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1、能源科学概论The Course(本课程)Orientation Lecture(专题讲座) 教学改革 (Reform on Pedagogy)为什么要进行改革? Why?守株待兔 宋人有耕者, 田中有株,兔走触株,折颈而死, 因拾其耒而守株,兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑。 今日欲先王之政,治当今之民,皆守株待兔也!) 教学!教学!其本质就是“教”与“学”“教”的理念:Comprehension(广泛的知识)Openness(开放的意识)Clearness(清楚的概念)“学”的理念: R3 = Reading(广泛地阅读)Research(认真地探索)Requesting(积极地提问)讲授的方法:

2、 提供学习的思路, 提供探讨的氛围, 提供丰富的知识。 Besides:Bilingual Lecture 每堂课 = 讲授时间 + 探讨时间 + 讨论时间考核方法:平常成绩 + 考试 考试方式:开卷考试 所以,要求每次课前,希望找作好预习工作。作好讨论的准备工作,希望营造一种自由活泼的学术氛围与环境。 There is no royal road in science. Only those who do not dread their fatigue climbing on its steep paths have a chance of getting its luminous summ

3、it. Karl Max 路漫漫兮其修远矣,吾将上下而求索! 屈原1 能源总论1-1 能量的概念 1-1-1 能量性质、单位和种类 1-1-2能量的转换和利用 1-1-3能源的评价1-2 能源与经济 1-2-1能源与发展的关系 1-2-2能源与环境的关系1-3 能源的现状和未来 1-3 -1 资源问题 1-3-2 能源的开发及挑战 1-3 -3 能源的发展前景2 常规能源 化石燃料能源的来源: 化石燃料能是一种特殊的生物能,它是生物能在特殊的地质条件下经过千万年的演变而成。 Following is the explanation in English. Heat generation is

4、necessary in material processing process, in which fuel combustion is particular important because it is widely used in commercial material production. A combustion furnace, in which fuels are burned to generate heat that is used to heat up products, is generally used in commercial industry. Fossil

5、fuels, a source of heat for the combustion furnaces, should be capable of producing large quantities of heat when reacting with oxygen contained by air with approximately 21 volume percent. Besides, Fossil fuels should also be used economically and produce less environmental pollution . Fossil fuels

6、 are generally classified into three catagories: solid fuels, liquid fuels and gaseous fuels according to their properties.2-1 固态燃料(Solid Fuels)· 2-1-1煤(Coal) Among solid fuel, coal is a typical kind of fuel that play an important role in material industry. Coal originated from the arrested dec

7、ay of the remains of trees, bushes, ferns, mosses, vines, and other forms of plant life, which flourished in huge swamps and bogs many millions of years ago during prolonged periods of humid, tropical climate and abundant rainfall. The precursor of coal was peat, which was formed by bacterial and ch

8、emical action on the plant debris. Subsequent action of heat, pressure, and other physical phenomena metamorphosed the peat to the various ranks of coal, as we know them today. Because of the various degrees of the metamorphic changes during this process, coal is not a uniform substance; no two coal

9、s are ever the same in every respect. 2-1-2 其它固态燃料 Following solid fuels are also typical although some of them are not belong to fossil fuel. COKE Coke is the solid, cellular, infusible material remaining after the carbonization of coal, pitch, petroleum residues, and certain other carbonaceous mat

10、erials. The varieties of coke, other than those from coal, generally are identified by prefixing a word to indicate the source, e.g. petroleum coke. To indicate the process by which a coke is manufactured, a prefix also is often used, e.g. beehive coke. · Wood The fuel values of different woods

11、 (except resinous woods) are nearly proportional to their weights on a dry basis. The resinous woods possess higher heating values than the non-resinous ones. · Charcoal Charcoal is the residue remaining after the destructive distillation of wood. It absorbs moisture readily, often containing a

12、s much as 10 to 15 per cent water. In addition it usually contains about 2 to 3 per cent ash and 0.5 to 1.0 per cent hydrogen. · Char Char is the non-agglomerated, non-fusible residue from the thermal treatment of solid, carbonaceous material. Coal chars are obtained as a residue or a co-produc

13、t from low- temperature carbonization processes, and from processes now being developed to convert coal to liquid and gaseous fuels and to chemicals. ·Tanbark Tanbark is the residue remaining after the bark has been used in tanning operations. It usually contains from 60 to 70 per cent water. I

14、n the use of tanbark as a fuel, a very large combustion space is required.· Bagasse Bagasse is the solid residue remaining, after sugar cane has been crushed by pressure rolls. It usually contains from 40 to 50 per cent water. · Other Solid Wastes Large and increasing quantities of solid w

15、astes generated per capita are a significant feature of affluent societies. In the United States the rate exceeds 5 lb. per capita per day, nearly 200 million tons per year. On a moisture-free basis, the composition of miscellaneous refuse is surprisingly uniform; but size and moisture variations ca

16、use major difficulties in efficient, economical disposal.2-2 液态燃料( Liquid Fuel) 2-2-1石油(Liquid Petroleum Fuels) The principal liquid fuels are made by fractional distillation of petroleum, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon derivatives ranging in molecular weight from methane to heav

17、y bitumen. As many as half the molecules in crude may contain sulfur atoms; and some contain nitrogen, oxygen, vanadium, nickel, or arsenic, depending on the crude source. desulfurization, hydrogenation, cracking (to lower molecular weight), and other refining processes may be performed on selected

