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1、毕业设计(论文)类 型:毕业设计说明书 毕业论文题 目:浅谈高职毕业生的自主创业self-employment of higher vocational college graduates学生姓名: 专 业:应用英语(商务)班 级:英语081学 号: 时 间:2011年4月self-employment ofhigher vocational college graduatesbycai tengfeiunder the supervision ofzhu xisubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the certifi

2、cate of graduationforeign language departmentnantong vocational collegeapril 2011acknowledgementsupon the point of finishing this paper, id like to express my sincere thanks to all those who have lent me hands in the course of my writing this paper.first of all, i would like to take this opportunity

3、 to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, dear professor zhu xi, who has helped me through all the stages of writing this thesis. she has given me so much useful advices on my writing, and has tried her best to improve my paper. this thesis could not have been finished without her guidance and

4、 encouragement. secondly, id like to express my gratitude to those teachers who have taught me during those years. without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper. at last, id like to thank my college, classmate and friends for their support.浅谈高职毕业生的自主创业摘 要 现代年轻人


6、西需要学习。本文从毕业生创业的现状、障碍以及方法来探讨创业前景。尽管此过程困难重重,但毕业生创业仍成为当今不少年青人的选择。他们想掌控自己的工作,自己的生活。为实现自己的梦想,努力奋斗。关键字:自主创业、高职毕业生、创业前景abstract the rapid economic growth and fast-paced life give rise lead young people to get-rich-quickly thinking. due to the increasing employment pressure, more and more graduates can not

7、land jobs. the traditional way of paying your dues, kissing up to the boss,and sacrificing years of youth in order to climb up the corporate ladder is no longer appealing to young people. instead, young people leave the traditional job in the office and venture out to work for themselves. they are g

8、oing to build their own business, including those who just graduate from college or university. they cherish their dreams, enjoy challenges, and like to do everything in their own way. nowadays, more and more graduates plunge into the pioneering work. however, many fail in their first startups. they

9、 encounter many problems and barriers they have never imagined, such as funds, team, place, market and so on. they are full of passion, but most of them lack perseverance. in addition, there are few colleges and universities in china set any courses related to self-employment. graduates have too man

10、y things to learn after graduation. this paper looks into the present situation of young graduates startups, examining the obstacles and challenges of setting up businesses, finally, explores the possible methods and measures for college graduates to get over difficulties and achieve great success.

11、even though there are many thorns ahead, quite a number of young graduates still perceive starting business to be a great opportunity to fly their dreams. they want to take control of their fate, their work, their life, and make their dreams come true.key words: self-employment, college graduates, p

12、rospect table of contents pageacknowledgements . i摘要 iiabstract. iiitable of contents. i. introduction.1ii.self-employment.22.1 self-employed business.22.2 self-employment in china.22.3 advantages of self-employment.32.4 disadvantages of self-employment.4iii.graduates self-employment in china.53.1 m

13、ore on-lookers, less doers .53.2 slim chance of success.5iv.analysis on the failure of graduates startups.64.1 lack of education on startups.64.2 lack of patience and inadequate experience.64.3 lack of entrepreneurship environment.7v.the basic steps of graduates self-employment.75.1 complete busines

14、s proposal.75.2 identifying the niche market.8 1. uniqueness.8 2. suit oneself.9 3. suit the environment.95.3 location.105.4 team building.11vi. the prospect of graduates self-employment.12vii. conclusion.13references.14i. introductiona higher vocational college graduate, zhang ting, wanted to have

15、her own business. even though she was competent to get a number of jobs, none of them was satisfying. so her parents helped her open a store. as zhang ting has a little knowledge about business, it is hard for her to manage her business. though she worked from dawn to night, her shop didnt get off.

