1、Handler Looper与MessageQueue源码分析在Android中可以通过Handler来更新主线程中UI的变化,更新UI只能在主线程中进行更新,而为了让其他线程也能控制UI的变化,Android提供了一种机制Handler、Looper与MessageQueue一同协作来达到其他线程更新UI的目的。作者:idisfkj来源:segmentfault|2016-10-21 13:03 收藏 分享 在Android中可以通过Handler来更新主线程中UI的变化,更新UI只能在主线程中进行更新,而为了让其他线程也能控制UI的变化,Android提供
2、了一种机制Handler、Looper与MessageQueue一同协作来达到其他线程更新UI的目的。一般我们会在主线程中通过如下方法定义一个Handler1. private Handler mHandler = new Handler() 2. Override 3. public void hand
3、leMessage(Message msg) 4. tv.setText("mHandler change UI"); 5. super.handleMessage(msg); 6.
4、 7. 一般都见不到Looper与MessageQueue的,那么它们都是在哪里调用与如何协作的呢?在主线程不会显式的调用Looper而是会在ActivityThread.main方法中默认调用。1. public static void main(String args) 2. Tra
5、ce.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "ActivityThreadMain"); 3. SamplingProfilerIntegration.start(); 4. 5. / CloseGuard defaults to true&
6、#160;and can be quite spammy. We 6. / disable it here, but selectively enable it later (via 7. / StrictMode)
7、;on debug builds, but using DropBox, not logs. 8. CloseGuard.setEnabled(false); 9. 10. Environment.initForCurrentUser(); 11. 12. &
8、#160; / Set the reporter for event logging in libcore 13. EventLogger.setReporter(new EventLoggingReporter(); 14. 15.
9、160; / Make sure TrustedCertificateStore looks in the right place for CA certificates 16. final File configDir = Environment.getUserConfigDirectory(UserHan
10、dle.myUserId(); 17. TrustedCertificateStore.setDefaultUserDirectory(configDir); 18. 19. Process.setArgV0("<pre-initialized>"); 20. 21.
11、160; Looper.prepareMainLooper();/创建Looper 22. 23. ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread(); 24. thread.attach(false);
12、25. 26. if (sMainThreadHandler = null) 27. sMainThreadHandler = thread.getHandler(); 28.
13、160; 29. 30. if (false) 31. Looper.myLooper().setMessageLogging(new 32.
14、0; LogPrinter(Log.DEBUG, "ActivityThread"); 33. 34. 35. / End of event ActivityThreadMain.
15、60;36. Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER); 37. Looper.loop();/开启Looper循环 38. 39. throw new RuntimeExcept
16、ion("Main thread loop unexpectedly exited"); 40. 如上代码,调用了Looper.prepareMainLooper()方法,在主线程中创建了一个Looper,不信的话我们再查看该方法做了什么Looperprepare1. public static void prepare() 2.
17、 prepare(true); 3. 4. 5. private static void prepare(boolean quitAllowed) 6. if (sThreadLocal.get() != null) 7. &
18、#160; throw new RuntimeException("Only one Looper may be created per thread"); 8. 9.
19、 sThreadLocal.set(new Looper(quitAllowed);/创建Looper并赋给sThreadLocal 10. 11. 12. /* 13. * Initialize the current thread as a looper, marking
20、 it as an 14. * application's main looper. The main looper for your application 15. * is created by the Android environment, so
21、0;you should never need 16. * to call this function yourself. See also: link #prepare() 17. */ 18. public static void pr
22、epareMainLooper() 19. prepare(false); 20. synchronized (Looper.class) 21. if (sMainLooper
23、!= null) 22. throw new IllegalStateException("The main Looper has already been prepared."); 23. &
24、#160; 24. sMainLooper = myLooper(); 25. 26. 27. 28.
25、 public static Nullable Looper myLooper() 29. return sThreadLocal.get(); 30. 在prepareMainLooper方法中调用了prepare而通过prepare会发现它其实就是创建了一个Looper,并把它赋给了sThreadLocal。同
26、时可以通过myLooper方法获取当前线程中的Looper。再来看下new Looper(quitAllowed)初始化了什么1. private Looper(boolean quitAllowed) 2. mQueue = new MessageQueue(quitAllowed); 3. mThread =&
27、#160;Thread.currentThread(); 4. 在这里我们终于看到了MessageQueue了,它创建了一个MessageQueue。该消息队列就是用来保存后续的Message。再回到ActivityThread.main方法中,发现它调用了Looper.loop()是用来开启Looper循环的,监听消息队列MessageQueue中的消息。loop我们来看下Looper.loop()的源码:1. public static void loop()
28、0;2. final Looper me = myLooper();/获取Looper 3. if (me = null) 4. throw new
29、160;RuntimeException("No Looper; Looper.prepare() wasn't called on this thread."); 5. 6. final MessageQueue queue = me.mQueu
30、e;/获取消息队列 7. 8. / Make sure the identity of this thread is that of the local process, 9. / and keep tr
31、ack of what that identity token actually is. 10. Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); 11. final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
32、12. 13. for (;) 14. Message msg = queue.next(); / might block 15.
