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1、C+程序设计课程实验 空间三维点类型哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院课程实验:空间三维点类型课程名称:算法设计与分析课程类型:必修目录空间三维点类型1一 实验题目3实验1:定义并实现一个平面点类3实验2:从平面点类Point采用继承的方式,派生三维空间点类Point3D3实验3:定义并实现折线类Curve3D3二 实现构思41.平面点类42.三维点类53.三维折线类6三 测试程序14四 实验结果161.缺省构造对象162.设定初始值构造对象163.重载加法164.重载减法175.文本文件读写176.二进制文件读写17五 实验感想181.找到原型182.EOF的含义18一 实验题目实验1:定义

2、并实现一个平面点类1. Point,包含protected类型的数据成员m_x、m_y用于保存x轴、y轴两个坐标值,并具有如下数据成员:2. get_x()、get_y()用于获取x、y轴的坐标值3. set_x()、set_y()用于获取x、y轴的坐标值4. DisplayPoint()函数,用于输出点的全部信息(坐标等)5. 主程序从键盘输入点的坐标值,程序结束前输出点的信息。实验2:从平面点类Point采用继承的方式,派生三维空间点类Point3D1. 增加数据成员m_z(z轴坐标值)2. 增加成员函数set_z()、get_z()用于设定或获取z轴坐标数值3. 采用虚函数的方式重载Di

3、splayPoint输出三维空间点的全部信息。4. 主程序从键盘输入点的三维坐标值,程序结束前输出点的信息。实验3:定义并实现折线类Curve3D1. 该类的对象拥有至少1个空间点(Point3D类型的数据,用指针与动态空间申请实现),以及记录点数量的数据成员2. 编写带默认参数值的构造函数,折线默认的空间点为原点(0,0,0)3. 编写析构函数;4. 成员函数DisplayCurve用于输出折线的各个点的信息;5. 成员函数CurveLen用于计算并输出折线长度;6. 重载加号运算符+,可以将一个Point3D点增加到折线点序列中(表示将折线延长到改点处);7. 重载减号运算符-,可以将一个

4、Point3D点从折线点序列中删除(先在点序列中搜索,如果有要删除的点,就删除,如果没有,返回即可);8. 重载赋值运算符= 解决浅拷贝问题;9. 成员函数write_txt(ofstream &os),实现将折线数据写入文本文件的功能,文本文件每行保存一个点的三个坐标值,有多少个点,就有多少行;10. 成员函数read_txt(ifstream &is),实现从文本文件读入折线数据的功能,文本文件每行保存一个点的三个坐标值,有多少个点,就有多少行;11. 成员函数write_binary(ofstream &os) ,实现将折线数据写入二进制文件的功能;12. 成员函

5、数read_binary(ifstream &is) 实现从二进制文件读入折线数据的功能。二 实现构思为了体现各个类的继承关系,同时也为了减少单独一个头文件的大小,分别使用三个头文件实现平面点类、三维点类以及三维折线类。1.平面点类1. #include <iostream>2. #ifndef Point_h3. #define Point_h4.5. using namespace std;6.7. class Point8. 9. public:10. Point():m_x(0),m_y(0);11. Point(float x, float y):m_x(x),m

6、_y(y);12. Point();13.14. const float getx()15. 16. return m_x;17. 18. const float gety()19. 20. return m_y;21. 22. void setx(float xin)23. 24. m_x = xin;25. cout << "x is updated as " << m_x << endl;26. return;27. 28. void sety(float yin)29. 30. m_y = yin;31. cout <<

7、; "y is updated as " << m_y << endl;32. return;33. 34.35. void DisplayPoint()36. 37. cout << "The position of the point is (" << m_x << ',' << m_y << ")" << endl;38. return;39. 40. protected:41. float m_x, m_y;42.

8、;43. #endif / Point_h2.三维点类增加了成员变量m_z以及相应的设定、读取函数,重载了展示函数。1. #include <iostream>2. #include "Point.h"3. #ifdef Point_h4. #ifndef Point3D_h5. #define Point3D_h6.7. class Point3D:public Point8. 9. protected:10. float m_z;11. public:12. Point3D():m_z(0);13. Point3D(const Point3D&);1

9、4. Point3D(float x,float y,float z):Point(x,y),m_z(z);15. Point3D();16.17. const float getz()18. 19. return m_z;20. 21. void setz(float zin)22. 23. m_z = zin;24. cout << "z is updated as " << m_z << endl;25. return;26. 27.28. virtual void DisplayPoint()29. 30. cout <&l

