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1、 module 6 unit 2 what is happiness to you? 【no. 1】 【考点透视】1. struggle with sb. 与某人一起抗争 struggle with sth 与搏斗 he has struggled with cancer for 4 years. struggle against 反对/抗争 struggle for 为而战当时候 while a person is asleep, a part of his brain is still active.2. while 然而 i'd like to study law at

2、 university while my cousin prefers geography. 尽管 while i accept that he is not perfect, i do actually like the person.3. in case of +名词(短语) in case of fire, break the glass and push the red button. in case +句子 john may phone tonight. i don't want to go out in case he phones. in case 单独使用 i don&

3、#39;t think i'll need any money but i'll bring some in case. in this/that case 要是这样/那样的话 in that case, there is nothing you can do other than wait. in no case 决不(用于句首,句子倒装) in no case should you give up. in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in any case, ill come over to the office tomorrow. in the case of

4、就来说 in the case of his health, it is fortunate for him to have recovered from illness like this. if that/ this is the case, 如果是那样/这样的话 as is the case with sb, = in common with sb. = like sb. as is often the case, as is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.4. a bit = a little = a li

5、ttle bit 有点儿 程度副词 i'm just a bit tired. a bit of 修饰不可数名词 i need a bit of water. not a bit = not at all 毫不 not a little = (very) much 非常5. even though / if 尽管,即使 he likes to help us even though he is very busy. as though/ if 好像 they stared at me as if i were crazy.6. make sb do sth / be made to d

6、o sth. make oneself done (understood / heard) make sb chairman make sb sad / madmake oneself at homemake some candles to light up the cave7. must have done 一定做了 could have done 本来是可以做 cant / couldnt have done 不可能做了 might/ may have done 或许做过 might/ may not have done 可能没做过 should/ ought to have done 本

7、该做(事实上没做) shouldnt/ought not to have done 本不该做(事实上做了) neednt have done 本不必做 had better have done 当时最好做了 would rather have done 宁愿当时做了 would like/love to have done 本想做(但未做成)8. keep / bear sb. company 陪伴某人 in ones company 和某人在一起 i felt at home in your company. be in good / bad company 和好人或坏人来往 keep co

8、mpany with 和要好,伴随 i enjoy your company. 我喜欢和你在一起。9. guarantee to do sth we guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. guarantee that we cannot guarantee that our flights will never be delayed.guarantee sb sth the ticket will guarantee you free entry. n. career success is no guarantee of happines

9、s. there is no guarantee that shell come.10. communicate with sb / sth 与交流/联系 communicate sth to sb 把传递给 he communicated the news to me.11. arrange sth. can i arrange an appointment for monday?arrange to do sth have you arranged to meet him? arrange for sb to do sth. ive arranged for tom to meet you

10、 at station. arrange that ive arranged that we can borrow his car.vt. 整理、排列 i arranged the books on the shelf.arrangement n. make arrangements (for sb.) to do sth. come to an arrangement12. assist vt. 帮助,援助,协助 assistance n. 帮助,援助 come to sbs assistance assist sb in / with sth 协助某人做某事assist sb in doi

11、ng sth 协助/帮助某人做某事assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事【随堂检测】struggle, fight; complete, finish, accomplish; quit, stop; tiring, tired; adapt, adopt; hurt, harm, injure, wound一、词义辨析1. life is hard but we all have to _ on.2. the soldiers _ bravely in the battle.3. i will go to see you when you _ the training cou

12、rse.4. progress so far has been very good. therefore, we are sure that the project will be _ on time.5. through the hard work, we _ the experiment and achieved great success.6. the police were called to _ a fight outside the theatre.7. if i dont get more money, ill _.8. the work is very _.9. mr. smi

13、th, _ of the boring speech, started to read a novel.10. he _ himself to the cold weather.11. the government forced the companies to _ measures to reduce air pollution.12. dont take too much of the medicine; it does you more _ than good if you do. 13. if he had not _ his leg, john would have won the

14、race.14. a bullet hit the soldier and he was _ in the leg.15. after the earthquake,the _ were cared for in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.二、完成句子1. we _ the lost boy.(在森林中寻找)2. take your umbrella, _. (以防下雨)3. he may not be back at seven, and _, we will leave.

