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1、国际商务管理business terms bankunit 1 -p35aggregate expenditure总支出investment restriction投资限制budget deficit预算赤字labor environment劳动环境checking account活期账户monetary policy货币政策corporate income tax公司所得税personal income tax 个人所得税demand deposit活期存款privatization私有化fiscal policy财政政策regulatory environment管理环境frictiona

2、l unemployment摩擦性失业structural unemployment结构性失业trade barriers贸易壁垒unit 2p70behavior approach行为管理法decision roles决策角色conceptual skills概念技巧initiative首创(开拓)精神contingency approach随机制宜法interpersonal skills人际关系技巧disseminator传播者management process管理过程effectiveness效果;效力negotiator洽谈者entrepreneur企业家;创业者organizat

3、ional culture组织文化gross margin毛利润率persuasiveness劝说;说服力resources allocator资源分配者tolerance of stress压力承受能力human-relations movement人际关系运动unit 3-p102competitive advantage竞争优势joint venture 合资企业;联合经营concentration集中发展策略mission任务,使命conglomerate联合大企业portfolio analysis投资组合分析core competence核心竞争力scope领域cost leade

4、rship strategy低成本/成本领先战略strategic business unit(sbu)战略性业务单位corporate strategy公司战略stakeholder 与公司管理部门决策有利害关系的人/公司/机构differentiation差异化stability strategy稳定战略/策略diversification多样化;分散策略synergy协同增效divestment舍弃,抛弃focus strategy重点/焦点发展策略growth strategy成长战略/策略horizontal integration横向并购;横向联合企业vertical integr

5、ation纵向并购;纵向联合企业unit 4-p134business ownership公司所有权financial disclosure财务状况的披露business plan商业计划financing融资competitive advantage竞争优势franchising特许corporation公司operating expense经营费用creditor债权人partner 合伙人distribution销售sole proprietorship独资(经营)feasibility可行性target market目标市场matrix organizational chart矩阵式组

6、织机构图unit 8-p255compensation system补偿制度orientation迎新情况介绍decruitment解聘performance appraisal业绩评价job description工种/工作描述recruitment招聘job specification工作规范;操作规程sexual harassment性骚扰off-the-job training离职/脱产培训trait-appraisal个性评价on-the-job training在职培训transfer工作转移/转换mandatory protection programs强制性/法定性保险项目一、

7、 名词解释:budget deficit p17the fiscal policy set by the government dictates the amount of tax revenue generated by the government and the amount of government and amount of government spending. if government spending exceeds the amount of taxes, a budget deficit appears.direct foreign investment (dfi)

8、p29many firms engage in direct foreign investment (dfi), which is a means of acquiring or building subsidiaries in one or more foreign countries.what is management p40management refers to the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently with and through other people

9、.what is an organization? p42organizations are groups of individuals who work together to achieve the goals or objectives that are important to these individuals.what is a strategy? p75a strategy is a course of action an organization plans to take or is taking to achieve its organizational goals wit

10、h regards to the business environment.what is a companys vision? p79a companys vision is its managements view and conclusions about the organizations long-term direction, business focus and future business scope.objectives p81objectives are an organizations performance targets - the results and outc

11、omes it wants to achieve in the medium to long term.competitive advantage p95competitive advantage is a key concept in strategic management. it refers to what sets an organization apart, i.e., what gives it its distinct edge. that distinct edge come from the organizations core competencies - the org

12、anization does something that others cannot do or does it better than others can do it.franchising p131a franchise is an arrangement whereby a business owner (called a franchiser) allows another (the franchisee) to use its trademark, trade name, or copyright, under specified conditions.what is human

13、 resources management? p226human resources management (hrm) involves the productive use of people in achieving the organizations strategic business objectives and satisfying individual employees needs.orientation p239once a job candidate has been selected and the offers have been accepted, new hires

14、 need to be introduced to the job and the organization. the process of familiarizing newly hired employees with fellow workers, company procedures, and the physical properties of the organization is called orientation, or induction.二、 翻译名词(见上面词汇部分)三、 回答问题types of inflation p7cost-push inflation: fir

15、ms that incur higher costs from transporting their products increase their prices to cover the higher costs. this situation, when firms charge higher prices due to higher costs, is referred to as cost-push inflation.demand-pull inflation: inflation can also be caused by strong consumer demand. consi

16、der a situation in which consumers increase their demand for most products and services. some firms may respond by increasing their prices. this situation, when prices of products and services are pulled up because of strong consumer demand, is referred to as demand-pull inflation.global conditions

17、p23motives to engage in international businessattract foreign demandcapitalize on technologyuse inexpensive resourcesdiversify internationallythe function of management p43planningplanning involves determining what the organization will specifically accomplish and deciding how to accomplish these go

18、als. the object of planning is to use the resources at the managers command to ensure that the organizations goals are met.organizingorganizing refers to the activities involved in designing jobs for employees, grouping these jobs together into departments, and developing working relationships withi

