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1、pep小学英语四年级上册期末检测试卷听力部分(每小题读2遍,共20分)听录音,将听到的字母或单词标号填在括号内。(5分)()1 A2.AChines()3. A4.Amath()56.Ashe I7.Ap i c t u rok()9.10.Af r i er二听录音,sma I IbookA.dspB computernot ebookstudyB p eoppaintingB fat 分)按听到的顺序用数字标出图片的序号。三、听录音完成句子,将所听到的句子的标号填在括号内。(5分))1. Dad, I * m hun g r y. Wha t 's for

2、 d i n nerA. Somer i ce andB.Some fish andsoup vegetab Ie s C. A hot r e n t sB. doctorC driverDba sebaI I playd r() 2.A forkB. soupC spoonDchopst ic ks()3.A schoo IB. bed r oomC bath r oomD. kitche n()4.A breadB. dinnerC fishD,beef()5.A floorB st r ongC doorD.wa I I()bookB.Engl i shbook C ma

3、ths book D. candy-()redB.blackC. white()B. auntC fat he rD cou s i n()B. sheC. itD. he r() i rtyC. forty五.根据图画写出相应的英语单词。(10分)。四.找出不属于同一类的词,()1. A.)2.Thi s i s my homeWehavebed r ooms A.aB. twoct h r e e)3.- Can I have s> omeplease Sure, hereyouareA.juiceB. watts rcsoup)4.Myuncle i s

4、B. baseba I Ip Ia y e rC. si nge r()5.How many booksdoyouhave ?A 23B 32C 33笔试部分(80分)并将字母标号填写在括号内。(10 分)1 - Thi s i s rrryi s big.3.工'd 1 Iku some十woand some六、单项选择,请将正确选项字母填写在题前括号内。(20分)()1 GoA.bat h r oom()2 Howtyto theB. I i v i ngmany d o youWatch TV.roomhave T wbookA.A.Wha tA.meA.A.A.A. Engl

5、i shs booksB. Eng I i sh booksC.3. Myst r on g.sho r thair have4.5.B.B.theboy6.My)7.)8 10.B.C. arehasB. Whofat herWha tonC.Wherec I eanC. weB. undermybrot h e r i v i ng r oom.w i ndows B. T h a nk you.wou I d you likeC.C.onC. Metoo.C. i s)10. Hesc i ence.A. likesB. I i ke七.给问句找答语,把相应的标号写在题前括号内s myb

6、ookr-o-n-gn amehavesome orangepleaseyourfat her(20 分)A. Yes, s-B. 30.C RedD.Sure youe,5'yourdesk(),s 13plus1 7ei s myf at hw> r()colouri syourPsZhangPing.()manygirlsi nyour()you spe I Ithewordag.()likecompute rgamesthe table 阅读短文,E MeF.G H i sH. 21I Atoo.Yes,n ameschoo I bJ. It' s on判断句子正

7、误。(20 分)He I Io, friends. MyI have a happynamei s Rose I m astudentfam i IyLook, t h i s i s a pho to of my family! The o I d man is my g r a ndfathe r H e 's s e v e nty-th r e e He likes noodles He ' s a farmer My g r a ndmothe r i ssixty 一 eigh t She likes fish She 's a t each

8、e r Look at t h i s woman. She ' smot her She ' s th i r ty一fourShe ' s a nurse Shek e s vegetab Ie s veryAnd th i s manmy fat her He likes soup d r i verMary i smy s i ster She i sa q ui et girl Theye.1I ove them(1 )Ther e arefive peopI e in myf am i Iy()(2)Mygr andfather i s afarmer He I ikes nood I e s ()(3)Mymom I


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