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1、 Lesson 99 Ow! 啊哟!啊哟!by PeterRevision leave (left, left) v. 遗留遗留 describe v. 描述描述 zip n. 拉链拉链 label n. 标签标签 handle n. 提手,把手提手,把手 address n. 地址地址 pence n. 便士便士 belong v. 属于属于 口渴的口渴的 诚实的;正直的诚实的;正直的 秘密秘密 保守秘密保守秘密 关心,关注,在意关心,关注,在意 关心,关怀关心,关怀 青少年青少年 好看的,漂亮的好看的,漂亮的 幽默的幽默的 礼貌的礼貌的Revision thirsty honest sec

2、ret keep a secret care care about teenager good-looking humourous politeNew words and expressions ow int. 哎呦哎呦 slip(slipped, slipped) v. 滑到,滑了一脚滑到,滑了一脚 fall(fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒落下,跌倒 downstairs adv. 下楼下楼 hurt(hurt, hurt) v. 伤,伤, 伤害,伤害, 疼痛疼痛 back n. 背背 stand up 起立,站起来起立,站起来 help v. 帮助帮助 at once 立即立

3、即 sure adj. 一定的,确信的一定的,确信的 X-ray n. X光透视光透视 1. slip 1) v. 滑倒,滑了一跤滑倒,滑了一跤 在泥泞中滑到在泥泞中滑到slip in the mud 在楼梯上滑倒在楼梯上滑倒slip on the stairs 我在结冰的路上滑倒了,伤了膝盖。我在结冰的路上滑倒了,伤了膝盖。I slipped on the icy road and hurt my knee. 2) v. 滑落滑落 钢笔从我的手中滑落。钢笔从我的手中滑落。The pen slipped from my hand. 玻璃杯从他的手中滑落,打碎了。玻璃杯从他的手中滑落,打碎了。T

4、he glass slipped out of his hand and broke. 2. fall (fell, fallen) 1)v.落下,跌倒落下,跌倒 她昨天掉进河里去了。她昨天掉进河里去了。She fell into the river yesterday. 2) v. 下降下降 明天气温将下降。明天气温将下降。(temperature 温度温度)The temperature will fall tomorrow. 拉链的价格己经跌下去了。拉链的价格己经跌下去了。The price of the zips has fallen. -fall asleep 入睡入睡 他刚要睡着,

5、门铃响了。他刚要睡着,门铃响了。 He was just falling asleep. The doorbell rang. -fall in love with 爱上某人爱上某人 她对他一见钟情。她对他一见钟情。 She fell in love with him at the first sight. 3. downstairs adv. 楼下楼下 -go downstairs 下楼去下楼去 -be downstairs 在楼下在楼下 4. hurt 1) v. 伤伤 他的女儿从自行车上捽了下来,伤到了背部。他的女儿从自行车上捽了下来,伤到了背部。 His daughter fell o

6、ff the bike and hurt her back. 2) v. 伤害感情伤害感情 伤害某人感情伤害某人感情 hurt ones feeling 反义词反义词upstairsupstairs 5. back 1) n. 背,背部背,背部 lie on ones back 面朝天地躺着面朝天地躺着 我的背部受伤了。我的背部受伤了。My back hurts. 2) n. 背面背面 手背手背the back of the hand 纸的背面纸的背面the back of the paper 3)n. 后面,后部后面,后部 教室的后面有教室的后面有2 2名学生名学生。There are tw

7、o students at the back of the classroom. 4) adv. 在后,向后在后,向后 stand back 向后站向后站 5) adv.回原处回原处 go back to 回到回到 他要回到家乡去了他要回到家乡去了。He will go back to his hometown. 把书放回原处把书放回原处put these books back stand up 站起来站起来 sit down 坐下坐下 stand on ones head 倒立倒立 stand behind 做做的后盾,支持的后盾,支持 我将一直支持你。我将一直支持你。I will stan

8、d behind you all the time. 6. help 1) v. 帮助帮助 help sb. with sth. 你帮我做家务真是太好了。你帮我做家务真是太好了。You are so kind to help me with the housework. 你能帮我学英语吗你能帮我学英语吗?Can you help me with English? 2) n. 帮助帮助 求助求助 ask/ shout/call for help 7. sure adj. 一定的,确信的一定的,确信的 你能肯定吗你能肯定吗? Are you sure of it? (be srue of sth.

