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1、授课内容: Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?授课时间:课型:新授课时安排:六课时备课人:审核:单元教材分析:本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此“Wheredid you go on vacation?" " Did you go to the beach?Yes , I did No , I didnt”等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。单元知识结构:词汇: exam , were ,rainy , delicious ,expe

2、nsive , inexpensive crowded flew ,kite ,later , felt , little, corner,discuss , etc句型: Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer campDid she go to Central Park ? Yes ,she did No, she didn t 语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。单元教学重难点一览:重点: Vocabulary and Expressions2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on v

3、acation? I went to summer camp.Did she go on Central Park? Yes, she did No, she didnt难点:Use the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in English with the following sentences :Where did you go on vacation?Did you go to? Yes. /No, 重难点突破1、学生在上单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元

4、话题进行衔接。 假期活动 Such as; go abroad, go hiking, go hiking, summer camps, and so on 接近学生的生活, They are all interested in talking about it.2、首先进行集中识字,为本单元的学习作好铺垫。其次,充分利用听力材料和阅读材料,训练和提高学生的听力和阅读水平。在听读的基础上创设语言情景,加强读写训练。培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。第一课时一、重点词汇:1. camp( summer campgo camping )2. museum( the Palace Museum)3.

5、 exam ( test )4. rainy( sunnysnowywindycloudy )5. unfriendly( friendlybefriendlytosb. ) 6. delicious7.expensive( cheapdearinexpensive) 8.crowded( uncrowded )9. cry( cried )10. corner( at the street cornerin a corner of the room)11. make( made )12. feel( felt )13. decide( decide to dodecided )14. cla

6、ssmaate15. discuss16. report17. activity( active )二、小组合作拓展:1 、 结合本单元重点词汇,总结动词过去式的变化规则(规则变化和不规则变化),归纳并背诵相应词的过去式。2 、 结合 decide to do sth.,总结动词间的搭配,并相互提问。3 、 结合本单元重点词汇,总结构词方法及词类的转换。三、小组背诵检查:summer camp go camping the Palace Museum examstudy for the math testrainywindycloudyunfriendlybe friendly to sb.d

7、eliciousexpensivecheapcrowdedcry ( cried )corner(at the street corner)make ( made )feel(felt )decide to doclassmatediscussreportactivity( active )四、课后检测、(一) .词汇1.Today the weather is very cool ,so we(决定 ) to play tennis.2.I don t like going shopping.It s(拥挤 ) there.3.How was your(假期 )?4.My father li

8、kes to take a bus(旅行 ).He thinks it s relaxing.5.The people in Russia are really(友好的 ).6.It s(多雨的 ) in summer.7.The mooncakes (月饼 ) with eggs in them are(美味的 ).8.She had great(困难 ) finding a job.9.At night, I listened to the sound of(波浪 ).10.I did pass my physics(考试 ).(二) .句型转换1.My vacation was grea

9、t!( 对划线部分提问)was your vacation?2.I went to summer camp during my holiday.( 对划线部分提问)youduring your holiday?3.The weather was hot and humid.( 对划线部分提问)was the weather?4.Ann went to the mountain by car.( 对划线部分提问)Annto the mountain?5.Tom was in the New York City last year.( 改为一般疑问句)Tom in the New York Cit

10、y last year?(三) .汉译英1.她假期去看她叔叔了。Sheher uncleher vacation.2.今天天气很凉爽。Today thewas.3.我们在为语文考试而学习。Wefor Chinese.4.那个孩子迷路了,我们帮他找到了他的父母。That child,we helped himhis parents.5.在街的拐角处有一家小饭馆。Therea small restaurant atof the street.6.Sarah 病了,她呆在家里,哪里也没有去。Sarah was ill .Sheat home. She went.第二课时一、总结与度假相关的短语:方式

11、:(口语训练)Where did you go on vacation? IWhere did she go on vacation? SheWhere did they go on vacation? They二、重点短语:stay at homego to New York Cityvisit my unclego to summer campgo to the mountainsgo to the beachvisit museumsplay volleyballgo to the moviesstudy for the examgo to Central Park三、听力训练:1、 P

12、 591bThisactivitygivesstudentspracticeinunderstandingthe targetlanguageinspokenconversation Where did Tina go on vacation? Yes, she went to the mountainsThe people talk about what they did on vacationlisten to the recording and writenumbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture. Please writ

