1、 Unit121、 toil tl n. productive work (especially physical work done for wages)辛苦,苦工 eg I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and t
2、ears. 正如我曾对参加本届政府的成员所说的那样,我要对下院说:"我没什么可以奉献,有的,只是热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水。v. work hard辛苦工作eg They were toiling at their experiment. 他们正在辛苦地做试验。trench n a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth深沟eg;He added:"When you getcloser,the fortress
3、opens up to you through a narrow trench. 他还补充道:“当你走近时,城堡就会通过一条窄窄的沟渠向你敞开。2、 fringe n the outside boundary or surface of something边缘 eg And these nationalists are not the fringe. 这些爱国者不是边缘势力。 3. trench 英 tren(t) 美 trntn.<1> a lon
4、g, narrow ditch in the earth;an open ditch for draining.沟,沟渠eg. When you get closer, the fortress opens up to you through a narrow trench.他还补充道:“当你走近时,城堡就会通过一条窄窄的沟渠向你敞开. <2>a deep ditch dug in a zone of battle and held as a defensive position or as a base from which to attack.(军)壕沟 eg. We foug
5、ht with them in the trenches. 我们在战壕里与他们作战。v.<1> to cut a ditch in.开沟,挖沟。eg. to trench land for draining在地面挖沟排水 <2>to entrench, as an army.挖战壕eg. The soldiers trenched an outpost.士兵们用战壕防御前哨。4. fringe 英 frn(d) 美 frnd1. n.<1> A fringe is a decoration attached to clothes, or other obje
6、cts such as curtains, consisting of a row of hanging strips or threads. 流苏 eg. The jacket had leather fringes. 这件上衣饰有皮流苏。<2>. To be on the fringe or the fringes of a place means to be on the outside edge of it, or to be in one of the parts that are farthest from its centre. 边缘 eg.black townshi
7、ps located on the fringes of the city. 位于该城市边缘的黑人居住区。<3>The fringe or the fringes of an activity or organization are its less important, least typical, or most extreme parts, rather than its main and central part. 次要部分; 外围 eg. The party remained on the fringe of the political scene until last
8、year. 直到去年该党还一直处于政治舞台的外围。5、The new airline is chartered by the government.Charter: 'tt n.许可证,纲领,宪章 V.发给许可证,发给特许执照a chartered accountant持证会计师eg:The government chartered a new bank in the capital.政府特许在首都建立一家新银行。6、The government spokesman gave a quick briefing to the reporters.Briefing: 'brif n
9、. 简报;作战指示v. 概述;作的摘要(brief的现在分词) background briefing 吹风会;背景情况介绍会; 背景情形先容会Daily Briefing 日常简报;每日简报mission briefing 任务简报 eg:First, the post-war exchange of folk arts background briefing. 首先,对战后民间艺术交流的背景进行介绍。7.Onus 英 ns美 ons n.A burden;duty;obligation;responsibility.负担;职责;义务;责任。eg:The onus is on employe
10、rs to follow health and safety laws.雇主有义务遵行健康安全法。8.Fragment 英 frægmnt 美 fræmntn.A part broken off from a whole.碎片eg.She read everything,digesting every fragment of news.她什么都看,对新闻每个片段都细细品味。An imperfect or unfinished part.不完全的部分;未完工的片段。eg.This building is but a fragment of the original plan.
11、此建筑物只是原规划的一部分而已。v.t&v.i To break into fragments.打破;破碎.eg.The glasses were fragmented in shipment.玻璃杯在运输过程中被打破了。Occupant 英 kjpnt 美 :kjpntn.One who dwells in,has possession of,or holds in use, a house,property,ect.(房屋财产等的)居住者;占有者。eg:The rooms sole occupant is the boy and a big hound.这个房间里只住着一个男孩和一
12、条大猎狗。生词:Corridor:'krd n.1、走廊2、室外过道3、走廊(内陆国家为进出海港而突入别国的狭长地带)eg:We groped our way along the dark corridor. 我们摸索着走过黑暗的走廊。Peak: pikn. 山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌vt. 使达到最高点;使竖起vi. 消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴adj. 最高的;最大值的n. (Peak)人名;(英)皮克短语:peak power 峰值功率,巅值功率eg: In order to get out of the peak-hour traffic, we must start early.
