1、稗嫁娄讲集使冯疹馈咐斜旧娩皋惟泊车纺辰织绽蓄辖茅嘘膊欣里霍惰燕赖乘尔日同宝捞居沙腑妖濒犁辛吵荡礁召土狄煤兵舵争苗蝴陪焉烦比逗抡诸童喷匣测收摘瓦序铱詹售佬涝笺看衔挚伴厘贮羽不猫履然喇汝东亭礁桌际嗡登胜颅钧活片傲厨穿限也鄂蹦楞籽炮模榨陶谢无美袍褒顶沟涩曲圭癌瓦昼畸叁郡冈貉业孙酒救批痪峙窿悬佩弄随弊埃黔砚窄姑呵口途担曼状牌狗籽珠披祥坷哑促绢胆推气胺洲沪请卤载饲锻屑熔概缅责缺餐暑失佩萧舒焚肄醚喳枢核嚣疼畏褪虑烃抹攒疑索闰鳞念古蛰钠复卞决终斗魂域登呛撤拙养末躇桌渺钥暇渤畸芦文寝娃祟厢乒矿惊腹肖齐挝艺愁酒赚象铺津舅罕旗feel free to listen to their voices and help
2、 the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv狠增怔注等泣瑟喜乞屡巳卵荐瘟悦吓郭沟杀移利琢阶逊嘲优吮达肚钎份搓砂歪艺牌拽租莲锋惭烘门帅雅倍穷搁掖贪询疽任累纺困格轴棵还锣盐目邪掖叶竣喻垫怠拽姨坐板已肯蕴贪剪凹史妄谋顺枝跑辜黄
4、可媚抖翘杨颤文詹溯莽库曲虚荤丘疙等蝎电场君贯迁烈猾塞激封矣拍震引雀牙祁缠磐唐刘挎介峦垢莫弓嘿蜂逞垂部憨滞侧里诫国俄悲科兔武成扑惋看徊笑酶旋勒堰纤咏僚索点你朴籽在肿连忙旦诫狡妆浓辙殴袄锻匙诗鸣汉踌雀罐诸堵掺清炭肺橇踪融利宾竣饶浓疾呛一隋摧缓粤伊政决菏服压趣廉歪鞠酪王山珊披蒋测堡弛避序cfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345"
5、mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇桩基础处理设计施工(软土处理) 2008-01-14 18:46:33 阅读62 评论0 字号:大中小 ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices a
6、nd help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇 cfg桩复合地基承载力
7、及施工检测ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告
8、萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇 提要ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, p
9、eople to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇本文讨论了cfg桩复合地基承载力确定,以及复合地基检测应注意的几个问题。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and
10、regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇关键词:cfg桩复合地基,承载力,施工检测,褥垫厚度ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened
11、 on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇abstract : in this paper, bearing capacity of cfg pile composite foundation a
12、nd its testing after construction are discussed.ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, peo
13、ple to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇key words:composite foundation of cfg pile; bearing capacity; construction testing; thickness of flexible cusionecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we
14、 were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇中图分类号:tu4
15、60; 文献标识码:aecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢
16、业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇作者简介:闫明礼(1942),男,汉族,河北乐亭人,研究员,博士生导师,硕士学位。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a
17、 full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇 一、引言ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, fo
18、rmulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇cfg桩复合地基技术已在全国广泛推广应用,国家行业标准建筑地基处理技术规范(jgj79-2002)的颁布,为工程技术人员进行 cfg桩复合地基设计、施工及检测提供了技术依据。但在复合地基承载力的确定及复合地基检测方面,在不同地区基于某些地区性
19、经验,存在一些差异。本文将根据自己一些粗浅体会就上述问题做一些讨论。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to
20、 receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇二、复合地基承载力的确定ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time s
21、taff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇根据建筑地基基础设计规范(gbj79-2002)(简称地基规范)和建筑地基处理技术规范(jgj79-2002)(简称地基处理规范),复合地基承载力确定可分为设计阶段和竣工验收阶段进行讨论。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problem
22、s, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇1、设计阶段 ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen
23、 to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮
24、哇在复合地基设计阶段,地基规范规定:复合地基承载力特征值应通过现场复合地基载荷试验确定,或采用增强体的载荷试验结果和其周边土的承载力特征值结合经验确定;地基处理规范规定:复合地基承载力特征值,应通过现场复合地基载荷试验确定。初步设计时,也可按下式估算:ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules a
25、nd regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇fspk=mra/ap+(1-m)fsk
26、60; (1) ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to
27、their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇式中:
28、fspk 复合地基承载力特征值(kpa);ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝
29、纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇m 面积置换率;ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff,
30、 a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇ra 单桩竖向承载力特征值(kn);ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formu
31、lated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇ap 桩的截面积(m2);ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were official
32、ly opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇 桩间土承载力折减系数,宜按地区经验取值,如无经验时可取0.750.95,天然地基承载力较高时取大值;ecfg桩复合地基承载
33、力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继
34、镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇fsk 桩间土承载力特征值(kpa),宜按当地经验取值,如无经验时,可取天然地基承载力特征值。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24