13、e only 5 numbers. Point out the sample answer next to the picture showing went to the mountain.Correct the answers( 1) went to the mountains(2)visited my uncle(3 )stayed athome(4) went to New York City(5)went to summer camp2 、 P 602a & 2b四、小组合作谈论度假:除了地点外,增加对天气、饮食及交通的描述。基本句型需求:Where did you go on

14、 vacation?How was your vacation? It was pretty good. (boring,)How were the beaches / bus trip? They were fantastic.Ho w was the weather? It was hot and humid. (rainy,)How were the people? They were friendly. (unfriendly,)How wasa the food? It was awful. (delicious,)五、课后检测、(一)、 .词汇1.呆在家里2.拜访我的叔叔3.去海滨

15、4.夏令营5.在角落里6.帮助某人做某事7.从到8. 在 晚 餐 的时间9.出来10.整天(二) .单项选择1.We had great funin the waves.A. playB. playingC. played2.He helped memy lost book.A. foundB. findC. finding3.The old song made me.A. smileB. to smileC. smiling4.We usually go to schoolMondayFriday.A. between ;andB. from ;tillC. from; and5.May I

16、 go there by bike? No, you.The weather is rainy.A. aren tB. don tC. can t6.Every onean English story book.A. haveB. are having C. has7.What did you havebreakfast this morning?A. atB .forC. to8.Where did Vera govacation?A. forB. inC .on(三) .补全对话A: Hi, Lin. Long time not see.B:Imy vacation.A :Really ?

17、did you go on vacation?B:Ito the beach.A: How was the?B:hot and humid.A:you swim?B: Yes, I did. The weather was really warm. What about you?was your vacation?A: It s.I wentnowhere .Iat home.第三课时一 、口语练习:结对口语对话:Where did you go on vacation?要求:谈论度假的时间、地点、交通方式、天气、当地人、饮食等等,并增加自己的感受。二、听力训练: P 62 2a &

18、2b三、归纳提升重要知识点:1、 Listen and repeat the sentences Where did you go last Saturday? I went to the beach. How were the people there when you went to the beach? Did you visit your uncle on vacation? Yes, I did. She didn t stay at home last vacation. What did you do last week? I studied for the math exam.

19、 We didnt go shopping on Wednesday afternoon. How were the mountains there? They were very beautiful.Did you visit the Great Wall last weekend? No, we didnt. What was the weather like in Beijing yesterday? It was rainy. I don t want to visit the museum. It is so boring.2、 小组提升展示四、口语提升训练:要求:口头准备一篇短文,

20、内容包括度假的时间、地点、交通方式、天气、当地人、饮食等等,并增加自己的感受。组内分享短文五、课后检测(一) .写出下列动词的过去式1.stay2.go3.visit4.swim5.study6.have7.fly8.break9.do10.rain11.help12.lose13.make14.walk15.decide16.eat17.am/is18.are(二) .依照例句改写下列句子A. e.g. He went to the Central Park. He didn t go to the CentralPark.Did he go to the Central Park?Yes,

21、 he did./No ,he didn t.1.She visited her uncle.2.We studied for exams last week.3.They went to the movies yesterday.B. e.g. I went to the summer camp. Where did you go?1.My grandma stayed at home last week.2.They went to the beach on vacation.3.The weather is awful.4.The people there were unfriendly

22、.第四课时一、口语导入:在班级分享短文:内容包括度假的时间、地点、交通方式、天气、当地人、饮食等等,并增加自己的感受。二、短文学习:P 633a1 、 阅读三篇日记,划出重要的短语搭配。2 、 翻译以下句子:We had great fun playing in the water.The shops were too crowded, so I didn t rally enjoy it.I found a small boy crying in the corner.I didn t haave any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the h

23、otel.Today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis.3、 小组合作突破:1 )归纳本篇文章重要的动词间的搭配2)词的用法4、 教师点拨: 1 )日记的写法(日记的格式、时态的整体要求)2 )中英文翻译误区:Today it rained, so we went to a museum.Today the weather was cool, so we deicided to play tennis.5、 背诵第二篇日记,小组内检查过关。三、口语提升:谈论某一天所发生的事件。四、课后检测(一)翻译下列短语:1 待在家里 _2

24、 去纽约市 _ 去夏令营 _去山区 _ 参观博物馆 _ 看望我的叔叔_度假 _ 打排球 _为考试而学习_10 中心公园 _11 很好 _12 想起 _13 考虑 _14 去看电影 _(二)翻译下列句子:1 你去哪里度假?_2 Tina 去哪里度假?她去山区。_3 你去过中心公园吗?_4 你的假期过得怎么样?很好。_5 海滩怎么样?他们好极了。_6 天气怎么样?又热又潮湿。_7 人们怎么样?他们很不友好。_8 你觉得北京怎么样?_(三)根据句意及首字母完成单词:1.The fish is very d_. I d like some more.2. This coat is very e_. I