18、fractions before they are blended and marked as fuels. 2-2-2 其它液态燃料 (Other Liquid Fuel)· Coal-tar Coal-tar fuels are made from the higher-boiling fractions (over about 450ºF) of the crude tar produced by coke ovens and coal retorts at gas works. The available grades range from liquids of 3

19、0 sec viscosity at 100ºF to a pulverizable pitch. Chemically they are mixtures of hydrocarbons, phenols, and heterocyclic nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur compounds. They are much more aromatic than petroleum fuels and burn with a more luminous flame. Sulfur and ash contents are usually low. The as

20、h, unlike petroleum ash, is high in alkaline earth elements and usually free of vanadium. Newer techniques have been developed to hydrogenate coal into a crude, which can be refined into a spectrum of conventional products in a petroleum refinery. · Oil shale Oil shale contains little extractab

21、le oil, but yields an oil high in nitrogen and oxygen when retorted. This has been hydrogenated and refined into relatively conventional fuels in demonstration plants but not commercially as yet. “2-3 气态燃料(Gaseous Fuels) 2-3-1 天然气(NG) NG,LNG,etc. 2-3-2 其它气态燃料 (Gaseous Fuels) LPG Marsh Gases(Methane)

22、 Hydrogen2-4 常规电能 电能是一种二次能源,它使用方便,利用率高,也很环保,但是电能需要借助于其他的能源才能够产生。(1)电能的来源 化学能发电(e.g. 各类电池) 摩擦生电(e.g. 一些静电效应) 外界动力发电 直流电(DC) 交流电(AC) 直流发电机的工作原理(Dynamo)DynamoDC Motor 交流发电机的工作原理(AC Generator)AC Generator 交流电动机的工作原理 (AC Motor)AC MotorP = 2 直流电机的结构 直流电机包括: 直流发电机; 直流电动机。 交流发电机的结构 直流电动机的工作原理(DC Motor) 交流电动

23、机的结构及应用AC Motor 由以上可以看出,只要外界能够给予发电机转动的动力,发电机就能够发出电力。电力通过输电线输送到电动机以后,电动机就能够输出动力。 交流电机(包括发电机和电动机)和直流电机(包括发电机和电动机)特点的比较是: 直流电机的结构较为复杂,这是因为它需要有一个换向装置。但是它的调节却较为方便(调节电压即可)。 交流电机的结构较为简单,过去它的调节不太方便,但是现在变频技术(Frequency Converter)使其调节变得也较为方便。2-4-1 火电 火电是指火力发电,即用燃烧的方法,将燃料的化学能转换为电能。2-4-2 水电 水电是指水力发电,即用筑坝拦水坝的方法抬高

24、水位,从而将水流的动能转换为电能。水能的来源 空气对于水蒸汽的支撑能力随着温度的升高而降低(例如,露、雾、空调的冷凝水等),所以在高空、高海拔处会形成降雨、降雪、甚至冰雹。 大量的降水则是由季风 或 台风(飓风)所带来。水流Turbine水流 以上介绍的是常规能源! 以下将重点介绍几种新型能源! 新型能源包括:核能、太阳能、地热能、风能、生物能、海洋能、氢能等。 3 核能 3-1 核能的来源与分类聚变裂变核武器核发电核能 Where does the nuclear energy come from?核能是从那里来的? “Big Bang”与“核能”火车声Doppler 效应 频谱红移(Hub

25、ble定律)由远而近由近而远Big Bang It is known and proven by scientists that 15 billion years ago, a “big bang” took place, when various substances or elements were created then, in which there were key moments, 3 minutes, 100,000 year etc. Now, a question is arisen. Why some elements are large in quantity, whe

26、reas some elements is small amount, even less? The explanation is based on energy conservation and the lowest-energy principle.See the following figure. (On next page )各种元素的能级图能量: =质量;c光速,c 300000km/s 3-2 核能发电(裂变发电)Turbine冷却剂载热体核反应堆核发电站所用的冷却剂和载热体是一种物质,具体物质随反应堆的不同而有所差异。目前,世界上主要有四种核反应堆。 它们是:轻水反应堆 ;重水反

27、应堆;石墨气冷反应堆 ;快中子增殖反应堆。(1)轻水反应堆 : 以水(H2O,轻水)作为冷却剂、载热剂及慢化剂,用 U235为核燃料。(2)重水反应堆:以重水(H2O2)作为慢化剂和载热剂,用一种陶瓷形式的天然铀作为核燃料。 (3)石墨气冷反应堆 :以氦气为冷却剂和载热剂,以石墨为慢化剂的一种堆型。 用U238为核燃料 (4)快中子增殖反应堆:以液态金属为冷却剂和载热剂。快中子增殖反应堆(简称快堆)的堆芯分两个区域,中心部分装有PU 239 核燃料组件,周围是U238 组成的增殖区。核资源由于可控聚核反应的利用技术还未成熟,当前还不能将氘等元素纳入核资源(聚变),目前所能够利用的核资源只是铀(裂变)。在这一方面我国较为丰富。4 太阳能与地热能4-1 太阳能(1)太阳能的来源 太阳能是来自于太阳本身辐射出去的能量。太阳能非常巨大。Sunlarger starmuch larger starNeutron staror calledpulse starblack holeThe Milky WayJupiterSunEarthAtmospheric Layer4-2地热能(1)地热能的来源 地热能是来自于地球内部的能量,大规模释放的地热能是来自于地幔的能量,这个能量是十分巨大的,但是,目前人们还不能够有效地利用这一部分热


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