1、introduction to management information systems syllabus信息管理系统课程教学大纲课程代码:11111205教学对象:旅游管理本科、工商管理、专业this course is suitable for the first-year undergraduate students in management tourism, business administration and management, and human resource management学时学分:共64学时,讲授:54,练习:10,4学分。homepage: credit
2、: 4prerequisites: dsc190 or equivalentinstructor: dr. wencai du, prof.i. 课程描述与课程目标 course description and objectivescourse descriptionthis course addresses issues that arise in dealing with management information as a business resource. as an introduction to the field of management information syste
3、ms (mis) for tourism enterprises, topics covered deal with computer and the internet technologies, information development, and impact of information systems on tourism business organization at a variety of levels, from information systems to organization information system and architectures. the co
4、urse provides students understanding of information needs of management, studying of information systems applications information and management in a business environment. a study of how information technology is used as a solution for organizational and management challenges. emphasis on emerging i
5、ndustry trends such as e-commerce and e-business. the course covers both technical and managerial aspects of mis. major attention is given to the implications of information systems and for achieving competitive advantage.course objectivesthe purpose of this course is to assist students understand t
6、he fundamental concepts of real-world information systems for industry and to demonstrate the potential advantages of state-of-the-art information technology applications in various enterprises or organizations. the student will demonstrate an understanding of the five major textbook areas:l foundat
7、ion concepts including trends, components, and roles of information systems, competitive advantage concepts and applications and other behavioral, managerial, and technical concepts.l information technologies major concepts, developments, and managerial issues involved in computer hardware, software
8、, telecommunications networks, data resource management technologies and other technologies used in e-business systems.l business applications how the internet, intranets, extranets, other information technologies, and organizational subsystems, such as operations, finance, marketing, and human reso
9、urces. are used in e-business enterprises to support e-business, e-commerce, and business decision-making,l development processes developing and implementing e-business strategies and systems using several strategic planning and application development approaches.l management challenges the challeng
10、es of e-business technologies and strategies, including security and ethical challenges and global it management.ii. 课程教学资料corse materrils required textbook: introduction to information systems; 11/e james a. o'briensupplementary materials: learning materials, wencai du, 2003reference books:1. t
11、urban e, leidner d, mclean e, wetherbe j; information technology for management: transforming organizations in the digital economy; john wiley and sons, 5th edition, 2006.2. laudon kc & laudon jp; management information systems: managing the digital firm; prentice hall international; 8th edition
12、; 2004.3. obrien ja; management information systems: managing information technology in the internetworked enterprise; irwin mcgraw hill; 6th edition; 2004.software: microsoft excel and microsoft access iii. 课程讲授方式course formatthe course is a combination of lecture, discussion, and case study. readi
13、ng assignments are suggested to be done prior to the class so that you can comment on contents and ask questions during class meetings. iv. 期中考试 mid-term exam mid-term exam is given during the semester and cover specific chapters (see the schedule for the date). the exams will be a combination of mu
14、ltiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions. v. 期未考试 final exam the final exam (given according to the university schedule for final exam week) is cumulative. approximately 70% of the exam will come from after mid-term exam with the remaining 30% from previous chapters.
15、the final exam will follow the same format as mid-term exam. vi. 学生责任student responsilityindividual students must operate with integrity in their dealings with faculty and other students; engage the learning materials with appropriate attention and dedication; maintain their engagement when challeng
16、ed by difficult learning activities; contribute to the learning of others; and perform to standards set by the faculty.students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment, which is conducive to learning. in order to assure that all students have an opportunity to gain from time sp
17、ent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from using cellular phones or beepers, eating or drinking in class, making offensive remarks, reading newspapers, sleeping or any other form of distraction. inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result in, min
18、imally, a request to leave class.vii. 课后作业与案例研究 homework/case studies homework/case studies will be assigned from the textbook, handouts, and other related materials.several assignments will be given during the semester. these assignments will require use of spreadsheet packages and other software.
