1、prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxxprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx2o 产品的应用产品的应用o 产品的类型产品的类型o 产品的构造产品的构造o 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺o 问与答问与答o 附录附录:专业名词介绍专业名词介绍prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx3part i 产品的应用产品的应用prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx4part i 产品的应用产品的应用拆解拆解prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx5part ii 产品的类型产品的类型 软板定焦模式(ff) 1. b-to-b
2、 2.gold fingerprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx6part ii 产品的类型产品的类型 软板变焦模式 1.手动变焦(mf) 2.自动变焦(af)prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx7part ii 产品的类型产品的类型 插槽模式(socket)prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx8part ii 产品的类型产品的类型 像素分类 cif (352*288) 10万像素 (0.1m) vga (640*480) 30万像素 (0.3m) sxga (1280*1024) 130万像素 (1.3m) uxga (1600*1
3、200) 200万像素 (2.0m)prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx9part iii 产品的构造产品的构造 csp (chip scale package)chiplensbarrelholderir filterstiffenerfpcsolder ballglassprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx10part iii 产品的构造产品的构造 cob (chip on board)chiplensbarrelholderir filterfingergold wirefpcpcbprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx11par
4、t iii 产品的构造产品的构造镜头镜头(lens)镜座镜座(holder)芯片芯片(chip)电路板电路板(pcb)连接器连接器(con.)prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx12part iii 产品的构造产品的构造cmos chiplens holderlens barrelthese 3 items come as an assembly1st lens element2nd lens elementir glasssubstratefpcprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx13part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺 材料 1. 晶圆(wa
5、fer) 主要是由硅和锗组成,是摄像头模组的核心部分,称之为影像传感器。prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx14part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺 2. 线路板 printed circuit board印刷电路板,是电子元器件的支撑体,是电子元器件电气连接的提供者,简称pcb.prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx15part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺 3. 镜座(holder) prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx16part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺 4. 镜头(lens)prepare by: ci
6、vvy chen授课:xxx17part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺 5. 软板(fpc) flexible circuit board软性印制电路是以聚酰亚胺或聚酯薄膜为基材制成的一种具有高度可靠性绝佳的可挠性印刷电路。prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx18part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺 工艺流程 wafer清洗plasma清洗固晶固晶烘烤邦线金线检查dam邦定dam烘烤二流体清洗ccd检查glass贴附ccd检查固化半成品测试prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx19processsupply wafertrayokokokok
7、n/aokn/aokir glass attach processcm800barrel insert processcm800dispensecmos chipdispenseir glassdispense+lens barreldie attach processcm800holder attach processcm800prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx20part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺die bonding:使芯片 与pcb粘合。注意点:1.芯片方向 2.胶量 3.顶针和吸嘴印 4.芯片角度 5.芯片位置 6.芯片倾斜 prepare by: c
8、ivvy chen授课:xxx21part iv 产品的制作工艺产品的制作工艺wire bonding: 通过金线焊接使芯片与pcb线路导通。注意点:1.接线是否正确 2. 线弧 3.金球大小 4.金球厚度 5.金线拉力 6.金球推力 prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx22solder pastescreen printpassive placementfordie attachpassivesolder pastepassivesubstrateprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx23die attachwire bondingwet cleanch
9、ipsensorareaau wirechipsensorareaau wireprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx24ir glass mountir glass sawwaferringirglassirglassprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx25glue dispenseir glass attachholderholderglueglueir cut glassirglassprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx26glue dispenseholder attachgluegluebarrel insertbarrelh
10、olderprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx27singlationcutcutprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx28focus adjustbarrelbarrel fixationmotorlighting(percolation method)chartachromatic lensnd4(adjustment of light quantity)laserprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx29part v 问与答问与答prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx30part vi 专业名词介绍专业名词介绍pr
11、epare by: civvy chen授课:xxx31prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx32bonding processprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx33free air ball is captured in the chamferprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx34free air ball is captured in the chamfersearch heightprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx35free air ball is captured in the chamfersear
12、ch speed1search tol 1prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx36free air ball is captured in the chamfersearch speed1search tol 1prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx37free air ball is captured in the chamfersearch tol 1search speed1prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx38free air ball is captured in the chamfersearch tol 1search
13、speed1prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx39free air ball is captured in the chamfersearch tol 1search speed1prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx40formation of a first bondsearch speed1search tol 1prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx41formation of a first bondsearch speed1search tol 1impact forceprepare by: civvy chen授课:xx
14、x42formation of a first bondcontact prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx43formation of a first bondbase prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx44capillary rises to loop height positionprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx45capillary rises to loop height positionprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx46capillary rises to loop height posit
15、ionprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx47capillary rises to loop height positionprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx48capillary rises to loop height positionprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx49capillary rises to loop height positionprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx50formation of a looprd (reverse distance)prepare by: civvy ch
16、en授课:xxx51formation of a loopprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx52prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx53calculated wire lengthwire clamp closeprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx54calculated wire lengthprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx55search delayprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx56trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx57trajector
17、yprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx58trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx59trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx60trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx61trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx62trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx63trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx64trajectoryprepare by: civvy c
18、hen授课:xxx65trajectoryprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx662nd search heightsearch speed 2search tol 2prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx67search speed 2search tol 2prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx68search speed 2search tol 2prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx69formation of a second bondprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx70formation of a second bondcontactprepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx71prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx72prepare by: civvy chen授课:xxx73prepare by: civvy chen授课
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