



1、unit 7 will people have robots section b 2a-2e学习目标1.熟练掌握以下词汇: scientist, already, made, factory, simple, human, shape, snake, possible, seem, impossible, housework, hundreds of , be able to,over and over again,fall down,look for,for example,look like,wake up ,bored,such2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1) he thinks that

2、it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.(2) they think that robots will even be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years.(3) some will look like humans, and others might look like animals(4) we never know what will happen in the future!重 难 点重点:1) 能运用所学的知识及提示来阅读相关个人未来生活预测,并

3、能完成相关任务。2)能运用所学的知识与句型表达方式来描绘一下自己未来的生活。难点:1.能够运用所给信息,如标题、图片等预测文章大意。2. 能够运用本课的核心句型,想象和预测未来社会发展。教 法教师导学学 法学生自主学习教学准备多媒体教学过程(主要环节)集体备课个性展示复习1. have a dictation of the new words and expressions. 2. review the main phrases learned yesterday.情景引入talking about the robots:(1) what can a robot do now? (2) wha

4、t will the robots do in the future?完成教材1. finish 2a. 2.group work: 根据文章标题和插图猜测文章大体内容,完成2b.para 1 will robots think like humans in the future?para 2 what will robots be like in the future?para 3 what can robots do today?para 4 what are robots like in movies?while reading 任务1. fast reading 速读短文,回答下列问题

5、。(阅读策略:以极快的速度阅读文章,寻找字面上阐述的信息。)(1)are there any robots now? _ (2)will there be more robots in the future?_任务2. careful reading (阅读策略:仔细阅读短文,有目的性、针对性地在文中查找问题答案。) 根据文章内容,判断各句正误。( )(1) the robots help people do the most pleasant jobs.( (2) scientists try to make robots look different from people.( (3) r

6、obots will never get bored to do simple jobs over and over again.( (4) humans will have more work to do it the future.( (5) space rockets seemed possible a hundred years ago.after reading任务1. 完成课本2c和2d的内容。任务2. 介绍自己在课前设计的机器人的用途,完成2e任务3. group work:小组讨论全班同学设计的机器人图片,猜测它们的功能。讨论时借助如下对话形式: a:what do you t

7、hink the robot can do? b: i think it can小结训练根据汉语提示完成句子。1. no one knows what will happen _the _(在将来).2. these things were invented _ _(数百)years ago.3. when i work for a long time, ill _ _(感到厌倦).4. i still dont have a computer of _ _(我自己的).5. when she was 20, her dream to be a singer _ _(实现、问题探究作业设计完成

8、练习册第三课时板 书 设 计教 后 反 思1. phraseshundreds of years、 look like talk to people over and over again get bored .fall down 1ook for .wake up in the near future2.sentences (1) he thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.(3) they think that robots will even be able to talk to people in 25


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