1、unit 7marketingoutlinelistening1watching2speaking3supplementary material4122121further listeningfurther watchingfun timeteaching planlin classperiod 1: listening 1 speaking 1 (task 1-2) period 2: watching 1 speaking 1 (task 3-4) period 3: listening 2 speaking 2 (task 1-2) period 4: watching 2 speaki
2、ng 2 (task 3-4)lafter classunit file + supplementary listening + projectlearning focusknowledge:to build up the vocabulary about marketing a new product. to learn to get a general idea of the typical working situations in marketing a new product.skills:to get the vocational skills covered in this un
3、it.to get a general idea of the typical working situations in marketing a new product.lead intv commercial plays an important role in marketing.watch the video and talk about what you know about the tv commercial.listening 1task 1 market analysis warming-updiscuss with your partner and tick () the r
4、easons why people do market analysis.1. to discover customer needs2. to determine management costs3. to analyze the market potentialfor a product4. to check shipment conditions5. to help predict market changeslistening 1task 1 market analysisnew words & expressionslshiny a. 擦亮的;有光泽的擦亮的;有光泽的her b
5、londe hair was shiny and clean. 她的金发干净而有光泽。lexcessive a. 过多的;过度的过多的;过度的the government says that local authority spending is excessive. 政府称地方当局开支过大。1.dandruff n. 头皮屑头皮屑he has very bad dandruff. 他头屑很多。listening 1task 1 market analysisnew words & expressionslelderly a. 年纪较大的;上了年纪的年纪较大的;上了年纪的many of
6、 those most affected are elderly. 受影响最大的人中很多都是上了年纪的。lrange from (在某一范围内)变化,变动(在某一范围内)变化,变动his interests range from chess to stamp. 他的兴趣范围广泛,从下象棋到集邮无所不包。lbe troubled with 为为 所烦恼所烦恼/苦恼苦恼i have just returned from a visit to my landlordthe solitary neighbour that i shall be troubled with. 我刚刚拜访过我的房东回来就是
7、那个将要给我惹麻烦的孤独的邻居。listening 1task 1 market analysis extensive listeningjenny is presenting her market research. listen to the conversation and tick () the correct answer to each question.1. why did jenny make the market research? a. to examine the current market situation. b. to analyze their market s
8、hare. c. to analyze their target customers.2. what is the focus of her market research? a. customers hair type. b. customers hair care priorities. c. customers hair care methods.scriptlistening 1task 1 market analysis intensive listeninglisten to the conversation again and complete the following tab
9、le.dont care much about their hairhair losshairbecoming drytoo muchdandruff want to havesmooth and shiny hairmain hairconcerns92%80%78%85%percentageelderlypeoplemiddle-agedmenmiddle-agedwomenyoungmenyoungwomenagegroupscriptlistening 1task 1 market analysis language summary translate the following ph
10、rases into chinese.lwork out a marketing strategy_2. selling point_3. opinion survey_制 定 市 场 营 销 策 略卖 点意 见 调 查listening 1task 1 market analysis language summary translate the following phrases into chinese.4. range from_5. try any means to do_6. accept things as they are_从 到 不 等想 尽 一 切 办 法 做 顺 其 自 然
11、listening 1 task 2 pricing warming-updo you think “high price means high quality” ? hold a debate with your classmates and write down the reasons for and against this topic.against_for_quality products requirethe best raw materials,careful managementand good after-salesservice. all these meanhigh pr
12、oduction costs.most high-endproducts are overpriced in order to cover their hugeadvertising costs.listening 1 task 2 pricingnew words & expressionslrisky a. 有危险的;有风险的有危险的;有风险的investing in airlines is a very risky business. 投资航空业风险很大。linferior a. 较差的;次的较差的;次的this resulted in overpriced and often
13、inferior products.这就导致了标价过高而往往质量低劣的产品的出现。lrealistic a. 现实的;现实主义的现实的;现实主义的police have to be realistic about violent crime. 警方需要对暴力犯罪持务实态度。listening 1 task 2 pricingnew words & expressionslboost v. 增加;使增长增加;使增长the government wants to take action to boost the economy.政府希望采取行动促进经济发展。4.out of sbs rea
14、ch 在(某人能力所及的)范围之外在(某人能力所及的)范围之外complete the task is out of her reach. 完成这项任务在她能力所及的范围之外。1. the sales team holds two different opinions on pricing.2. they have a heated discussion and fail to reach an agreement.listening 1 task 2 pricing extensive listeningthe sales team is discussing product pricing
15、. listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. then write down the key words to support your answers. we have to increase the price too risky to launch a new product with an even higher price.we have to increase the price by 5%. i think that makes sense.y
