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1、新版资料 Unit 1 CinderellaStory time我尝试略我交流1. (1)C(2)C(3)B (4)A 2. (1)F(2)T(3)F (4)T3. (1)Cinderella. Because she doesnt have any nice clothes or shoes. (2)A fairy. (3)She has to come back before 12 oclock. (4)Yes, they do.4. 略我运用1. 略2. princes, cant, Because, fairy, puts, on, had, before3. try on, fit,

2、 tries, on, fits脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试略我交流1. (1)Where (2)Whose (3)When (4)Who (5)What2. comes, puts, picks, fits, tries, leaves3. cannot, do not, doesnt, its我运用1. (1)Why cant, go to, party(2)Because, dont have any clothes, shoes (3)Why dont, do your homework, Because, tired (4)Why are you so happy? Bec

3、ause I have a cake.脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)A(2)B2. (1)put on, shoe, Because, shoe, small(2)fit, fits3. (1)A(2)B脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)T2. (1)Andrew is having a drink. (2)Andrea is drawing a dress. (3)Its cold and blue. (4)Sue is Andreas friend.脱口秀略Carto

4、on time我尝试略我交流1. (1)B(2)B(3)A (4)B2. No, I dont. No, Bobby! We cant eat them. Because these mushrooms are bad for us.3. (1)T(2)F(3)T (4)F我运用1. 略2. forest, hungry, mushrooms, late, eat, says, mushrooms3. (1)We cant eat(2)They look so nice.(3)Because these mushrooms are bad for us.脱口秀略Checkout time &a

5、mp; Ticking time我尝试略我交流 1. goes, comes, helps, has, puts, visits, tries, fits2. (1)she is ill(2)it is his birthday (3)she is hot (4)he is cold 我运用1. (1)T(2)F(3)F (4)F2. (1)B(2)A(3)C (4)A (5)B3. (1)All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot.(2)The fairy helps her.(3)The prince loves her very much.(4

6、)Cinderella finally tries it on.(5)Bobby does not understand.脱口秀略Unit 1单元测试口语部分略听力部分一、15B A C A B610C A B A C二、15B C A B A三、Why, put on, clothes,(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址 Because, have to, Take off, Let笔试部分一、14 T F T T二、1. put on clothes 2. have to 3. take off shoes 4. try on 5. 在王子的家里 6.

7、如此难过 7. 有漂亮衣服和鞋子 8. 在十二点之前 9. 玩得愉快 10. 拜访了每一家三、1. comes 2. puts 3. has 4. visits 5. tries 6. fits 7. goes 8. does 9. helps四、15A A C C B610C B A C B五、1. Why cant you go to the party?2. Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.3. Because these sweets are bad for us.4. Finally, Cinderella tries it

8、 on.5. Bobby picks a big red mushroom.六、have to, before, shoe, try on, doesnt, fits七、15 F F F T T 6. Yes, she does. 7. Sandy is Tinas doll.Unit 2 How do you come to schoolStory time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. × × × × 3. (1)on foot (2)by bus (3)by metro (4)by taxi4. (1)Yes (2)near (3)I live nea

9、r school. (4)He live on Park Street.5. 略我运用1. 略2. lives on, come, by taxi, near her, by bus, in, by metro3. do, come, go, metro, about, by bike脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. bike, plane, taxi, metro2. 略我交流略我运用1. (1)Where, live, in, How, come, By(2)do, come, come, metro, about, by2. (1)come, school, metro(2)S

10、u Hai, Su Yang, far, school 脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. Where, live, far from, How, come, come, school, ship2. (1)C (2)A (3)B脱口秀略Sound time & Song time我尝试略我交流1. 3 2 1 42. 略3. 略4. trip, true, try我运用1. 略2. (1)Because he cant go to school by bike. (2)She goes to school by metro. (3)I live on Park Str