10、t; "The position of the point is (" << m_x << ',' << m_y << ',' << m_z << ")" << endl;31. return;32. 33. ;34.35.36. #endif / Point3d_h37.38. #endif / Point_h3.三维折线类为类型增加了next指针,构成三维点链表。1. #include <iostream>2. #inclu

11、de <fstream>3. #include "math.h"4. #include "Point3D.h"5. #ifdef Point3D_h6. #ifndef Curve3D_h7. #define Curve3D_h8. using namespace std;9. class Curve3D:public Point3D10. 11. typedef Curve3D* Curveptr;12. protected:13. Curveptr next;14. public:15. Curve3D():next(NULL);16.

12、Curve3D(float inx, float iny, float inz)17. 18. m_x = inx;19. m_y = iny;20. m_z = inz;21. next= NULL;22. ;23. Curve3D(const Curve3D &C0)24. 25. m_x = C0.m_x;26. m_y = C0.m_y;27. m_z = C0.m_z;28. Curveptr temp1 = C0.next, temp2 = this;29. while(temp1 != NULL)30. 31. temp2 = temp2->next = new C

13、urve3D;32. temp2->m_x = temp1->m_x;33. temp2->m_y = temp1->m_y;34. temp2->m_z = temp1->m_z;35. temp1 = temp1->next;36. 37. if(C0.next = NULL)38. 39. next = NULL;40. 41. ;42. Curve3D()43. 44. Curveptr delptr = next;45. while(delptr != NULL)46. 47. next = delptr->next;48. delpt

14、r->next = NULL;49. delete delptr;50. delptr = next;51. 52. ;53.54. void DisplayCurve()55. 56. Curve3D *temp = this;57. int i = 1;58. while(temp != NULL)59. 60. cout << i << ':' << temp->m_x << ',' << temp->m_y << ',' << temp-

15、>m_z << endl;61. temp = temp->next;62. i +;63. 64. return;65. 66.67. inline double Curvelen();68. inline Curve3D operator+(Curve3D& C2);69. inline Curve3D operator-(Curve3D& C2);70. inline Curve3D operator=(Curve3D C1);71. inline void write_txt(ofstream &os);72. inline void r

16、ead_txt(ifstream &is);73. inline void write_binary(ofstream &os);74. inline void read_binary(ifstream &is);75. ;76. inline double Curve3D : Curvelen()77. 78. Curveptr temp = next;79. float length = 0, div = 0;80. double x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;81. x1 = m_x;82. y1 = m_y;83. z1 = m_z;84. while(t

17、emp != NULL)85. 86. x2 = temp->m_x;87. y2 = temp->m_y;88. z2 = temp->m_z;89.90. div = sqrt(x1-x2)*(x1-x2)91. +(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(z1-z2)*(z1-z2);92. length += div;93.94. x1 = x2;95. y1 = y2;96. z1 = z2;97. temp = temp->next;98. 99. cout << "length:" << length <<

18、endl;100. return length;101. 102. inline Curve3D Curve3D : operator=(Curve3D C0)103. 104. if(&C0 != this)105. 106. if(next != NULL)107. 108. next->Curve3D();109. next = NULL;110. 111. m_x = C0.m_x;112. m_y = C0.m_y;113. m_z = C0.m_z;114.115. Curveptr temp1 = this, temp2 = C0.next;116. while(t

19、emp2 != NULL)117. 118. temp1 = temp1->next = new Curve3D;119. temp1->m_x = temp2->m_x;120. temp1->m_y = temp2->m_y;121. temp1->m_z = temp2->m_z;122. temp2 = temp2->next;123. 124. 125. return *this;126. ;127. inline Curve3D Curve3D : operator+(Curve3D& C2)128. 129. Curve3D

20、 result = *this;130. Curveptr temp3 = &result;131. while(temp3->next != NULL)132. 133. temp3 = temp3->next;134. 135.136. temp3 = temp3->next = new Curve3D;137. temp3->m_x = C2.m_x;138. temp3->m_y = C2.m_y;139. temp3->m_z = C2.m_z;140. Curveptr temp2 = C2.next;141. while(temp2 !

