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1、 Reminder 有梦想,才有希望;有信心,才有力量。 1. Is a tourism product the same as an ordinary product? No. The ordinary product can be seen, but the tourism product can not be seen. Its actually a tour route, and its called “旅游线路” in Chinese. Major Differences 1. An ordinary product is made in a factory, but a touri

2、sm product is organized by a travel agency. 2. An ordinary product is usually made up of itself, but a tourism product is at least a combination of the services of the scenery spot, food and lodging, transportation, sightseeing, and travel agency. 3. The relation between an ordinary product and the

3、tourists is ownership, but the relation between a tourism product and the tourists is experience.1. Is a tourism product the same as an ordinary product?2. What is the difference between the quality of a tourism product and the quality of an ordinary product? 1. The quality of an ordinary product re

4、lies greatly on itself, but that of a tourism product relies greatly on its provider. 2. The quality of an ordinary product is related to itself, but the quality of a tourism product related to the quality of the services of the travel agency, the hotel or restaurant, the scenery spot, the transport

5、ation, the sightseeing, the environment on the tour, . Unit 4 Quality Criteria in TourismTasks: 1. Answer questions student have 2. Help students understand Reading A 3. Give assignmentTime: 2 x 45 min. periodsProcesses: 1. Begin with warmingup question 2. Tell the difference of ordinary product fro

6、m tourism product 3. Help with answers & text Quality Standards in Tourism Services Objective Improve the overall quality of products andservices within the tourism industry (alltourism-related accommodation, restaurants, tour guides, tour operators, and other tourism-related service providers);

7、 raise the levels of demand nationally, regionally & internationally; promote competiveness within the industry; and, provide valuable and reliable informationon quality standards for the tourist and the travel industry.Objective Improve the overall quality of products and 整体质量services within th

8、e tourism industry (alltourism-related accommodation, restaurants, 餐饮 酒店住宿tour guides, tour operators, and other tourism- 旅游服务操作者旅行社 related service providers); raise the levels of demand nationally, regionally & 要求档次(游客对旅游服务需求的档次)internationally; promote competiveness within the 行业内(不同旅游服务企业) i

9、ndustry; and, provide valuable and reliable 的竞争 information on quality standards for the tourist and the travel industry. 主要区别1. 普通产品通常是由工厂制造的,而旅游产品则可能就是工厂本身。 2.普通产品通常是该产品自身,而旅游产品则是一个至少包含景点、食宿、交通等环节的综合体。3.一件普通产品与游客的关系通常是拥有者和被拥有者的关系,而旅游产品与游客的关系则是欣赏者与被欣赏者的关系。4.普通产品的品质通常基本是依赖该产品本身,而旅游产品的品质的优劣则主要是由提供该产品

10、的单位所决定的。 Points Noticed 1. UNWTO is guided: 其指导思想是 2. by v+ingas: 把 理解为 3. imply: including 4. 合同约定的 5. 消费者(游客)对所需要的、有要求的、寄予希望的,由合同约定的产品与服务的满意 6. 与社会和合同双方认可的质量测定项目,例如 ,一致 7. 透明 8. harmony of with: 使 与 和谐 9. 对上述各个项目的分析,都可以找出可以从旅游质量标准的角度予以衡量的具体行为10. understood 解读11. 离开而单独存在11. 和(旅游活动的)社会、环境以及经济效益12.仅凭

11、一次单独旅游旅游活动评价旅游质量的优劣是不够的。13. 评价旅游质量需要持续不断地工作,不应该因为一次优质服务而终止。 14. 无缝隙的、无过错的 15. 能够确定的、没有强迫销售的、不会给(服务)单位或旅游目的地造成直接或间接损失的 16. 游客的满意 游客(对于旅游质量的理解)满意有其主观因素。 17. 质量导向的市场要迎合各类游客,设法根据游客的类型和对质量的不同区别对待。 18. 合法照顾游客的权利和资格(有采购才能有资格讲享受服务) 。19. 对上述各个项目的分析,都可以找出可以从旅游质量标准的角度予以衡量的具体行为20. pay 顾客不能期望获得团费之外的利益;就是享受团费范围内的

12、权利也不能不考虑社会和环境所能够承受的水平。21. 旅游策划者和旅游服务商的作用就在旅游质量、游客支出和外界制约因素之间寻求到平衡点。 entrepreneur n.企业家;承包商;主办者企业家;承包商;主办者 ntrprn(r) ; ntrprnr 23.概念 理念22. basic and vital = 主要?24. which= basic and vital needs25. 在规划旅游项目、设立旅游景点、强化旅游感受的时候 26. 尽管,游客的基本需求仍然会影响决定质量的因素。27. 旅游产品要求的概念强调的是28. 服务需求把质量与常常是无形又难以衡量、难以评估、难以量化的人性、

13、个性和人事圈连在了一起。29. 不同于的具体事项30. some31. 所谈定的团费中包含的服务项目和类型等32.对潜在游客而言,期望离不开积极沟通和正面解读旅游产品的特性,33. 否面惊讶= 责备?34. get35. Reasonable and fair 36. 有些服务即便花钱也难以得到37. 激励性旅游38. 商务中介(如旅行社)29. 除利益者双方之外的第三方30. 不计任何成本、不惜任何代价31. 为博得称赞也不能太慷慨大方32. 只要质量有保障、产品有品位,游客就不应该谋求不公平的低价33. 认可的(基本的)的质量测定意味着旅游业应该有正常的、不可单方改变的质量标准,34. 独

14、立区分旅游产品、选择服务商、决定服务设施、衡量服务水平35. establish:act as36. 低于此基本标准,旅游质量,或整体质量,就不可能得以保障。换句话说,一旦上述旅游质量标准体系中的任何一项质量测定标准达不到,都会明显降低游客的旅游满意度。How to understand the quality of tourism product 1. The quality of tourism product should not be evaluated separately, but multisidedly. 2. The quality of tourism product should not be evaluated by a single time, but by more products in a period of time. 3. The quality of tourism product should not neglect tour service, as it influences greatly. 4. The quality of tourism product may be subject to its social, environmental and economic


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