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1、维多利亚写给18岁的自己一封信Over the two decades that have seen her shoot from obscurity to superstardom, Victoria Beckham's countless sartorial choices have been well documented.在过去20年间,维多利亚贝克汉姆从默默无闻成长为超级巨星,她的许多穿搭造型都深入人心。But one of her biggest regrets when it comes to aesthetics - possibly more than any pos

2、sible fashion faux - was her much talked-about move to enhance her bosom.但提到审美,维多利亚最大遗憾就是曾隆过胸,这个遭到热议的举动可能比任何搭配失误都让她后悔。In resurfaced letter that the singer-turned designer penned to her younger self for British Vogue's October issue, she expresses regret at her decision, warning: 'I should pr

3、obably say, dont mess with your boobs.'维多利亚在英国版Vogue10月刊中给年轻时的自己写了一封信,在信中表达了自己的悔意,她警告道“我应该这么说,不要乱弄你的胸部。”'All those years I denied it - stupid. A sign of insecurity,' added the 42-year-old mother-of-four.42岁的维多利亚现在已经是4个孩子的妈妈,她说,“这些年来我都在否认这件事,我真笨。这是缺乏安全感的表现。”The former Spice Girl also admi

4、tted that she was drunk when she first met her husband David Beckham back in the 1990s - and discussed her teenage insecurities.维多利亚是上世纪90年代结识老公大卫贝克汉姆的,她承认他们初次见面时自己已经喝醉了。她还谈到了少年时的自己缺乏安全感。The story of David and Victoria's beginnings are well known as he famously revealed after seeing her in the v

5、ideo for the Spice Girls' 1996 hit Say You'll Be There he declared: 'Thats the girl for me and I'm going to get her! She's my idea of perfection. I knew that if she wanted me, we would be together forever.'人们熟知两人相识的故事是因为贝克汉姆曾透露,自己在辣妹组合1996年的大热曲说你会在那里视频中看到维多利亚后,就宣布:“这个女孩儿是我的,我

6、要得到她!她就是我的理想型。我想如果她也喜欢我的话,我们会永远在一起。”Following his announcement, the brunette beauty, then labelled Posh Spice, headed to Manchester United to see the burgeoning young ace play - after which she admitted she fell in love at first sight - feelings which she admits were mutual.在那之后,这位有着时髦辣妹之称的褐发美人前往曼联观

7、看了那个新兴的年轻王牌球员的比赛。维多利亚承认他们对彼此一见钟情。In the letter, addressed to herself, Victoria's advice on boyfriends and lasting love read: 'Learn more about football, especially the offside rule. And yes, love at first sight does exist. It will happen to you in the Manchester United players lounge althoug

8、h you will get a little drunk, so exact details are hazy.信中,维多利亚在与男友相处和维系爱情方面忠告自己:“要多了解足球,特别是越位规则。还有,一见钟情的确是存在的。虽然微醺的你对细节会有些模糊,但是你会在曼联的球员休息室里体会到这种感觉。”'While the other football players stand at the bar drinking with their mates, you will see David standing aside with his family. '“当别的球员站在吧台和哥

9、们儿喝酒时,你会看到贝克汉姆站在家人的身边。”'And he has such a cute smile. You, too, are close to your family, and you will think how similar he feels to you. Hes going to ask for your number.'“他笑的非常可爱。你也和家人很亲密,你会发现他和你非常相似。他会向你要电话。”Aside from meeting the love of her life, Victoria also cast her mind back to her

10、years at theatre school in Epsom, Surrey, where she admits at the age of 18, she never felt as though she fitted in - feeling "not the prettiest, or the thinnest".除了遇见毕生所爱之外,维多利亚还回忆了她在萨里州爱普索姆的戏剧学院的岁月。她表示,18岁的自己从未适应过那段生活,她觉得自己“即不是最漂亮的,也不是最苗条的。”Her impassioned note read: 'I know you are

11、struggling right now. You are not the prettiest, or the thinnest, or the best at dancing at the Laine Theatre Arts college.她激动地写道:“我知道你现在很挣扎。你不是最漂亮的,也不是最苗条的,更不是莱恩戏剧艺术学院中跳舞最棒的。”'You have never properly fitted in, although you are sharing your Surrey school digs with really nice girls. You have ba

12、d acne. '“虽然你和学校里的漂亮女孩住在一起,但是你从没有真正适应这里。你的痘痘很严重。”As a high-end fashion designer, Victoria's sartorial choices have long been scrutinised, with both her fashion and beauty, triumphs and fails making waves around the world and often imitated.作为一名高端时装设计师,维多利亚的着装选择备受瞩目,她的时尚与美貌、成功与失败的选择都会轰动全球,时常为

13、人们效仿。In her comments to her younger self she gives a nod to her fashion icon status as urges young Victoria to realise she will mature and learn: 'You are going to have so much fun with your clothes PVC catsuits; chokers that say absurd things; weird spiky blonde hair. '在对年轻时的自己说的话中,她肯定了自己的时

14、尚教主地位。她鼓励年轻的维多利亚相信自己会变成熟,并懂得:“你会从衣服中得到很多乐趣塑料紧身衣、荒唐的项圈式项链、古怪扎眼的金发。”'It will never occur to you that you appear ridiculous. You will turn up at awards ceremonies resembling a drag queen. But I look back at you and smile. It will add interest to your life to go from one extreme to another. I love the fact that you will feel free to express yourself.“你永远不会变得可笑。你会像变装女王一样现身各大颁奖礼。而我微笑着回头看你。从一个极端走向另一个极端会为你的人生增添乐趣。我非常开心你会自由地表达自己。”'You will learn, as


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