21、= NULL)142. 143. temp3 = temp3->next = new Curve3D;144. temp3->m_x = temp2->m_x;145. temp3->m_y = temp2->m_y;146. temp3->m_z = temp2->m_z;147. temp2 = temp2->next;148. 149. return result;150. 151. Curve3D Curve3D : operator-(Curve3D &P3d2)152. 153. Curveptr resultptr = ne

22、w Curve3D;154. resultptr->next = new Curve3D;155. *(resultptr->next) = *this;156. / cout << "result pre-display" << endl;157. /cout << "resultptr" << endl;158.159. Curveptr temp2, temp3, delptr;160. temp3 = resultptr;161. delptr = NULL;162. /cout <

23、;< "temp2, temp3, delptr" << endl;163.164. while(temp3->next != NULL)165. 166. if(temp3 = resultptr)167. 168. temp3 = temp3->next;169. continue;170. 171. if(temp3->next->m_x - P3d2.m_x < 1e-6)172. &&(temp3->next->m_y - P3d2.m_x < 1e-6)173. &&

24、;(temp3->next->m_z - P3d2.m_x < 1e-6)174. 175. delptr = temp3->next;176. temp3->next = delptr->next;177. delptr->next = NULL;178. delete delptr;179. break;180. 181. temp3 = temp3->next;182. 183. / cout << "loop 1" << endl;184. temp2 = P3d2.next;185. whil

25、e(temp2 != NULL)186. 187. temp3 = resultptr;188. while(temp3->next != NULL)189. 190. if(temp3->next->m_x - temp2->m_x < 1e-6)191. &&(temp3->next->m_y - temp2->m_y < 1e-6)192. &&(temp3->next->m_z - temp2->m_z < 1e-6)193. 194. delptr = temp3->n

26、ext;195. temp3->next = delptr->next;196. delptr->next = NULL;197. delete delptr;198. break;199. 200. temp3 = temp3->next;201. 202.203. temp2 = temp2->next;204. 205.206. if(resultptr->next = NULL)207. 208. resultptr->next = new Curve3D;209. resultptr->next->m_x = 0;210. res

27、ultptr->next->m_y = 0;211. resultptr->next->m_z = 0;212. 213. temp3 = resultptr->next;214. delptr= resultptr;215. delptr->next = NULL;216. delete delptr;217. resultptr = temp3;218. / cout << "temp2: " << temp2 << endl;219. / cout << "temp3: &q

28、uot; << temp3 << endl;220. / cout << "delptr:" << delptr << endl;221. temp2 = NULL;222. temp3 = NULL;223. delptr= NULL;224. / cout << "temp2: " << temp2 << endl;225. / cout << "temp3: " << temp3 << endl;2

29、26. / cout << "delptr:" << delptr << endl;227. / cout << "loop L2" << endl;228. / resultptr->display();229.230. Curve3D result = *resultptr;231. delete resultptr;232. / cout << "resultptr:" << resultptr << endl;233. res

30、ultptr = NULL;234. / result.display();235. return result;236. 237.238. inline void Curve3D : write_txt(ofstream &os)239. 240. Curve3D *temp = this;241. int i = 1;242. while(temp != NULL)243. 244. os << temp->getx() << ' ' << temp->gety() << ' ' <&

31、lt; temp->getz() << endl;245. cout << i << ':' << temp->getx() << ',' << temp->gety() << ',' << temp->getz() << endl;246. temp = temp->next;247. i +;248. 249. return;250. ;251. inline void Curve3D : read_txt

32、(ifstream &is)252. 253. if(next != NULL)254. 255. next->Curve3D();256. next = NULL;257. 258. Curveptr temp = this;259. int num = 1;260. if(is.eof() != 1)261. 262. while(is.eof() != 1)263. 264. temp = temp->next = new Curve3D;265. is >> temp->m_x >> temp->m_y >> temp

33、->m_z;266. cout << num << ':' << temp->m_x << ',' << temp->m_y << ',' << temp->m_z << endl;267. num +;268. 269. 270. else271. 272. m_x = 0;273. m_y = 0;274. m_z = 0;275. next= NULL;276. 277.278. return;279. ;280. inl

34、ine void Curve3D : write_binary(ofstream &os)281. 282. Curveptr temp = this;283. int num = 1;284. while(temp != NULL)285. 286. os.write(char*)&m_x,sizeof(float);287. os.write(char*)&m_y,sizeof(float);288. os.write(char*)&m_z,sizeof(float);289. cout << num << ':' &

35、lt;< temp->m_x << ',' << temp->m_y << ',' << temp->m_z << endl;290. temp = temp->next;291. num +;292. 293. return;294. ;295. inline void Curve3D : read_binary(ifstream &is)296. 297. if(next != NULL)298. 299. next->Curve3D();300. nex

