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1、商务英语谈判口译 商务谈判的外延很广,包括贸易谈判、招标与投标谈判、引资和投资、工程承包、技术转让等方面的谈判。中国加入世界贸易组织以来,对外贸易呈现出一片崭新的面貌,进出口贸易往来日益增多。贸易谈判作为商务活动中的一个重要环节,对国内外企业间的合作、进出口贸易的成败起着举足轻重的作用。首先我们主要学习贸易谈判及其口译。Visual interpreting The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, wh

2、ich items are you interested in? Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices,

3、 Mr. Li? Id like to hear your quotation on a C.I.F. Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of a 5% agents commission in your quotation. 贸易谈判主要环节 从贸易谈判实务中总结出的谈判基本程序包括: 建立业务关系(establish relations) 询盘 (inquiry) 发盘(offer) 还盘(counteroffer) 付款(payment) 佣金(commission) 折扣(discount)

4、 包装(packing) 货运 (shipment) 保险(insurance) 合同条款(contract terms) 索赔(claim)贸易谈判口译 询盘(inquiry) 在这个环节中经常用的句子有:Can I make an inquiry? /Could you give us some ideas about your prices? /Will you please inform us of the prices at which youcan offer the goods? / I hope to have your quotation for ?2. 发盘(offer)

5、在这个环节中经常用的句子有: We are pleased to make you an offer for /Heres our offer. /I expect you to accept our general terms andconditions of trade. / Would you tell us what quantity you require sothat we can work out the offer?3. 还盘(counteroffer)在这个环节中经常用的句子有: Your price sounds a bit too high. /Your price is

6、 much higher than we expected ./ Will you reduce your price by%? / In order to conclude the transaction, I hope you will see your way to bring down your price by%? / If you stand firm, we can hardly come to terms.Inquiry An enquiry is a request for information. When a businessman intends to import g

7、oods, he will make an inquiry to an exporter asking for information or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy. The inquiry may include: price、 specifications 、 quality 、 packing 、 delivery time 、 payment terms etc.Supplementary Vocabulary畅销品 best seller/ quickselling product展览品 exhibits on display开

8、辟市场 establish a market有销路 have a good/ ready market样式 design销售说明书 sales literature交易会 trade fair商标 trade mark成交 conclude a deal/ transaction with sb条款 terms and conditions客户 client/ customer老主顾 regular customer发货 deliver一般(具体)询盘 general ( specific ) inquiry报价单 quotation list (sheet)享有盛誉 enjoy great

9、reputation (popularity)厂商 manufacturer供应商 supplier需求量很大 in great demandMay I have an idea of your prices?可以了解一下你们的价格吗?Can you give me an indication of price?你能给我一个估价吗?Please let us know your lowest po

10、ssible prices for the  relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away.如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices.我们希望你们报离岸价格

11、。Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Humburg for the chairs.请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。Offer and counter-offer An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated. It can be a firm offer which is a promise to sell goods at the stat

12、ed price, usually within a stated period of time. It also can be a nonfirm offer which is made without engagement and is subject to the sellers confirmation.1. name of the goods. 2.quality and specifications. 3. quantity. 4.details of prices. 5. discount. 6. terms of payment. 7. time of shipment. 8.

13、 packingA counteroffer is made when the prospective buyers find any terms and conditions in the offer unacceptable.Sometimes buyers may take the initiative to make a bid to sellers. If the bid is not acceptable to the sellers, a counterbid will be made subsequently.Offer and counter-offerIt is also

14、called negotiating prices About currenciesAustralian DollarCanadian DollarHong Kong DollarUS DollarEuro DollarSwiss FrancGerman MarksJapanese YenRMBSupplementary VocabularyAcceptable priceAttractive priceWorkable priceCurrent priceFavorable priceFloor price (rock bottom price)Market priceRetail pric

15、eWholesale price Firm offerOffer without engagementSales volume50% off25% discountBuy one, get oneWe can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。 We think your offer is too high, which is difficult for us to accept. 我们认为你方的报价太高了,我方难以接受。Our offer is reasonable and r

