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1、初中英语专项练习题:介词单选练习题(三) 例题解析1 - Thank you the beautiful flowers!- Not at all.A in B on C at D for 答案 D. 析 由于某事向某人道谢应用for。2 Can you answer this question English?A by B in C with D from答案 B. 析 in 表示用语言、声音、或材料,如:He answered the question in a low voice.3 Look the map China the wall, please.A after, of, in

2、B at, of, in C after, in, on D at, of, on 答案 D. 析 look at 为"看",而on the wall为"在墙表面挂着",而in the wall 则是"在墙内",如:There is hole in the wall.墙上有个洞。4 - When did Mr Green arrive in London?- He arrived there the evening of December 6th.A at B in C on D to答案 C. 析 in the evening /

3、afternoon这两个词组不论是在其前或后加上任何修饰词都应将介词换为on,如:on a cold morning, on a spring morning等。5 We won the relay race. And there was a big smile our teacher's face.A off B near C on D between答案 C. 6 The twins got on well their classmates.A to B in C with D about答案 C. 析 get on well with与人相处很好。7 - Please remem

4、ber to come to my birthday party.- I see. I'll come Saturday evening.A in B at C on D for答案 C. 8 Let's hurry, or we'll be late schoolAto Bat Cwith Dfor答案 D.析 be late for, 而 come late to, 如: Don't come late to school9 They will have a maths test two daysAfor Bat Cin Dafter答案 C.析 三天之内应

5、用in,而不要受中文影响用after, after three days 是个不定的时间范围,即没有一个准确的时间。5天、6天、10天全是after three days。10 My brother joined the army A1989, March Bin March, 1989 CMarch, 1989 D1989, in March 答案 B.析 在月份、年、前用介词in,而日子前用on。11 He couldn't work out the maths problem your helpAwithout Bunder Cfor Dwith答案 A.析 在某人帮助下应用wi

6、th, 如:With the help of the teacher I passed the exam easily而要是没有你的帮助则用 without your help12 Granny took one look at us her glassesAby Bthrough Con Din答案 B.析 through 为穿过。13 We had our breakfast a quarter sevenA/, to Bin, to Cat, to Don, to答案 C.析 具体时间点前用at,而差几分几点用to,这里应译为:我在差一刻七点吃的早饭。14 I learn French

7、the radio every dayAon Bin Cfrom Dat答案 A.析 从收音机中听到某事应用词组 on the radio。15 It's good manners to wait lineAin Bon Cat Dwith答案 A.析 in line 为排队。16 How many English words had you learnt last term?Aby the end of Bat the end of Cto the end of Dtill the end of 答案 A.析 by the end of 为动作的截止时间,与完成时态相配合17 The

8、 manager was very satisfied his workAin Bon Cabout Dwith答案 D.析 be satisfied with 为固定搭配。18 John hit Jack faceAon the Bin the Con his Din his答案 B.析 英文中的某些动词其后要接人,然后加介词the身体部位,如:He caught the boy by the arm。19 I was born the night September 15, 1978Ain, on Bat, on Cat, in Don, of 答案 D.析 在时间前加介词时应以最小的时间

9、单位为准。20 It's a bad manner to laugh people when they are troubleAover, in Bat, in Cin, at Dat, for答案 B.析 laugh at 嘲笑某人, laugh over 笑着谈论某人或某事, in trouble 陷入困境。21 I can't do this work well Tom's helpAunder Bfor Cwithout Dfrom答案 C.22 Don't shout the old woman。You should be more polite he

10、rAto, at Bat, to Cin, for Dfrom, for答案 B.析 shout at 为"冲某人喊叫",而 be polite to somebody 为"对某人和气。"23 We must be strict our selves everythingAwith, in Bin, with Cwith, to Dto, of答案 A.析 be strict with 对某人严格要求。24 He went to the football match lunch last SundayAto Bwithout Cbehind Dbetwe

11、en答案 B.析 without lunch 未吃午饭。25 The people's Republic of China was founded 1949Awith Bon Csince Din答案 D.析 在年代前用in。因句子是过去时而不是完成时,所以不能用since。26 Mr Black got to Hangzhou a few daysAin Bafter Con Dat答案 B.析 这句话应译为:几天之后 MrBlack 到达了杭州。而不是在几天之内一定要做完某事,所以选B。27 - Has the teacher given you any advice your E