16、seeing her business continuing losing money, she didnt know what was wrong and how to turn her business profitable. 1with the rapid development of society and economy, many people do not want to work under others. many other young people choose self-employment because of opportunity. they find that

17、self-employment gives them more freedom and flexibility, not to mention the potentially big financial reward they could get. they want to be their own boss, especially those who just graduate from college or university. they are ambitious to fulfill their dream. they think they are young and can do

18、whatever they want. 2more and more graduates plunge into the pioneering work whole-heartedly. one of the important reasons is that those graduates are facing increasing employment pressure. the government and society encourage young people to find jobs on their own or start their own businesses. gra

19、duates can learn more with wisdom and efforts by running their own business. this is also the best way to actualize their value, making money as expected. some students even start doing business when they are at college, like selling goods on the internet. establishing a business is a quick way to b

20、lend in society and create wealth. but for those higher vocational college graduates, establishing and managing a business is not equal to instant enthusiasm and impulsive decision. they must do a lot of preparation.many successful entrepreneurs said that college students are open to new things. the

21、y are quick learners. but they are still too immature to establish themselves in society. for lack of market experience, the chance of doing business well is quite slim. 3-4 therefore, before they do the positioning, they should do much research about market. they should be realistic and cautious ab

22、out their options of business they will get into.what is the right way for college graduates to make their business dream come true? what issues should they pay attention to? how can they build their own business? many questions puzzle young graduates who want to start up a business. ii. self-employ

23、ment2.1 self-employed businessself-employment is working for ones self. self-employed people can also be referred to as a person who works for himself/ herself instead of an employer, but drawing income from a trade or business that they operate personally.to be self-employed is not the same as bein

24、g a business owner. a business owner is not required to be hands-on with the day-to-day operations of his or her company, while a self-employed person has to utilize a very hands-on approach in other to survive. according the us bureau of labor statistics, only 44% of businesses survive the first 4

25、years in business.in some countries, governments are cracking down on disguised employment, often described as the pretense of a contractual intra-business relationship to hide what is otherwise a simple employer-employee relationship. self-employment becomes more and more peoples goal. people form

26、a group and start a business through team efforts. people who want to be self-employed must have enough experiences, knowledge, and the information of the market. 2.2 self-employment in chinaa president said the key to a strong economy is the creation of more small business. but statistics show that

27、 most startups are doomed to fail. however, experts agree that with planning and hard work a new company can beat the odds. there are so many small businesses in china and other countries. they provide about 80% of all new jobs. another reason they are valued is because they can eventually become ma

28、jor corporations employing thousands and investing in the community. most small businesses start off the same way, a person with a dream or something else. so what's the next step? there are private consultants, government agencies and educational institutions just waiting to hear from entrepren

29、eurs. 5after they deal with the problems of funds, place, relevant certificates, another question future business owners need to ask is whether their family can survive the ordeal. unless your spouse and children don't like you very much, the long hours are bound to take a toll on your marriage

30、and relationship with your kids. bakery owner li hong says her husband has helped her from the planning stages forward. but her two young daughters are still adjusting to the demands of life centering around selling cakes, cookies and desserts.chinese people are used to observe all rules. they tend

31、to be followers not trailblazers. if they want to begin their own business, they should be more enthusiastic.2.3 advantages of self-employment2.3.1. income source wont depend on one partyif someone works for a company, his boss could fire him and eliminate his income source. being self-employed mean

32、s that nobody can fire you.2.3.2. income wont drop to zero if something bad happenedif someone got fired from his work, his income practically dropped to zero. those who are self-employed wont experience that. self-employed people might lose clients, but its unlikely that they lose all of their clie

33、nts at once. if something bad happened, it wouldnt be drastic. instead of having the income dropped to zero, it would drop gradually and therefore give self-employed people time to work on something else.2.3.3. cut work-related expensessince self-employed people work on their own, they have more con

34、trol over the way they work. this often translates to saving on work-related expenses such as transportation costs.2.3.4. more control over timein most cases, self-employed people can arrange their own work time. this flexibility means that it will be easier for you to allocate time for other things

