



1、本学期的口语考试情况如下:1. 形式:单人回答问题(即没有一年级的朗读,也没有对话)2. 考试步骤:考试分两部分。第一部分学生抽签回答事先布置的有准备的话题,并回答; 第二部分考官随意提问,看学生临场发挥的能力。3. 分值:第一部分为 20 分,第二部分为 10 分。总分 30 分。 附:口语考试准备话题Part I:1-6 题源自新视野大学英语视听说 (第三册)(话题是结合视听说第三册已经在英语角讨 论的话题)1. What study habits seem to be common among successful students? 第( 二单元 )Many top students

2、seem to have these good habits:1. They tend to have a strong sense of time and organize their time well. They may draw up their study plan well in advance.2. While studying, they check whether they are working ahead of schedule or lagging behind it. They usually work in a systematic way.3. Before cl

3、ass, they preview the text to get some idea about what the teacher is going to say and which part of the text is difficult.4. After class, they review what they have learned by going through the text and the notes so that they can remember important information.2. What kind of boss do you like to wo

4、rk for: inefficient but kind, or efficient but very strict? (第五单元 )Answer 1:I prefer to work for a kind, good-natured boss. Under such a boss, they feel secure and happy. The boss won't scold employees simply because they have made a small mistake. He will also be generous. It' s true that s

5、ometimes because of his lack of ability, his company may not reap huge profits, and employees can hardly get a raise. But happiness is surely more important than money. Answer 2:I will choose to work for a boss who is capable but very strict with his employees. If the boos is capable, he will lead t

6、he company to one new height after another. When the company thrives, all employees will benefit. Even if the boss may give an employee a severe dressing-down for something he or she did, the employee can learn a lesson from the event. Under such a boss, employees can gain valuable experience, which

7、 may serves as a good foundation for them to start a business of their won in the future.3. Is character more important than ability in finding a job? ( 第四单元 )I think it is. Although many employer lay emphasis on candidates ' educational background and work experience, some believe that candidat

8、es' character is more important for a successful career. In contemporary society, man projects are so large that they require the coordination of a group of people rather than a single person' s effort. Therefore, a good team player is often welcomed. Professionally skilled people may not be

9、 able to accomplish a large project if they are easily angered and cannot get along with their colleagues.In fact it is becoming increasingly common for companies to test candidates' EQ before they decide to hire them.4. Why do some people become addicted to smoking or alcohol? (第六单元 )Smoking:So

10、me people think smoking makes them relax. Some people smoke just because all those around them smoke. Some believe that by passing cigarettes around, it will be easier for them to start a friendship. Gradually, they smoke more and more until they are hooked on smoking.Alcohol:Some people drink becau

11、se their parent drink a lot, so they follow suit. Some people pick up the habit of drinking because they feel lonely or bored, others drink when they are sad or angry, and still others drink to celebrate happy occasions. Gradually, they drink more and more until they are hooked on alcohol.5. My view

12、 on low-carbon life( 第七单元 )Low-carbon life means lifestyle to minimize the energy consumed, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In my opinion, we should firstly save energy. Turn off the electric appliances in our house whenever they are not needed. Don' t leave them in standby mode.e S l

13、escso ndly, usheat and air-conditioning. Set the temperature of your air-conditioners at 26 degrees in summer. Use less hot water by installing low-flow shower heads. Use cold water when washing clothes or the dishes whenever possible. Take a short shower and try to take a cold one when it gets warm

14、er. Finally, ride a bike as often as you can. I also suggest the government building more roads for cyclists. Diesel-emitting buses should be replaced by low-carbon ones such as the electric vehicles.If we can do the things above and get used to doing it every day, our earth will become a safer plan

15、et for us to live on.6. What do you think of Chinese celebrating western festivals? ( 第九单元 )I think we Chinese should pay more attention to traditional chinese festivals such as the spring festival ,the lantern festival and the mid-autumn festival .observance of those traditional holidays increases

16、cohesion of the entire nation .if those traditional holidays should disappear ,it would be a loss to Chinese culture and to world civilization as well. of course ,we can celebrate western festivials ,but what I want to emphasize is that when we celebrate western festivals ,we should not forget our t

17、raditional festivials.7-12 源自新视野大学英语 (读写教程) (第三册)7. What is people 's attitude toward the disables? ( 第一单元 )Most people felt sorry to them .Although most of them had not lived with a disabled people .they will happy to offer the aid if necessary .many people seemed be glad to help the disables .

18、there was also some people hold the opinion that they will treat the disables as a normal person .but they are ready to help when they are asked .as for me ,I will try my best to help disables .i think the world needs everyone shows our love in heart .8. Do you think it necessary to involve parents

19、in the education program? (第三单元)I totally agree the ideal that involving patents in the education program .parents usually care much about their children .it is fairly common and understandable ,isn' t it? In some cases ,great education system need the help of parents .they support and take care

20、 of their children .without parents' financial support ,a person cannot finish his study in the end .9. What symbol do you think uniquely Chinese? (第四单元)In my opinion ,I think volunteers symbol is the most unique symbol in Chinese .the symbol shows three people dancing surmounted by two interwov

21、en red hearts ;a symbol that conveys a deep meaning .the hearts represent the bond between the volunteers ,the athletes,the Olympic family and guests ,while the dancers symbolize a friendly attitude and a dedicated spirit .the Chinese calling graphy art form has been used to depict the dancers and t

22、he symbol sets off the Olympic emblem-chinese seal ,dancing Beijing to perfection .10. What will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake? (第六单元)If I lived in areas where earthquakes were common I would prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake. First, I would regularly check and reinfo

23、rce my home, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that they would not open accidentally during an earthquake.Second, I would have supplies of water and food at home and at work as well as something that can clean water and kill bacteria, s

24、o water from other sources could be made safe to drink. Third, I would keep a fire extinguisher handy and arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source that could be used outside. Besides, a pair of heavy, comfortable shoes or boots was also needed to protect my feet against fragments of broken gl

25、ass.11. What is the best use for the technology of cloning? ( 第八单元 )With the development of scientific technology ,cloning is not a new thing .scientists try to clone something for many reasons. There are still some pros of the cloing .on one hand ,cloning can help the couples who cannot have babies by themselves to have babies .they can clone a baby fr


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