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1、friendship 教案 【篇一: unit1 friendship 全单元教案】unit 1 friendshipparticipants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙school: tai zhou no.1 senior middle school1.teaching aims and demands2. suggested teaching notes1). analyses of the teaching contents this unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teachingmaterials c

2、enteron it. warming up-the questionnaire leads students to think andtalk about friendship, get to know the problems betweenfriends and seek solutions, which makes preparations for thefurther teaching in topics, background and vocabulary. pre-reading-the questions prompt students to think criticallya

3、bout friends and friendship in reality, alerting them to the factthat besides people, a diary can be a friend, too. reading- the diary by thejewish girl anne gave a glimpse ofher life during her family s shelter in amsterdam from thegerman nazis killing in world war 2. she treats the diary as herbes

4、tfriend, and in it reveals her longing for a normal life andclose contact with nature, which helps her get through thedays. comprehending-it helps students further understand the textby doingmultiple choices, questions and answers, andmatching. learning about language-it teaches the importantexpress

5、ions and structures and grammar: direct and indirectspeeches. using language-the two letters, listening, questionnairedesign, letter writing and fun writing prepares students tofurther talk about friendship, especially the problems withmisunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thusstrengthening students

6、 abilities to practice language, discover, and solve problems. summing up-it summarizes the whole contents of this unitfrom the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. learning tip- this part encourages students to form the habitof writing a diary. integrating skills- the text introduces the way

7、hawaiiansexpressfriendship, to get students to realize theculturaldifferences in the values of friendship in additionitsimportance in all cultures.2) making of the teaching plan this unit centers on friends and friendship, exploring differenttypes of friendship with particular attention to that one

8、candevelop with oneself, i.e., the comfort and support one seeksfrom an imaginary friend. students are expected to come to be truly aware of thequalities and conducts that make a good friend, display anddevelop the ability to cope with misunderstanding, conflictsand problems related to friendship, a

9、nd give advice on it. the concept that even anordinarything can be a friend should break down the traditional beliefin the interpersonal nature of friendship. also, the comparisonof similarities dissimilarities in friendship comprehensionbetween the east and the west leads students to know betterthe

10、 val ues of friendship in westerns eyes. all in all, this unitpromises to unveil the true essence of friendship and helpsstudents to lead a more friendly and harmonious life. thus, based on the theme, contents and teaching objectives,the whole3. teaching plans for each period period 1 warming-up and

11、 speaking1. teaching objectives: 1) target language i (don t) think i (don t) think so. i (don t) agree.ibelieve that s correct. in my opinion, 2) ability goalsa. describe your friends in english b. figure out the problems between friends and then finddifferentways to solve the problems. 3) learning

12、 ability goals a. to encourage students to think and talk about friends and friendship by using some phrases and structures. b. to learn to solve problems that may occur between friends. c. to cultivate the students to form the good habit of learningenglish insenior middle school.2. teaching importa

13、nt points: a. b. use the given adjectives and sentence structures to describeone of your friends. learn to evaluate friends and friendship. 3. teaching difficult points: a. work together with partners and describe one of your goodfriends. discuss with partners and find out ways to solve the problems

14、.b.4. teaching methodsa. task-based teaching and learningb. cooperative learningc. discussion5. teaching aids: cai6. teaching procedures and ways: step 1 lead-in and warming-up before the lesson, the teacher can arouse the students interests by showing a video of auld lang syne . at the beginning of

15、 the first class, we can get the students totalk about their summer holidays. the students can talk freelyas they like.1. how did you spend your summer holidays? how did youfeel? what did you do in your summer holidays? what didyou do in your spare time?2. what do you think of our new school? do you

16、 like it? couldyou say something about it?3. do you like making friends? how do you get in touch withyour friends? do you have many friends? where are theynow? do you have any old friends in our school? have youmade any new friends in our class?step 2 think it over 1. give a brief description of one

17、 of your friends. the followingphrases and structures may be helpful:his/her name is he /she is years old.he /she likes and dislikes he /she enjoys and hates he /she is very kind/friendly/ when /where we got to know each other. 2. what types of friendship do you have? please tick them out.then fill