16、es, thats practical.falsetruescript1.why does frank think they should increase the new product price?_2. what is jennys opinion on franks suggestion?_listening 1 task 2 pricing intensive listeninglisten to the conversation again and answer the following questions.because they have three new herbal i
17、ngredients in the formula and the production cost is 5% higher than before.jenny disagrees with frank because she thinks increasing the price is too risky as their price is already higher than other brands.script3. whose opinion does lisa support?_4. what is bills final conclusion?_listening 1 task
18、2 pricing intensive listeninglisten to the conversation again and answer the following questions.jennys.bill agrees with frank and thinks they should increase the price and develop promotional activities to help boost sales.scriptlistening 1 task 2 pricing language summaryreview the expressions of a
19、greeing and disagreeing as used in the conversation. yes, i agree. im afraid frank is right. well, i think that makes sense. yes, thats practical. im afraid i dont see it that way. come on, lets be realistic.agreeingdisagreeingwatching 1task 1 competitor analysis warming-upthe following are possible
20、 ways to find out about competitors. tick () the one that you think is most effective and share your reasons with your partner.1. visit competitors websites2. telephone competitors directly3. carry out customer research4. seek help from a consultant agency5. review media remarkswatching 1task 1 comp
21、etitor analysisnew words & expressionslconcept n. 概念;观念概念;观念she added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west.她补充说,西方人对包办婚姻的概念有些误解。lflashy a. 俗艳的;奢华的;华而不实的俗艳的;奢华的;华而不实的the color seems a bit too flashy. 颜色似乎太鲜艳了。watching 1task 1 competitor analysis extensive watchingje
22、nny is presenting her competitor analysis.watch the video clip and tick () the research items that have been mentioned.1. target market5. promotional strategy2. price3. packaging4. shipment6. after-sales servicescriptwatching 1task 1 competitor analysis intensive watchingwatch the video clip again a
23、nd tick () the correct answer to each question.1. what is true about flitzs new product? a. its concept is very similar to that of tafs new product. b. it is targeted at young women. c. it is a shaving cream.2. what does jenny think of the packaging of flitzs new product? a. it cannot compete with t
24、afs packaging. b. it is very elegant. c. the color is too dark.scriptwatching 1task 1 competitor analysis intensive watchingwatch the video clip again and tick () the correct answer to each question.3. how does flitz usually promote their products? a. they do a lot of advertising. b. they give custo
25、mers free gifts. c. the y put more counters into supermarkets.4. what does flitzs after-sales service promise? a. to replace any faulty item within three weeks of purchase. b. to replace any faulty item within one month of purchase. c. to replace any faulty item within three months of purchase.scrip
26、twatching 1task 1 competitor analysis language summaryread aloud the following sentences, paying special attention to the italicized parts of expressing ones opinion.1. i gather they are going to launch a similar new product.2. i dont think its as good as ours.3. as far as i know, they offer small f
27、ree gifts to help promotion.4. i understand that they think adding more counters will increase management costs too much.watching 1task 2 promotional plan warming-up match the following promotional ways with the correct pictures. 1._ 2._poster newspaper articlesponsorship tv advertisementstand at a
28、trade fair point-of-sale displaysponsorshiptv advertisementwatching 1task 2 promotional plan warming-upmatch the following promotional ways with the correct pictures. 3._ 4._poster newspaper articlesponsorship tv advertisementstand at a trade fair point-of-sale displaypoint-of-sale displaynewspaper
29、articlewatching 1task 2 promotional plan warming-upmatch the following promotional ways with the correct pictures. 5._ 6._poster newspaper articlesponsorship tv advertisementstand at a trade fair point-of-sale displayposterstand at a trade fairwatching 1task 2 promotional plannew words & express
30、ionslsponsor v. 赞助赞助the competition was sponsored by ruinart champagne.比赛是由慧纳酒庄赞助的。lspender n. 花钱的人花钱的人the swiss are europes biggest spenders on food.瑞士人是欧洲人中在食品上开销最大的人群。1.spokesman n. 代言人;发言人代言人;发言人a un spokesman said that the mission will carry 20 tons of relief supplies.联合国的一名发言人说,该代表团将携带20吨救济物资。
