1、2XX工程Project XX测试工作策略Testing StrategyxxxxNov. 2007目录序主題1测试策略Testing Strategy1.111的Objectives1.2Scope2测试方法Testing Approach2.1测试阶段划分Testing Stages2.2打 他匸”的结介Interaction with Other Work Streams3测试基础架构Testing Inlastructure3.1测试坏境Testing Environment3.2测试控制i&Fi-Testi ng Control Processes3.3测试组织Testing
2、 Organization3.4测试11 A Testing Tools4测试数据Test Da怡5测试交付Testing Deliverables测试的目的Objectives of Testing测试工作是为了确保交付给客户的系统能够满足实施范围中礎定的业务需求Testing is a process thatseeks to confirm that the system being delivered to its customers meets all the businessrequirements determined to be in scope for the impleme
3、ntation测试的主要目的The major objectives of testing are:确保系统i荷足实施范圉内的全部业务碍求Ensuring that the system meets all the businessrequirements determined to be in scope确保系统达到技术密求和应用响应时间的服务水平.即及进行正常业务处理的系统钦荷架 求和堆础架构件能要Ensuring that the system meets technical requirements andmeets service levels for application res
4、ponse time. throughput, and infrastructure performance at typicalproduction loads测试范围Scope测试的覆盖范围应当包括系统所有被实施的解决方案中的全部组成部分.Overall scope of the testingeffort should include all the components of the system forming part of the Solution proposed to beimplemented for a given Iteration:孩心业务系统The Core Pac
5、kage附加的软件和用户出口门定义程序等开发对勺Any BobOn Software. Extensions, and DevelopmentObjects such as User Exits. Custom Programs, etc. 接口程庁Interfaces including to legacy systems转换的数据Corwarted Data用户权眼Security Roles & ProfilesT /匸作流程Manual Work Processes测试阶段划分Testing Stages测试在整个系统实现阶段分阶段进行.以便于尽早的发现缺陷Testing is
6、 conducted in Stages throughout theRealization Phase to enable early detection of defects.-单元测试对毎个配置对象进行测试.以及自定义斤发的讨叙主要测试毎个系统功能的执行怙况UnitTesting: testing of individual configurati on eleme nts and custom developed objects; testing for individual functi onperforms nee-集成测试对毎个端创端业务沛秽的一细系统功能的执行怖况讲行测试集成删
7、试*针对系缔并撷分、餌極块/纟II件,间的 集成连接的止弋测试Integration Testing: testing of end-to-end businessprocesses for function performance of individuals within a group. Integration test is a formal test of the in teractionbetwee n modules/compo nents and pals of the system.-用户接受测试川门接受测试主耍是从业务角度对端到端业务进行测试.II的是为了确保放初的业务需求
8、被全部实现1L符介之前确定的耍求这个测试将由了解业务流程和需求的关UL孩心用门进行并在测试结束后签字确认.认可经 测试的解决方案町以投入生产便川.Useracceptance testing (UAT) represents end-to-end testing from the business perspective. The purpose is to prove thatinitial business requirements were implemented properly and in accordance to the specifications made before.
9、Thetesters here are usually the key/power users who know the processes and requirements. At the end of testing thebusiness representatives sign off that the solution tested is ready to be released for production mode.-模拟上线测试棋拟上线测试匸要是针对上线切换的一次演确保I.线切换第略及计划没有问题。测试还包拈数据的切换测 试及系统Jk力测试Go-live simulation testing is a rehearsal f
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