已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、初三英语重点词组复习 (附练习题、检测题)重点词组(一)1. tirck someone into doing something 诱使某人做某事eg.You trick me into making the error.你诱使我做犯错误。2. banfrom 禁止出现在eg.The gverment has lifted the ban on importing from Japan. 政府已解除了从日本进口的禁令。3. instant noodles 方便面4. be harmful to 对有害eg.Dont you think smoking is harmful to health?

2、5. in ones view 依某人看;某人认为eg.In my view,you should apologize to him.依我看,你应该向他道歉。6. as usual 照例;像往常一样eg.This morning,I went to school by bike as usual.今天早上,我像平常那样骑车上学。7. come across (偶然)遇见;碰见eg.Yesterday I across a young boy who begged for money.昨天我碰到一个讨钱的小男孩。8. be about to do something 即将做某事;正要做某事eg.

3、When I was about to leave,the telephone rang.当我正准备离开的时候,电话铃响了。9. can afford something 买得起某物eg.I cant afford to buy a car.我买不起车。10. in case 以防;以防万一eg.Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.带上雨伞以防下雨。11. grow up 长大eg.What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想做什么?12. balance against 比较(两个相对的事物)eg

4、.Everyone must learn how to balance delicious food against our health. 每个人都要学会平衡美食和健康的关系。13. nail to把钉到eg.He nailed a painting to the wall.他把一幅画订在墙上。14. over the years 这些年来;这些年里eg.Over the years,most the people have chosen to travel by plane. 多年来,大部分人选择坐飞机去旅游。15. out of play (球)出界eg.The ball has out

5、 of play.He had to give the ball to the other team. 球出界了。他只好把球给另一队。练习题1. 你必须权衡优劣,然后做出决定。You must _ the good points _ the bad and then make your decision.2. 在这样一个时间,孩子们必须快速成长起来。In such a world,the children have to _ _ fast.3. 不用被诱惑去买你不需要的东西。Dont be _ _ _anything you dont need.4. 吸烟有害健康。Smoking _ _ to

6、 your health.5. 我在滨海找到了她,像往常一样她又在那儿发呆。I found her on the seashore,dreaming away _ _.6. 当你遇到重要的事情时,把它记下来。When you _ _ something important,write it down.7. 当我正准备离开的时候,电话铃响了。When I _ _ _- leave,the telephone rang.8. 我买不起车。I _ _ _ buy a car.9. 万一我病了,她将会怎么样呢?What would happen to her _ _ I was ill.10. 我们竭

7、尽全力去争取我们的计划被采纳。We fought tooth and _ _ get our plans accepted.11. 他多年来学到了许多东西。He has learned a lot _ _ _.12. 裁判判定球已出界,所以得分无效。The judge ruled that the ball was _ _ _ and so the point did not count.课前小测1. 父母经常强迫孩子努力学习。Parents often _ _ _ children to study hard.2. 每个人都有权利选择自己的工作。Everybody _ _ _ choose

8、his job.3. 姚明很受年轻人的欢迎。Yao Ming _ _ _ young people.4. 他意识到他犯了严重的错误。He _ _ _ the terrible mistake he made.5. 作为一个科学家,他把一生都奉献给了他的事业。As a scientist,he _ his life _ his career.6. 房间里到处都是烟。The room _ _ _ smoke.7. 他有可能在比赛中胜出。He _ _ _ win the game.8. 我非常喜欢它,也就是说,它是我的最爱。I like it very much,_ _,it is my favou

9、rite.9. 这个产品很快就上市了。The product will be _ _ soon.10. 他弯下身子去绑鞋带。He _ _ to tie his shoes.重点词组(二)1.all over of the world 全世界 eg.People all over the world love this sport very much.全世界的人都非常喜欢这个运动。2.even though 即使;虽然eg.Even though I need to sell my house,Ill keep my business. 即使要卖掉房子,我还是会继续我的事业。3.grow int

10、o 逐渐成长为;变成eg.He grow into a handsome man.他长成帅小伙。4.add to 给增加eg.Do you have naything to add to the list? 你还有什么想要添加到清单里面吗?5.believe in something 认为某事好(或正确)eg.I believe in getting plenty of exercise.我相信充分的运动必有益处。6.make a contribution to 对做到贡献;起到作用eg.Yuan Longping made a great contribution to modern agr