11、eet. I come to school by taxi. (4)Yes! It is very big. I like it very much. (3) (2) (4) (1)脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. (1)A(2)A2. 略3. 略我运用1. 略2. has, riding, cool, wants, show, by bike, young, happy, always sits3. (1) riding, the (2) dad does not, so (3) He always sits in the basket.脱口秀略Checkout time

12、& Ticking time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)C (2)A (3)B (抄写略)2. 略脱口秀Unit 2 单元测试口语部分略听力部分一、15 B A C B A二、15 C B B C A三、1. near, on foot 2. live, by bus 四、略笔试部分一、14 T T T T二、1. go to school 2. by bus 3. by bike 4. on foot 5. 正合适 6. 试穿 7. 一位出租车司机 8. 在一个舞会上 9. 所有的女孩 10. 回家三、15 A B B A C 610 A B C C A四、1. come, s

13、chool, metro2. Su Hai, Su Yang, far, school3. dad does not, so五、1. Where, in, How, By 2. do, come, come, metro, about, by六、14 C A D B七、略八、15 T F T T F Unit 3 Asking the wayStory time我尝试略我交流1. × × × 2. (1)on, off (2)out, Sun Street (3)along, right (4)right3. (1) Yang Ling wants to visi

14、t Su Hais new home. (2) Her home is next to a bookshop on Moon Street. (3) She asks a policeman for help.我运用1. 略2. visit, home, get, get, metro, Park Station, off, City Library Station, walk, bookshop, next to3. Excuse me, How, get to, go by, on, off, walk, zoo on, street, hospital, to脱口秀略Grammar ti

15、me我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)me, how, go, train station, Street, along, turn right, lights, along, train station, right (2)How, go, hospital, take, on, get off, walk, on, hospital, next2. (1)do, get to, hospital(2)see, traffic lights on, left(3)Get off, Hanzhongmen Station脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. D C B E A2. 略我交流略我运

16、用1. (1)到达城市图书馆站(2)问路(3)在街上(4)下车2. do, go, cinema, along Grape, right, along Orange, left脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F2. (1)shiny (2)son (3)speak (4) washes (5)choose (6)ship (7)shirt脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1. 略2. 略3. 4 1 5 3 2我交流1. (1)A(2)A2. (1)They want to go by bus

17、. (2)Because the bus is full. (3)No, they dont. When they get to the cinema, the film is over.3. 略我运用1. 略2. (1)A(2)A (3)C (4)B3. 4 2 1 3脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. 略2. (1) off, metro, Zoo Station(2) How, I get, library(3) There are too many cars in the street.脱口秀略Unit 3 单元测试口语部

18、分略听力部分一、15B A B A C 610 B A C A B二、4 1 5 2 3三、me, how, get, supermar(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址 along, street, left, traffic, see, right笔试部分一、14 T F F T二、1. 左转 2. 到达书店 3. 打扰一下 4. 乘地铁 5. 在城市图书馆站下车 6. 太多的车 7. next to the supermarket 8. on your right 9. ask a policeman for help 10. have a good

19、time三、15 A A C B A 610 B B A C A四、1. First, gets, at 2. get to, supermarket 3. is over 4. far from五、how, get, Go along, Turn left, go along, on, right六、略七、14 B D C A八、15 F T F F FUnit 4 Seeing the doctorStory time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1)B (2)C3. (1)with(2)medicine, warm(3)anything(4)morning 4. (1)headache(

20、2)have a rest at home, take some medicine and drink some warm water (3)toothache,(4)Yes(5)brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime5. 略6. 略我运用1. 略2. (1)headache, fever, have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water(2)toothache, eat anything, eat too many sweets, brush my teeth, bedt

21、ime3. (1)wrong, headache, rest, take, medicine(2)with, toothache, lot of sweets, do, shouldnt, brush your teeth脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. eat sweets, brush ones teeth, take medicine2. 略我交流略我运用1. (1)F(2)T(3)F(4)T(5)F2. (1)has, toothache(2)shouldnt, too many脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. (1)D(2)C (3)B (4)A2. 略我交流略我运用1.

