant applications are still those that are worth the trouble it takes for a user to follow this access sequence or, at l

21、east, to keep the computer and applications running.The aggregate PC installation is substantial, but even more mobile communication devices are in use. The Gartner Group and other research firms project that by 2004, the installed base of mobile phones worldwide will exceed 1 billion more than twic

22、e the number of PCs. In addition, the number of other wireless mobile devices will also increase dramatically. Wireless PDA use will more than triple in the next three years. Unlike PCs, these wireless devices require no boot sequence, so people can use them as soon as they turn them onmaking them a

23、ttractive for quick-hit applications.Wireless protocol standardsJust as the transmission control protocol/Internet protocol and the general-purpose browser were principal drivers of Internet growth, letting disparate devices interconnect and communicate, similar factors will simplify the interconnec

24、tivity and communication of heterogeneous wireless devices. As Figure 2 shows, mobile network carriers have relied on a variety of incompatible wireless access standards. Recently, however, a common communications technology and uniform interface standard for presenting and delivering wireless servi

25、ces on mobile deviceswireless application protocol (WAP)has emerged.WAP specifications include a micro-browser; scripting similar to JavaScript; access functions; and layered communication specifications for sessions, transport, and security. These specifications enable interface-independent and int

26、eroperable applications. Most wireless handset and device manufacturers, as well as several service and infrastructure providers, have adopted the WAP standard.Ample bandwidthCurrent access technologies, including TDMA (time division multiple access), CDMA (code division multiple access), and GSM (G

27、roupe Spécial Mobile), transmit at 9.6 to 19.2 Kbps. These speeds are dramatically slower than the dial-up rates of desktop PCs connecting to the Internet. Although m-commerce is possible at these bandwidth rates, the slow speeds are not conducive to creating widespread business or consumer par

28、ticipation.By 2002, 3G (third-generation) wireless technology will be available. Besides having greater bandwidth rates, with speeds up to 2 Mbps, 3G will support multimedia transmission. Integrating voice, data, and one- or two-way video will let m-commerce run over any wireless device. Moreover, a

29、ctive support from the International Telecommunications Union is likely to make 3G practical.M-COMMERCE APPLICATIONSM-commerce applications fall into three main categories: transaction management, digital content delivery, and telemetry services.Transaction managementUsers will increasingly initiate

30、 a wide range of business transactions from mobile devices. Online shopping sites tailored to mobile phones and PDAs including browsing, selection, purchase, payment, and deliveryhave already emerged. These sites include all the necessary shopping features, such as online catalogs, shopping carts, a

31、nd back office functions. Online booksellers are among the firms that have already implemented wireless shopping transactions.Another class of m-commerce transactions involves using wireless devices to initiate and pay for purchases and services in real time. These kinds of transactions will likely

32、increase as users gain the capabilityand become comfortable enoughto manage them.The highest m-commerce transaction volume will probably occur in micro-transactions. When individuals reach for their e-cash-equipped mobile phones or PDAsrather than coinsto settle transactions such as subway fees, wid

33、espread use of digital cash will be a reality.Content delivery servicesDigital content delivery uses the wireless channels distribution characteristics. These m-commerce activities include information browsinginstant retrieval of status information (weather, transit schedules, sports scores, ticket

34、availability, and market prices)and directory services. The CNN Wireless news subscription service and the UPS PDA-linked package tracking and locator service are representative of emerging content delivery services.Digital products easily transport to and from wireless devices. Hence, downloading e

35、ntertainment productsfor example, MP3 musicis likely to become even more commonplace when 3G arrives. Transferring software, high-resolution images, and full-motion advertising messages will also become common activities. The emergence of high-quality display screens and greater bandwidth will undou

36、btedly trigger the development of innovative video applications. Individuals will use wireless devices to access, retrieve, store, and display high-resolution video content for entertainment, product demonstration, and distance learning.Telemetry servicesThe transmission and receipt of status, sensi

37、ng, and measurement informationtelemetry servicesforms the basis for a wide range of new applications involving mobile devices. Innovations in this area let people use wireless phones and appliances to communicate with various devices from their homes, offices, or in the field. For instance, deliver

38、y drivers will “ping” intelligent dispensing machines or store computers to determine where their rolling inventory is needed most or which locations need immediate service. Similarly, users will transmit messages to activate remote recording devices or service systems.PASSIVE APPLICATIONSActive m-c

39、ommerce applications function only when someone directly initiates them by transmitting payment details, requesting information, receiving specific content, or retrieving status information. In contrast, in passive applications, a transaction occurs without the user taking any actionfor example, aut

40、omatic collection of toll charges with dedicated cash cards. Integrating digital cash into mobile devices would make these cash cards unnecessary. These wireless devices would facilitate and record payment of toll, mass-transit, fast-food, and other transactions, all without the user authorizing or

41、entering identification information for each individual transaction. Users could arrange to have their cash chips update automatically by directing the wireless device to contact their money source and download additional digital cash whenever necessary. Popular in Europe, short messages text messag

42、es, up to 160 characters in length, that show up on the recipients display as they arriveare examples of passive content delivery. As digital convergence becomes more commonplace, all forms of mail will passively go to wireless devices, including digitized voice mail, fax documents, and e-mail. The

43、necessary technology is nearly perfected, and greater awareness and universal access to these services will soon make its use commonplace. These fee-for-service m-commerce activities will increase and will likely trigger innovative payment systemsfor example, free services in return for viewing audi

44、o or video advertising delivered to the wireless device.Passive security, intrusion, and emergency telemetry services will refine monitoring of facilities and individuals. Any unusual event or unacceptable condition will trigger user notification, regardless of location.Airlines are testing technology


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