11、iculture. 袁隆平对现代农业坐车了伟大的贡献。7.dress in 穿着;穿的服装eg.She always dress in a beautiful dress.她总是穿着漂亮的裙子。8.have a connection with 与有关联eg.When I was about to leave,the telephone rang.当我正准备离开的时候,电话铃响了。9.in person 亲自;亲身eg.You should come here in persom tomorrow.明天你必须亲自来这。10.throw something at sb 朝某人投掷某物eg.He t

12、hrow a stone at the birds.他拿起石头向那些鸟扔去。11.step by step 一步一步地eg.We should enrich our knowledge step by step.我们应当逐步丰富自己的知识。12.keep on doing 继续做;不停地做eg.He keep on making the same mistake. 他不断犯同样的错误。13.get the chance to do sth 有机会做某事eg.My grandpa could not get the chance to go to school when he was young

13、. 我爷爷小时候没有机会上学。14.sign up for sth 报名(参加某课程)eg.If you like playing football,sign up for the club. 如果你喜欢踢足球,来报名加入这个俱乐部吧!15.make excuses 辩解;找借口eg.Students often make excuses if they cant hand in their excuses on time. 学生如果不能按时交作业,他们常常会找借口。练习题1.If you like playing football,_ _ for the club.如果你喜欢踢足球,来报名加

14、入这个俱乐部吧!1. Do you have naything to _ _ the list?你还有什么想要添加到清单里面吗?3.People _ _ _ _ love this sport very much. 全世界的人都非常喜欢这个运动。4.He _ _ a handsome man.他长成帅小伙。5._ _ I need to sell my house,Ill keep my business. 即使要卖掉房子,我还是会继续我的事业。6.We should enrich our knowledge _ _ _.我们应当逐步丰富自己的知识。7.You should come here

15、_ _ tomorrow.明天你必须亲自来这。8.I_ _ getting plenty of exercise.我相信充分的运动必有益处。9.Yuan Longping _ _ _ _ modern agriculture. 袁隆平对现代农业坐车了伟大的贡献。10. When I _ _ _ leave,the telephone rang. 当我正准备离开的时候,电话铃响了。11.She always _ _ a beautiful dress.她总是穿着漂亮的裙子。12.He _ a stone _ the birds.他拿起石头向那些鸟扔去。13.He _ _ making the s

16、ame mistake. 他不断犯同样的错误。14.My grandpa could not _ _ _ _ go to school when he was young. 我爷爷小时候没有机会上学。15.Students often _ _ if they cant hand in their excuses on time. 学生如果不能按时交作业,他们常常会找借口。课前小测1.他把一幅画订在墙上。He _ a painting _ the wall.2.今天早上,我像平常那样骑车上学。This morning,I went to school by bike _ _.3.你不觉得吸烟有害

17、健康吗?Dont you think smoking _ _ _ health?4.依我看,你应该向他道歉。_ _ _,you should apologize to him.5.政府已解除了从日本进口的禁令。 The gverment has lifted the _ on importing _ Japan.6.昨天我碰到一个讨钱的小男孩。 Yesterday I _ _ a young boy who begged for money.7. 当我正准备离开的时候,电话铃响了。 When I _ _ _ leave,the telephone rang.8球出界了。他只好把球给另一队。 T

18、he ball has _ _ _.He had to give the ball to the other team.9.带上雨伞以防下雨。Take an umbrella with you _ _ it rains.10.你长大后想做什么?What do you want to be when you _ _?11.每个人都要学会平衡美食和健康的关系。 Everyone must learn how to _ delicious food _ our health.12.你诱使我做犯错误。You _ _ into _ the error.13.我买不起车。I _ _ _ buy a car

19、.14.多年来,大部分人选择坐飞机去旅游。 _ _ _,most the people have chosen to travel by plane.重点词组(三)1. a few 一些(+可数) a few weeks a little 一些(+不可数)a little time2.a (large) number of 大量的(+可数)eg.A number of students were absent from the meeting.许多学生没有到会。3. a lot of =lots of 许多eg.I have a lot of friend.我有很多朋友。4.a pair of