19、n and between organizational units to ensure management plans are carried out.leadingleading refers to influencing others activities to achieve set goals based on knowledge of the principles of human behavior. the manager seeks to organize the work environment to maximize work performance of employe

20、es.controllingcontrolling refers to those activities that an organization undertakes to ensure that its actions are properly carried out to achieve its objectives.management skillsspecific skills p50job knowledge, oral communication, persuasiveness, problem analysis, cooperativeness, tolerance of st

21、ress, negotiation, assertiveness, initiativethe strategic management process p78steps:1 identifying the organizations vision, mission and strategic objectives;2 analyzing external environment to identify opportunities and threats;3 analyzing internal environment to indentify strengths and weaknesses

22、;4 swot analysis;5 formulating strategies;6 implementing strategies; and7 evaluating the results of the strategy.the five forces model p83rivalry among established companies:threat of entry by potential competitors bargaining power of buyers bargaining power of supplies threat of substitute products

23、business-level strategy p95cost leadership strategydifferentiation strategyfocus strategykey stakeholders in a business p106owners every business begins as a result of ideas about a product or service by one person or more people, called entrepreneurs, who organize, manage, and assume the risk of st

24、arting a business.creditors many firms that need funds borrow from financial institutions or individuals called creditors, who provide loans. commercial banks commonly serve as creditors for firmsemployees employees of a firm are hired to conduct the business operations. those employees who are resp

25、onsible for managing job assignment of other employees and making key business decisions are called managers.suppliersfirm commonly use materials to product their products. for example, automobile manufacturers use steel to make automobiles, while home builders need cement, wood siding, and many oth

26、er materials.customers firms cannot survive without customers. to attract customers, a firm must provide a desired product or service at reasonable price. it must also ensure that the products services produced are of adequate quality so that customers are satisfied.the human resources management pr

27、ocess p2271 indentifying and selecting competent employees: human resource planning decruitment recruitment selection2 training employees with up-to-date ksas (knowledge, skills and abilities): orientation training 3 retaining and motivating competent and high-performing employees: performance appra

28、isal compensation and benefits promotion and transfermaslows hierarchy of needs p645 self-actualization (self-development and realization)4 esteem needs ( self-esteem, recognition)3 social needs ( sense of belonging, love)2 safe needs ( security , protection)1 physiological needs ( food, water, shel

29、ter)四、翻译1、economic growth p5an important macroeconomic factor that affects business performance is economic growth, or the change in the general level of economic activity. when the economic growth of one country is higher than normal, the total income level of all workers in this country is relativ

30、ely high, so there is a higher volume level of spending on products and services. since the demand for products and services is high, firms that sell products and services should generate higher revenue. when economic growth is negative for two consecutive quarters, the period is referred to as a re

31、cession.译文:影响企业业绩的一个重要的宏观经济因素是经济增长率,或是经济活动整体水平的变化。当一个国家的经济增长高于正常水平,这个国家的所有工人的总收入就相对较高,所以有较高的产品和服务的消费量水平。由于产品和服务的需求较高,销售产品和服务的公司应该产生更高的收入。当连续两个季度的经济增长率为负的,则这个阶段就被称为经济萧条期。2、level of management (管理层次)p52managers can be categorized as being in upper, middle, or lower levels of management. upper managers

32、 spend most of their time planning and leading because they make decisions about overall performance and direction of the organization. therefore, they are usually involved in the development goals and strategies to achieve those goals.译文:管理者被归类为高层,中层,低层管理。高层管理者花费他们大部分时间进行规划和领导,因为他们对公司整体绩效和发展方向进行决策。

33、因此,他们通常参与发展目标和战略以实现这些目标。 3、p81the second component of the strategies management process is the analysis of the organizations external environment to identify opportunities and threats in the organizations operating environment. successful strategic management depends on an accurate and thorough eval

34、uation of the environment.译文:战略管理过程的第二个组成部分是组织外部环境的分析,以便识别组织经营环境的机会和威胁。成功的战略目标管理取决于对环境的一个准确和全面的评估。4、feasibility(可行性) p112entrepreneurs should assess the feasibility of a potential business before they invest their money and time in creating it. they can assess the businesss feasibility by calculatin

35、g its expected earnings (profits). earnings are measured as revenue minus expenses. the expected revenue to be generated by a business is based on the sales volume (number of units sold) time the price per unit. a firms revenue is influenced by its marketing decisions.译文:创业者在投资他们的金钱和时间来创业之前应该评估潜在业务的

36、可行性(商业机会)。他们可以通过计算其预期的收益(利润)来评估业务的可行性。收益用收入减去支出来衡量的。一个业务产生的预期收入取决于销售量(销售商品的数量)乘以单价。一个公司的收益受其营销总决策的影响。5、training (培训)p240training is the process of instructing employees in their job tasks as well as socializing them into organizations values, attitudes, and other aspects of its culture. training is important for several reasons: first of all, trainings help to develop new emplo


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