18、in the blanks.girl friends boy friends pen friends long -distance friends friends of the same agee-friends (friends over the internet)friends acrossgenerationsunusual friends like animals, book s 1)._ is /are most important to you.2). you spend most of your free time with _.3). you will share your s

19、ecrets with _.4). when in trouble, you will first turn to _. step 3 make a survey 1. list some qualities of a good friend or your ideal friend. havethe students get into groups of four to find out what each haslisted. tell your partner your standards of good friends by using thefollowing structure:

20、i think a good friend should (no t) be in my opinion, a good friend is someone who 1. have a member of each group report on what their lists havein common and list them on the board. 2. ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualitieslisted. 3. then have the students do the survey in t

21、he textbook. 4. have the students score their survey according to thescoring sheet on page 8. 5. the teacher ask some students how many points they gotfor the survey and assess their values of friendship: 47 points: you are not a good friend. you either neglectyour friend s needs or just do what he/

22、she wants you to should think more about what a good friend needs to do. 812 points: you are a good friend but you sometimes letyour friendship become too important, or you fail to showenough concern for your friend s needs and feelings. try tostrike a balance between your friend s needs and

23、your ownresponsibilities. 13+ points: you are an excellent friend who recognizes thatto be a good friend you need balance your needs and yourfriend s. well done. (you may also show your students theresults above and let themselves self-reflect upon their ownvalues of friendship)【篇二:教案 必修一 unit1 frie

24、ndship 】普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修 1 教案课程: unit 1 friendship reading姓名:刘欢报名号: 6553378unit 1 friendshipthe second period annes best friend i. teaching aims 1) discuss the topic about friendship and let the studentsknow the meaning of friendship, how to make friends and how to get along well withfriends. 2) tr

25、ain the students reading ability 3) learn and master the following words and expressions:netherlands, entirely, thundering, dusty; go through, set down, a series of, at dusk,face to faceii. teaching important and difficult points1) have a better understanding of these passages by reading.2) how to g

26、et the main idea and detailed information.3) guide the students to organize and speak out the topic.iii. teaching methods 1) discussion before reading to make the students interestedin what they will learn in class. 2) fast reading to get the general idea of the text. 3) careful reading to answer so

27、me detailed questions. 4) individual, pair or group work to make every student workin class.iv. teaching aidsa projector and some slidesv. teaching procedures step i: greetingsgreet the whole class as usual. step ii: pre-reading (5 minutes) t: now, look at the screen anddiscuss the questions on it w

28、ith your partner. you regiven five minutes to have a discussion. after t hat, i ll asksome of you to report the results of your discussion. ok? ss: ok.(teacher shows the screen.) 1) why do you need friends? make a list of reasons whyfriends are important to you. 2) what do you think a good friend sh

29、ould be like? list what agood friend should do and share the list with your partners. 3) does a friend always have to be a person? what else can bea friend? 4) do you think a diary can become your friend? why or whynot?t: (five minutes later.) have you finished? ss: yes. t: ok. who d like to answer

30、the first question? s1: i d like to. we need friends to share worries and secrets inmy inner world and to cope with stressful situations in life. t: very good. do you agree with her/him?ss: yes. t: ok. let s go on. the second question, who can try? s2: i ll try. a good friend should tell the truth a

31、nd be willing tohelp others, tolerant and selfless. t: you re right. sit down, please. how about the third question? s3: a friend may not be a person. it may be an animal or abook. t: quite right. do you think a diary can become your friend?that s the topic we re going to discuss today. step iii: fa

32、st reading (10 minutes) t: today we re going to reada text about the diary as anne s friend. before we read it, let deal with the new words in the period. (teacher and thestudents read the new words, and the teacher may giveexplanations if necessary.) t: ok. open your books and turn to page 21. let

33、s look atreading. read the passage quickly and get the general idea ofeach paragraph. now, i ll give you five minutes togo through the passage and summarise the main idea. is thatclear?ss: yes.t: good. please begin. (five minutes later, the teacher asks some students tosummarise the general idea of