15、(要是这样的话)4. your article is _. (有点长)5. _(到明年这个时候),well have completed the project.6. he likes to help us _(尽管)he is very busy.7. she looked _(好像)shed had some bad news.8. when i first came to new york, i had a lot of trouble _. (想让别人听懂我的话)9. the accident _. (本来是可以防止的)10. _(无论哪一方胜),i shall be satisfie

16、d.三、句型转换(每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。)1. mr. wang was a great teacher and he dedicated all his life to the cause of education.mr. wang was a great teacher and he _ all his life _ the cause of education.2. he had been preparing for the exam for a long time, but failed, which disappointed him very much._ _ _,

17、 he failed the exam though he had been preparing for it for a long time.3. she began learning gymnastics when she was only six years old.she began learning gymnastics _ _ _ _ six.4. i will never be really good at anything unless i quit doing everything else.i will never be really good at anything _

18、_ _ _ up doing everything else.5. she is crying; its certain that she has heard the bad news.she is crying; she _ _ heard the bad news.6. he saved the children from the fire at the cost of his own life.saving the children from the fire _ _ his own life.7. san lan made a mistake while she was practic

19、ing a vault one day.sang lan made a mistake _ _ a vault one day.四、介词填空1. i felt really happy _ you when i heard youd passed your exams.2. several companies are competing _ the contract.3. you should make a note of what the teacher said in class _ case that you may forget it afterwards.4. we should b

20、e concerned with those students who live apart _ their parents.5. as the saying goes, its no use crying _ spilt milk.6. im so tired that i cant focus _ anything today.7. your achievements are something to be proud _.8. she adapted herself quickly _ the new climate.9. she dedicated her life _ working

21、 for peace.10. the meeting was held _ secret.五、单项选择 1. _ i really dont like art, i find his work impressive. a. as b. since c. if d. while 2. i wish youd do _ talking and some more work. thus things will become better. a. a bit lessb. any lessc. much mored. a little more3. today, well discuss a numb

22、er of cases beginners of english fail to use the language properly.a. whichb. asc. whyd. where4. _fire, all exits must be kept clear.a. in place of b. instead of c. in case of d. in spite of 5. -i stayed at a hotel while in new york. -oh, did you? you _ with barbara.a. could have stayed b. could sta

23、y c. would stay d. must have stayed6. i was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. they _ at least 150 kilometers an hour. a. should have been doing b. must have been doing c. could have done d. would have done 7. the children talked so loudly at the dinner table that i had

24、 to struggle _.a. to be heard b. to have heard c. hearing d. being heard8. it is said that dogs will keep you _ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.    a. safety    b. company    c. house    d. friend module 6 unit 2 what is

25、 happiness to you? 单元测试 【no. 2】 一、单词拼写 (1×20)1. an a _ door opens itself when you come near it.2. under the g_ of the book titled guide to how to use the computer, he had his computer restarted.3. ive a_ for a car to pick up the visitors from america.4. going away to college has made me much mo

26、re i_.5. several people died during the snowstorm because of cold and h_.6. good health and peacefulness can make old age _(金色的)years of your life.7. ritas parents are away for the week, so id go over and keep her c_.8. after ten years of effort, he has _ (完成) a great deal in his work.9. they are ve

27、ry _(乐观的) about the future of their company.10. the sport of _(体操) is popular in our country.11. i dont like running. i do it _(只不过) to get some exercise.12. his speech was _(鼓舞人心的).13. he is an _(精力充沛的) boy.14. we should never play tricks on the people who are d_.15. the driver of the car received

28、serious i_ to the legs and arms in the accident.16. i intended to compare notes with a friend, but _ (不幸地) he couldnt spare me even one minute.17. know more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and _(交流).18. this new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of th

29、ose with average i_.19. there have been several new e_ added to the program for the 2008 beijing olympics.20. her son, to whom she was so d_, went abroad ten years ago.二、短语翻译 (1×20)1、重建生活_2、投身于,献身于_3、远离,除之外_4、使高兴/振作起来_5、情绪好_6、在全世界_7、楷模,榜样_8、信任,信仰_9、对感到厌烦_10、在前面_11、在那时/那个阶段_12、幸福的秘诀_13、被急忙送往_14、

30、被包围或环抱_15、在获得成功_16、在困难时期_17、预料某人会做某事_18、邀请某人做某事_19、把某人描述成_20、以某人未来的幸福为代价_三、词组填空 (1×10)focus on, rush to, devote oneself to, in good spirits, meet ones goal, be proud of, struggle with, cheer up, apart from, adapt to 1. the young man _ his conscience before telling the police that he was the mur

31、derer they were looking for.2. at the graduation ceremony, they said that they _ the work of childrens health care.3. _ the villa in yancheng, they also have an apartment in nanjing.4. john is not in a good mood, but your visit may _ him _. 5. we must try to be _ no matter what happens.6. immediatel

32、y after the traffic accident, the ambulances_ the injured _ the hospital.7. as one of the important abilities of the modern people, we must learn to _ ourselves _ new circumstances.8. i have a dream to compete in the olympic games one day. in order to _, i have to practice hard.9. exercises in this