33、60; if (msg = null) 16. / No message indicates that the message queue is&
34、#160;quitting. 17. return; 18. 19. 20.
35、; / This must be in a local variable, in case a UI event sets the logger 21. final Printer logging = me.mLogging; 22.
36、 if (logging != null) 23. logging.println(">>>>> Dispatching to "
37、160;+ msg.target + " " + 24. msg.callback + ": " + msg.what); 25.
38、0; 26. 27. final long traceTag = me.mTraceTag; 28. if&
39、#160;(traceTag != 0) 29. Trace.traceBegin(traceTag, msg.target.getTraceName(msg); 30. 31.
40、; try 32. msg.target.dispatchMessage(msg);/通过Handler分发消息 33.
41、160; finally 34. if (traceTag != 0) 35.
42、160;Trace.traceEnd(traceTag); 36. 37. 38. 39.
43、60; if (logging != null) 40. logging.println("<<<<< Finished to " + msg.target + " " +&
44、#160;msg.callback); 41. 42. 43. / Make sure that during the course of dispatching the
45、60;44. / identity of the thread wasn't corrupted. 45. final long newIdent = Binder.clearCallingId
46、entity(); 46. if (ident != newIdent) 47. Log.wtf(TAG, "Thread identity changed
47、60;from 0x" 48. + Long.toHexString(ident) + " to 0x" 49.
48、160; + Long.toHexString(newIdent) + " while dispatching to " 50.
49、 + msg.target.getClass().getName() + " " 51. + msg.callback
50、0;+ " what=" + msg.what); 52. 53. 54. msg.recycleUnchecked(); 55.
51、160; 56. 在loop中首先获取了当前所在线程的Looper,同时也获取到了Looper中的MessageQueue,说明Looper已经与当前的线程进行了绑定。在后面开启了一个for的死循环,发现它做的事件是不断的从消息队列中取出消息,最后都交给msg.target调用它的dispatchMessage方法,那么target又是什么呢?我们进入MessageMessage1. /*package*/ int flags; 2. 3.
52、60; /*package*/ long when; 4. 5. /*package*/ Bundle data; 6. 7. /*package*/ Handler target; 8. 9.
53、160; /*package*/ Runnable callback; 10. 11. / sometimes we store linked lists of these things 12. /*package*/ Message next;
54、发现它就是我们熟悉的Handler,说明最后调用的就是Handler中的dispatchMessage方法,对消息的分发处理。这样一来Handler就通过Looper联系上了Looper所绑定的线程,即为主线程。Handler1. public Handler(Callback callback, boolean async) 2. if (FIND_POTENTIAL_LEAKS) 3.
55、160; final Class<? extends Handler> klass = getClass(); 4. if (klass.isAnonymousClass() | klass.isMemberClass()
56、160;| klass.isLocalClass() && 5. (klass.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) = 0) 6.
57、0; Log.w(TAG, "The following Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: " + 7.
58、 klass.getCanonicalName(); 8. 9. 10. 11. mLooper = L
59、ooper.myLooper(); 12. if (mLooper = null) 13. throw new RuntimeException( 14.
60、160; "Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()"); 15. 16. mQueue
61、0;= mLooper.mQueue; 17. mCallback = callback; 18. mAsynchronous = async; 19. 通过Handler的初始化,它获取了它所处线程的Looper,同时也获取了Looper中的消息队列。当
62、然如果所处线程的Looper为空的话就会抛出异常,这就解释了为什么在非主线程中创建Handler要分别调用Looper.prepare与Looper.loop而主线程则不需要,因为它默认已经调用了。dispatchMessage1. public void dispatchMessage(Message msg) 2. if (msg.callback != null) 3.
63、0; handleCallback(msg); 4. else 5. if (mCallback != null) 6.
64、 if (mCallback.handleMessage(msg) 7. return; 8.
65、0; 9. 10. handleMessage(msg); 11.
66、0; 12. 13. private static void handleCallback(Message message) 14. message.callback.run(); 15. 回到前面,对于dispatchMessage的处理,
69、用的都是sendMessageAtTime方法。所以还是来看下sendMessageAtTime方法中的实现。1. public boolean sendMessageAtTime(Message msg, long uptimeMillis) 2. MessageQueue queue = mQueue; 3. if (queue = null) 4. &
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