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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas背景:英语课程要创造一种适合所有学生的教育,而不是面向适合英语教育的学生,它 所谋求的不仅是学生综合运用英语的能力,还要使学生通过英语学习在情感、素养和学 习能力等方面得到发展。因此,英语课教学应以学生为主体,以训练为主线,以能力的 培养为宗旨。学生是学习活动的主人,教师是学习活动的组织者和引导者。教师要努力 创设多种多样的方式和机会让学生通过自主、合作、探究等学习方式进行学习,注重教 与学的互动和生生互动。教学内容:Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 复习课学生分析:通过 Go for it 七上的学习, 大部

2、分学生对why/what/where 引导的特殊疑问句已具备较强的听说能力,而本单元围绕“animals”的教学活动贴近学生生活,学生有强烈的兴趣和好奇心,使他们产生了解的欲望,有利于引导他们自主学习。本单元的教学内容我是用了三节课完成,又用了第四节来复习。七班的学生大部分性格偏内向,不喜欢表达和展现自己,但大部分同学有一定的英语基础,通过教师的恰当引导,能完成教学任务。教材分析:本单元的 topic 是 animals, 要求学生掌握一些新的动物名词,学会用表示性质和品质的形容词来描述动物,并能用“ Why do you like? Because;”来陈述喜欢的原因。通过讨论动物,让学生了

3、解大自然,增长地域知识,增进对自然环境的情感;通过讨论自身的喜好及原因,提高学生的认知和思维能力。教材在第一、第二单元的基础上对已有的语言项目进行拓展,符合学生的认知规律,循序渐进。教学重难点:根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合本课的教学目标与学习目标,确定本节课的重点是在交际活动的过程中运用句型Why do you like? Whereare they from? What do they like? 难点为重点句型的实际运用及why/what/where 引导的问句的表达方式。教学准备:教师制作ppt ; 课前布置学生想一想自己喜欢的动物,并简单陈述理由。教学过程:Step

4、 1. Warming upPlay a song namedDoremi.T: Did you hear a kind of animal in the song?S: Deer.T: Yes, you are great. Do you like animals? Do you like to play with animals? Do you like to look after animals? Our zoo needs a zoo keeper! Can you be a good zoo keeper? You should first pass four stages.设计说明

5、:用学生熟悉的歌曲 Doremi 引出动物。整节课设计成闯关游戏,成为我们动物园最棒的动物管理员 , 最大限度的激起学生的兴趣。Step2. GuessingT: A good zoo keeper must be familiar with all kinds animals . First, we want to know if you can name these animals. Ill show you many pictures of animals, but it s not a whole picture, only a part of the animal. Try to g

6、uess what animal it is.T: Show the pictures of the animals to the Ss , let them guess. The eight kinds of animals are all listed.设计说明:Stage 1 Can you name these animals?®一关设计的是根据动物的某个部位猜 测是哪一种动物,复习单元中的八种动物并要求学生spell it out.学生们的积极性空前高涨,对于猜图游戏,有时他们比较熟悉的动物,即使班级中基础不是很好的学生也饶有 兴趣,既可以训练学生的观察力和记忆力,同时又不

7、知不觉操练了新单词,鼓励他们开 口说英语。Step2 Looking and matchingT: You did a very good job in Stage 1, maybe Stage 2 is a bit difficult. Are you ready? Letsgo! In Stage 2, you should tell me where these animals come from .Where d o they come from?设计说明:Stage 2 Do you know these animals come from?第二关设计的是 你知道这些 动物来自于那里

8、吗?让学生操练两个句型, Where are they from? Where do they comefrom?唤起学生对以前学的国家、大洲的名词的记忆。当学生完成一关的任务后,教师 会让播放一段掌声,良好的评价更能激励学生们向前进!Step 3 Asking and answeringT: In this stage, we want to know if you can feed the animals well. I think a good zoo keeper must give the right food to the animals, so look carefeully a

9、nd make your decision.cute s m allf r i e n d l yscary bigbeaut if u l shyf r i e n d l y str,ugly scarycleverfun frien d l ybeaut if u l -t- alllovelyAsk the Ss work in pairs to make a dialogue about their favorit animals.A: What's your favorite animal?B: . are my favorite animalsA: Why do you

10、like them?B: Because they are very/kind of .A: What other animals do you like? B: I like .A: Why?B: Because I think they're .设计说明:Stage 3 Do you know what they like?要成为一名好的动物管理员,必须知道 给动物们投喂正确的食物。配对游戏培养学生的观察思维能力,学生眼、耳、脑并用,激发学习潜能。What do they like eating?设计成chain practice,把话语权还给学生,学生 是活动的主体。学生操练wh

11、at do they like ? What is your favorite animal? Why do youlike them? What other aniamls do you like?”在这一活动中,待学生能熟练使用动物名词 和形容词后,加入句型的练习,使枯燥的对话操练变得有血有肉,丰富多彩。Step 4 An activity 'Help the visitors!”T: Its time to show youselves! If you were a really zoo keeper in the zoo, you should help the visitor

12、s. Make a conversation with one student as a model.zoo,:Excuse me, are thereany tigers in the:Ye s, there are.,:I want to see the tigers. Where are they?:They are in the middle of the zoo.They are on the left ofThey are next toThey are across from They are near 设计说明:这个环节联系上单元的 asking and showing the

13、 way,根据一张动物园的地图, 创设情境,让学生把知识融会贯通,用所学知识解决实际问题,培养他们在现实生活中 使用英语的能力。Step 5 HomeworkLet the students discuss a good route to visit the zoo according to the picture the teacher showed in class.教学反思:本节课用闯关游戏来贯穿,To be a good zoo keeper!四关游戏都紧扣本单元和前几个单元的知识内容,精心设计的活动,积极创设能让学生主动交流的语言环境, 把课本材料还原成活生生的交际语言,既紧扣了教材,又抛开了教材,然后再回到教材。学生们在本节课上的表现也可圈可点,因为活动量比


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