12、nglish study?- Yes, he hasAfrom Bwith Con Din 答案 C.析 给予某一方面问题的忠告其介词用on。28 You may depend himHe is honest manAon, a Bin, an Con, an Dat, the答案 C.析 depend on 为"依靠某人或某事",而 honest 的首字母 h 不发音。29 my joy, I can answer this questionAWith BTo CBy DFor答案 B.析 To one's joy 意为"使我高兴的是。"30

13、The teacher asked the students to look the word in the dictionaryAfor Bat Cup Dafter答案 C.析 look for 寻找, look at 看, look after 照顾, look up 查字典。31 A little monkey is playing a tree and there are a lot of bananas itAon, on Bin, on Con, in Din, in答案 B.析 树上长出的果实为 on the tree而其他外来之物要用 in the tree, 表达在树上。3

14、2 I go to school bus every morning.A. in B. by C. on D. at 答案 B. 析 by后直接加交通工具,表示乘某种交通工具去某地。33 No one likes a person bad manners.A. without B. on C. out of D. with 答案 D. 析 with bad manners 有不良习惯的人。34 The policeman was surprised the news.A. into B. for C. at D. out of 答案 C. 析 be surprised at 对某事吃惊。35

15、He had to sell newspapers seven.A. at an age of B. at the ages of C. at the age of D. at age of 答案 C. 析 at the age of 在几岁时。36 The little girl couldn't help when she saw a large dog.A. cried B. to cry C. crying D. cries 答案 C. 析 couldn't help动名词表示情不自禁地去做某事,或禁不住做某事。37 Jack was born March 1st, 1

16、978.A. on B. in C. at D. of 答案 A. 析 日期,时间前的介词按其表达语中的最小单位计算。38 Edison was very interested science when he was a boy.A. to B. on C. in D. about 答案 C. 析 be interested in something 对某事感兴趣。39 The teacher was very satisfied her answer.A. in B. on C. for D. with 答案 D.40 The story happened Beijing.A. in B.

17、with C. for D. on 答案 A. 二、选用适当介词填空20This meeting began with a song.21The machine cut the big piece of metal into small pieces.22Xiao Ming does very well in maths.23The Greens will go to England for a holiday.24He would like to meet her between 800 and 900 tomorrow morning.25On a windy night, a man k

18、nocked at his door.26What do you talk about and what do you want a knife for? 27We fight about who plays with it first. 三、选用框内介词填空across, in, by, on, till, for, over, with, under, into, to, at, of28The boat is passing under the bridge.29They worked from morning till night.30There is a bridge over th

19、e river.31The girls were swimming across the river at that time.32The boys jumped into the lake.33Will you please help me with my English?34The children often play in/on the playground.35The girl is good at the computer.36You'd better make the best use of your time.37I met my headmaster on my wa

20、y to school.38I often go to school by bike.39We have studied English for several years.1( ) 1 Children get gifts _ Christmas and _ their birthdays.A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on( ) 2 -There is nothing _tomorrow afternoon, is there?-No. We can have a game of table tennis.A. on B. in C. out D

21、. up( ) 3 A lot of students in our school were born_March, 1981.A. in B. at C. on D. since( ) 4 tie suddenly returned_ a rainy night.A. on B. at C. in D. during( ) 5 My grandfather was born_Oct. 10, 1935.A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 6 The train is starting_five minutes.A. in B. at C. for D.still( ) 7

22、Mike does his exercises _ seven _ the evening.A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D. at; on2( ) 1 The population of the world has grown very fast _ four hundred years.A. for past the B. in the pass C. in the past D. for past( ) 2 We returned to our hometown_.A. next week B. in the last week C. last week D

23、. for a week( ) 3 Great changes have taken place_.A. in the last few year B. in the last few yearsC. last year D. on the last year3( ) 1 Children wake up very early_the morning of Christmas Day.A. in B. on C. for D. at( ) 2 _ a cold winter morning, I met her in the stfeet.A. In B. On C. At D. For( )

24、 3 It happened to be very cold_ the morning of our sports meet.A. at B. on C. with D. of( ) 4 Why did you get up so early _ this morning.A. on B. / C. at D. in4( ) 1 He went to Shanghai_ September 3, 1991 and came back_ a cold morning last year.A. in; on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; ia( ) 2 Lucy was b

25、orn_ the night of May 12, 1984. . .A. on B. in C. at D. to( ) 3 Mrs Brown came to China _ 1996.A.on B. of C. to, D. in( ) 4 _ the morning of November 20, 1915, the workers came to Chicago to show their mourning_Joe Hill.A. On; to B. In; of . C. On; for , D. At; for( ) 5 Ann moved_Hangzhou_September,

