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1、会计学1PEP小学小学(xioxu)五年级上册五单元五年级上册五单元BLetstalk第一页,共33页。Clock, clock, There is a clock in my room.Plant, plant, There is a plant in my room.Bike, bike, There is a bike in my room.Photo, photo, There is a photo in my room.Lets chant.第1页/共32页第二页,共33页。第2页/共32页第三页,共33页。There is 第3页/共32页第四页,共33页。There are 3

2、pictures.第4页/共32页第五页,共33页。There are so many books.There are .第5页/共32页第六页,共33页。第6页/共32页第七页,共33页。There are lots of flowers.There are so many flowers.第7页/共32页第八页,共33页。.There are so many flowes here, too.第8页/共32页第九页,共33页。grandparents= grandpa + grandma第9页/共32页第十页,共33页。Zhang Pengs grandparents have a gar

3、den in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it.第10页/共32页第十一页,共33页。The ball is in front of the dog.第11页/共32页第十二页,共33页。Zhang Pengs grandparents have a garden in front of their house. There are_flowers in it.lots of第12页/共32页第十三页,共33页。第13页/共32页第十四页,共33页。Task 1: Listen and tick.Robin will c

4、ook today( )( )( )( )( )What are in Zhang Pengs living room? (任务1:看课文(kwn),听录音,在房间的物品里打 )第14页/共32页第十五页,共33页。Task2:Listen and repeat.Learning tips:(1)Listen carefully.(2)Pay attention to the pronunciation.(3)注意语音注意语音(yyn)语调。语调。第15页/共32页第十六页,共33页。This is the living room!Wow! There are so many pictures

5、 here.Yes. My father can draw very well.There are so many plants here, too.Theyre my grandmothers plants. My grandparents have a garden infront of their house.There are lots of flowers in it.Cool!Task2:Listen and repeat.第16页/共32页第十七页,共33页。This is the living room! Wow! _so many pictures here.Yes. My

6、father can draw very well._so many_ here, too.Theyre my grandmothers plants. My _have a garden _their house.There are _flowers in it.Cool!Task3:Listen and fill in the blanks.There are plantsThere aregrandparentslots ofin front of第17页/共32页第十八页,共33页。Task4:Lets talk in your group.第18页/共32页第十九页,共33页。Tas

7、k5:根据自己的实际情况:根据自己的实际情况(qngkung)选择以下分值的题。选择以下分值的题。1.Read the dialogue.合作朗读(lngd)。2、Role play the dialogue.表演对话。3、Make a new dialogue and role play.创新新对话并合作表演。第19页/共32页第二十页,共33页。第20页/共32页第二十一页,共33页。第21页/共32页第二十二页,共33页。第22页/共32页第二十三页,共33页。第23页/共32页第二十四页,共33页。第24页/共32页第二十五页,共33页。第25页/共32页第二十六页,共33页。第26页

8、/共32页第二十七页,共33页。Dream room In my dream room,There is There are第27页/共32页第二十八页,共33页。第28页/共32页第二十九页,共33页。East,west,home is best!金窝,银窝,不如金窝,银窝,不如(br)自己的狗窝。自己的狗窝。Home is where the heart is. 心在哪里,家就在哪里。心在哪里,家就在哪里。Every bird likes its own nest (best). 鸟皆爱其巢。鸟皆爱其巢。人皆爱其家。人皆爱其家。第29页/共32页第三十页,共33页。 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.听录音听录音(l yn)跟跟读读5遍。遍。2.Recite the dialogue.背诵课文。背诵课文。Score: I can get _ stars3.Design your dream room and share it with your friend


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