20、 一对eg.I have a pair of new shoes. 我有一双新鞋子。5.agree to do sth 同意做某事eg.I have agreed to help you .我答应过要帮助你。6.agree with sb 同意某人的意见eg.I dont agree with you我不同意你的看法。.7.on the way 在路上eg.My English is still learning on the way.我的英语正在学习中。8.and so on 等等eg.I know many animals,such as dog,cat,rabbit,pig and so

21、 on. 我知道很多动物,比如说够,猫,兔子和猪等等。9.at first 首先eg.Nothing unusual happened at first.起初并无特殊事情发生。10.at home 在家 at school 在学校eg.Im at home all the day.我整天都待在家里。11.at last 最后eg.At last Mr. Ryan noticed.终于,赖安先生注意到了。12.at once 立即eg.Several things happened at once. 几件事同时发生。13.at the age of在岁时eg.Poling died last S

22、aturday at the age of 86.波林于5月12日去世,享年86岁。14. at the end 在最后eg.She was less tired at the end of the day.每天结束的时候,她觉得没有那么疲惫了。15.at the moment 在此时,现在eg.At the moment this looks unlikely.目前这看起来还不可能。练习题1. I dont _ _ _.我不同意你的看法。2. Im _ _ all the day.我整天都在家里。3.Nothing unusual happened _ _.起初并无特殊事情发生。4.I ha

23、ve _ _ _ new shoes. 我有一双新鞋子。5.Poling died last Saturday _ _ _ 86.波林于5月12日去世,享年86岁。6. I have _ _ help you .我答应过要帮助你。7.I have _ _ _ friend.我有很多朋友。8._ _ _ students were absent from the meeting.许多学生没有到会。9.I know many animals,such as dog,cat,rabbit,pig _ _ _. 我知道很多动物,比如说够,猫,兔子和猪等等。10. _ _ Mr. Ryan notice

24、d.终于,赖安先生注意到了。11. Several things happened _ _. 几件事同时发生。12. She was less tired _ _ _ of the day. 每天结束的时候,她觉得没有那么疲惫了。13._ _ _ this looks unlikely.目前这看起来还不可能。14. My English is still learning _ _ _.我的英语正在学习中。课前小测1.If you like playing football,_ _ for the club. 如果你喜欢踢足球,来报名加入这个俱乐部吧!2.Do you have anything

25、 to _ _ the list?你还有什么想要添加到清单里面吗?3.People _ _ _ _ love this sport very much. 全世界的人都非常喜欢这个运动。4.He _ _ a handsome man.他长成帅小伙。5._ _ I need to sell my house,Ill keep my business. 即使要卖掉房子,我还是会继续我的事业。6.We should enrich our knowledge _ _ _.我们应当逐步丰富自己的知识。7.You should come here_ _ tomorrow.明天你必须亲自来这。8.I_ _ g

26、etting plenty of exercise.我相信充分的运动必有益处。9.Yuan Longping _ _ _ _ modern agriculture. 袁隆平对现代农业坐车了伟大的贡献。11. When I _ _ _ leave,the telephone rang. 当我正准备离开的时候,电话铃响了。11.She always _ _ a beautiful dress.她总是穿着漂亮的裙子。12.He _ a stone _ the birds.他拿起石头向那些鸟扔去。13.He _ _ making the same mistake. 他不断犯同样的错误。14.My gr

27、andpa could not _ _ _ _ go to school when he was young. 我爷爷小时候没有机会上学。15.Students often _ _ if they cant hand in their excuses on time. 学生如果不能按时交作业,他们常常会找借口。重点词组(四)1. at the same time 同时eg.Xiao Ming does his homework, at the same time, he watches TV. 小明一边写作业,一边看电视。2.take a bath 洗澡eg.I usually take a

28、bath at 7 oclock.我通常7点钟洗澡。4. be able to 能够eg.He is able to do the work.他能做这份工作。4.be afraid of 害怕eg.He is afraid of seeing big dog. 我害怕看到高大的狗。5.be angry with 对生气eg.I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。6.be bad at 不善于eg.I am bad at swimming.我不擅长游泳。.7.be good at 善于eg.He is good

29、at running.他擅长跑步。8.be good for 对有好处eg.A daily dozen would be good for you.每天少量活动一下,对你身体有好处。9.be bad for 对有坏处eg.Smoking is bad for your health.起初并无特殊事情发生。10.be different from 与不同eg.May your destiny be different from her. 希望你的命运和她不同。11.be excited about 因而兴奋eg.You are excited about leaving for America.

