1、上海牛津英语五年级上 册期中董点复习句型集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)五年级上册期中复习重点班级 姓名第一单元重点:家长签名日期futureWan tP订Ott eachCOOktaxi driverjobSingerfallIifegUardSaVebecomebe good at家长签名日期1. What do you Want to beI Want to be a PiIOt2 What do you Warlt to doI Want to fly a PIane in the sky.3. What does Ki
2、tty Want to be She WarltS to be a doctor4 Froggy WantS to be a IifegUard He is good at SWimnIing 5FrOggy is afraid Of flying 作文家长签名日期My dream JObHelIO!My name is AIiCe IanIa tall gir 1 I am good atSWinIIning BUt I don' t Want to a IifegUard I ClOnt t Want to be a fireman , too. BeCaUSe I am afra
3、id Of fire I Want to be aPiIOt in the future. BeCaUSe I Want to fly a PIane in the sky. IWant to be a teacher , too. I Want to teach EngIiSh in a school.What do you Want to be in the future Can you tell me第二单元重点:家长签名日期byWalkMSJOUrneyPrimary SChOOIundergroundStEtiOnt akeafterhourbus StOPby busfar fro
4、mOn footby bikeby Carget Off家长签名日期1. HOW do you COme to SChOOII COme to SChOOI On foot2 HOW does your mother go to WOrkShe goes to WOrk by Car / bus / train / bike / UndergrOUnd.3. I go to SChOOI On foot 二 I WaIk to SChOO14. Peter goes to SChOOI by UndergrOUnCl 二 Peter takes theUndergrOUnCl to SChOO
5、L 5 I IiVe far from OUr school.6. MS GUO WaIkS to the Station and takes the train.7. She takes Off the train at Park Street Station.第三单元重点:家长签名日期Par tyWhenbeginbringthingfavouriteinterstinghathave fun家长签名日期1. When, S your birthdayIt' S On 26th SePtember2 What, S the date todayIt, S 26th SePtembe
6、r 3. Wha t day is it to dayIt, S SUnda y.4 Whatt S the Weather Iike It' S SUnny/ Windy /cloudy /snowy.5 Wherl does your Party beginIt begins at two o, ClOCk in the afternoon.6. Can you COme to my birthday Party7. That SOUndS IntereSting.作文家长签名日期AbOUt meHelIO!My name is AliCeI am 11 years Old My
7、birthday is OnISt May. Iama StUdent I IiVe near school, SO I go to SChOOI Orl foot With my friend everyday I am good at SWimming I Want to be a IifegUarcl in the future BeCaUSe I Can SaVe people.ThiS is me第四单元重点家长签名日期USUallyOftenViSitSOmetimesalwaysneverPlay SPOrtgo ShOPPing1. What do you USUalIy do
8、 With your grandparents2. I USUaIIy Play CheSS With my grandpa3. I Often Write emails to them.一般现在时表示的是有规律性的动作。句中有always , usually,Often , sometimes, never, everyday 用一般现在时态。第三人称单数形式的变化规律:1. 一般情况加 -s, SWiln-SWimS2以 s, X, ch, sh, o 等结尾的词,加-es J watch-watches,3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i再加es, StUdy-StUdieS4. 不
9、规则变化have和be动词,变have为has,变be为am, is, are1. I Often ( fly) a kite in the Park2. TOm USUalIy ( WatCh) TV every SatUrday.3 TOnI and SalIy Often ( Clean) the table afterdinner4. They SOmetimeS ( read) a book at night5. She always ( WaSh) the dishes 6. you USUalIy ( PIay) football after SChOOIYes, I No, I
10、 7. Sanl Ofterl(CIean) the IiVing room at home8. He USUalIy (PIay )basketball With his grandpa9. SanI ( not CIean) the IiVing room every Sunday.10. I (not PIay ) football With TOm every day.11 She always (COOk) dinner at home ?Yes, She No, She第五单元重点:家长签名日期CleVerSameClaSSbothCrOSSCarryheavydifferentb
11、oredWOrdeasyt henSayaskanswerSOOneach OthermakePhOneCallS家长签名日期1. What do you both Iike We both Iike SPOrt2. What do you both Iike ClOing We both Iike helping PeOPIeWe are in the Same ClaSS We are in different CIaSSeS3. We both Iike PIaying games第六单元重点:家长签名日期lifeIiVing roombedroommodel plan©kit
12、ChenbathroomtheirIightWatChTVbeforebedtimedo homeworkturn OffWatCh TVtell a StOry家长签名日期1. Where are you2 I' Inin the IiVing room / bedroom / kitchen / bathroom.3. What are you ClOing now I' m ClOing my homework4. What is She doing now She, S WaShing her hair.5 What is he doing now He' S
13、making a model plane.作文The LiS at homeMr Li * S family is Very busy at home now .Mr Li is WaShing his hair in the bathroom. MrS Li is COOking in the kitchen. Sam is ClOing his homework in the bathroom. Where is May Oh, She ismaking a model PIane in the IiVing room.现在进行时表示的是现在正在做的事情,句中有listen, IOOkJ now.结构是:be +动词ing现在分词的构成形式:1. 一般情况 V. +ingdo*doing2. 以不发音的e结尾的动词 去e, +ing dancedancing3. 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写最后一个字母,再力口 ing run一一running4.以ie结尾的动词变 ie 为 y +ingIieflying1 LOOk ! SalIy(run) in the2 . LiSten ! TOm(Sing) a SOng
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