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1、LESSON 36Across the channelNew words and expressions: record1)n.记录,记载a record of accidents交通事故记录set up/build up/make/create/establish a new world recordKeep/hold a recordBreak/beat a recordSmash(粉碎)(粉碎)a record保持记录打破记录大破记录2)n.唱片唱片创造一个世界纪录A pop recordA jazz recordA hit record通俗歌曲唱片爵士音乐唱片流行歌曲唱片3)n.成绩,

2、经历,前科A school recordA police/criminal record学习成绩前科I recorded his lecture(演讲)(演讲)His speech was recorded on a tape.This singer has not been recording for years.4)v.记录,写下,录音(影)Strong adj._反反 weak2)能力等优秀的,卓越的,学科等擅长的as strong as a horsea strong wind1)健壮的,结实的,(人)有体力的,强壮的力大如牛Strong pointsWeak pointsA stro

3、ng swimmer游泳健将Strong teaWeak teaStrong cheese3)味道、气味等浓的,强烈的浓茶淡茶味道很浓的奶酪4)议论等有力的,有权威的A strong argumentStrong evidence有力的论据有力的证据swimmer n.游泳运动员游泳运动员2)v.滑动(像游泳般)Swim-swam-swum1)v.游泳Go swimming in the pool白云飘过天空Dogs can swim very well.The White clouds swam across the sky.Succeed v.成功,顺利完成;继之后,接着发生反 fail火

4、山爆发后,发生过数次地震Succeed in sth/succeed in doing sth做某事成功,在某方面成功We succeed in the negotiation(谈判)(谈判).Did he succeed in the examination(考试)?(考试)?Fail to do Fail in sth Fail in doing sth没能作成某事在某方面失败做某事不成功Several earthquakes succeeded the eruption of the volcano.Success n.成功成功-failure他们成功发射了一颗通信卫星The meeti

5、ng is a great success.You are a success/failure.Successful adj.成功的成功的They were successful in launching a communication satellite. Successfully adv.成功地成功地The prime minister explained his policy so successfully that he won a majority.首相成功地阐述他的政策,以致他以多数获胜trainBy trainTake a trainCatch the early train2)

6、 n. 长袍拖地的部分He trained the horse for the next race.I was trained as a nurse.3)v. develop one s skill训练,养成,培养,练习Train sb to do sth 1)n.火车他训练他的狗用后腿站着He trained his dog to stand on its hind legs.She is training to be a lawyer.Training centreTrainerTraineeEmployerEmployeeInterviewerinterviewee培训中心教练受训练的人

7、雇主雇员记者被采访的人Anxiously adv.焦急地,忧虑地焦急地,忧虑地“Are you all right?”he asked anxiously. Anxious adj. 挂念的,忧虑的I am anxious about her health.We are anxious for your safe return.She was anxious for them all to leave the room.Be anxious forBe anxious to doBe anxious for sb to do sth渴望某事渴望做某事渴望某人做某事Anxious adj. 渴望

8、的,盼望的He caused his parents a lot of anxiety.他令父母十分担心紧张的焦急的,担心的NervousWorried Anxiety n.渴望, 忧虑Intend v. 打算打算Intend to do sthPlan to do sthHope to do sthMean to do sth本打算(虚拟)She intends to go abroad.She intends to enter for the competition.They intend to marry.I had intended to go for a walk,but it ra

9、ined,so I cancelled(取消)(取消)it .Have intended to doIntended to do打算做某事(不要将来时,用一般现在时)计划做某事希望做某事打算做某事Intention n.目的,打算,意图目的,打算,意图The road to hell is paved with good intentions.通往地狱的路是由良好的意图铺成的Secretaries tend to be girls.Tend v. 倾向,趋向秘书基本都是女孩solid n./adj. How many states are there in the universe?Three,they are gas,solid and liquid.宇宙中有多少种物质存在?三种,气体,固体以及液体冰是水的固体状态Ice is water in solid state.2) adj.固体的固体的 liquid 液体的液体的 gaseous 气体的气体的1) n.固体 liquid 液体 gas 气体3)adj.实质的,非空心的-反hollowSolid tiresA so


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