30、 你对去美国一定很兴奋。12.be interested in 对感兴趣eg.She is interested in reading. 她对阅读很感兴趣。13.be late for 迟到eg.He was late for school this morning.他今天早上迟到了。15. Be/get ready for sth. 准备某事eg.These chickens will soon be ready for the pot. 这些鸡很快就可以准备下锅了。15.Be/get ready to do sth. 准备做某事eg.Be ready to follow your nose

31、 when you start a new job. 当你开始新工作时,准备好凭直觉行事。练习题1.Xiao Ming does his homework, _ _ _ _ he watches TV. 小明一边写作业,一边看电视。2. I usually _ _ _ at 7 oclock.我通常7点钟洗澡。3. He _ _ _ do the work.他能做这份工作。4.He _ _ _ seeing big dog. 我害怕看到高大的狗。5. I _ _ _ him for keeping me waiting. 我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。6. I _ _ _ swimming

32、.我不擅长游泳。.7. He _ _ _ running.他擅长跑步。8. A daily dozen would _ _ _ you. 每天少量活动一下,对你身体有好处。9. Smoking _ _ _ your health.起初并无特殊事情发生。10. May your destiny be _ _ her. 希望你的命运和她不同。11. You are _ _ leaving for America. 你对去美国一定很兴奋。12. She _ _ _ reading. 她对阅读很感兴趣。13. He was _ _ school this morning.他今天早上迟到了。14. Th

33、ese chickens will soon be _ _ the pot. 这些鸡很快就可以准备下锅了。15. Be _ _ follow your nose when you start a new job. 当你开始新工作时,准备好凭直觉行事。课前小测1. I dont _ _ _.我不同意你的看法。2. Im _ _ all the day.我整天都在家里。3.Nothing unusual happened _ _.起初并无特殊事情发生。4.I have _ _ _ new shoes. 我有一双新鞋子。5.Poling died last Saturday _ _ _ 86.波林于

34、5月12日去世,享年86岁。6. I have _ _ help you .我答应过要帮助你。7.I have _ _ _ friend.我有很多朋友。8._ _ _ students were absent from the meeting.许多学生没有到会。9.I know many animals,such as dog,cat,rabbit,pig _ _ _. 我知道很多动物,比如说够,猫,兔子和猪等等。10. _ _ Mr. Ryan noticed.终于,赖安先生注意到了。11. Several things happened _ _. 几件事同时发生。12. She was l

35、ess tired _ _ _ of the day. 每天结束的时候,她觉得没有那么疲惫了。13._ _ _ this looks unlikely.目前这看起来还不可能。14. My English is still learning _ _ _.我的英语正在学习中。重点词组(五)1.be worried about 担心1.Don't be worried about tomorrow's test,you will pass it. 不要担心明天的测试,你会通过的。2.both.and 两者都1.He is both our teacher and our friend

36、.他既是我们的老师也是我们的朋友。5. by mistake 错误地1.I took his schoolbag as mine by mistake. 我误将他的书包当作我的拿走了。4.by underground 乘地铁1.I usually go to work by underground. 我通常乘地铁上班。5.catch a cold 患感冒eg Yesterday he caught a cold. 昨天他患了感冒。6.catch a bus 赶车1.You'd better catch a bus .你最好赶上巴士。.7.catch up with 赶上1.After

37、being out school so long,she had to work hard in order to catch up with the others. 离开学校这么久了,她不得不努力学习而赶上其他人。8.change ones mind 改变主意1. Two days later he changed his mind.两天后他改变主意了。9.Childrens Day 儿童节1.Happy Children's Day!儿童节快乐!10.do morning exercises 做早操1.I do morning exercises at seven forty. 我

38、7:40做早操。练习题1.After being out school so long,she had to work hard in order to _ _ _ the others. 离开学校这么久了,她不得不努力学习而赶上其他人。2.I usually go to work _ _. 我通常乘地铁上班。3.1.Don't_ _ _ tomorrow's test,you will pass it. 不要担心明天的测试,你会通过的。4.He is _ our teacher _ our friend.他既是我们的老师也是我们的朋友。5.I took his schoolb