16、ealistic. It comes in line with the prevailing market. 我方的报价是合理的、现实的,符合当前市场的价格水平。If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion. 如果你方坚持自己的价格,不作让步,我们没有必要再谈下去了。 We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%. 除非你们减价5%

17、,否则我们无法接受报盘。 If the price is higher than that, we'd rather call the whole deal off. 如果价格比这还高,我们宁愿放弃这桩生意。 Lets meet each other half way.那我们各让一步吧。贸易术语 FOB为Free On Board 的缩写,意思是“装运港船上交货”,即“离岸价”。其后要标明指定的装运港。按照«国际贸易术语解释同通则»,采用FOB成交时,卖方承担的基本义务是在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物装上买方指派的船只,并及时通知买方。货物在装船时越过船舷

18、,风险即由卖方转至买方。2CIF的全称是Cost(成本费)加Insurance(保险费)加Freight(运输费),即“到岸价”。 Group work1. A businessman from Scotland makes an inquiry about your green beans, for which you have the following quotation: Commodity & specifications: Green beans , grade A Price: USD 620 per metric CIF 2. There is a heated dis

19、cussion on price and discount between Mr. Wang and Mr. Daniel. It seems to be difficult for them to clinch a deal. Recommend: 英语点津 Homework 1. 了解并熟悉付款方式及其表达方法 如:信用证结算、承兑交单、付款交单等. 2. 了解有关佣金的一般表达方式. 3. 了解并熟悉有关包装及装运的一般表达方式。 Agent Sole agentSole agency agreementWe are pleased to offer you a sole agency

20、for the sale of our products in your country. If terms prove workable, wed like to appoint you as our agent.We have no intention of considering exclusive sales in your market at present.Wed like to renew our sole agency agreement for another two years.We will increase our turnover if you appoint us

21、as your sole agent.Wed like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period of three year.Commission佣金一般是代理商因介绍交易而获取的报酬.佣金一般是以百分比的形式给予.We shall remit you a 5% commission of invoice value after payment is effected.We usually pay our agents a 5% commission of the value for

22、each deal.We wish to be your agent in our district if the commission rate is favorable.Payment terms Payment terms 支付条件,是国际贸易中的主要交易条件之一. 支付条件包括: 使用的货币、 付款金额、 时间和地 点 、 支付方式等. 按结汇方式来分: 记帐结算和现汇结算按支付时间来分: 预付、即付和延付按付款依据来分: 货到付款和凭单付款信用证 (Letter of CreditL/C) 国际贸易中常用的一种支付和结算方式,即由银行(开证行)根据买方(申请人)的要求和指示,向卖方(

23、受益人)开立的一定金额,在一定期限内按规定条件付款的凭证。只要卖方(受益人)提供与信用证条款相符的货运单据,开证行必须履行付款义务.支票是一种银行信用,由银行做买卖双方的中间人和担保人,使卖方收汇和买方收货都有安全保证,有助于促进双方顺利达成交易和资金周转。在国际贸易中被广泛使用. ( banks charge & deposit- tie up the money) irrevocable : (不可撤消的),这个词在信用证中极为重要,“不可撤消信用证”一经开出,在其有效期内,未经受益人同意,开证行或买方不得修改或撤消。 Well deliver the goods within 3

24、0 days after we receive the relevant L/C.付款交单 (Documents Against PaymentD/P) 跟单托收的一种交单方式。按照这种方式,代收行交单以付款人付款为前提。如汇票遭到拒付,卖方仍握有代表货物所有权的提单,可保留对货物的支配权。因风险较小,付款交单使用得也较多. 承兑交单 (Documents Against AcceptanceD/A) 跟单托收的一种交单方式。按照这种方式,汇票的付款期限均为远期;付款人承兑远期跟单汇票后,代收行即将所附全套货运单据交给付款人,等到汇票到期付款人始付票款。因对卖方来说有较大风险,因此这种方式一般