31、watching 1task 2 promotional plannew words & expressionslshopper n. 购物者;顾客购物者;顾客im a patient shopper. 我是个耐心的购物者。limpulse n. 冲动;一时的念头冲动;一时的念头unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea again.他抑制不住冲动,又向海面瞥了一眼。lin charge of 负责;掌管负责;掌管who is in charge of the administration of your company? 你
32、们公司的行政工作由谁负责?watching 1task 2 promotional plannew words & expressionslon impulse 一时冲动一时冲动she wrote that letter on impulse. 她一时冲动写了这封信。 watching 1task 2 promotional plan extensive watchingthe sales team is discussing ways to promote the new product. watch the video clip and tick () the promotiona
33、l activities that they are going to undertake.2. tv advertising3. sponsoring an event4. attending a trade fair6. product presentation1. newspaper advertising5. point-of-sale displaysscriptwatching 1task 2 promotional plan intensive watchingwatch the video clip again and fill in the missing informati
34、on of the following table.frankthey will look for 1 _ at this years canton fair.jennythey will sponsor a national 2 _ in guangzhou, because most 3 _ are middle-aged serious spenders.lisathey will ask a famous middle-aged man to be the 4 _.billpoint-of-sale displays can attract shoppers 5 _ and persu
35、ade people to buy 6 _.agentsgolf competitiongolf loversspokesmanattentionon impulsescriptwatching 1task 2 promotional plan language summary translate the following phrases into chinese.1. serious spender2. maintain ones image3. stand out4. point-of-sale display5. buy on impulse严肃的消费者维护某人的形象脱颖而出销售点展示
36、冲动购物speaking 1 the following chart is an analysis of men and womens different movie preferences. 100806040200romanceshorror moviesaction moviescomediesmenwomenspeaking 1 discuss with your partner and make sentences to describe the gender composition of each movie audience. more sentence patterns are
37、 welcome.compared with men, 87% of women prefer romances._horror movies are more popular with men than with women.almost 90% of men like action movies, while less than 40% of female audiences find them agreeable.a high percentage (over 60%) of both men and women enjoy comedies.speaking 1 work in pai
38、rs. suppose you and your colleague have different opinions on the pricing of your latest product. role-play a conversation following the tips given.the price for the raw materials is rising sharply.30 more workers are hired to the production line.a buyer from north america recently signed a big purc
39、hasing order for this product.the shipping cost is rising too.the production line is more efficient than before.speaking 1 work in pairs. suppose you and your colleague have different opinions on the pricing of your latest product. role-play a conversation following the tips given. a binsist on pric
40、ing theproduct higher thannormal.state the reasons.insist on pricing theproduct below theusual price.propose a midwaysolution.state the reasons.discuss thefeasibility of thesolution together.speaking 1sample:a: im afraid we have to price our latest computer higher than normal because the price of th
41、e components/parts is rising sharply.b: i dont see it that way. if our price is higher than normal, our products may not stay competitive in the race.a: yes, you are right. but the management costs are rising with 30 more production line workers hired this year. besides, the shipping cost is rising,
42、 too. we have to cover the extra expense by raising the product price.b: as the production line is more efficient than before, the cost may not rise so dramatically. i dont see thespeaking 1sample:need to increase the price.a: how about we raise the price only by 2%? a buyer from north america recen
43、tly made a big purchase order for this model. im certain a high-volume order can ensure a big profit margin.b: well, a 2% rise is sensible. customers wont find it hard to accept.speaking 1 work in pairs. complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn.a: mr. jean, i have f
44、inished my analysis on the latest product line of nova, our competitor.b: great! please tell us if novas latest product is similar to ours.a: _ _.b: thats good news. since they have a different concept, do they plan to increase their advertising input?a: _ _.their latest product has a different conc
45、ept and target market.as far as my research is concerned, i dont see any sign that they will invest more in advertisingspeaking 1 work in pairs. complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn.b: they are always very cautious in controling their costs. how about the price