39、ag as mine _ _. 我误将他的书包当作我的拿走了。6.Yesterday he _ _ _. 昨天他患了感冒。7.Happy _ _!儿童节快乐!8.I _ _ _ at seven forty. 我7:40做早操。9. Two days later he _ _ _.两天后他改变主意了。10.You'd better _ _ _ .你最好赶上巴士。课前小测1.Xiao Ming does his homework, _ _ _ _ he watches TV. 小明一边写作业,一边看电视。2. I usually _ _ _ at 7 oclock.我通常7点钟洗澡。3.

40、 He _ _ _ do the work.他能做这份工作。4.He _ _ _ seeing big dog. 我害怕看到高大的狗。5. I _ _ _ him for keeping me waiting. 我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。6. I _ _ _ swimming.我不擅长游泳。.7. He _ _ _ running.他擅长跑步。8. A daily dozen would _ _ _ you.每天少量活动一下,对你身体有好处。9. Smoking _ _ _ your health.起初并无特殊事情发生。10. May your destiny be _ _ her.

41、希望你的命运和她不同。11. You are _ _ leaving for America. 你对去美国一定很兴奋。12. She _ _ _ reading. 她对阅读很感兴趣。13. He was _ _ school this morning.他今天早上迟到了。14. These chickens will soon be _ _ the pot. 这些鸡很快就可以准备下锅了。15. Be _ _ follow your nose when you start a new job. 当你开始新工作时,准备好凭直觉行事。重点词组(六)1.do ones homework 做功课He do

42、es his homework on Sundays.他每周日做功课。2.do ones best 尽力I will do my best to help you.我会尽力去帮助你。6. each other 彼此As friends,we should help each other .作为朋友,我们应该互相帮助。4.eat up 吃光Eat up your fish and don't be so finicky. 把你的鱼吃完,别太挑剔了.5.either. or 或者或者 Can you speak either English or French? 你会说英语或法语吗?6.e

43、njoy oneself 过得愉快Enjoy yourself in the game.祝你游戏玩得开心。7.fall asleep 入睡I fall asleep after the difficult homework.做完这些难题我就睡着了。8.far away from 离很远 My school is far away from the bus stop.我学校离车站很远。9.for example 例如Wear something simple,for example, a skirt and blouse. 穿简单的衣服;比如说,一条裙子和一件衬衫10.from.to 从到I g

44、o to school from Monday to Friday.我从周一到周五都上学。练习题1. I will _ _ _ to help you.我会尽力去帮助你。2. _ _ your fish and don't be so finicky. 把你的鱼吃完,别太挑剔了.3. I _ _ after the difficult homework.做完这些难题我就睡着了。4. I go to school _ Monday _ Friday.我从周一到周五都上学。5. Can you speak _ English _ French? 你会说英语或法语吗?6. He _ _ _

45、on Sundays.他每周日做功课。7. _ _ in the game.祝你游戏玩得开心。8. As friends,we should help _ _ .作为朋友,我们应该互相帮助。9. Wear something simple,_ _, a skirt and blouse. 穿简单的衣服;比如说,一条裙子和一件衬衫10. My school is _ _ _ the bus stop.我学校离车站很远。课前小测1. After being out school so long,she had to work hard in order to _ _ _ the others. 离

46、开学校这么久了,她不得不努力学习而赶上其他人。2.I usually go to work _ _. 我通常乘地铁上班。3.Don't_ _ _ tomorrow's test, you will pass it.不要担心明天的测试,你会通过的。4.He is _ our teacher _ our friend.他既是我们的老师也是我们的朋友。5.I took his schoolbag as mine _ _. 我误将他的书包当作我的拿走了。6.Yesterday he _ _ _. 昨天他患了感冒。7.Happy _ _!儿童节快乐!8.I _ _ _ at seven forty. 我7:40做早操。9. Two days later he _ _ _.两天后他改变主意了。10.You'd better _ _ _ .你最好赶上巴士。重点词组(七)1.from now on 从现在起From now on I will tr


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