26、 1992.A. /; in i B. to; in C. to; on D, in; in( ) 6 They started off_an autumn afternoon.A. during B. at C. in D. on5( ) 1 He often goes _ school _ six thirty _ the morning.A. for; to; in B. to; at in C. to; for; at D, for; at; to( ) 2 He arrived _ Shanghai _ 9: 30 _ March 5. fA. at; in; at B. to; o

27、n; at C. in; on; at D. in; at; on( ) 3 The English teacher told me to get there_ half past ten.A: in B. at C. on D. of( ) 4 The children get up _ 6 o'clock.A. at B. on C. during D. in6( ) 1 The doctor worked_ five hours_ a rest.A. for; with B. on; withoutC. about; having D. for; without( ) 2 I w

28、orked on the problem _ a long time and I worked it out_myself_ last.A. for; by; at B. in; with; onC. on; by; in D. for; for; at the( ) 3 A new factory will be set up:_ a year. 'lotaeA. for B. in C. after D. on( ) 4 Two years_ he began to write another story-book.A. after B. later ; C. in D. late

29、( ) 5 We will finish the picture a day.A. in B. on C. after D. on( ) 6 The workers had been_ strike_almost a month.A. on; in B. at; in C. on; for D. on; during( ) 7 Mr Brown had lain _ the ground _ four hours before they finally found him.A. on; for B. at; in C. on; after D. in; during7( ) 1 The tea

30、cher is coming back_ an hour.A. after B. for C. in D. before( ) 2 She lived in the mountain village_ the years 1940-1950.A. between B. during C. in D. since( ) 3 Miss Wang will come to Beijing_ two days.A. after B. in C. on D. before( ) 4 The American Civil War lasted four years before the North won

31、 _ the end.A. by B. at C. in D. on8( ) 7 Mary had finished her homework_ the time I got home.A. until B. by C. at D. when( ) 2 We stayed at the lab_ our teacher returned.A. till B. by C. during D. while( )3 They didn't leave the station_ they get on the train.A. until B. by C. after y D. at91 Do

32、n't worry. He will return_.A. before long B. long before C. long long ago D. long ago2 There lived an old man, fishing at sea_.A. long before B. before long C. long time ago D. soon3 It was not _ they came back.A. long before B. before long C. long time before D. long after4 I was told that his

33、uncle had gone to France .A. long before -B. shortly after C. before long D. long ago10( ) 1 _ Tom gets up at five in the morning.A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some times( ) 2 I remember we met each other_ last year.A. Sometime' B. some times C. some time D. sometimes( ) 3 Mary and I

34、have been to the Great Wall,_.A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times( ) 4 He studied English for _ in London, and then he went to America.A. sometimes B. sometime newB. some time B. some times11( ) 1 I don't like to sit _ Tom's right. I would like to sit _ the back row.A. on; in

35、 B. in; on C. on; at D. at; on( ) 2 There is a brook_ red flowers and green grass_ both sides. A. of with B. with; on C. of; at D. with; in( ) 3 There are many trees _ of the road! And _ of the trees isgrowing larger and larger. .A. on both side; a number B. on each sides; a number C. on both sides;

36、 the number D. on every side; the number12( ) 1 The plane is flying _.A. in the sky B. in. the air C. in space D. in sky( ) 2 There is a sweet smell_.A. in the air B. in the open airC. in the sky D. in the space( ) 3 We held an interesting party_.A. in the air B. in the sky C. in the open air D. in

37、space( ) 4 Seen from_, the earth appears to be a big blue ball.A. the space B. space C. a space D. this space13( ) 1 Tom sits_the classroom while John sits_the room.A. in front of; at back of B. in the front of; at the back of C. in front of; at the back of D. in the front of; at back of( ) 2 Lucy s

38、its_ the third row, _Jim's left.A. on; on B. in; at C. at; in D. in; on( ) 3 Jiangsu is_ the east of China, but Japan is _ the east of China. A. to; in B. in; to . C. on; to D. to; on14( ) 1. -Can I look up a word_ your dictionary?-I haven't got_me.A. into; about B. in; with C. at; in D. on;

