Unit 6 基础训练_第1页
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Unit 6 基础训练_第5页
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1、Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.一、翻译短语 1. be able to2. a little bit3. once upon a time 4. continue to do sth. 5. 试图/努力做某事 6. 想出办法打击坏人7. turn . . into. .8. 放弃做某事9. 赞成某人 10. 爱上某人能、会一点儿、稍微从前继续做某事try to do sth.think of ways to fight bad people把变成give up doing sth.agree with sb.fall in love

2、 with sb.11. get married 12. 有72般变化13. 去睡觉 14. become interested in15. get lost 16. the rest of the story 17. 在另外一些时候18. 主角;主人公 19. (书、电影等)出版 20. 走到山的另一边去21. lead sb. to sp.22. 拿(弄)走结婚make 72 changes to the shape and sizego to sleep / bed对变得感兴趣丢失、迷路故事的下文/剩下部分at other timesmain characterscome outwalk

3、 to the other side of the mountains带领某人到某地take away23. make a plan to do sth./ plan to do sth.24. find one s way home/out25. show sb. the way to26. 派某人去某地27. 修路28. the journey(trip/visit/way/answer)to.29. 改变某人的计划30. 你们俩都不31. 在月光下32. 一座食物做成的房子33. 让/留下某人做某事34. 对有不同看法计划做某事找到回家的/出路给某人指明去路send sb. to sp.

4、build a road到某地的旅行/访问change ones planneither of youin the moonlighta house made of foodleave sb. To do sth.have different opinions about35. make sth. happen 36. 游行在街市上37.看一个故事有许多侧面 38. put on39.许多角度去理解一个故事40. 把一切据为己有41. 致力于做某事 42. 得知,了解成功做到walk around the citymany sides about a story穿上many ways to u

5、nderstand a storykeep everything for oneselfwork on doing sth.learn / know about 二、根据所给的汉语或英语提示正确地完成句子。43. Hou Yi _ (射) the Suns is as _ (感人) as Yu Gong _ (移) a Mountain.44. The story _ (启示) us that you can never know whats _ (可能的) _ (除非) you _ _ (努力) make it _ (happen).45. To f_ bad people, the mon

6、key u_ a m_ stick. 46. The Monkey King can m_ c_ t_ his body. He is able to t_ h_ i_ different animals.47. The emperor gave them s_ and g_, but they were t_ to c_ the emperor.48. Its l_ us to that w_ house m_ o_ bread, cake and c_.shoots touching moves reminds possible unless tryto happenight ses ag

7、ic ake hanges o urn imself nto ilk old rying heat eading onderful ade f andy49. The new _(新人) were too happy to stop _ (smile) when the young couple got m_ .50. The _ (皇帝) walked _ (绕) the city _ (穿着) his new clothes.51. Ill d_ pieces of bread i_. As soon as the moon r_, we can f_ them.52. Where sho

8、uld they put all the _ _ _(土 石)from the _(山).53. F_, a god was so m_ that he s_ 2 gods to take the mountains away.54. Cao Cao is one of the main c_ in the t_ famous works(作品)-the Three Kingdoms. couple smiling arried emperor aroundin /wearing rop nstead ises ollow earth and stone mountainsinally ove

9、d ent haraters raditional55. Who is b_ e_ to eat my house? A w_ v_ c_ from i_ the house. 三、仿照例句的句式将下列句子译成英语:He can sometimes make the stick so small that he can put it in his ear. (sothat结果状语从句)56. 皇帝如此愚蠢以致那俩坏蛋兄弟最终欺骗了他。_57. 她是如此忙以致没时间做一件出席聚会的礼服。_58. 那衣服如此特别以致于不聪明的人是看不见的。_59. 压力如此之大因此学生们几乎睡不着觉。 _ rav

10、e nough omans oice omes nsideThe emperor was so stupid that finally the bad brothers cheated him.She was so busy that she had no time to make a dress to the party.The clothes were so special that stupid people couldnt see them.The clothes were so special that only clever people could see them.The tu