22、 (1)watch TV(2)have some rest (3)drink some hot water (4)take some medicine (5)在睡觉前吃 (6)在睡觉前刷牙 (7)吃冰淇淋 (8)吃糖2. (1)B(2)C (3)A脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流1. 2 4 1 5 32. B3. 略4. 略5. chip, rich, reach, touch我运用1. 略2. (1)Charlie is sitting on a bench(2)He is eating chicken for his lunch(3)Yes

23、, he does.(4)He is going to China in March.脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. (1)B(2)A2. 略3. 略我运用1. 略2. Hello, Gao Shan, speaking, wrong with, have, fever, sorry, get better, feel, better, Thank, See3. (1)D(2)C (3)A (4)B脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)C (2)A (3)B (抄写略)2. (1)sometimes has

24、, toothache(2)should not, or, either(3)She should brush her teeth in the morning and before bedtime.脱口秀略 Unit 4 单元测试口语部分略听力部分一、15B A C A B610B B C A C二、15 C A B A C三、1. ill, seem doctor 2. should, rest 3. feel, cold 4. you, toothache, anything笔试部分一、14 T F T F二、1. 吃冰淇淋 2. 喝温水 3. 睡觉前刷牙 4. 看电视 5. 在长椅上

25、6. 在3月 7. take some medicine 8. have some rest 9. see the doctor 10. cant hear anything三、15B C C A C610A B B C B四、1. China, March2. should not, or, either3. Then, comes4. What is五、speaking, do, ill, wrong, him, fever, about, anything, drink, water六、14 D A B C七、略八、15 B B B C CProject 1 Around our cit

26、yProject 1(A, B)我尝试1. 略2. train, plane, metro, bus, taxi, ship3. (1)D(2)A(3)F(4)B(5)C(6)E我交流略我运用1. (1)A(2)B(3)C(4)B(5)B2. (1)D(2)E(3)C(4)B(5)A3. (1)does he (2)How, they, school(3)Because, cant, to, party(4)Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.(5)Why are you so sad?4. (1)Palace Museum, on(2)

27、restaurant, Street脱口秀略Project 1 (C, D)我尝试1. 略2. a hospital, a cinema, a zoo, get off, turn left, get on, turn right, a shop我交流略我运用1. (1)T (2)T (3)T (4)T2. (1)to(2)at(3)on(4)get on (5)to3. (1)do, to, on(2)Go along this street.(3)She asks a policeman for help.(4)You can see the bookshop on your right.

28、(5)Turn left at the traffic lights.4. 略期中学业水平测试口语部分略听力部分一、15B C A A C 610 B C C B B二、14 B A B A 5. B, C三、1. puts on2. bike3. get on, get off 4. hospital 5. should, rest笔试部分一、14 T T T T二、A. 1. have to2. far away3. by metro 4. Turn right 5. on your left B. 1. 试穿 2. 在月亮街 3. 吃太多的糖 4. 吃一些药 5. 出来三、1. him,

29、 has 2. get, along3. live, far from4. dont, any, or四、15A C C C A610A C A B B五、1. get, cinema, metro, film, over 2. How, get, places from 3. Bobby finds, mushrooms under 4. When does Cinderella have to come back? 5. You shouldnt eat too many sweets.六、16 D F E C B A七、1. by taxi 2. How does, feels cold

30、 3. Why, happy, Because, birthday八、15 C A B B B 610 A A B A CUnit 5Helping our parentsStory time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. ××3. Who When In the morning In the afternoonfather clean the car /mother cook breakfast cook dinnerHelen sweep the floor wash the dishesTim sleep eat fruit and watch TVBen sleep w

31、atch TV4. (1) cleaning the car (2) helping my father clean the car (3) cooking breakfast (4) eating fruit and watching TV (5) eating fruit and watching TV我运用1. 略2. cleaning, cooking, sleeping, comes, busy, cooking, helping, cleaning3. (1) cleaning, window (2) cooking, lunch (3) making, bed (4) watch