34、each paragraph.) suggested answers:step iv: intensive reading(10 minutes) well, read the passagecarefully and try to get as much information as you can. after awhile, we ll do an exercise on the screen. (teacher gives thestudents a few minutes to read it carefully. after finishing it, thestudents ne

35、ed to choose the best answer to each question.) (1)anne made friends with her diary because_ . a. she didn t like her other friendsb. she was a shy girl c. she trusted nobodyd. s he didn t have a chance to communicate with her friends(2)from the diary we can infer that_ .a. anne was a girl who loves

36、 nature b. anne was good at writing diaries c. anne was longing for a normal life and she especiallymissed going outsideand enjoying natured. anne had good observation in her daily life(3)why did anne and her family have to hide?a. because they were not germans.b. because they were asked to do so. c

37、. because they did something bad.d. because they were jewish. (4)what is the author s attitude towards anne in this passage? a. angry.b. happy.c. sorry.d. disappointed. (5)what is anne s tone from her diary? a. sad.b. hopeful.c. disappointedd. angry. (6)what made anne crazy about nature?a. her inter

38、est in nature.b. she had no friends.c. she couldn t get outdoors for a long time.d. she could do nothing but watch nature.suggested answers:(1)d (2)c (3)d (4)c (5)a (6)c step v: language study (10minutes) t: now you re familiar iwththe passage. but you should also pay attention to some usefulphrases

39、 and difficult sentences. let s look at their usages.(show the following on the screen.) 1) she said, “i don t want to set down a series of facts in adiary as most people do, but i want this diary itself to be myfriend, and i shall call my friend kitty. ” set down e.g. the police asked him to set do

40、wn what he had seen in areport.a series of e.g. he was tired but still had a series of meetings to go to. 2) i wander if it s because i haven t been able to be outdoorsfor so long that i ve grown so crazy about everything to dowith nature. 在 it is 之后的表示原因的从句中,只能用 because 来引导,不能用 since 或 as.e.g. why

41、was he punished by his teacher? e.g. it was because he behaved so badly.3) but as the moon gave far too much light, i didn t dare open a window.far 经常与 too 或形容词的比较级连用,意为 “过于; ? 得多 ”。 e.g. it was far more expensive than i expected.dare 具有情态动词和一般动词两种用法,通常与一般动词一样构成否定句和疑问句,后接带 to 的不定式,最常用于否定句中。e.g. i di

42、dn t dare to go.e.g. he wont dare to break his promise. step vi: consolidation by retelling(8 minutes) t: now, you havea better understanding of the passage. go over the passageagain and try to retell the story including the informationrequired in the picture. and i give you a few minutes to discuss

43、 in groups of four. after a while, i llchoose one student from each group to retell the passage.understand?ss: yes.t: ok. begin, please.(teacher goes among the students and joins them in theirdiscussion.)【篇三: unit 2 friendship 教案】unit 2 friendship objectives:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) grasp the main idea

44、(never delay expressing your truefeelings to a friend) and the structure of the text (developing astory around a letter); appreciate that spoken english is muchmore informal than written english; master the key languagepoints integrate four basic skills related to the theme of theunit understand the

45、 cultural background related to the content;express themselves more freely on the theme of friendship;write a personal letter in an appropriate way.step 1: lead-in1 a friend in need is a friend indeed. 2 友谊地久天长 3 sitcom friendswhen: when the cabbie was reading the letter where: in the cabwho: the ca

46、bbie, the author and edwhat: the friendship how: by conversation as it is an example of native speakers talking about daily life,in this text: simple, colloquial k?l?kwi?l, short, andincomplete of informationthe structure “taste/look/feel/sound/smell + as if ”在 as if 或 as though 引导的方式状语从句中,如其含义与事实相反

47、,其动词用虚拟形式。 as if 引导的表语从句若表示有明显迹象,的确要发生某事时,可用陈述语气subjunctive mood 虚拟语气 “should/could/would/might havedone sth. ”表示对应该做而没有做的事情的惋惜step 3: language study and practice 1 be (get) lost in/lose oneself in: be absorbed in; be fullyoccupied withable to be used, had or reached3 apologetically showing or sayin