25、 want to buy a cherper one.3. I don t like to go to the shop, because there are many people and it is very c_.4. There are l olt of old things on show in the m_.5. How was you v_? It was great.6. Did you visit the m_? There are a lot of things there.7. Did you go summer c_ on summer vacation?8.What

26、s the weather like today? It s s_.9.I can t walk any more. I m really t_.10. We had great f_ playing in the water.11. I studied for the e_.12. How was the weather? It was s_.(四)根据汉语提示完成句子:1. My mother can make_( 可口的饭菜 )2. They are_( 谈论假期 )3. We_( 去了美丽的海滨 )4. He often_( 帮助我学习英语 )5. I heard him_( 唱英语歌

27、曲 )Did she _( 去看电影 )?第五课时一、口语导入:1 、 谈论某一天所发生的事件2 、 小组合作讨论:The best place for a vacation内容包括:地点、活动安排、食物、天气等组织成一篇短文,班级分享。二、小组合作复习提升:归纳出本单元重要的单词(10 个)、短语(10个)、句子(5个)。三、教师点拨提升: What bad weather it was last Saturday! Marys parents found Mary helping an old man cross the street. The cat was lost. They dec

28、ided to look for it. Last weekend Tom had fun playing soccer with his classmates. I didn t have any money for a taaxi, so I had to walk back home. He saw a wallet lying on the ground. The bad news made me feel very sad. The teacher found Kate reading English when she came in.四、课后检测(一) . 单项选择:1.The w

29、eather in this area(地区 )_. A is rain B is rainyC be rainy D likes rainy2._ you help him_ the video record that day?A Did; findB Did; finds C Do; findD Are; finds3.This street is _ uncrowded one. AaB an C anyD other4.We had much fun_ the game. A play B playedC playingD to play5.You must give my bike

30、back_ Wednesday. A the nextB on nextC in next D next6._ did you go go the mountains?Last summer.A WhereB WhatC Who D When7._ did you phone? I phoned Jane. A WhereB What C WhoD When8.I d like_some foreign countries(外国 ). Ato visitB visitedC visit D visiting9.There_ something wrong withmy TV last Frid

31、ay.A were B wasC isD are10.They _a pizza and a plate of salad last Sunday.A ateB eat C eatsD to eat(二)句型转换:1. Our vacation on the beach is very good. ( 画线部分提问 )_ is _ vacation on the beach?2. We had some delicious food this evening.( 改一般疑问句 )_ you _ _ delicious food this evening?3.I didn t have much

32、 fun改一.(般疑问句 )_ you _ much fun?4.We had a good time playing in the waves( 浪 ). ( 改为同意句 )We had_ _ in the waves.5.Yesterday the weather was hot and humid.(画线部分提问)6.He walked back to school. ( 改为同意句 )He went back to school_ _.(三)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We_ (not go)to the cinema last Sunday.2. Listen! Who_(sing

33、) in the classroom?3. My teacher asked me_(clean) the classroom.4. _(not be) late for school next time.5. Do you have a lot of homework_(do) today?6. Lucy_(play) basketball yesterday.7. I was_(real) tired.8. How was the weather yesterday? It was_(rain).9. Rose often helps me_(learn) English.10. Did

34、you go_(shop) yesterday? Yes, I did .第六课时单元复习单词 :New York City(略作 NYC )纽约市Central Park中央公园(位于纽约市中心区)exam n.考试were v.动词 are 的过去式rainy adj.下雨的;多雨的delicious adj.可口的;美味的expensive adj.贵的;昂贵的inexpensive adj.不贵的crowded adj.人多的;拥挤的felt v.动词 feel 的过去式corner n.角;转弯处;角落walk v.走路;步行;散步the Great Wall长城Tian'a

35、n Men Square天安门广场the Palace Museum故宫(故宫博物院)Hutong胡同questionnaire n.调查问卷;调查表discuss v.讨论sex n.性别重点短语:1. stay(stayed) at home呆在家里 2. visit( visited) one's uncle看望某人的叔叔3. go(went )to the mountains去山上 / 去爬山 4. visit( visited) museums参观博物馆 5. study( studied)for exams为考试复习6. play(played)in the water在水

