已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、unit 2 how often do you exercise?(section b) (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. if you have a toothache, you should see a d. 2. the main pof the article is how to keep healthy. 3. my father likes reading(杂志)and newspapers in the evening. 4. what would you like, julia? some(咖啡), please. 5. do y

2、ou often chat with your friends(在线的)? yes, i do. 答案: 1. dentist2. point3. magazines4. coffee 5. online. 单项选择(10分)1. how heavily it rained this morning!yes. , none of the students in our class were late for school. a. becauseb. howeverc. althoughd. usually2. it is good for healthenough water every da

3、y. a. drinkb. drinksc. drinkingd. to drink3. do you watch tv every day? two hours or more. a. how oftenb. how muchc. how manyd. how long4. (2014·重庆永川双石中学质检)jane ishigh school student. a. an 16-year-oldb. a 16-years-oldc. an 16 years oldd. a 16-year-old5. (2013·南充中考)do you shop? i shop once

4、 a month. a. how longb. how oftenc. how far答案: 15. bdddb. 完成句子(10分)1. 迈克有许多爱好, 比如读书和集邮。mike has many hobbies, _ _ _ and collecting stamps. 2. 格林先生常常和家人一起过周末。mr. green often the weekend his family. 3. 约翰通常一周玩两个多小时的电脑游戏。john usuallycomputer games for_ _two hours a week. 4. 我爸爸每晚睡眠不足八个小时。my father_ _ _

5、 eight hours every night. 5. 学习英语的最好方式之一是运用。one of the best ways_ _english is using it. 答案: 1. such as reading2. spends; with3. plays; more than4. sleeps less than5. to learn. 完形填空(10分)everyone should exercise. its an important part of staying healthy. there are many different1of exercise such as cy

6、cling, walking, running and swimming. you can do lots of them.2first of all, you should do them for fun. it is important to3what you are doing. but if you just4to exercise, you must know the following things: if you are not feeling5, it is best not to exercise. make sure you start off slowly. as you

7、6stronger, you will be able to do more activities. 7a beginner, you should make a plan(计划), two or three8a week for fifteen to twenty minutes each time. before exercising, you must take a few minutes to warm up(热身). its good for you. after two or three weeks you will be able to spend more time exerc

8、ising. and youll be on your way to being healthier. 1. a. reportsb. kinds c. rulesd. sets2. a. although b. becausec. or d. but3. a. enjoyb. rememberc. hated. dislike4. a. orderb. stopc. begind. ask5. a. tiredb. wellc. hungryd. sorry6. a. gob. soundc. getd. hope7. a. asb. withc. withoutd. like8. a. p

9、lacesb. hoursc. timesd. minutes答案: 15. bdacb68. cac【方法技巧】“选择型完形填空”的阅读技巧完形填空题不同于单项选择题, 它所给的是一篇意思完整的短文, 所选的答案处在整段或整篇文章之中。因此, 做完形填空题时, 一定要将短文从头至尾跳过空格快速通读一遍, 对文章有个全面的了解。切忌在未了解文章大意前就忙于逐项对空格选填。做选择型完形填空时, 可以从以下三个步骤入手: 1. 通读全文, 跳开空格了解信息, 初步掌握短文大意。阅读时, 要重视短文首句, 这个句子往往点明了全文的中心, 对短文理解很有帮助; 如果遇到个别生词, 要么通过上下文或构词

10、法等猜测词义, 要么暂时略过。2. 细读各句, 抓住短文的关键词, 边读边选, 初定答案。这时要细心谨慎, 逐句细读、分析, 善于发现和利用短文中的关键信息, 确定正确答案; 有时所给的选项看似语法正确, 但语意不通, 这就要求每填一空都要语法正确、前后呼应、合乎逻辑, 注意语境。3. 复读全文, 结合文意瞻前顾后, 检查答案确保无误。当选完答案之后, 至少要复读一遍, 检查所填选项是否能使短文文意通顺, 语法是否正确, 搭配是否合理等。如果某个空格处难以确定答案, 可将四个选项一一去试, 直到语句通顺、语法正确为止。. 任务型阅读(10分)do you want to be healthy?