48、g that one is sorry for somefault or wrong language ?l?gw?d?n.语言,表达能力;言语linguist ?l?gw?st n.语言学家linguistic l?gw?st?k adj.语言的;语言学的unilingual ?ju:n?l?gw?l adj. 只用一种语言的,统一使用一种语言的apology ?p?l?d? n. 道歉;歉意apologize ?p?l?d?a?z vi. 道歉,谢罪apologetic ?p?l?d?et?k a. adj. 道歉的;表示歉意的,谢罪的bi bicycle ba?s?klbiology b

49、a?l?d? n. 生物(学)combine k?m?ba?n vt. 使联合;使结合combination ?k?mb?ne?n n.结合;联合体ology- 后缀:学说: ecology n. 生态学 均衡系统,physiology n. 生理学 psychology n.心理学 trilogy tr?l?d? n. (小说、戏剧、音乐等的)三部曲 词根 bio (=life )biology bai?l?d?i n. 生物学biologic?bai?l?d?ik adj. 生物的,生物学的4 or something /anything or something of the same

50、kind5 go aheadcontinue, move on (go ahead with )6 know/learn by heart memorize, remember exactly, recite7 on the road traveling 8 estimate try to judge the size, value, cost etc of something,partly by calculating and partly by guessing 9 might/may(just) as well used to suggest doing somethingthat yo

51、u do not really want to do, because you have no betterideas.10 not much of anot a very good 11 keep upcontinue without stopping 12 correspondence letters exchanged between people, theprocess of sending and receiving letters, a relationship orconnection between two or more facts or ideas bound蹦跶;被束缚的

52、;界限bounce ba?ns v. 弹起,蹦,上下晃动spond- 词根:跳respond r?sp?nd v. 回答,响应,作出反应response ri?sp?nsn. 回答,响应,反应responsible r?sp?ns?bla. (for ,to) 应负责的;可靠的;责任重大的irresponsible?r?sp?ns?bl adj. 不负责任的;不可靠的,缺乏责任心responsibility r?sp?ns?b?l?t? n. 责任,责任心;职责,任务irresponsibility ?r?sp?ns?b?l?t? n. 不负责任;不承担责任correspond| ?k?r?s

53、p?nd v. 通信,(with) 符合,一致 (to) 相当于,对应correspondence ?k?r?sp?nd?ns n. 通信;信件 (with) 符合;(to) 相当于,对应的 13 i take it (that)assume; suppose14 practically almost 15 all the wayall the time , all through something 16 neighborhood one of the parts of a town where people live 17 kind of/sort of kinda a little bi

54、t, slightly or in some way ordegree 18 lose / be out of touch with sb./sth meet and connect withsb less and less often, gradually stop writing or visiting them get in touch with / keep in touch with /stay in touch with tospeak or write to someone when you can n longer see them asoften as used to 19

55、a couple of a small number of things, two tings or peopleof the same kind 20 tough unfortunate, difficult, strong 21 be on one s mind you keep thi nking and worrying about it have a lot on one s mind, have a lot of problems to worryabout22 mean to do sth mean to do intend to do 打算要做某事 /meandoing 意味着

56、 forget to do/ forget doing remember. regret, stop to do/stop doing23come up happen, occursth come upsth appears and starts to affect you 24 urge urge that/urge sb to do sth, strongly adsvise sb to dosthurgent ?d?nt a. 紧急的,紧迫的 urgency ?:d?ns? n. 紧迫;急迫;急事;紧要25 postpone delay, to change an action, event etc to a latertime or order pound-pone, put 胖,重,放置component n. 组成部分,成分,元件 a. 组成的,合成的 pass postpone p?sp?n v. 推迟,延期 26 refer to talk of, mention of/be involved with/check relativeinformation reference with/in reference to= as for withoutreference to= regardlessreference bookfer- 词根:带来 bear 生


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