36、t = NULL;301. 302.303. Curveptr extra = new Curve3D, temp = extra;304. extra->next = this;305.306. int num = 1;307. float x,y,z;308. while(is.eof() != 1)309. 310. is.read(char*)&x,sizeof(float);311. is.read(char*)&y,sizeof(float);312. is.read(char*)&z,sizeof(float);313. if(is.eof() =

37、1)314. 315. if(temp->next != this)316. 317. temp->next->Curve3D();318. temp->next = NULL;319. 320. break;321. 322. else323. 324. temp = temp->next;325. temp->m_x = x;326. temp->m_y = y;327. temp->m_z = z;328. cout << num << ':' << temp->m_x <&l

38、t; ',' << temp->m_y << ',' << temp->m_z << endl;329. temp->next = new Curve3D;330. num +;331. 332. 333. return;334. ;335. #endif / Curve3D_h336. #endif / Point3D_h三 测试程序此处仅展示针对实验三的测试程序。1. #include <iostream>2. #include "curve3D.h"3.4.

39、using namespace std;5.6. int main()7. 8. cout << "lab2_3" << endl;9. cout << "C0:default" << endl;10. Curve3D C0;11. C0.DisplayCurve();12. cout << "length: " << C0.Curvelen() << endl;13.14. cout << "C1:3,4,5" <

40、;< endl;15. Curve3D C1(3,4,5);16. Curve3D &Curve1 = C1;17. Curve1.DisplayCurve();18.19. cout << "C2:5,12,13" << endl;20. Curve3D C2(5,12,13);21. Curve3D &Curve2 = C2;22. Curve2.DisplayCurve();23.24. cout << "C3=C1+C2" << endl;25. Curve3D C3 = C1

41、+C2;26. Curve3D &Curve3 = C3;27. Curve3.DisplayCurve();28. Curve3.Curvelen();29.30. cout << "C4=C0+C2" << endl;31. Curve3D C4 = C0+C2;32. Curve3D &Curve4 = C4;33. Curve4.DisplayCurve();34. Curve4.Curvelen();35.36. cout << "C5=C3-C4" << endl;37. Cur

42、ve3D C5 = C3-C4;38. Curve3D &Curve5 = C5;39. Curve5.DisplayCurve();40. Curve5.Curvelen();41.42. cout << "C6=C5+C3" << endl;43. Curve3D C6 = C5+C3;44. Curve3D &Curve6 = C6;45. Curve6.DisplayCurve();46. Curve6.Curvelen();47.48. cout << "file operation:C3out&quo

43、t; << endl;49. ofstream file1("testout.txt"), &f1 = file1;50. Curve3.write_txt(f1);51. f1.close();52.53. cout << "file operation:inC0" << endl;54. ifstream file2("testin.txt"), &f2 = file2;55. C0.read_txt(f2);56. f2.close();57.58. cout <<

44、 "binary operation:C3out" << endl;59. ofstream bin1("testout.bin"), &b1 = bin1;60. Curve3.write_binary(b1);61. b1.close();62.63. cout << "binary operation:inC0" << endl;64. ifstream bin2("testin.bin"), &b2 = bin2;65. C0.read_binary(b2

45、);66. b2.close();67.68. return 0;四 实验结果此处仅展示实验三的测试结果1.缺省构造对象1. cout << "C0:default" << endl;2. Curve3D C0;3. C0.DisplayCurve();4. cout << "length: " << C0.Curvelen() << endl;如图,说明成功地构造了一个没有初始值的三维折线对象;该对象只包含(0,0,0)一个点。2.设定初始值构造对象1. cout << "

46、;C1:3,4,5" << endl;2. Curve3D C1(3,4,5);3. Curve3D &Curve1 = C1;4. Curve1.DisplayCurve();1. cout << "C2:5,12,13" << endl;2. Curve3D C2(5,12,13);3. Curve3D &Curve2 = C2;4. Curve2.DisplayCurve();如图,说明成功地构造了一个有初始值的三维折线对象;该对象只包含(3,4,5)一个点3.重载加法1. cout << &q

47、uot;C3=C1+C2" << endl;2. Curve3D C3 = C1+C2;3. Curve3D &Curve3 = C3;4. Curve3.DisplayCurve();5. Curve3.Curvelen();6.7. cout << "C4=C0+C2" << endl;8. Curve3D C4 = C0+C2;9. Curve3D &Curve4 = C4;10. Curve4.DisplayCurve();11. Curve4.Curvelen();4.重载减法1. cout << "C5=C3-C4" << endl;2. Curve3


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