11、 (1)would you like to follow a healthy lifestyle? then you must eat well and get a lot of exercise. if youre fit, your body works well and you also feel good. here are some suggestions. eat different kinds of food, fruit and vegetables. if you only eat your favorite food, your body cant get enough n

12、utrients. you should eat more fruit and vegetables. drink more water and milk. when you are thirsty, drinking water is very good. milk is also very good for your body. try to drink a cup of milk every day if you can. take more exercise. dont spend too much time watching tv, playing video games or us

13、ing the computer. you should do some exercise, such as playing basketball, riding a bike and swimming. there are many activities. find out what you like. they will help you(2)keep healthy. 1. 请将(1)处画线的句子翻译成汉语。 2. 请用合适的词或短语替换(2)处的短语:  3. according to the passage, we shouldnt only eat_ _ _.

14、4. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题:  答案: 1. 你想遵循一种健康的生活方式吗? 2. stay healthy/keep in good health3. our favorite food4. healthy lifestyle/how to keep healthy? unit 2 how often do you exercise?(section b) (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. if you have a toothache, you should see a d. 2. the main pof the articl

15、e is how to keep healthy. 3. my father likes reading(杂志)and newspapers in the evening. 4. what would you like, julia? some(咖啡), please. 5. do you often chat with your friends(在线的)? yes, i do. . 单项选择(10分)1. how heavily it rained this morning!yes. , none of the students in our class were late for scho

16、ol. a. becauseb. howeverc. althoughd. usually2. it is good for healthenough water every day. a. drinkb. drinksc. drinkingd. to drink3. do you watch tv every day? two hours or more. a. how oftenb. how muchc. how manyd. how long4. jane ishigh school student. a. an 16-year-oldb. a 16-years-oldc. an 16

17、years oldd. a 16-year-old5.do you shop? i shop once a month. a. how longb. how oftenc. how far. 完成句子(10分)1. 迈克有许多爱好, 比如读书和集邮。mike has many hobbies, _ _ _ and collecting stamps. 2. 格林先生常常和家人一起过周末。mr. green often the weekend his family. 3. 约翰通常一周玩两个多小时的电脑游戏。john usuallycomputer games for_ _two hours a

18、 week. 4. 我爸爸每晚睡眠不足八个小时。my father_ _ _ eight hours every night. 5. 学习英语的最好方式之一是运用。one of the best ways_ _english is using it. . 完形填空(10分)everyone should exercise. its an important part of staying healthy. there are many different1of exercise such as cycling, walking, running and swimming. you can do

19、 lots of them.2first of all, you should do them for fun. it is important to3what you are doing. but if you just4to exercise, you must know the following things: if you are not feeling5, it is best not to exercise. make sure you start off slowly. as you6stronger, you will be able to do more activitie

20、s. 7a beginner, you should make a plan(计划), two or three8a week for fifteen to twenty minutes each time. before exercising, you must take a few minutes to warm up(热身). its good for you. after two or three weeks you will be able to spend more time exercising. and youll be on your way to being healthi

21、er. 1. a. reportsb. kinds c. rulesd. sets2. a. although b. becausec. or d. but3. a. enjoyb. rememberc. hated. dislike4. a. orderb. stopc. begind. ask5. a. tiredb. wellc. hungryd. sorry6. a. gob. soundc. getd. hope7. a. asb. withc. withoutd. like8. a. placesb. hoursc. timesd. minutes. 任务型阅读(10分)do you want to be healthy? (1)would you like to follow a healthy lifestyle? then you must eat well and get a lot of exercise. if youre fit, your body works well and you also feel good. here are some suggestions. eat different kind


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