11、dents have so much stress that they can hardly fall asleep.There are so much presure that the students almost cant go to sleep.Why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again? (so that目的状语从句)60. 孙悟空把它变得够小以便于能把它塞进耳朵里。_ 61. Hansel 沿路丢下白石头是为了能找到回家的路。 _As soon as he sees bad people, he thi

12、nks of ways to fight them. (as soon as 时间状语从句)62. 那个小男孩一看到皇帝只穿着内裤就说了实话。 As soon as_63. 王子一见到她就爱上她。 _ as soon as _Don t eat it until you get to the forest.(until时间状语从句)64. They walked _ they saw a house m_ o_ food.Sun Wukong made it small enough so that he could put it into his ear.Hansel dropped whi

13、te stones along the way so that they could follow them home.the boy saw the emperor only in his underwear, he told the truth.The prince fell in love with her he saw her. until ade f Since I live in one house with my parents, I must do my part in keeping it clean and tidy.(since原因状语从句) 65. 既然天旱,粮食作物就

14、不会长。_Unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. (unless让步状语从句)66. 除非老天下雨,否则粮食作物不会成熟。Unless_67. 如果我们不沿路丢下白石子我们就会迷失(方向)。_unless_It doesn t seem very possible to move a mountain.(it seems + adj. + 动词不定式 it做形式主语)68. 遗弃孩子在森林里似乎太坏了。_Since the weather was dry, the food wo

15、uldnt grow.it rains, the food wont grow. Well be lost we drop the white stones along the way.It seems too bad to leave children in the deep forest.四、汉译英:69. Hansel 边走边沿路丢石头以便能找到回家的路。 Hansel was dropping the stones along the way _ he was walking _ _ he could find the way home. _ _ the way home, Hanse

16、l was dropping the stones along the way _ _. Hansel was dropping the stones along the way _ walking _ _ _ _ the way home. Hansel was dropping the stones along the way _ walking _ _ _ they could find the way home. while so thatTo find while walking while in order to find while in order that 70. 那晚夜深是

17、因为有月亮的照耀他们才能看到石头。 _ _ _, they could see the stones _ the moon was shining bright. _ _ _, they could see the stones _ _ the _ moon. _ _ _, _ _ the _ moon, they could see the stones. _ _ _, they could see the stones _ the moon _ bright.71. 石头给他们指明了回家的路。 The stone _ _ _ _ home. The stones _ _ _ the way

18、 home.Later that night because Later that night because of shining Later that night thanks to shining Later that night with shining showed them the way reminds them of 72. Hansel因为没有更多的石头, 只好丢小块面包。 _ Hansel had _ _ stones, he dropped pieces of bread _. _ _ _ _ stones, Hansel dropped pieces of bread

19、_. _ Hansel had _ _ stones, he had to drop pieces of bread _. Hansel had to drop pieces of bread _ _ stones.Because no more instead Because of no more instead Since no more instead instead of 73. -你觉得这衣服怎样?-很适合你。 -_ do you _ the clothes? -_ do you _ _ the clothes? -_ _ the clothes? -They _ _ very we

20、ll. -They are just _ _ you.74. 虽然他们企图改变计划,但最终没实现。 _ they _ _ change their plan, they didnt _ _ _ at last. They _ _ change their plan, _ finally they didnt _ _ _. How like What think of / aboutHow / What about fit you right for Although tried to make it happen tried to but work it out 75. 因为他了解故事的下文,所以他不感兴趣。 _ he _ _ _ _ _ the story, he didnt _ _ _ it. _ he _ _ _ _ _ the story, he _ _ _ _ it. He wasnt _ in _ _ _ the story _ _ _ _ it. He _ _ _ _ _ the story, _ he _ _ _ _ it.76. 他们似乎让他们的父母感到吃惊。 They _ _ _ their parents.77. 愚公移山似乎没必要。 _ _ _ necessary f


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