19、a group case presentation is also required in this class. students are encouraged to form a group of not exceeding 3 students by the end of the second week of classes. format of the case presentation will be discussed during first few weeks of classes.students are required to finish self assessment
20、tests that covers three kinds of form, that is choose the true or false, multiple choice and completion statement. it also includes chapters overview, glossary, and real world case studies.the students are encouraged to help each other as part of the learning experience. however this does not mean t
21、hat a student may simply copy/duplicate another students work. each must do his/her own work. duplicate work will not be accepted and will receive a failing grade. any academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be handled according to the guidelines and procedures established by hainan unive
22、rsity. the due date for each assignments will be noticed when the assignment is given to you. viii. 课堂参与class participation class participation is vital; that means your regular attendance is necessary. you are expected to attend all classes. after you miss the equivalent of 4 class periods, you wil
23、l be warned of impending de-enrollment. if you miss the equivalent of 7 class periods, you will be de-enrolled automatically. read the real world cases in the textbook and prepare for discussion in the class. ix. 其它 miscellaneous 1. late assignment will not be accepted without proper reasons and sup
24、porting documents. you should turn in your work at the beginning of the class on the due date. 2. cheating is morally wrong. do not copy other peoples work as yours. no photocopied assignments will be accepted. do your own work and you will learn the material well. you can work with someone else, bu
25、t each person must do his or her own work. two people might sit next to each other in the lab and work at the same pace so that they can help one another. however, each person should be doing the assignment on a separate machine. two people may not work together on one machine. x. 评分与评分标准grading and
26、 grading scalemethod of evaluation:the course grade will be determined as follows:class attendance 10%class discussions and presentations 10%group projects 10%individual assignments 10%midterm exam 30%final exam 30% grading scale:percentgrade90 - 100a80 - 89b70 - 79c60 - 69dbelow 60fxi. 课程安排计划tentat
27、ive schedulewkdatetopicreadingquizzesteam1introductionch 1 2competing with itch 2quiz3hardware and softwarech 3 -4quiz4data resource managementch 5quiz5telecommunications & networks ch 6quiz6midterm exam 7e- business systemch 7cross- functional e-business systems8functional e-business systemsch
28、7quiz9e-commercech 810e-commercech 811decision support systemsch 912decision support systemsch 9quiz13e-business solution developmentch 10is development14e-business solution developmentquizsecurity and ethicsch 11 15quizenterprise and global management of e- business technologych 12 16enterprise and
29、 global management of e- business technologych 12 17final examxii. 课程内容contentsch. 1 foundations of information systems in businesssec. 1 foundation concepts: information systems and technologieswhy information systems are important the real world of information systems what you need to know an is f
30、ramework for business professionals system concepts: a foundation components of an information system information system resources information system activities recognizing information systemssec. 2 foundation concepts: business applications, development, and managementfoundation concepts: business
31、applications, development, and management the fundamental roles of is applications in business trends in information systems the e-business enterprise types of information systems developing business/it solutions managerial challenges of information technology success and failure with it ethics and
32、it challenges of it careersch. 2 competing with information technologysec. 1 fundamentals of strategic advantagestrategic itreal world case: general electric company: evaluating e-business strategies using information technology for competitive advantagecompetitive strategy conceptsstrategic uses of
33、 information technologythe value chain and strategic isidentifying e-business and e-commerce strategiessec. 2 using information technology for strategic advantagestrategic uses of it building a customer-focused e-businessreengineering business processesimproving business qualitybecoming an agile com
34、panycreating a virtual companybuilding a knowledge-creating company ch. 3 computer hardwaresec. 1 computer systems: end user and enterprise computingpc systemstrends in computer systemsmicrocomputer systemsmidrange computer systemsmainframe computer systemstechnical note: the computer system concept
35、sec. 2 computer peripherals: input, output and storage technologiesintroduction to softwareconsolidationperipheralsinput technology trendspointing devicespen-based computingspeech recognition systemsoptical scanningother input technologiesoutput technologies and trendsvideo outputprinted outputstora
36、ge trends and trade-offsch. 4 computer softwaresec. 1 application software: end user applicationswhat is an application?word processing applicationsspreadsheet applicationspresentation applicationsdatabase applicationsgraphics softwareweb browsersweb pagesusing e-mailusing the internet to communicat
37、esec. 2 systems software: computer systems managementwhat is an operating system?the world of windowsthe worlds of macintoshother operating systemsutilitieshtml the language of the internethtml editorsnetwork software and network administrationprogramming languagesch. 5 data resource managementsec.
38、1 managing data resourcesdata warehousingdata miningdesigning databasessec. 2 technical foundations of database managementdatabase managementdatabase structuresobject technology and the webaccessing databasesdatabase developmentch. 6 telecommunications and networkssec. 1 telecommunications and netwo
39、rks for businessinternetworking the enterprisetrends in telecommunicationsthe business value of telecommunications networksthe internet revolutionbusiness use of the internetthe business value of the internetthe role of intranetsthe role of extranetssec. 2 technical telecommunications alternativeste
40、lecommunications alternativesa telecommunications network modeltypes of telecommunications networkstelecommunications mediawireless technologiestelecommunications processorstelecommunications softwarenetwork topologiesnetwork architectures and protocolsbandwidth alternativesswitching alternativesch.
41、 7 electronic business systemssec. 1 cross-functional e-business systemse-business applicationsweb-based manufacturing systemscross-functional enterprise systemsenterprise resource planningcustomer relationship managemententerprise application integrationsupply chain managementonline transaction pro
42、cessingenterprise collaborationsec. 2 functional e-business systemsfunctional business systemshuman resource systemsmarketing systemsmanufacturing systemshuman resource systemsaccounting systemsfinancial management systemsch. 8 electronic commerce systemssec. 1 electronic commerce fundamentalsintrod
43、uction to e-commerce store performancethe scope of e-commerceessential e-commerce processeselectronic payment processessec. 2 e-commerce applications and issuese-commerce application trendsmarketplacesbusiness-to-consumer e-commerceweb store requirementsbusiness-to-business e-commercee-commerce mark
44、etplacesclicks and bricks in e-commercech. 9 decision support systemssec. 1 decision support in e-businesse-business and decision supportmanagement information systemsonline analytical processingdecision support systemsusing decision support systemsexecutive information systemsenterprise portals and decision supportsec. 2 artificial intelligence technologies in businessan overview of artificial intelligenceneural networksfuzzy logic systemsgenetic algorithmsvirtual realityintelligent agentsexpert systemsdeveloping expert systemsthe value of expert systemsch. 10 developing e-business s
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