江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 3 Amazing people学案_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Amazing people单元视窗Wordlist 2* cursek:s n.诅咒;咒语 t.诅咒;咒骂 * mummymmi n.木乃伊 explorerikspl:r n.探险家 curiouskjuris adj.好奇的; 求知欲强的 set sail启航 tomb tu:mn. 坟墓Egyptianidipn埃及的;埃及人的 n.埃及人fortune f:tn n.大笔的钱,财富,运气jewel  du:ln. 宝石,珠宝首饰preservepriz:v vt.保存;保护;保持valleyvæli n.山谷,峡谷lord l:dn.勋爵,

2、贵族,大臣;封建领主come across (偶然)遇见,发现entranceentrns n. 入口contentkntent n. 内容swallowswlu vt. & vi. 吞下,吞咽deathde n. 死亡shortly:tli ad以不久,很快 withinwiðin prep.在之内,不超过 coincidencekuinsidns n.巧合,碰巧 connection kneknn. 联系punishmentpnimnt n. 惩罚scientificsaintifikadj.科学的 virus vairsn.病毒 disturb dist:b

3、t.打扰,扰乱 breathebri:ð vi. & vt. 呼吸resultrizlt in i.导致,结果是clothingkluði n. 衣物riddle ridl n. 谜 labourleib n. & vi. 劳动,努力工作whichever pron. 无论哪个,无论哪些airplane pleinn. 飞机signalsignl n. 信号 vi. & vt. 发信号,表明captain kæptin n.船长,飞机机长;队长;海军上校,陆军.空军上尉warning w:nin.警告iceberg aisb:gn. 冰山w

4、idespreadwaidspred adj. 广泛的,普遍的requirement rikwaimntn. 要求,规定inspireinspai vt. 启迪,赋予灵感; 激励,鼓励sex  seks n. 性别femalefi:meiln.&adj. 女性(的)nationalitynænæltin. 国籍nativeneitivadj.本地的,本国的outgoing autguiadj. 爱交际的; 友好的,外向的gorilla gril n. 大猩猩data  deit n. 数据;资料companion kmpæni

5、nn. 伴侣,陪伴rare readj. 稀有的;罕见的discouragediskrid vt. 使灰心,使泄气devotiondivun n. 奉献;忠诚,专心PhD (哲学)博士学位 (Doctor of Philosophy的缩写)murderm:d vt. & n. 谋杀variousvrisadj. 各种各样的organization :gnaizeinn. 组织;机构voyagevi-id n. 航行;航海;航天orbit :bit n. 轨道 vt. 沿轨道运行;围绕运动astronaut æstrn:t n. 宇航员north-east n. 东北desir

6、e dizai n.愿望,欲望,渴望 vt. 渴望,期望apply plai vi. 申请 vt. 使用,应用candidatekændideit n. 候选人,申请人survivalsvaivl n. 幸存,存活rocket rkit n. 火箭statussteits n. 地位,身份superior su:piri n. 上级,上司 adj. 更好的,更高的be in control kntrul (of something) 掌管,控制qualitykwliti n.品质;质量 optimistic ptimistikadj. 乐观的, 抱乐观看法的indeed indi:d

7、 adv. 的确,确实look up to 敬佩把你没有记牢的挑出来,好好滴记住哦!The curse of the mummyFocus Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. He was brave and loved to visit and explored new places. During his life, he discovered many amazing things. Howard Carter did not go to school, but learn

8、t to draw from his father, who was an artist. He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown. In 1891, at the age of 17, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. He found several important ones. Inside

9、the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings. These preserved bodies are known as mummies. In 1922, Howard Carter made his most amazing discovery of all, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. He had received money from Lord Carnarvon, a B

10、ritish man who was very interested in Egypt. Carter's team was working at a place near the city of Luxor. There, they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun. It was the most important tomb that had ever been found. The tomb contained more treasure than any of us had ever seen before, as well a

11、s the mummy of the king,' said Carter. After we looked into the tomb, we closed it and hid its entrance. We wanted to study the tomb later when we had more time. Afterwards, all of its contents would go into a museum.However, not long after the discovery, people in Carter's team began to fal

12、l ill and die. Upon their entering the tomb, Carter's lucky pet bird, which had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake. Then, a few months after Carter had opened the tomb, Lord Carnarvon, who was also present when the tomb was opened, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt. At the moment of C

13、arnarvon's death, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Back in England, his dog died at approximately the same time. George Gould, a friend of Carnarvons, went to Egypt after hearing of his strange death. He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day. Twelve hou