25、只用于信用记录较好的老客户。这种方式其实是出口人对进口人的一种资金融通(accommodation)。 payment by D/A 60 days sight Our terms of payment are by a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight. 我们的支付方式是以保兑不可撤消的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。2. In order to conclude the business, I hope youll meet me half way. What about 50% by L/C and the bal

26、ance by D/P? 为了做成这批生意,希望双方都各让步一半。百分之五十以信用证 付款,百分之五十按付款交单怎么样? 3.We have instructed our bank to open an irrevocable documentary letter of credit in your favor. The amount is $ 1,300. 我们已通知我方银行开立以你方为受益人的、不可撤消的、跟单信 用证,其金额为一千三百美金。 4. We shall draw on you at 60 days sight the goods have been shipped.

27、 Please honor our draft when it falls due. 货物装运后,我们将向你方开出见票六十天内付款的汇票,请到期即付。 packingouter packing( transport packing)inner packingwrapperpolythenecarton( cardboard box)wooden casemetal strapfragiledampCartons are not strong enough for heavy goods./Well use metal straps to reinforce the outside./Carto

28、ns are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage./All our cartons are lined with plastic sheets, so they are waterproof.(, which is waterproof)/WaterproofDampproofLeakproofLining mark 唛头 Indicative Mark 指示性标志 Warning Mark 警告性标志 upward 向上, 由下往上 This Side Up 此端向上 Handle With Care 小心轻放

29、 Keep Upright 勿倒置 Use No Hooks 请勿倒挂 Keep in a dry place 在干燥处保管 Keep in a cool place 在冷处保管 Keep away from boilers 远离锅炉 Keep away from heat 请勿受热 Keep away from cold 请勿受冷 Keep Dry 防湿 Explosive 爆炸品 Fragile 易碎品 Inflammable 易燃品 表达商品包装的方法: 1. “in”用某物包装. Walnuts are packed in double gunny bags. 2. “in ofeac

30、h”用某物包装,每件装多少. Mens shirts are packed in wooden cases of 10 dozen each. 3. “in of each, to”用某物包装,每件装多少,若干小容器装于一大容器中. Pens are packed in boxes of a dozen each, 100 boxes to a carton. As this article is fragile, please case it into durable packing. 这种物品易碎,请以耐用包装来装箱。We usually pack each piece of mens s

31、hirt in a box, half dozen to a box and 10 dozens to a wooden case. 我们通常把每件男衬衣装入一个盒子里,半打装一箱,十打装一个 木箱。 The wooden case should be not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from any damage. 木箱不仅要适合于海运,还要十分坚固足以保护货物不受任何损失。 Please be assured that the packaging is strong enough to withs

32、tand rough handling. 请确保此包装牢固,足以承受粗糙地搬运。 Group work Mr. Smith 来到广州与厂商的代理Ben继续商谈订购丝绸事宜. Mr. Smith 以公司小,资金周转有困难为由,希望Ben 能够接受托收作为付款方式.homework 合同的签订 保险,索赔的表达方法.找出类似的案例. 投资 insurance Cargo transport insurance is to protect the interests of importers and exporters from possible financial losses caused by

33、 risks during the transit of goods. Insured Insurer Insurance policy PICC (the Peoples Insurance Company of China)险别 (Insurance Coverage)战争险 (War Risk)水渍险 (With Particular AverageWPA)平安险 (Free from Particular Average-FPA)一般附加险(General Additional Risks)特别附加险 (Special Additional Risks)综合险 (All Risks)/

34、 一切险保险费 (Premium)海洋货物运输保险 (Marine Risks) Id like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients? We will also cover the extraneous risks if our clients require, but the extra premium is for the buyers account. Please cover WPA and War risks for us. We will have your goods covered against WPA

35、 at 110% of the invoice value. We have covered insurance on 1,000 cases of beer for 110% of the invoice value against all risks. 我们已将一千箱啤酒按发票金额的百分之一百一十投保一切险。 W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage suit your consignment. 贵方货物适合于投保水渍险及破碎险。 According to international practice, we do not insure against such risks un


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