35、 in their life.2.3.5. reward is more proportional to the effortwhen people are in a corporate environment, providing twice as much value doesnt necessarily mean getting twice as much reward. but when people work on their own, that can happen more easily. they contact with the market directly so any

36、extra value they provide is more likely to be rewarded.2.3.6. the internet opens new opportunitiesthe internet allows people to deliver their value directly to those who need it without any middleman. in addition, the internet helps people aggregate potential demand. without the internet, it will be

37、 difficult to find even one client in their local area. but thanks to the internet, people now have access to a great number of potential clients. it means that their ability to make a living from that specific skill increases exponentially.2.4 disadvantages of self-employmentas has been already poi

38、nted out above, there are many benefits of self-employment, the downside of working for oneself cannot be downplayed. 1. self-employed people have to take greater risk. they will likely be competing with bigger, more established businesses. these big businesses have more resources and are better abl

39、e to offer a greater variety of services and better prices.2. self-employed people have to work longer hours, come along with many extra jobs and the effort of building a business. they have to sacrifice their family time to work.3. self-employed people should be responsible for any mistakes they ma

40、ke. some small mistakes will cost business owners a lot.self-employment is not all bad; if it were, far fewer people would even try to work for themselves. those with persistence, intelligence, marketable skills and an entrepreneurial spirit will find that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

41、self-employment is more likely to reward those who work hard and have innovative ideas. though hours are long for the self-employed, they are flexible enough to make possible attendance at special family events. perhaps the best advantage is that those who are self-employed get to make a living doin

42、g something they enjoy. iiigraduates self-employment in china3.1 more on-lookers, less doers there are many voices of starting business. the central, local governments, tax department and various colleges and universities encourage self-employment by introducing a lot of preferential policies to gra

43、duates who want to start their own business. the reports show there are more onlookers than participants.a university in south china has done a survey. they asked 1400 students to do questionnaires. and the result shows that 74.57% of students have the idea of being self-employed. less than 1% of st

44、udents really get into it. the data reveal that the majority of students have the dream of being self-employed, but they dont know how to fulfill it.3.2 slim chance of successestablishing a business is not an easy thing for graduates. it is known that graduates have knowledge and ideas, but how to p

45、ut them into practice remains a great challenge to them. enthusiasm without patience ends in nothing. young graduates may have dreams, devotion, hard work in their own business at the beginning, but when business gets into trouble, they may lose their ground, and get lost as to how to overcome it.if

46、 a person lost his patience and devotion in something, he may never finish it. many graduates or students have transient enthusiasm. once a problem comes up, their enthusiastic die away soon. people overlook the fact that running a business is a lot different than working in a business. they have a

47、lot more to consider and deal with. any steps can be the factors which make one give up his business.iv. analysis on the failure of graduates startups4.1 lack of education on startupsaccording to the survey, 90% of colleges and universities in china havent set any course related to startup. students

48、 are neither mentally not physically prepared for doing startups. most of them do it blind mindedly after graduation. their chance of success is undoubtedly slim. thus colleges should cultivate students independence and pioneering spirit. if graduates want to do pioneering work, they should set up t

49、he ideal of being entrepreneur at college. to achieve this ideal, they should work hard at it. colleges should open some training course on startups, preparing them with more social and business practice, offering them as many chances, so they can combine as possible to apply what they learn into pr

50、actice. having better understanding of society and some work experience, they can gradually build up the awareness of doing pioneering work.next, colleges should cultivate students strong mind to meet challenges and cope with pressure. ready mind is critical for a student to establish a business. to

51、 start a business is a creative work which calls for hard work, as well as perseverance. whats more, good interpersonal skills help to build social connection which is the key to success.finally, colleges should prepare students with comprehensive knowledge. students should know much about management, tax administration, investment or company law and so on. 64.2 lack of patience and inadequate experiencegraduates have little marketing and social experience. zhang ting, is a typical example. the college or university students spend their most of time stu


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