14、rs later, he was dead. Carter's secretary, Richard Bethell, died of heart trouble four months after the tomb was opened. Arthur Mace, another member of the team, also died shortly after the discovery. Within seven years, 21 people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. Howard

15、 Carter, however, lived on until the age of 65. Some people say the deaths were just coincidence. Others believe that they were in connection with a mummy's curse, as a punishment for those who enter the resting place of the dead. However, still others believe that there is a scientific explanat

16、ion. Inside the tombs, there are many viruses. When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. Today, when scientists examine mummies, they wear special clothing for protection. What is certain, though, is that the curse of the mummy r

17、emains a riddle to this day.Dian Fossey is now regarded as one of the heroes of the 20th century. Her love for the mountain gorillas in Africa taught people about dangers these animals are facing. Dian was an outgoing and kind person, and able to gain valuable data about their lives by becoming a co

18、mpanion to them. Dian Fossey was born in California in 1932. She graduated from university in 1954 and worked at a children's hospital in Kentucky for several years. However, her interest in animals, and the writings of an American scientist called George Schaller, inspired her to take the first

19、 step towards her future work. In 1966, she went to Africa to study rare mountain gorillas. Even though some of the gorillas were quite dangerous, this did not discourage Dian. She showed great devotion to her work and loved to tell people about gorillas. Because the gorillas had interested her so m

20、uch, Dian decided to study for a PhD. After she finished her degree, she wrote a book about the gorillas she had lived with. She later returned to Africa. However, she was murdered in 1985. Dian Fossey is still alive in our hearts to this day. Thanks to her research, we now know more about mountain

21、gorillas. They are also protected by governments and various organizations. Without her work, there would be very few mountain gorillas left today.First period Listen and learn: Listen to the wordlist and try to learn the words and phrases by heart.Step 1: Step 2: Personal showTask 1: Give the follo

22、wing words Chinese meaningexplorer n. curious adj. set sail come across fortune  n.punishment n. scientific adj. virus n. disturb t. breathe vi. & vt. result in i.riddle n. female n.& adj.devotion n. desire n.vt.be in control (of something) quality n. look up to Task 2: Translate t

23、he following wordsvt.保存;保护;保持n. 入口 n. 内容n. 联系 n.警告n. 要求,规定 vt. 启迪,赋予灵感; 激励,鼓励n. 数据;资料 n. 伴侣,陪伴vt. 使灰心,使泄气adj. 各种各样的vi. 申请 vt. 使用,应用 adj. 乐观的, 抱乐观看法的n. 幸存,存活 Step 3: Text reading Listen to the text and then finish the following sentencesTask 1: Fill in the blanks according to the text1. Which of thes

24、e people's achievements _ (对有最大的影响) our lives today? 2. By the 1920s, he _ (已经成为) an explorer, _ (搜寻) the tombs of the Egyptian kings.3. _ (一进入) the tomb, Carters lucky pet bird, which had left in Cairo, was eaten by a snake.4. Within seven years, 21 people who _ (和有关) the opening of the tomb di

25、ed. 5. Others believe that they were _ (和有关联) a mummy's curse, _ (作为惩罚) for those who enter the resting place of the dead. 6. _ (如果(病毒)被呼吸进人体内) , they can _ (导致) illness or even death. Task 2: Task-based reading阅读课文, 完成下表。注意:一空一词CharactersWho was he?What did he do?How did he die?George Goulda fr

26、iend of CarnarvonVisited the tomb of King Tuntankhamun.A high fever.Lord CarnarvonA British man 1. _ in Egypt.4. _ Carter money to explore the mystery.Be present at the opened tomb.A fever.Howard CarterA famous explorer, especially for the 2. _ of King Tutankhamuns tomb.In 1891 set sail for Alexandr

27、ia, Egypt.By the 1920s, searched for tombs of the Egyptian Kings.In 1922, 5. _ the tomb of King Tuntankhamun.Seemed nothing to do with the tomb.Richard Bethell Carters secretaryentered the tombHeart trouble.Arthur Mace3. _ memberExplored the tomb of King Tuntankhamun.Not mentionedSecond period Step

28、1: Personal show Write down the words according to the definition 1. having a strong wish to know about something 2. a situation when two or more similar things happen at the same time by chance 3. search a place in order to discover something 4. something that is difficult to explain or understand

29、5. a door or a gate 6. chance, especially regarded as a power affecting people's lives: (good or bad) luck7. that which is contained in sth; satisfied with what one has; not wanting more; happy8. keep or maintain (sth) in an unchanged or perfect condition9. move (sth) from a settled or usual pos

30、ition or state10. make a formal request11. longing; wish for (sth); want12. facts or information used in deciding or discussing sth. Step 2: Language focus 1. curious adj. 好奇的,稀奇的,莫名其妙的 知识探究:I heard a curious noise last night. 昨晚我听到一个奇怪的声音。 Children are always curious about everything they see. 孩子们总

31、是对他们看到的一切感到好奇。 I was curious to hear what you had to say for yourself. 我很想知道你怎样为自己辩解。归纳整理:题练落实:1. _, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. A. Curiously enoughB. Curious C. To be curious D. To be curious 2. People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began.

