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1、New words 1. Paris /pris/ n. 巴黎 2. cinema /sinim/ n. 电影院 3. film /film/ n. 电影 4. beautiful /bju:tiful/ adj. 漂亮的 5. city /siti/ n. 城市 6. never /nev/ adv. 从来没有 7. ever /ev/ adv. 在任何时候 第1页/共20页讲解1.Paris n.巴黎Paris is the capital of France.巴黎是法国的首都。Paris in the spring. 巴黎之春 第2页/共20页 2. cinema n.电影院 go to

2、 the cinema= see a film theatre /it/ n.剧院,戏院 We go to the_ to see a film We go to the_to see a play 3.film n.电影film 艺术影片(英式英语)movie 好莱坞商业片(美式英语) film studies 电影理论研究(2)n. 胶卷,胶片 a roll of film 一卷胶卷 make a film about 制作一部关于.的电影Eg:他拍了一部关于西班牙的电影。 He made a film about Spain. 第3页/共20页beautiful adj.漂亮的 同义:p

3、retty,nice,cute,handsome,goodlooking adj. 美丽的,使生美感的 She was even more beautiful than I had expected. 她甚至比我预期的还要美。 adj. 出色的,完美的;令人愉悦的 He did a beautiful job of painting the desk. 他油漆了书桌,活干得很漂亮。 beauty n. 美人,美景,美好的东西 beauty contest 选美第4页/共20页cityWhat is the largest city in China?中国最大的城市什么?Wuhan is the

4、 largest city in China.武汉是中国最大的城市。city life 都市生活country life 田园生活或乡村生活a large city 大都市第5页/共20页 5.never adv. 从来没有,用于肯定句中表否定,表示“绝不,从来没有”。 eg:I will never forget you . I will never give up. 6.ever adv.在任何时候 在任何时候,用于疑问句,表示曾经,在任何时候。 forever 永远 whatever无论什么 eg:Have you ever been to Paris?第6页/共20页Questions

5、:Questions:At what time of year did Ken visit Paris?第7页/共20页GEORGE: Hello, Ken.KEN: Hi, George.GEORGE: Have you just been to the cinema?KEN: Yes, I have.have/has been to 去过已回have/has gone to 去了未回just刚刚,刚才第8页/共20页Have you just been to the cinema?你刚刚去过电影院吗?这是一个现在完成时态的一般疑问句。just : 刚刚,刚才,现在完成时态的标志词之一第9页

6、/共20页把这句话变为肯定句:You have just been to the cinema.你刚刚去了电影院。仿照例句:我刚刚去了图书馆。Ive just been to the library.Have you just been to the cinema?第10页/共20页have been to 与 have gone to 的区别 Have/has been to 表示曾经去过某地,已经回来了 (be 的过去分词) eg: -Have you ever been to Beijing? -Yes,I have./No,I have not. Have/has gone to 表示

7、去了某地,还没有回来 (可能在路上,可能还在那里) (go 的过去分词) eg: He has gone to Beijing.第11页/共20页Eg: My father has been to Beijing many times. My father isnt in. He has gone to Beijing.我父亲去过北京许多次了。(画外音:已经从北京回来了。)我父亲不在,他去北京了。 (画外音:他还在北京,没有回来。)第12页/共20页GEORGE: Whats on?KEN: Paris in the spring.GEORGE: Oh, Ive already seen it

8、. I saw it on television last year. Its an old film, but its very good.be on 是上演的意思,也可理解成在荧幕上in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在季节前不用加任何冠词Paris in the spring本课是特指巴黎的一个春天,所以加了定冠词 the。第13页/共20页Ive already seen it. 我已经看过了。I saw it on television last year. 我是去年在电视上看的。Its an old film, but its good. 这是

9、部老片子,但很好。仿照例句:我已经读了这本书。我是在昨天读的。这是本旧书,但是很有趣。I have already read this book.I read it yesterday.Its an old book, but its interesting.第14页/共20页KEN: Paris is a beautiful city.GEORGE: Ive never been there. Have you ever been there, Ken?KEN: Yes, I have. I was there in April. in April 月份前面不用冠词第15页/共20页all

10、the time 一直,始终GEORGE: Pairs in the spring, eh?KEN: It was spring, but the weather was awful. It rained all the time.GEORGE: Just like London!= The rain has never stopped.just是“就,正好,恰恰”的意思。like是“像”的意思第16页/共20页 Just like London! = The weather in Paris in spring is just like the weather in London in sp

11、ring. 这里的just是“就、正好、恰恰”的意思。 这里的like是“像”的意思。 酒店就像家一样。 The hotel is just like home. 夏威夷就像天堂一样。 Hawaii is just like heaven.第17页/共20页时态时态用法用法动词形式动词形式时间状语标志词时间状语标志词例句例句一般现在时一般现在时一般,经常,一般,经常,习惯,真理习惯,真理原形原形/三单三单am/is /are; do/doesevery day, always, usually, often, sometimes,I often read books. He likes mus

12、ic.一般过去时一般过去时过去发生的过去发生的事,不强调事,不强调对现在的影对现在的影响响过去式过去式was/were, didyesterday, last-, -ago, after-I was there last month. I went to Paris last year.现在完成时现在完成时过去发生的过去发生的事对现在的事对现在的影响,或从影响,或从过去一直持过去一直持续到现在的续到现在的动作或状态动作或状态have/has+过去过去分词分词already, just (肯肯定句中定句中);never(肯定句中表否(肯定句中表否定);定);ever(疑问疑问句中句中)I have already been to Paris. I have just been there. I have never been there. Lesson 86 What have you done?First lets review three tenses:第18页/共20页练习 ( ) Mr.smit


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