



1、完形填空教学设计真题回放Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors.When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese1at my face, but Ipushed them 2. My mom believed I would learn3I was ready. But the4never came.On a Chinese New Year s Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese,b

2、ut all I could do was5at him, confused, scratching my head.“ Still can t speak Chinese? 6 ”me,He “ You can t even buy a fish in Chinatown. ”“ Hey, this is America, not Chinese. I ll get7 somewith orwithout Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for8 .“ Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,”

3、 she said, handing over a $ 20 bill.I9the words running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.I found the fish10surrounded in a sea of customers.“ I d like to buy somefresh fish,” I shouted to the fishman.But he11my English words and turned toserve the next customer. The laugh of the people behin

4、d increased12theirimpatience. With every13 , the breath of the dragons ( 龙)on my back grewstrongermy blood boiling 14me to cry out . “ XianSheng Yu, please. ”“ VeryXian Sheng, ”I repeated. The crowd erupted into laughter. My face turned15and I ran back home16 , except for the $20 bill I held tightly

5、 in my pocket.Should Ilaugh or cry? They reChinese. I mChinese. I should feelright at17 . Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace丢(脸 )to the language.Sometimes, I laugh at my fish18 , but, in the end, the joke is on19 .Every laugh is a culture 20; every laugh is my heritage 传(统 )fading away.1.A. custo

6、mB. gamesC. charactersD. language2.A. aheadB. aroundC. alongD. aside3.A. whenB. beforeC. unlessD. until4.A. successB. studyC. timeD. attempt5.A. aimB. jokeC. nodD. stare6.A. cared aboutB. laughed atC. argued withD. asked after7.A. right nowB. from nowC. at timesD. in time8.A. decisionB. PermissionC.

7、 informationD. preparation9.A. repeatedB. reviewedC. spelledD. kept10.A. farmB. standC. pondD. marked11.A. guessedB. forgetC. doubtedD. ignored12.A. byB. asC. withD. from13.A. secondB. effortC. desireD. movement14.A. forcingB. allowingC. persuadingD. leading15.A. brightB. blankC. paleD. red16. A. op

8、en-mouthedB. tongue-tiedC. empty-handedD.Broken-hearted17. A. serviceB. homeC. riskD. root18. A. tradeB. deedC. challengeD. incident19. A. itB. usC. meD. them20. A. thrownB. lostC. dividedD. reflected完形填空设空特点1. 通常从一篇 250-300 词左右的文章中设空 20 个,首句不挖空;不考纯粹的语法题。2.考点层次四类: 单词层次,词组层次,句子层次与语篇层次, 突出语篇的理解,突出文化。3

9、. 干扰项:设计严密,四个选项的词性相同或属于同等或对等范畴,干扰项填入后在语法上并不存在错误,对考生有很大的迷惑作用。为什么我们在这一题型上总是失分较多 ?1.没有严格遵循答题步骤 :多数同学考试时担心时间紧,在没有弄清短文的中心和文章的情节线索的情况下匆忙答题 .事实上我们用在这一题上的时间可以达到15-18 分钟 .切记 :一定要用2-3 分钟时间进行缺词阅读 ,弄清文章大意和基本脉络后再着手逐个填空 .2. 不注意积累答题技巧 :a. 忽略文章中上下文之间的照应关系 ;b. 遇到长句不注意分析句子结构 ,在语义模糊时抱碰运气的心理随意作出选择 .完形填空的解题步骤完形填空的解题步骤把握

10、整体具体分析跳过空格,通读全文,把握大意结合选项,综合考虑,初定答案瞻前顾后,先易后难,个个击破再读全文,反复检查完形填空的解题技巧1.上下文语境法Sample 11.Travelling west, you set your clock (1) ; traveling east ,you set it ahead.A. behindB. forwardC. backD. ahead2. Many old people don t have good (2) .They can t watch TV , but they can listen to the music.A. hearingB.

11、 healthC. eyesightD. time3. Many Africans are very (3) and so they can t afford to eat much meat with their cereal.A healthyB. poorC. richD .weak2.常识背景法Sample 21.In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . IBreen s fruit shop.A .operatorB . AssistantC .waiterD. secretaryworked as a(n)(

12、1)at Mr.2There, 1345 feetabove the street ,a (2)figure was walking on air.A. greatB. strangeC. publicD. tiny3It was an earlymorning in summer . Inthe street , sleepy-eyed people were movingquickly, heading towards their (3).A .homesB. houses C. restaurants D. offices3.习惯搭配法Sample 3(江苏试卷)The chance p

13、assed and I didn t(1) it. I sat the exam the next day and I won. I didn t(2) to cheat , but I was still cheating anyhow.1.A. takeB. haveC. loseD. find2.A. rememberB. learnC. meanD. pretend4.词义辨析法Sample 41. Soon I heard a (1)like that ofa door burst in , and thena clime of feet.A. soundB. cryC. voice

14、D. noise2. It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old man who lived (2).3. The back door and the windows were all closed and there was no (3) of forced entry.4. There is nothing really new about (4) in exams.A. lyingB. cheatingC. guessingD. discussing5.语法分析法Sample5 (浙江试卷)It was raining. I went

15、 into a cafe and asked for a coffee.(1)I was waiting for my drink,I realized there were other people in the place, .1. A. BefB. SinceC. AlthoughD. While6逻辑分析法Sample 6 (浙江试卷)I saw their bodies, but I couldn t feel their souls2324.23. A. becauseB. whenC. untilD. unless24. A. homeB. worldC. NetD. Caf étheir souls belongedto the7排除保留法Sample 7 (浙江试卷)He was chatting online and,(1) , he was playing a computer game a war


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