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1、时态与句型转换时态与句型转换一般现在时与现在进行时一般现在时与现在进行时Look, read and judge:判断下列句子的时态判断下列句子的时态LOOK! The birds are singing.I often go to school by bus.Mike goes shopping on Sundays. They are having an English lesson now.Its six oclock. Ben is having supper.Helen plays football after school.LOOKare singingoftenon Sunday

2、sare havingnowIts six oclock is having playsgoesafter schoolgo现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时)(现在进行时)Simple Present Tense (一般现在时)(一般现在时) 标志词标志词 动词的形式动词的形式时态名称时态名称 标志词 动词形式动词形式现在进行时look, listen, now, Its .(几点了) be + 动词动词ing一般现在时sometimes, us

3、ually, often ,always, every., 1. 原形原形2. 动词动词+s/es (第三人称单数第三人称单数)Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时)(现在进行时)构成:现在分词现在分词构成:Be+动词ing 练习:拼读出下列动词的练习:拼读出下列动词的ing 形式形式. 1.help_ e_ 3.swim_ 4.eat_ 5.give_ 6. take_ 7.sit _ 8. play_helpingcomingswimmingeatinggivingtakingplayingsitting Present Continuous Tense (现在进

4、行时)(现在进行时) 1) 一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加-ing. 如:workworking dodoing Simple Present Tense (一般现在时)(一般现在时)Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时)(现在进行时)动词动词+ing (现在分词)(现在分词)l动词原形动词原形l动词动词第三人称单数形式第三人称单数形式(简称三单形式)(简称三单形式)主语主语是第三人称单数,是第三人称单数,动词要使用三单形动词要使用三单形式。式。动动词词形形式式Look, read and judge: 判断下列人称是不是三单,用yes或no回答Mike_ we _

5、your sister_ my mothers student_ it_ Yang Lings dog_ his brother_ Helen and Su Yang_ you_除了除了I,除了,除了you, 除了复数,剩下的都是三单除了复数,剩下的都是三单。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要使用三单形式。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要使用三单形式。1.I like playing football. He playing football. 2. Mike and I have some stamps. Yang Ling some stamps, too.likeshas1.wash wash

6、es 2. stay stays 3.guess guesses4.study studies 5.take takes 6.go goes7.stop stops 8. see sees 9.drive drives10.play plays 11.fly flies 12.find finds13. teach teaches 14.wash washesExercise:拼读出下列单词的三单形式1.wash_ 2. stay _ 3.guess_4.study_5.take_6.go_ 7.stop_8. see_ 9.drive_10.play_ 11.fly_12.find_13.

7、teach_ 14.wash_ Simple Present Tense (一般现在时)(一般现在时)(2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的单词,或当 o前为辅音字母,加eswatchesteachesgoesdoeswashesbrushes(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,将y改为i加es: studystudies flyflies carrycarries crycries但在y前如果为元音则直接加s buyssaysrunsgetslikestakesplays climbs (1)多数动词直接加s:(4)特殊变形:havehas gogoesExercise:用所给词的适当形式填空(

8、根据标志词判断时态,进而确定动词形式) 1.Mike often_ (play) football in the playground.2.Mike _(play) football in the playground now.3.Listen! Nancy is_ (sing)4.What_(do) he usually_ (do) after school?5.Danny _ _(study) English and Art at school.6.Mike _ (go) to the park with his sister now.7.Its eight oclock, she _ _

9、 _ (watch) TV .8.Where is Mike? He_ _ (read) English in the classroom.playsis playingsingingdoesdostudiesis goingis watchingis reading1.Mike often_plays_ (play) football in the playground.2.Mike _is playing_(play) football in the playground now.Exercise:根据要求完成句子1.Mike goes to school from Monday to F

10、riday.(用now替换from Monday to Friday)2.Nancy usually swims on Sundays.(用now替换on Sundays)3.Liu Tao is having an English lesson now.(用on Tuesday替换now)nowis goingMike is going to school now.Nancy is swimming now.Liu Tao has an English lesson on Tuesday.Tips:(时间,频率等)(时间,频率等)l在改变特定标志词时,句子的时态会有变化。在改变特定标志词时,

11、句子的时态会有变化。 现在分词现在分词 动词三单形式动词三单形式/原形原形 特定特定l将句子变为一般疑问句,否定句与特殊疑问句时,将句子变为一般疑问句,否定句与特殊疑问句时, 句子的时态不变。句子的时态不变。 现在分词现在分词 动词三单形式动词三单形式/原形原形 He wants a book.2. Jimmy is washing clothes.变一般疑问句有有be动词动词/情态动词的,情态动词的,将be动词/情态动词放到句子开头。没有没有be动词动词/情态动词的,情态动词的,在句子开头加Do,三单加does. 变一般疑问句,遇someany,Iyou,weyou ,myyour, our

12、your一、变一般疑问句:wantDoesisDoes he want a book?Is Jimmy washing clothes?1.Mike likes milk very much.2. They walk to school.3. Ling Ling and Mike are singing now.4. I am Chinese.5. Ben can run fast.1.Does Mike like milk very much?2.Do they walk to school?3.Are Ling Ling and Mike singing now?4.Are you Chi

13、nese?5.Can Ben run fast? He wants a book.2. Jimmy is washing clothes.二、变否定句变否定句有有be动词动词/情态动词的,情态动词的,在be动词/情态动词后加not. 没有没有be动词动词/情态动词的,情态动词的,在人称的后面,动词的前面加dont, 三单加doesnt.变否定句,遇someany.wantdoesntnotHe doesnt want a book.Jimmy is not washing clothes.1.Mike likes milk very much.2. They walk to school.3.

14、 Ling Ling and Mike are singing now.4. I am Chinese.5. Ben can run fast.1. Mike doesnt like milk very much.2. They dont walk to school.3. Ling Ling and Mike are not singing now.4.I am not Chinese.5.Ben cant run fast.三、对划线部分提问(变特殊疑问句) 1. He wants a book. 2. Mike is washing clothes.特殊疑问词: what, where,

15、 how, who, whose由特殊疑问词引导的问句特殊疑问句whatWho is washing clothes?whoWhat does he want?where: 哪里? 问地点what:什么? 问事,物,职业等 what time 什么时间(具体几点) what colour 什么颜色 what animal 什么动物When 什么时候 问日期,星期几或不具体的时间how:怎么,怎样?问方法,状态。 How old 几岁 How long (时间)长度 How far (距离)长度 How many?多少(可数名词),问数量。 How much?多少(不可数名词),问“不可数名词的

16、数量”who:谁。 问“人”。 whose:谁的。问“物品的主人” 。How many+可数名词复数。(注意whose的拼写)(名词所有格和物主代词)1.Mike likes milk very much.2.They go to school by bike.3. Ling Lings book is on the desk.4.I am a doctor.5. I work there for two years.2.How do they go to school?3.Whose book is on the desk?1.What does Mike like very much?4.Who is a doctor?5. How long do you work the


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