



1、 中考题库5 连词选择题1.(2010 ·中考) jenny, put on your coat you will catch a cold.a. butb. andc. ord. so2.(2010·内江中考)what do you think of this skirt? -its beautiful and it fits we well,_i like it very much.a.sinceb.soc.but3.(2010·南京中考)-i dont think your uncle really like drama series. -no,_he st

2、ill watches the programea.andb.soc.ord.but4.(2010·宿迁中考)_ they are twin brothers, they dont look like each other.a. though b. since c. however d. when 5.(2010·上海中考)money is important ,_it cant buy everything.a.forb.butc.ord.so6.(2010·成都中考)i wont be able to understand what you say,_you

3、speak too quickly.a.ifb.thoughc.because7.(2010·黄冈中考)wang jinquan,a teacher from qichun,has supported many poor students to college. -_he himself lives a plain(相素的)life.a.sob.butc.becaused.though8.(2010·湖州中考)is everyone here today? -no.tom is at home_he has got a bad cold.a.becauseb.ifc.unt

4、ild.unless9.(2010·通化中考)what is our head teacher like,do you know? -oh,he is very kind _he looks very serious.a.becauseb.thoughc.ifd.when10.(2010·山西中考)in summer , food goes bad easily _ it is put in the refrigerator.a. until b. if c. unless11. (2009·河北中考) _ they may not succeed, they w

5、ill try their best.a. though b. when c. because d. unless12. (2009·龙岩中考) maria didnt catch the last bus, _she had to walk home.a. because b. so c. but13. (2009·北京中考) money is important _ its not the most important thing.a. and b. but c. or d. so14. (2009·义乌中考) dont forget to wash your

6、 hands _ you have meals.a. until b. before c. when d. while15. (2009·安徽中考) linda tried to become an excellent teacher, _ at last she succeeded.a. so b. or c. but d. and16. (2009·施恩中考) he will come here right away _ he hears the news.a. so b. as soon as c. because d. though17. (2009·兰州

7、中考) youd better look up the new word in a dictionary _ you dont know it.a. if   b. that   c. though     d. whether18. (2009·南昌中考) help others whenever you can _ youll make the world a nicer place to live.a. and b. or c. unless d. but19. (2009·绵阳中考) she ca

8、n speak little english _ she dare to talk with foreigners.a. so b. or c. as d. but 20. (2009·绵阳中考) my uncle has been taught in this school _ he was twenty years old.a. since b. for c. until d. after21. the little boy is _ young _ he cant go to school.a. enough; to b. too; to c. so; that d. such

9、; that 22. (2009·孝感中考) _ switzerland is very small, _ it is the land of watch and it is very rich. a. though; but b. because; so c. because; / d. though; / 23. (2009·东营中考) remember to return the book to the school library in time, _ you will be fined (罚款).a. or b. and c. but d. then24 (200

10、9·德州中考) _ henrys mother _ his father speaks english. they both speak chinese.a. either; or b. neither; nor c. both; and d. not only; but also25. (2009·兰州中考) _ tom _ mary speaks good chinese, so they can communicate with these chinese students very well.a. neither; nor b. not only; but also

11、c. both; and d. either; or26. (2008·扬州中考)work hard,_ you11 pass the english exam this time.a. or b. but c. because d. and27. (2008·长沙中考) -was the boy saved?-no. the doctors tried their best, _ they failed a. and b. so c. but 28. (2008·南昌中考) were going to the bookstore. you can come wi

12、th us _ you can meet us there later.a. and b. but c or d. then29. (2008·恩施中考) _ lucy _ lily may go dancing with you, because they are not allowed to go out on school nights.a. either; or b. neither; nor c. both; and d. not only; but also30. (2008·徐州中考) i dont like bread. i wont eat it _ i

13、am very hungry.a. if b. when c. as d. unless31. ( 2008·恩施中考) i cant still understand the passage _ there are few new words in it.a. so b. because c. if d. though32. (2008·宁波中考) its a serious problem. we cant decide _ mr. harris comes back.a. while b. since c. until d. so 33. (2008·烟台中

14、考) mr. black comes from america, and he has studied chinese in china for 5 years, so you can talk with him _.a. either in english or in chinese b. not in chinese but in englishc. just in english not in chinese d. neither in chinese nor in english34. (2008·北京中考) its a nice house _ it hasnt got a

15、 garden.a. and b. or c. but d. so35. (2008·襄樊中考) -when are you going to tell henry the good news.-_ he comes back.a. since b. as soon as c. because d. until36. (2008·绍兴中考) i like watching cctv 4 _ it can help me learn more about the world.a. if b. because c. though d. until37. (2007·辽

16、宁十二中考) i could speak _ japanese _ chinese, so i had to talk with him in english. a. not only; but also b. both; and c. neither; nor d. either; or38. (2007·重庆市课改区中考)tony is a clever boy, _ he usually fails in chinese exams. a. so b. but c. or d. because 39. (2007·潜江、仙桃、江汉、油田中考) when someone

17、 is ill, he _ she should try to smile at life. a. and b. but c. or d. so40. (2007·河南中考) tom, keep away from the fire, _ you will get hurt.a. and b. so c. or d. but1-5 cbdab 6-10 cbabc 11【解析】选a。考查though引导的让步状语从句。结合题意“尽管他们不可能成功,但是他们将尽全力”可排除b、c、d三项,故正确答案为a。【解析】选b 【解析】选b。考查but的用法。结合“money is import

18、ant”和“its not the most important thing.”前后两句之间的关系可排除a、c、d三项,故选b。【解析】选b 【解析】选d。考查and的用法。结合题意“琳达尽力变成一名优秀的教师,最后她成功了”可排除a、b、c三项,选d。【解析】选b【解析】选a。考查if引导的条件状语从句。结合题意“如果你不知道那个新词,你最好在字典里查阅它”可排除b、c、d三项,选a。18-21 adac22【解析】选d。though和but, because和so不能同时用在一个句子中,先排除a、b二项;另结合题意“虽然瑞士非常小,但是它是手表之乡,且很富有”可舍c选d。【解析】选a。考查or在“祈使句+or+简单句”结构中的运用。题意为“记得按时把书归还给图书馆,否则你将被罚款”。or是连词,意为“否则”。【解析】选b。考查neither nor的用法。结合关键信息“they b


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