



1、泰兴市西城初中初二期中考试英语试卷13.4( 时间 :90 分钟分值 :100 分)一、听力部分(20 分 )A 听对话,从所给选项中选出最佳图片或答案回答问题。听两遍。()1.What is the boy going to do ?()2.What does the doctor suggest(建议)the woman should eat ?()3.What s Uncle Tom s job?()4.Where does Peter come from?()5.What do you think of Jackie Chan?A He is modest.( 谦虚的 )B He is

2、 generous.( 大方的 )C He is fair.( 公平 )()6.What may the sign say?A No Photos!B No Fishing!C No Smoking!()7.What class is Jack having?A An English classB A maths classC A Chinese class()8.What clothes does Mary like wearing?A Pink clothes.B Red clothes.C Purple clothes.()9.What does David do when he is

3、worried about exams?A Give up.B Watch more TV programmes.C Talk to his teachers.()10.Why was Frank on the news last night?A He walked along the beach at night.B He swam alone in the cold water.C He got the boy out of water and saved him.B听对话或独白,从所给选项中选出最佳答案回答问题。听两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第11-12 题。()11.Why does t

4、he woman come to the shop?A To buy a radio.B To ask the man to the repair her TV set.C Because there s something wrong with her radio.()12.What does the man in the shop wish the woman to do ?A To buy a new radio from him.B To pay him a lot of money.C To give him the broken radio.听下面一段对话,回答第13-15 题。(

5、)13.Who had an accident last Saturday?A Jim.B Jim s sister.C Jim s brother.()14.Who hit her in the street?A Jim s brother.B Jim s classmate.C We don t know.()15.Where is the patient( 病人 ) now?A At home.B In hospital.C In the street.C听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。听两遍。()16.What did Sue want to know in her letter?A

6、 Something ab out Amy s town.B Something about food in Amy s town.C Something about interesting places in Amy s town.()17.How many places did Amy talk about in her letter?A Two.B Three.C Four.()18.How far is it from the park to Amy s house?A Quite far.B Very near.C An hour s walk.()19.Where does Amy

7、 usually do her homework?A At home.B At the school.C At the library.()20.How is the food in Top Food Center?A Cheap and nice.B Expensive but delicious.C Cheap but so delicious.二选择题( 15 分)()21.It s _to play_chess with them.A.a pleasure ,/B.pleased ,/C.pleasant ,theD.pleased,a()22.She arrived_Beijing

8、_the afternoon of April.A.in,inB.at,onC.in,onD.at,in()23. Do you miss your parents far away?1Yes, very much. They_ the hometown for over two years.A. leftB. have leftC. were away fromD. have been away from()24. Do you like reading books? Yes. Each of us _to do more reading in and after class.A. are

9、encouragedB. encourageC. is encouragedD. is encouraging()25.Cross the road carefully, _you ll keep yourself safe.A. soB. orC. butD. and.()26.-Is that Bruce speaking?-Sorry, he is out. He _abroad on business.A. has goneB. has beenC. wentD. goes()27.-Could you dance well when you were young?- _. I beg

10、an to have dancing lessons at the age of 5.A. Yes, I canB. No, I canC. tNo, I couldnDt. Yes, I could.()28._,you are right.A. On the wayB. In the wayC. By the wayD.In some ways()29.I like Shanghai so much that I_ there a few times.A .have goneB. have beenC. wentD. has gone()30.- Jim didn t come to sc

11、hool yesterday,_ he?-_ , though he was badly ill.A.didn t ,Yes B.did ,NoC.did,YesD.didn t,No()31. I m OK,so don tmeA.worry aboutB. worryC.be worriedD.worried about()32._useful information it is!I m so lucky to heart.iA.How anB.What anC.WhatD.What a()33.Millie_speak at the meeting yesterday.She felt

12、very nervous.A.asked toB.is askedC.was asked toD.was asked()34-How can I improve(提高 ) my listening skills?-_more.A.ListenB.ListeningC.To listenD.By listening()35.Every time your name_, please stand up.A.is calledB.will be calledC.callsD.called三、完形填空(10 分)An old farmer lived with his grandson. Each m

13、orning, the _36_ got up early and read his Bhagavad Gita( 薄迦梵歌 ).One day the grandson asked,"Grandpa! I try to read the book like you ,_37_ I can't understand it, and I forget it easily. What's the use of reading it?"The grandfather said,"Take this coal( 煤炭 ) basket down to th

14、e river and bring me back a basket of water."The boy did as his grandfather _38_ ,but all the water ran _39_ he got home. Thegrandfather laughed, "You'll have to move faster next time."This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that itwas

15、 _40_ to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said,"I just want a basket of water. You're not _41_hard enough."The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put thebasket into the river and ran hard. But there wa