32、ing脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) A (2) B (3) B (4) C (5) B 我运用1. (1) is, is cleaning (2) Are, am, cooking2. (1) is making, bed, bedroom (2) are helping their, in脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1) 在网上聊天 (2) 扫地 (3) 整理床铺 (4) clean the car (5) cook breakfast (6) play table tennis2. (1) D (2) E (3) B (4)

33、C (5 ) A 脱口秀略Sound time & Song time我尝试略我交流1. 2 3 1 42. 略3. A C 4. 略5. 略我运用(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址略脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. (1) A (2) A2. 略3. 略我运用1. 略2. 略3. B C D A 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1) I am washing clothes.(2) We are washing the dishes.(3) He is maki

34、ng kites.(4) She is cooking.2. (1) is, doing (2) is, father (3) is doing, homework脱口秀略Unit 5 单元测试口语部分略听力部分一、15B A B C A 610 A B B B C 二、5 1 3 2 4 三、1. morning, are cleaning 2. busy, cooking 3. garden 4. watching 5. are eating, sweet笔试部分一、14 T T F T 二、A. 1. 做她的家庭作业2. 洗餐具3. 看电影 4. 帮助我们的父母5. 瓢虫,离开 B. 1

35、. sleeping 2. busy 3. cleaning the car 4. cooking dinner三、15C A C B A 610B A C B B 1112 B B 四、1. are doing homework, home 2. is listening, music 3. are, and, doing 4. is Sunday afternoon 5. There are, on 6. is helping his parents五、1. swimming, are swimming 2. Where, She is, What, cooking3. are, doin

36、g, are drawing 4. Whats, cleaning, Im六、15 B A C C A 七、1. She is ten. 2. She is watching TV. 3. She is cleaning the house. 4. He is sleeping. 5. No, she isnt.Unit 6 In the kitchenStory time我尝试略我交流1. (1) B (2) B (3) B 2. (1) football(2) tomato(3) potatoes(4) orange3. 略我运用1. 略2. (1) E (2) B (3) A (4) D

37、 (5) C 3. (1) six, a football game, cooking dinner, washing some vegetables, cooking meat with potatoes, looking for, apple juice, some orange juice, meat, soup脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. (1) C (2) B (3) A我交流1. (1) B (2) C (3) C (4) B (5) A2. (1) is (2) are (3) is (4) Is, is (5) are (6) is 我运用1. (1) W

38、here, cooking, isnt, washing(2) watching, isnt, doing, washing(3) are, looking, you, Is, isnt脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略2. (1) He is drinking water. (2) washing the dishing我交流1. 略2. (1) sweeping (2) running (3) cleaning (4) reading (5) go (6) watching (7) washing (8) cooking3. (1) B(2) A(3) C (4) C我运用1. (1)

39、 喝水 (2) 洗餐具 (3) 烧肉 (4) 洗一些蔬菜2. (1) D (2) A (3) E (4) C (5) F (6) B (7) G 脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流1. 4 1 2 3 2. 略我运用略脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. (1) C (2) A2. 略3. (1) F (2) F (3) F 我运用1. 略2. (1) 在波比的花园 (2) 两只瓢虫 (3) 从抓 (4) 赶走 (5) be very angry (6) eat grapes脱口秀略Checkout time & Tickin

40、g time我尝试略我交流1. No, he is cleaning the table.2. No, they are making a fruit salad.3. No, she is cooking vegetables.4. He is cooking fish.我运用1. There is some meat in the fridge.2. Who is washing vegetables?3. Helen is looking for some tomatoes.4. How many spots does this ladybird have?脱口秀略Unit 6单元测试口

41、语部分略听力部分一、15A A B C A610B A A B C二、15C C A A A 三、1. vegetables, tomato 2. looking for 3. bread笔试部分一、14T T T F二、1. 在厨房 2. 一场足球比赛 3. 烧肉 4. 一位很棒的厨师 5. 洗一些蔬菜 6. three potatoes 7. drink water 8. drive away三、15 C A B A B 610 C B A B B 四、1. comes, party 2. Is, bread, table 3. wants to, tomato 4. they, vege