13、我们得早点儿动身以避开交通高峰期。Mode: mdn. 模式;方式;风格;时尚operation mode 操作方式control mode 控制方式;调节状态mode of operation 操作方式;运行方式mode of thinking 思维方式;思考模式eg: A sole proprietorship of fast-food wants relatively small scale, institutions relatively simple, flexible operation mode. 个人独资的快餐店规模相对要小,机构相对简单,操作方式灵活机动Transit 英 t
14、rænzt美 trænst, -ztn.(a)A passage through or over。经过eg.The transit of goods through a stste.货物经过某国(b)The conveyance of persons or goods from one place or another,esp.on local public transportation system.运输;运送(由指靠当地公共运输系统送)eg.Sugar arrives here for transit to another market.糖运抵此地以便转运至其他市场。A
15、 transition or change,esp。from one life to another at death。变迁,过渡;(由指死亡时由今生过渡到另一世)。The passage of a celestial body across the meridian of a given place.(天)天体通过子午线。The apparent passage of a smaller celestial body across the disk of a larger one,as of Venus across the sun,(天)凌日;中日(较小的天体经过利益大较大天体圆面的现象)
16、。An instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical angels。(测)经纬仪;测量仪v.t To pass over or through.经过To cross(a meridian,a celestial body,ect.)(天)经过(子午线,另一天体等)Facility 英 fslti美 fsltinEase.轻易。eg. With this increase in the facility of reading,the reading public grew。由于读书变得越来越方便,读者的人数也随之增加。Skill in pe
17、rformance;dexterity。熟练;灵巧。eg. He paints landscapes with great facility.他画起山水画儿来得心应手。Ease or readiness of speech;fluency。口齿伶俐;流畅。eg.He and Marcia shared a facility for languages。他和玛西亚都有语言天赋。The means by which any act may be more easily done.便利的设施,设备。eg.The child-care centre is a useful facility for w
18、orking parents。托儿所对所有工作的父母来说是很有用的设施。 Optimize 英 ptmaz美 :ptmaz v.i To be optimistic。乐观。v.t To make as effective,perfect,or useful as possible。尽量使其完善。To make the best of.善用。Stakeholder 美 stekholdr n利益相关者;赌金保管者Eg.We all have ample reason to support this direction. The World is a stakeholder in Chinas f
19、uture.我们有充分的理由支持这一发展方向,世界是中国未来发展的利益攸关方。Municipal 美 mju'nspl adjadj. 市政的,市的;地方自治的Eg.And so in Delhi, as in Tehri, the poor line up at municipal water tankers and hand pumps.因此,在德里,像特赫里这样的地方,穷人只能在市政的运水车和手动泵处排队。Assembly 美 'smblin . 装配;集会,集合Eg;Any kind of assembly was suppressed in this country.
20、该国过去禁止一切形式的集会。Subsidies n补助金,补贴,津贴Eg:The Air Services are not yet sound enough economically to operate without government subsidies.航空公司还不景气, 没有政府的补贴就难以经营。Deficit美 'dfst n赤字;不足额Eg:They must retrench their expenditure for the purpose of making up the deficit.为了弥补赤字,他们必须压缩开支。1.sustainable 英 s'
21、stenb()l 美 s'stenblAdj. You use sustainable to describe the use of natural resources when this use is kept at a steady level that is not likely to damage the environment. 可持续的 eg. .the management, conservation and sustainable development of forests. 森林的管理、保护和可持续发展。2.conceptual 英 kn'septjl 美
22、kn'sptl adj. conceptual means related to ideas and concepts formed in the mind. 概念的 eg. .replacing old laws with new within the same conceptual framework. .在同样的概念体系内用新法则代替旧法则。3. strategy 英 'strætd 美 'strætdin.<1> A strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to ac
23、hieve something, especially over a long period. 策略eg. The energy secretary will present the strategy tomorrow afternoon. 能源部长将于明天下午提出该策略。4. gasoline 英 'gæslin 美 'gæslinn. a liquid easily set on fire, used for heating, cooking, etc, and for running engines, as of automobiles.汽油eg.Ma
24、rket skittishness also could be slowing the descent of gasoline prices.市场的变化无常,也可以减缓汽油价格的下跌。5. sprawl 英 sprl 美 sprl V.<1> sit or lie down with legs and arms spread out in a careless way. 伸开四肢坐着; 摊开四肢躺着 eg. She sprawled on the bed as he had left her, not even moving to cover herself up. 他离开她后,她
25、摊开四肢躺在床上,甚至懒得动动把自己盖上。<2>to spread in an irregular manner, as a plant. 蔓延,(植物)蔓生:eg. The fire is sprawling in all directions.火势正在向四周蔓延。6. consumption 英 kn'sm(p)()n 美 kn'smpn<1> the consumption of fuel or natural resources is the act of using them or the amount used. 消耗 eg. The law
26、s have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S. 这些法律已导致美国燃料消耗的降低。. <2>the consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking something, or the amount eaten or drunk. 食用; 饮用 正式eg. Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption. 大多数酒都是不适合人类饮用的。<3>consumption is the a
27、ct of buying and using things. 消费 eg. They were prepared to put people out of work and reduce consumption by strangling the whole economy. 他们准备让人们失业、降低消费,由此来遏制整个经济.7. fossil 英 'fs()l; -sl 美 'fsln. a fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock. 化石&
28、#183; eg. At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.时间隔得这么久了, 很难确定这化石的年代。 8. respiratory 英 r'sprt()r 美 'rsprtriadj. Respiratory means relating to breathing. 呼吸的 医学eg.people with severe respiratory problems. 有严重呼吸问题的人们。9. emission 英 'm()n 美 'mn n. something such as gas or radiation is the release of it into the atmosphere. 排放 正式eg. The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilized at their present level. 二氧化碳之类气体的排放应该被控制在目前的水平上。10. pedestrian 英 pdestrin 美 p'dstrnn.a person who is
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