32、A. in B. at C. of D. about 3. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the couple C. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious联想拓宽:curious可用于It is curious that从句结构中,表示 "是奇怪的",从句

33、的谓语一般采用"should十动词原形" 表示虚拟。 It is curious that he should know nothing about the matter.真是奇怪他对此事竟一无所知。 2. fortune n. 运气,财富,大笔财产 知识探究:I had the fortune (幸运) to meet him there. She inherited a large fortune. (一大笔财产) . He went to the USA ten years ago to seek his fortune. (寻找致富之路) .One thousand

34、 dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living expenses. 一月1,000美元不是一笔财富,但是能帮助支付我的生活费用。题练落实:1. The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large _.A. fortune B. luck C. money D. amount 2. Unfortunately, a fire broke out suddenly in his house and burnt all his _, leavin

35、g him nothing but a car.A. furniture B. fortune C. possessions D. treasure 联想拓宽:have good /bad fortune运气好/不好 make one's fortune成家立业 seek one's fortune寻找致富及成功之路 a small fortune许多钱 come into a fortune继承大笔遗产 make a fortune发财 try one's fortune碰运气 tell sb. one's fortune给某人算命/看相 3. preserv

36、e v. 保留;保持,维护;保护;维持原状;维持 n. 保护区知识探究:These preserved bodies are known as mummies.这些经过处理保存的遗体就是世人皆知的木乃伊。We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources.我们已采取有效措施来保护自然资源。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.保护区内禁止打猎。题练落实:1. At minus 130, a living cell can be _ for a thousand years.A

37、. spared B. protected C. preserved D. developed2. It's important that these traditions handed down from generation to generation should be _.A. reserved B. preservedC. deserved D. prevented3. We had to _ our visit to the pyramids because we didn't have enough time to see them before we left

38、Egypt.A. prohibit B. postponeC. predict D. preserve联想拓宽:defend, protect与preserve都可表示“保护,使安全”,但各有侧重。defend指“保卫,防御”,应用范围很广,对象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的。defend oneself against enemy 防御敌人protect 指“保护以免遭受危险或伤害等”。protect the children from harm 保护儿童免受伤害preserve 指“防护; 保存免被分解或腐烂”。Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐烂。

39、 4. Upon their entering the tomb, Carter's lucky pet bird, which had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake. 知识探究:On arriving in England, they were taken to the Grystal Palace by train. 他们一到英国便乘火车去水晶宫。On his arrival, he was sold to farmer and worked in the fields.他一到就被卖给一个农场主, 开始在田里劳动。On his re

40、turn from Europe, he set to work in earnest.他一从欧洲回来, 便开始认真工作。归纳整理:题练落实: 1. Mary rushed home _ she heard the news, only _ that his wife was gone.A. as soon as; finding B. immediately; to find C. the moment; findD. when; found2. The girl still remembers that she was too nervous _she gave a speech in t

41、he face of such a big crowd. A. at the first timeB. the first time C. for the first timeD. at first3. Fortunately somebody who happened to be passing by called the fire department _ the fire broke out. A. hurriedly B. quicklyC. immediatelyD. shortly4. _ hearing the good news, the girl jumped with jo

42、y. A. In B. At C. On D. For联想拓宽:其它表达方式:1)as soon as 引出的时间状语从句, 如:He started as soon as he received the news. 他一得到消息就出发了。As soon as he had got into the car, I said “good morning” to him in French and he replied in the same language. 他一上车, 我就用法语向他道了声早安, 他也用法语作了回答。2)hardly/ scarcely/ barelywhen / befor

43、eno soonerthan归纳: 注意搭配关系;hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner不可以放在when/before和than之后。 hardly/ scarcely/ barely和no sooner否定词位于句首时, 句中的主语和谓语必须部分倒装。 hardly / scarcely/ barely和no sooner引导的是主句, 表示它的动作发生在从句之前, 故常用过去完成时;而when/before和than引导的从句只能与一般过去时连用。 该句型含“惊奇”之意。如:Mrs. Winthrop had no sooner left the room th