16、sn't anything in it again. He said _42_ ,"Look,grandpa, it's useless!""Watch the basket." said the grandfather.For the first time the boy found the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coalbasket into a _43_one, inside and out."Boy, you might not und

17、erstand or remember _44_ when you read the book, but whenyou read it, you will be _45_,inside and out. That's what you ve got from it."()36. A. sonB. fatherC. grandfatherD. grandmother()37. A. soB. butC. orD. and()38. A. saidB. sawC. likedD. did()39. A. asB. afterC. untilD. before()40. A. d

18、ifficultB. interestingC. impossibleD. unimportant()41. A. hittingB. tryingC. holdingD. studying()42. A. sadlyB. hopefullyC. excitedlyD. happily()43. A. whiteB. cleanC. newD. black()44. A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything()45. A. differentB. relaxedC. curiousD. worried四、阅读理解 (15 分)AWe ofte

19、n think about why money disappeared so quickly. That may be because we didn tgood budget. A budget is a plan to control where your money goes. A good budget can help you usemoney wisely. For example, it can help you save money for the things that you want but can t pafor now. Have a look at the budg

20、et of Simon s family this month and you will get a clear idea aboutwhat a budget is. The income( 收入 ) of Simon s family a month is RMB6,000.Entertainment( sports, films and music, etc.)4%Clothing ( shoes, seasonal wear, etc.)10%Transportation (bus, underground and train fares.)12%Saving10%“ Just in

21、case急(用 ) fund ”2%Housing ( rent, cost of electricity, water, heating, gas )30%Food (meal, fruit and snacks, drinks )20%Medical care (hospital bills and med icine)12%2()46. Sometimes money disappeared so quickly maybe because_.A. we lost itB. we didn t have a good budgetC. we put it in the bankD. we

22、 gave it away to others()47. Th e underlined word“ budget” probably means _ in Chinese.A.预算B. 缘故C. 过程D. 结果()48. Every month Simon s family can get _.A. RMB3,000B. RMB 4,000C. RMB 6,000D. RMB 9,000()49. Simon s family will pay _for food this month.A. RMB 600B. RMB 800C. RMB 1,000D. RMB 1,200()50. Sim

23、on s family will spend the most money on _ this month.A. clothingB. medical careC. housingD. transportationBAlmost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countries are so lucky.There is a girl called Xiao Fang. She is eight years old and lives in a small vi

24、llage in Guangxi. When she was young, she wanted to go to school. But she could not, because her family was too poor to afford( 负担得起 ) the school fees for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Fang worked in the fields with her parents every day. Then Hope Project he

25、ardabout Xiao Fang. It agreed to help Xiao Fang to go to school. Her wish of study came true, andnow she is studying in a school.Unluckily there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in HopeProject and help these children. You know allthe good work needs money. Hope P

26、roject needsyour help.If you give Hope Project¥300 each year, it can pay for one child to go to school for a wholeyear. With more money, Hope Project can build new schools, buy good desks, chairs, blackboardsand books. let s help the children together and give them a chance to have a good startife.

27、in l()51._ can go to school.A. Almost every child in the worldB. Almost every child in ChinaC. Almost every child in big citiesD. Almost every child in small villages()52. Xiao Fang didn t go to school when she was young because_.A. her family was too poorB. she didn t like to go to schoolC. there w

28、as too much work for her to doD. she could learn nothing at school()53. With¥ 300, _.A. one child can go to school for nine yearsB. a new school can be builtC. many children can go to schoolD. a child can go to school for a whole year()54. Hope Project helped Xiao Fang because_.A. It heard about her

29、B. she went to ask for helpC. she knew someone working thereD. she wrote a letter to the newspaper()55. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Hope Project helps the poor children to go to schoolB. Hope Project helps to build new schoolsC. Hope Project helps schools to buy desks, chairs, books, etc.D. Al

30、l the aboveCIf you have no special plans for your holidays, why not spend your time helping others?Don t listen to people who say the young people today often think only of themselves. Itnot true at all. More and more people in the USA volunteer(自愿) to spend their school holidaysworking for others.

31、And they don t do it for money. Here are some of their stories.Alice Hamilton, 17I m going to help theForest Centre build new hiking paths in the mountains. It s gointerrific I ll spend the whole summer living in the tent and breathing the clean mountain air. Igoing to sleep under the stars, It ll b

32、e a nice sport, and I ll be able to do something gosame time.Jason Moore, 18This summer, I m going to volunteer with SpecialuseHo Program. They build good, low-costhouses and sell them to families that are not very rich. They ll teach me what to do, so Ipeople and also have a chance to learn how to

33、build houses.Trish Anderson, 16I m going to teach kids who have trouble reading. I ll work for a program calledfor Life” . Every day, I m going to help kids choose and read books that they like. I want to be ateacher and I love children and reading, so this is going to be a great experience for me.(