39、 on( ) 2 1 like mooncakes _ meat _ them.A. in; on B. with; on C. in; the D. with; in( ) 3 When you are _ trouble please ask help _ us.A. in; from B. in; for C. on; from D. on; of( ) 4 The shopkeeper said they had sold out the shoes_ your size.A. about B. in C. to D. of( ) 5 I saw him_hurry at the mo

40、ment.A. in a B. in C. on D. on a15( ) 1 He put up a map _ the back wall because there was a hole _ it.A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at( ) 2 There is a door_ the wall. "t a ncA. on B. to C. of D.in( ) 3 This kind of VCD is made_ China. .A. in B. from C. at D. on( ) 4 Any man _ eyes_ his h

41、ead can see that he's exactly like a rope.A. with; on B. with; in C. on; with D. in; with16( ) 1 There are some birds singing_ the trees.A. in B. on C. at D. from( ) 2 Don't read _ the sun. It's bad _ your eyes.A. in; to B. under; for C. with; to D. in; on( ) 3 The woman_ a blue dress is

42、 my teacher.A. in B. on C. of D. at( ) 4 There are so many apples_ that tree.A. in JB, on C. at , D. from17( ) 1 The boat is passing_ the bridge.A. through B. below C. under D. across( ) 2 Two planes are flying_ the city.A. through B. over , C. on , D, below( ) 3 We can see a river running to the ea

43、st_ the hill.A. under B. below C. over D. on( ) 4 Do you see the kite _ the building.A. over B. cross C. on D. above18( ) 1 The United States is _ the south of Canada and _ the east of Japan.A. to; in B.on;to C. in; beside D. at; on( ) 2 My hometown lies_ the city. _ I often go to the city by bike.

44、A. 50 miles in the east; However B. to the east 40 miles of; But C. in the east 45 miles from; But D. 35 miles east of; However( ) 3 The man stood_the window, watching the boys playing outside. A. in B. by C. with D. to( ) 4 Japan lies_ the east of China.A. on B/ to C. in D. with19( ) 1 Is the stree

45、t too narrow for the bus to go _?A. through B. across C. on D. in( ) 2 A mother camel was walking _ her son _ the desert.A. without; along B. with; throughC. next to; pass D. beside; through( ) 3 The river runs_ the city.A. across B. through C. over D. from( ) 4 It took us over an hour to walk_ this

46、 street.A. from B. through C. over D. across20( ) 1 Uncle Wang arrived_ No. 14 Middle School half an hour ago.A. at B. in C., to D. /( ) 2 Did your friend send you something _ the end of last week?A. at B. by C. in D. to( ) 3 The monument_ those heroes stands_the foot of the mountain.A. of; at B. to

47、; on C. for; by D. to; at( ) 4 My uncle lives _ 88 Beijing Street.A. to B. of C. at D. on( ) 5 They are waiting _ a bus _ the bus stop.A. for; in B. on; at C. with; at D. for; at21( ) 1 Wood is of ten made_paper.A. by B. from C. of D. into( ) 2 _ research _ the universe scientists have put a lot of

48、information _ computers.A. With; over; at B." On; at; toC. In; about; into D. For; with; through( ) 3; When a piece of ice is taken _ a warm room, it gets smaller and smaller until _ the end it disappears completely.A. in; in B. out of; at C. into; in D. to; by( ) 4 A woman fell _ the boat _ th

49、e water.A. off; into B. at; belowC. down; under D. away; in22( ) 1 The tables in the restaurant are so close together that there's hardly anyroom to move_them.A. among B. betweenC. in the middle of D. at the centre of( ) 2 English is widely used for business_ different countries.A. between B. to

50、 C. for D. on( ) 3 Is there any difference _ these two sentences?A. for B. in C. among D. between( ) 4 We visited him at his workplace _ the young trees and ask him abouthis work. EA. in B. among C. between D. at( ) 5 There is the difference_ Chinese food and American food.A. from B. at C. between D

51、. by( ) 6 The police station is _ the clothing shop _ the post office.A. between; and B. among; andC. near; of D. on; right( ) 7 He is _ the greatest scientists in the world.A. among B. between C. in D. of23( ) 1 There is a book-store _ our house.A. at B. through C. across D. near( ) 2 Our headmaste

52、r showed the visitors _ our school.A. to B. for C. around -; D. near( ) 3 The moon is the _ to the earth.A. closed B. near C. nearest D. close24( ) 1 We have classes every day _ Sunday.A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for( ) 2 Nobody knew it _ me.A. but B. beside C. besides D. without( ) 3 What do you spend your time on _ work and study?A.


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