42、tables五、1. No, there arent. 2. Yes, she is. 3. Is Mike washing the chothes? 4. What is Liu Tao doing?六、14 D A B C 七、15 F F F F FUnit 7Chinese festivalsStory time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. Double Ninth Festivala rice cake, Dragon Boat Festivalrice dumplings, Spring Festivaldumplings, Mid-Autumn Festivalmoon cakes

43、 3. (1) the Spring Festival (2) moon cakes (3) Dragon Boat Festival (4) climb mountains4. 略5. A C B D 6. 略我运用1. 略2. the Spring Festival, get together, May, June, rice dumplings, moon cakes, Mid-Autumn Festival, climb mountains, Ninth Festival脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. spring, summer, autumn, wint

44、er2. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.3. (1) visit, parents, grandparents (2) this festival, get together, their脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1) 春天在三月。 (2) 秋天在九月。 (3) 天气很热。 (4) 天气温暖。2. (1) C (2) A (3) B3. 略脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) 万圣节前夕 (2) 打扮 (3) 不招待就使坏

45、(4) 敲的门3. 略我交流1. 1 4 3 2 2. 略3. ××我运用1. (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) We give our mothers presents. (2) Oct. 31 (3) Yes, they do.脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. (1) A (2) C2. 略3. 略我运用1. 略2. Mothers Day, love you, Thank you, love, Yes, nice脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1) A (

46、2) C (3) B (抄写略)2. (1) do, do, Festival(2) Is there a Fathers Day too?(3) What about a card and some flowers?脱口秀略Unit 7单元测试口语部分略听力部分一、15B C A B A 610 B A C A C 二、15 C B A A A三、1. Spring Festival, January, February 2. Double Ninth Festival 3. moon, Mid-Autumn Festival笔试部分一、14 T F F F二、1. 在一月或二月 2. 团聚

47、 3. 在这个节日里 4. 爬山 5. 吃重阳糕 6. 赏月 7. eat moon cakes and fruit 8. Mid-Autumn Festival 9. Double Ninth Festival 10. Dragon Boat Festival三、15 A A B A C 610C A B does; on A四、1. do, do, Mothers Day 2. there, Fathers Day 3. Do, at the moon 4. What should, give五、1. Dragon Boat Festival, May, June, What, do, D

48、ragon Boat Festival, rice dumplings 2. Double Ninth Festival, festival, climb, rice cakes六、14 D A B C 七、1. Its in January or February. 2. No, we dont. 3. They eat rice cakes and climb mountains. 4. Thank you!八、(一) 15B C C A C (二) 15 T F T F T Unit 8BirthdaysStory time我尝试略我交流1. (1) A (2) B2. (1) T (2

49、) F (3) F (4) T 3. (1) Its on the eleventh of May. (2) Its on the eighth of April. (3) Su Hai usually has a big dinner with her parents and grandparents. Su Yang and Su Hai eat some noodles. After that, they play with Kitty the cat.(4) Mike always has a party at home. Helen Tim and Mike go to buy a

50、birthday cake in the morning. He and his friends eat the cake and play some games in the afternoon. 4. 略我运用1. 略 2. (1) birthday (2) April (3) have a big dinner (4) the birthday cake (5) play3. cake, noodles, party, play4. (1) C (2) B (3) A (4) E (5) F (6) H (7) D (8) G5. (1) your birthday (2) Its al

51、so (3) We, great time (4) eat, play some cakes (5) Su Yang, eat, noodles6. on the, May, Su Yangs, have a big dinner, some noodles, the eighth, have a party, buy a birthday cake, play some games, lot, fun脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. (1) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th (2) 12th, 15th, 18th, 20th (3) 21st, 22nd, 23rd2. 略我交流1. 略2. (1) B (2) A我运用略脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略2. January, February, March, April, May, J(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址 July, August, September, October, November,December我交流略我运用1. (1) A(2) A(3) B脱口秀


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