36、里玩 7. help( helped)sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事8. walk(walked)back to .往回走向 9. at dinner time在吃正餐的时候10. go( went ) to New York City去纽约城 11.go(went )to summer camp去夏令营12. go(went ) to the beach去海滩 13. onvacation在假期里14. have( had ) great fun玩得愉快15. in the corner在拐角处 16.make( made )sb. do sth使某人做某事17. decide to

37、do sth.决定做某事18. the GreatWall长城 19. the Palace Museum故宫 20. Tian'an Men Square天安门广场21. aBeijing Hutong一个北京胡同重点句子 :1. Where did you go on vacation?你假期上哪儿去了?I went to summer camp.我去夏令营了。2. Where did they go on vacation?他们假期上哪去了?They went to New York City.他们去纽约城了。3. Where did he go on vacation?他假期上

38、哪去了?He stayed at home.他呆在家里。4. Where did she go on vacation?她假期上哪去了?She visited her uncle.她看望了她的叔叔。5. Did you / he / she / they go to Central Park?你/ 他 / 她 / 他们去过中央公园吗?Yes, I /he /she / they did.是的,我 / 他 / 她 / 他们去过。No, I /he /she /they didn't.不,我 / 他 / 她 / 他们没有去过。重点、难点解析:1. visit( v.动词) visit sb

39、;访问,拜访某人visit some place;游览,参观某地I want to visit my friend.Jane visited the Great Wall on vacation.visitor(n. 名词)参观者,宾客、There are many visitors in summer in Beijing.2. help sb.( to ) do sth.帮助某人做某事Tom often helps us study English.help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人。 Tom often helps us with our English?这两句意思相近

40、," 汤姆帮助我们学习英语。"3. make sb do sth.使某人做某事 make sb adj.使某人 .That made me feel very happy.那使得我感到非常高兴。 It made me tired.这使得我非常累。 The boss makes the sales assistant work day and night, It makes him angry.老板使售货员整天工作,这使得他很生气。4. walk.( n. 名词)步行go for a walk去散行take a walk去散步walk ( v. 动词)行走,步行语法 (一般过

41、去时的疑问句)1. 一般过去时的疑问句使用助动词did ,它没有人称和数的变化, 谓语动词恢复其动词原形。Did you go to the movie last Sunday?上周日你看电影了吗?Did they go shopping on vacation?假期他们购物了吗?Did Mara have fun playing in the water?玛丽亚在水里玩得愉快吗?2. be 动词的疑问式与他们在一般现在时中的用法相同,但要用它们的过去式:How were the people there?那儿的人们怎样?Was the weather cool yesterday?昨天天气凉

42、爽吗?单元检测一写出下列单词:1 昂贵的 _2 拥挤的 _3 便宜的 _4 思考;考虑 _5 水 _6 哭泣 _7 角落 _8 迫使 _9 感到 _10 步行 _11 回原处 _12 决定 _13 墙壁 _14 宫殿 _15 广场 _16 同班同学 _17 讨论 _18 报告 _19 性别 _二翻译出下列短语:1 度假 _2 讨论 _3 整天 _4 做很开心 _5 购物 _6 太拥挤 _7 有几分无聊 _8 在拐角处 _9 迷路 _10 帮助某人做某事_11 使我觉得 _12 走回宾馆 _13 相当累 _14 决定做 _15 出去三翻译下列句子:1一整天天气晴朗而且热。2我们在水中玩的很快乐。

43、3商店太拥挤,因此我并非真的很喜欢。4我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭泣。5他迷路了,我帮助他找到了他爸爸。6那使我感到很愉快。7我没有钱打的,因此我步行回到宾馆。8今天天气凉爽,因此我们决定打网球。四补全对话:A: How1_ your vacation?B: It was2_ good.A: Where3_ you go?B: I 4_ to the mountains.A: How5_the mountains? B: They were beautiful. Where did you6_on your vacation?A: Oh, I stayed at home.B: What did

44、 you7_?A: 8_.B: Why did you9_?A: I just10_ want to go out.五单项选择:1.What did you do last night? I _TV with my family.A see B saw C read D watched2._ did you begin to learn English?There years ago(前 ) A When B Why C Where D What3.Lucy decided_ a new computer. A buy B to buyC buying D bought4. I felt it happy_ my classmate in the supermarket. A see B seeing C to see D seen5. Qomolangma is the highest( 最高在 )_ in the world. A mou


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