44、an they began to gossip about her. 温思罗太太刚离开房间, 他们就议论起她来了。Scarcely /Hardly/ Barely had he begun to speak when I sensed that he was in trouble. 他刚一开口, 我就感到他遇到麻烦事了。No sooner had we set out than a thunderstorm broke. 我们一动身就遇上了大雷雨。3)the moment / the instant 名词短语the moment/instant/minute/second和副词immediat

45、ely/directly可以用做连词, 相当于as soon as,引导的是时间状语从句;从句既可放在句首, 也可放在句中。如:The moment I saw him, I knew that there was no hope.一见到他, 我就知道没希望了。The instant you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. 你一出账篷, 便会大吃一惊。We will leave the minute youre ready.你一准备好, 我们就走。She returned immediately she heard the bad n

46、ews.她一听到这个坏消息, 就返了回来。I left directly the clock struck twelve.钟一敲十二点我就离开了。4) each time, every time如同上面几种类型一样, 可直接用作从属连词, 引导状语从句。如:Every time I listen to his advice, I get into trouble. 我每次听了他的劝告, 都会遇到麻烦。Ill think of my hometown each time I listen to that song. 我每次听这首歌, 都会想起家乡。 5. present adj.在场的,出席的;

47、 现在的,目前的 vt. 呈现; 赠送;介绍;引见 n.礼物;目前,现在知识探究:What's your present address? 你现在的住址是什么? The people present gave a warm welcome. 在场的人们热烈欢迎。 A good many people were present at the meeting. 许多人出席了会议。 They presented flowers to their teachers. 他们向老师们献了花。The mayor presented the winner with a silver cup. 市长把银

48、杯授予了获胜者。归纳整理:题练落实:1. There are 200 people _ at the meting and all of them were his supporters. A. present B. thankfulC. interested D. important2. The major will personally _ the gold medal _ the winning athletes at the sports meet. A. preset; by B. present; with C. present; to D. present; for 3. In

49、preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should _ his findings in logical order and clear language. A. furnish B. propose C. raise D. present联想拓宽:present作前直定语时意为"现在的,目前的",作后置定语时意为"出席的,现场的"。 6. Within seven years, 21 people who had something to do with the

50、 opening of the tomb died.have sth. to do with与有关知识探究:have nothing to do with 与无关,与没来往 come to nothing没结果,终归失败 do nothing but只是 go for nothing无结果,无价值 have nothing on sb.不比强 care nothing for对满不在乎 for nothing免费 make nothing of不了解 nothing like什么也比不上;完全不像 think nothing of认为不算什么 He cares nothing for mone

51、y (不在乎钱) . She got the tickets for nothing. I could make nothing of (不了解) what he said. She is nothing but (只是) a child. The dress is nothing like (完全不同) the one they advertised. He thinks nothing of (认为不算什么) a twenty-mile walk. This has nothing to do with you (与你无关) . I advise you to have nothing t

52、o do with (不要与那人有来往) that man. 7. disturb vt. 打搅;扰乱;弄乱 妨碍,打扰 使焦虑;使心烦;使烦恼知识探究:The host was quite annoyed when he found out that his things on the bookshelves had been disturbed. 发现书架上的东西被弄乱了,主人很是生气。Im sorry to disturb you with this question. 对不起,打扰你了,我有个问题想请教。I have heard some bad news which has dist

53、urbed me very much. 我听到了一些坏消息,使我很不安。归纳整理:题练落实:1. The secretary finally decided_ the president, though unwillingly. A. to interrupting B. to disturb C. to stopping D. to surprise2. However, at times this balance in nature is _, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.A. troubled B. distu

54、rbedC. interrupted D. puzzled3. The naughty boy threw a stone into the lake, _ the peaceful surface.A. destroying B. damagingC. interrupting D. disturbing 8. result v. 结果,产生;导致;发生 n. 结果;成果;效果知识探究:They worked without result. 他们徒劳无功。The result of the match was 2:1 to Chicago. 比赛结果是芝加哥队以二比一获胜。His failu

55、re resulted largely from his laziness. 他的失败主要是懒惰所致。The accident resulted in ten deaths. 这次事故造成十人死亡。归纳整理:题练落实:1. A survey was carried out on the death rate of newborn babies in that region, _ were surprising. A. as results B. which resultsC. overD. the results of which2. A complete investigation into the cause of the accident should lead to improved standards and should _ new operating procedures. A. result in B. match withC. subject to D. proce


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