34、)56. Young people in the USA volunteer to spend_ helping others.A. school holidaysB. weekdaysC. every morningD. every afternoon()57. What does Alice volunteer to do in summer?A. To breathe the clean mountain air.B. To spend the whole summer living in the tent.C. To sleep under the stars.D. To help b

35、uild new hiking paths in the mountain.()58. From the passage, we know that Special House Program helps_.A. children in poor familiesB. workers who build housesC. poor families that can(负t担afford得起) housesD. build hiking paths()59. _ wants to be a teacher.A. Alice HamiltonB. Jason MooreC. Trish Ander

36、sonD. none of them()60. Which is the most possible title for this passage?A. Reading for LifeB. Special House ProgramC. The Forest CentreD. Young American volunteers3 五、动词填空 (10 分 )1 On his way home, he found a bag _ (1ie)on the ground 2 The pictures _ (print)by my sister just now 3 With the _(devel

37、op) of Taixing, the people here are having a happier life.4 American films _ (show)on TV at weekends 5 His car isn t Hhere.(lend) it to his brother.题 6 When we _(play)football on the playground , it _ (start)to rain 号7 The printer _(print) very quickly, so I like it very much.场8 How _(end)a line it

38、is!I ll have to wait for a long time this time.考9 If you answer the following three questions_(correct), you won tpass theexam.答 10The girl doesn t mind _ (open)thedoor六、翻译句子(5 分 )线1当表演者们列队穿过公园时,孩子们激动得尖叫起来。 When the_ marched across the park, the children screamed with _.号 要 2因特网是被人们用来搜索信息的。试The Inte

39、rnet is used by people _ _ _information 考3.我得把这本书还给图书馆,因为我已借了很长时间。I have to_ the book _the library because I have _it for long.不5你到的等级越高,问题越难。The questions get more difficult if you go to_ _.订七、阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(5 分)Westerners think that the education ways in many Chinese families are hard to

40、 understand.Here are some examples.内 Many children in China are looked after by their grandfathers and grandmothers because their名parents are busy. But children need to stay and talk with their parents.Parents pay no attention to the rights ( 权利 ) of children. Parents should knock at the door姓before

41、 they go into the room of their children. (1) Theyshouldn movet their children things线 before they agree. Parents should talk with children and respect( 尊重 ) the rights and decision (决定) of them. Children who are not respected also do not know how to respect others.Parents often compare (与 作比较) thei

42、r children with others. Most Chinese parents装want their children _(2)_ be successful, because it ca n save the parents face. Parents often say封“ You see somebody else is studying_(2)_, what good grades they have, and what prizes theyget ” . This is the worst thing. It will only bring the child much

43、harm and pain.级Many children are made to do what their parents expect( 期望 ), though they do not like it. Forexample, parents ask their children to learn to play the piano or go abroad. It should be decided by班密 children themselves.The more hard-working, the better. Many parents think school performa

44、nce is everything. Infact, the integrated ( 综合 ) ability is so important that it will affect(影响 ) children all their lives. 1.将( 1)句译成中文。 _ 2.在( 2)处的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺。 _,_ 3.回答问题: Why are many children looked after by their grandparents in China?4_4.在文中找出与Children themselves should make a dec

45、ision about it.意思相近的句子。_5.在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子._八短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(10 分)True friends are hard to find. Often you thought you could believe in someone, b_1_ laterhe or she may let you down ( 让你失望 ).A true friend is sometimes who willalways be there for you. Through good times or b_2_tim

46、es, they will stand by your side. They will not l _3_ you alone when things getdifficult. They will accept (接受 )you without trying to change you. A friend will b_4_new andexciting things into your life and make it richer.True friends will keep your worst secrets as you will keep t_5_. They will be h

47、onest andyou can always believe in them. If you talk to someone who you believe in, you don havet to w_6_about what you may say. We can enjoy this freedom( 自由 ) only with friends.Friendship is a two-way street. To find a true friend and keep the friendship b_7_ you,you must do the same thing as well

48、. Be there for your friends when they are in n_8_andshare the good times with them. Offer( 提供 ) them the same things they give to you. Friendship will break q_9_ if only one person is giving and putting effort ( 努力 )into it.You will find that there is nothing more valuable (有价值的 ) t _10_ having a tr

49、ue friendby your side to share life with, just as someone says,“ There is nothing on this earth more toprize (珍惜 ) than true friendship” .1.b_2.b_3.l_4.b_5.t_九书面表达(10 分)请以 “My trip to Hongkong 为”题写一篇短文。要点如下:1. 上个月,我们坐飞机 2.5 小时从上海去香港游玩。一座大桥把香港和深圳连接起来。2. 香港的天气与北京的不一样。到那儿之后,我们坐汽车去香港迪斯尼乐园。我们一路上高兴地唱,笑。3.


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