33、unit _ different language abilities.10. when the doctors told her that she would never again be a gymnast, she was able to overcome her disappointment and _ the things she had accomplished.四、单项选择 (1×35)1. there can be no knowledge _ practice. a. in addition to b. because of c. except for d. apa

34、rt from2. all of the students were _ by the _ speech given by the headmaster. a. inspired; inspired b. inspiring; inspiring c. inspired; inspiring d. inspiring; inspired3. if you want to succeed, you cant _ wait for chance. a. singly b. easily c. simply d. slowly4. after she went to america, the wom

35、an had to _ to the rules there. a. adopt b. observe c. adapt d. accept5. _ to the chinese revolutionary cause, dr. bethune was widely respected by the chinese people. a. devoting b. devoted c. to devote d. devote6. the young gymnast who has won first prize for many times in the gymnastics tournament

36、 is _. a. admirable b. hopeless c. unbearable d. unfortunate7. people show their great sympathy to the disabled who got injured _ in the car crash three months ago. a. mainly b. severely c. truly d. highly8. a(n) _ is a person who studies the human mind and tries to explain why people behave in the

37、way that they do. a. dentist b. specialist c. economist d. psychologist9. optimistic attitude is one of the important and _ factors of our good health. a. positive b. negative c. confusing d. unpleasant10. _ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.    a. faced

38、0; b. face  c. facing  d. to face11. dont worry. ive _ this man to come whenever needed. a. arranged for b. arranged c. prepared for d. prepared12. - _ - flying glass wounded me in the face and neck. a. what happened to you? b. how do you do? c. nice to meet you. d. whats that?13. the reas

39、on why she decided to leave her boyfriend was that she didnt feel _. a. adequate b. vivid c. innocent d. secure14. -what does your sister do? -she is a nurse and _ the doctor in the operating room. a. obeys b. overcomes c. guarantees d. assists15. dont _ what li ming says. work hard and _ yourself.

40、a. believe; in; believe b. believe; believe in c. believe in; believe in d. believe; believe16. my parents live in a small village. they always keep candles in the house _ there is a power out. a. ifb. unless c. in cased. so that17. if you think that treating a woman well means always _ _ her permis

41、sion for things, think again. a. gets             b. got             c. to get              d. getting 18. how can

42、you expect to learn anything _ you never listen? a. in case   b. even if   c. unless   d. when19. my father may have to go into hospital, he wont be going on holiday.a. in that case b. in which case c. in case d. in the case 20. allow children the space to voice their o

43、pinions, _ they are different from your own. a. until b. even ifc. unless d. as though 21. your uncle seems to be a good driver; _, i wouldnt dare to travel in his car. a. even so b. even though c. therefore d. so22. we have proved great adventures, but we have done the greatest march ever made in t

44、he past ten years.a. neednt b. may not c. shouldnt d. mustnt23. the weather turned out to be fine yesterday. i the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.a. should have taken b. could have taken c. neednt have taken d. mustnt have taken24. as you worked late yesterday, you have come this morning.a. ne

45、ednt b. maynt c. cant d. mustnt25. he _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.a. should b. must c. wouldnt d. cant26. i have been more than six years old when the accident happened.a. shouldnt b. couldnt c. mustnt d. neednt27. he paid for a seat, when he h

46、ave entered free.a. could b. would c. must d. need28. my grandma still treats me like a child. she cant imagine _ grown up.a. my  b. mine c. myself     d. me29. _ team wins on saturday will go through to the national championships.a. no matter what b. no matter which c whate

47、ver d. whichever30. my grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.a. enthusiastic b. energetic c. talkative d. sensitive 31. my morning _ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast. a. drillb. actionc. regulationd. routine32. according t

48、o the art dealer, the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars.a. is expectedb. expectsc. expectedd. is expecting33. do you have any idea what paul does all day?as i know, he spends at least as much time playing as he _. a. writesb. does writingc. is writingd. does write34. emergency line ope

49、rators must always calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.a. growb. appear c. becomed. stay35. professor james will give us a lecture on the western culture, but when and where _ yet.a. hasn't been decided b. haven't decided c. isn't being decided d.

50、aren't decided五、语法专练(过去时)(1×12)1. i know a little bit about italy as my wife and i _ there several years ago. a. are going b. had been c. went d. have been 2. the flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time. a. sold b. had been sold c. were sold d. would sell 3. -is there anything wrong, bob? you look sad.-oh, nothing much. in fact, i _ of my friends back home.a. have just though b. was just thinking c.


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