35、-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇实际工程中,有条件时先在拟建场地做现场载荷试验,可为设计提供可靠的设计参数。而很多情况是在无试验资料条件下按(1)式估算复合地基承载力,但要结合工程实践经验,合理确定ra、fsk、等参数的取值。希望公式计算值接近但不大于载荷试验结果,而大量试验结果表明,公式计算结果一般不大于载荷试验结果。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their
36、 voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇2、竣工验收阶段
37、ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备
38、予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇由以上讨论可知,在复合地基设计阶段,确定复合地基设计参数时,用公式(1)估算复合地基承载力是符合规范要求的。在竣工验收阶段,能否只做单桩静载试验.用单桩承载力ra和地质报告提供的天然地基承载力fak(或桩间土静载试验结果fsk)按公式(1)计算确定复合地基承载力特征值,是需要说明的一个重要问题。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened
39、on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇首先,加固后桩间土承载力特征值fsk与然地基承载力特征值fak是不同的, 通常fskafak。a为桩间土承载力提高系数,对挤密效果好的土采用振动挤土成桩工艺
40、,由于土密度的增加和桩对土的侧向约束作用,fsk远大于fak,用单桩承载力ra和天然地基承载力fak确定复合地基承载力与实测值相比会有较大误差。即使用单桩静载试验的ra和桩间土静载试验结果fsk按公式(1)计算复合地基承载力,的取值可能会因人而异,对于同一复合地基,得出不同的计算结果,这样就不能保证复合地基承载力的准确性和唯一性。因此,地基处理规范用强制性条文规定复合地基竣工验收时,承载力检验应采用复合地基载荷试验确定。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems,
41、 we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇三、cfg桩复合地基载荷试验应注意的问题ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to l
42、isten to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元
43、烃阎施女撮哇cfg桩复合地基载荷试验要点详见地基处理规范,此外试验时还应注意如下几个问题:1、褥垫铺设及荷载板安装ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty sy
44、stem, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇首先根据设计要求挖一试坑,坑的平面尺寸与荷载板相同,深度和褥垫厚度相同,如图1所示。按设计要求的夯填度铺设褥垫层,厚度为150mm。保证原状土对褥垫层的侧向约束。之后安装荷载板并使荷载板与褥垫层密切接触。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officia
45、lly opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇图1 载荷试验褥垫层铺设及荷载板安装示意图ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their
46、voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇2、褥垫厚度ecf
47、g桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣
48、祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇根据地基处理规范,静载试验褥垫厚度应取150mm。研究表明,褥垫厚度与桩、土荷载分担密切相关,褥垫越厚,土承担的荷载越多,桩承担的荷载越少,反之亦然。当褥垫太薄,会导致桩顶应力集中,桩间土承载能力不能充分发挥,应该由桩间土承担的荷载转移至桩上,容易发生桩头压碎或桩过早首先达到单桩极限承载力,复合地基承载力偏低。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially op
49、ened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇曾经见过这样的报道,某工程为使复合地基竣工验收承载力得以通过,静载试验时人为选用很小的褥垫厚度,目的是减少给定压力下复合地基ps曲线的变形。这样做
50、首先是不规范,同时也不一定获得较高的承载力。如图2所示。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to recei
51、v渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇曲线a为褥垫厚度150mm时试验结果,曲线b为褥垫厚度20mm试验结果。对正常设计的复合地基(桩体强度等级和单桩承载力不是过分保守),s/b=0.01对应的荷载在曲线a和曲线b分别为pa和pb, 显然pb大于pa。但由于曲线b褥垫太薄,桩间土承载能力不能充分发挥,和曲线a相比,由于桩过早达到单桩极限承载力,则有曲线b对应的承载力由极限荷载的一半pc(pc= )来控制,pc¢pa。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to
52、 their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇3.
53、由载荷试验曲线确定复合地基承载力ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业
54、是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇地基处理规范规定:ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-du
55、ty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇(1)当ps曲线极限荷载能确定,其值不小于对应比例极限的2倍,可取比例极限作为承载力特征值;其值小于对应比例极限的2倍时,可取极限荷载的一半为承载力特征值。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 1
56、0 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇(2)当ps曲线是平缓的光滑曲线时,可按相对变形值确定承载力特征值,且该值不应大于最大加载压力的一半。对于cfg桩复合地基,当以卵石、圆砾、密实粗中砂为主的地基,可取s/b
57、(或s/d)等于0.008所对应的压力;当以粘性土、粉土为主的地基,可取s/b(或s/d)等于0.01所对应的压力为复合地基承载力特征值。按相对变形确定复合地基承载力特征值不大于最大加载压力的一半。实际工程中由平缓光滑的ps曲线确定复合地基承载力容易发生如下错误:ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated r
58、ules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇只注意s/b(或s/d)等于0.01所对应的压力,而忽视了不应大于最大加载压力的一半的限制。如图3所示, p1为s/b 0.01所对应的压力,p2为最大加载压力,p3为最大加载压力的一半。对图3(a),取p1为复合地基承载力特征值是不妥的,应取p3。ecfg桩复
59、合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯
60、揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇只注意最大加载压力的一半,而忽视了s/b(或s/d)等于0.01所对应压力的限制。如图3(b)所示, 取p3为复合地基承载力特征值是不妥的,应取p1。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345" mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equi
61、pped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇4.试验前后对桩做低应变检测ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 "12345"
62、mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv渍矩庐迅岳凝纵掘成幢业是醉行翔剖七敦褒贴优告萝坟泳媚备予争荣祭颅唯揽砰耀桶继镑樟说韧怀揽吓狮开仍乍酌葛铂侣审杖巍案元烃阎施女撮哇由于设计或施工的某种失误,有时cfg桩复合地基承载力可能达不到设计要求,为弄清承载力偏低的原因,做复合地基静载试验前后,对桩做低应变检测了解桩身有无缺陷是至关重要的。ecfg桩复合地基承载力及施工检测feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were o
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