46、of their new product?a: _ _.b: oh, thats very risky for them to do so. it is hard to make a profit at such a low price.a: yes, i think so too.b: do you have any information on their after-sales service?a: yes. _ _.they plan to lower the price by 5% to make their products competitive they will hire m
47、ore professionals to improve their maintenance service.speaking 1 work in pairs. complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn.b: their after-sales service has always been the best in our industry. we have a lot to learn from them. thank you very much for your work.speak
48、ing 1 work in groups. suppose you are in the sales department of nova. make up a conversation discussing how to promote the sales of your latest product. you can follow the tips given below.lchoose a product you have interest in.lchoose 3-4 promotional materials or activities from the box.ldiscuss t
49、he advantages of these chosen materials or activities.lwork out the marketing strategies.speaking 1 work in groups. suppose you are in the sales department of nova. make up a conversation discussing how to promote the sales of your latest product. you can follow the tips given below. brochure newspa
50、per article sponsorship stand at a trade fair poster direct mail advertising tv commercial eye-catching packaging point-of-sale displayspeaking 1sample:a: do you think newspaper articles can be very effective in promoting our latest nova lamp?b: not exactly. people these days browse internet pages m
51、ore often than reading newspapers.c: how about we sponsor a sports meet of the city high school? students use lamps every day.a: good idea. by sponsoring their sports meet, they will be familiar with our brand.b: it certainly works, but do we have enough money to do that? what do you think of a poin
52、t-of-sale display? it costs less money and can reach customers more directly.speaking 1c: as our budget is rather tight, a point-of-sale display is a sensible choice.a: if we go ahead with that, well need to train a group of efficient sales staff. it will also increase the cost.b: but compared with
53、sponsoring a sports meet, it will still be less expensive. besides, it will be more effective in reaching our customers.c: yes, i agree.a: er, yes. it makes sense. lets go with that.listening 2task 1 trade fair warming-upthe following are five steps to prepare for an exhibition. put the steps in the
54、 order of importance and compare with your partners.1. choosing a suitable venue2. building the booth3. training the booth staff4. finding exhibition sponsors5. promoting the showlistening 2task 1 trade fairnew words & expressionslconfidentiality n. 秘密性;机密性秘密性;机密性confidentiality and the requirem
55、ent to obtain consent to waive that confidentiality should be respected. 保密应该得到尊重,取消保密需要获得当事人同意。 listening 2task 1 trade fair extensive listeningfrank is talking to an agent at the trade fair booth. listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. then write
56、down the key words to support your answers.1. no matter how much turnover the agent achieves, the commission will remain the same.2. the agent seems to be interested in the product and frank will contact him for further talks.the higher the turnover, the bigger the commission!falseill consider it .
57、would you please leave us your contact information.?truescriptlistening 2task 1 trade fair intensive listeninglisten to the conversation again and answer the following questions.1. what is the agents main line of business?2. what is tafs term on agents commission?health care products.if the agent ca
58、n guarantee an annual turnover of no less than 500,000 yuan, taf will give him a 10% commission.scriptlistening 2task 1 trade fair language summaryreview the following sentences, paying special attention to the usage of “if”. 1. if you were to act as our agent for the sale of our new shampoo in your
59、 province, what do you need to know? 2. if you can guarantee an annual turnover of no less than 500,000 yuan, well give you a 10% commission. 3. and if our annual order exceeds 500,000 yuan, say, 1,000,000 yuan a year, will you give us a bigger commission?listening 2task 2 sponsorship warming-upcomp
60、anies often sponsor events to enhance their brand image. discuss with your partner and list as many events as you can think of. concert sports event charity eventlistening 2task 2 sponsorship warming-upcompanies often sponsor events to enhance their brand image. discuss with your partner and list as many events as you can think of._opening ce
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