9、)Are you sure? 我肯定他会来我肯定他会来。I am sure that he will come. feel sure of oneself 有自信心有自信心 她总是很自信她总是很自信。She always feels sure of herself.自信的自信的confident tidy adj. 整洁的,爱整洁的整洁的,爱整洁的 反义词:反义词: untidy trust vt. 信任信任 我信任你。我信任你。I trust you. 我相信你所说的。我相信你所说的。I trust what you say.trust sb.trust in sb. 信任,信赖信任,信赖

10、lie 1) n. 谎言谎言 说谎说谎tell a lie/ lies 2) v. 说谎说谎 我没有说谎,我何必说谎。我没有说谎,我何必说谎。I dont tell lies. I dont have to tell lies. 别向我撒谎别向我撒谎。Dont lie to me. joke 1) v. 开玩笑,戏弄,嘲弄开玩笑,戏弄,嘲弄 你在开玩笑吧你在开玩笑吧You must be joking. 我和他开玩笑我和他开玩笑I joked with him. 2) n. 玩笑玩笑 他有时会说笑话他有时会说笑话。He sometimes tells jokes/ tells a joke.

11、play jokes on sb. 和和开玩笑开玩笑 你在开玩笑吧你在开玩笑吧。Are you kidding me? 我只是在开玩笑而我只是在开玩笑而已已。Just kidding. willing adj. 愿意的愿意的be willing to do sth. 乐意做乐意做Mum, I am willing to go to Only everyday. be unwilling to do sth. 我再也不想和你一起玩了。我再也不想和你一起玩了。I am unwilling to play with you.New words and expressions 爱整洁的,整洁的爱整洁的

12、,整洁的 信任信任 谎言谎言 玩笑玩笑 确实的,的确确实的,的确 乐意的,愿意的乐意的,愿意的 嗓音嗓音 几乎,差不多几乎,差不多 圆形的圆形的 tidy trust lie joke true willing voice almost roundRevision ow slip (slipped, slipped) fall (fell, fallen) downstairs hurt (hurt, hurt) back stand up help at once sure X-ray 矮油矮油 滑倒滑倒 跌倒跌倒 下楼下楼 伤害,疼痛伤害,疼痛 背部背部 站起来站起来 帮助帮助 立刻立刻

13、肯定的,确定的肯定的,确定的 X X光射线光射线Notes on the text宾语从句宾语从句(两个句型两个句型) 可用在可用在say,think,believe,hope,know,understand,suppose等动词之后。等动词之后。 也可用在某些描写感情的形容词之后也可用在某些描写感情的形容词之后,如,如afraid,sure,sorry,glad等之后。等之后。 A:主语主语+say/think/believe/hope+that+从句从句 B:主语主语+be+afraid/sure/sorry/glad+that+从句从句 我知道我能修理这辆车我知道我能修理这辆车.I kn

14、ow that I can repair this car. 我为他的死深感悲痛我为他的死深感悲痛.I am sorry about his death. 宾语从句还可以由宾语从句还可以由when,where,what,why,how以及以及if,whether(是否是否)来引导,而它们在句来引导,而它们在句中中不能省略不能省略,且宾语,且宾语从句通常都应以陈述句从句通常都应以陈述句的形式的形式出现。出现。 主语主语 +be adj./v. +if + 陈述句陈述句 主语主语 +be adj./v. +特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 +陈述句陈述句 我想知道你是否去了伦敦我想知道你是否去了伦敦。I wa

15、nt to know if you went to London. 我不知道你在说什么我不知道你在说什么。I dont know what you are talking about.课文讲解课文讲解 Whats the matter, Andy? Whats the matter?=Whats wrong?=What happened? I slipped and fell downstairs. downstairs是副词,修饰是副词,修饰fell fall off 从从跌落跌落 昨天夜里,她的奶奶从床上摔下来昨天夜里,她的奶奶从床上摔下来。 Her grandmother fell of

16、f the bed last night. fall out of 从从 里面里面 摔出去摔出去 那个可怜的女孩从窗户里摔出来了那个可怜的女孩从窗户里摔出来了。 The poor girl fell out of the window. fall down 摔倒摔倒 他试图站起来,但是又摔倒了他试图站起来,但是又摔倒了。 He tried to stand up, but he fell down again. Yes, I have. I think that Ive hurt my back. I think 后面接宾语从句(省略了后面接宾语从句(省略了that) Ive hurt my

17、back. 做做think的宾语的宾语。 我想她己经上床睡觉了我想她己经上床睡觉了。I think that she has already gone to bed. 他认为他是正确的他认为他是正确的。He thinks that he is right. hurt做及物动词时,意为做及物动词时,意为“伤到伤到”;做不及物;做不及物动词时,意为动词时,意为“疼疼”。 他抬那个很重的箱子的时候伤到了腰他抬那个很重的箱子的时候伤到了腰(waist).He hurt his waist(腰腰) when he lifted that heavy box. Try and stand up. Can

18、you stand up? Here Let me help you. and 连接两个动词连接两个动词 上楼来看一看吧上楼来看一看吧 Come upstairs and see it. 去买条新裙子吧去买条新裙子吧!Go and buy a new dress. try to do 尽力,设法做尽力,设法做 我设法把他找出来我设法把他找出来I try to find him out. 你应该尽力帮助她你应该尽力帮助她。You should try to help her. try doing 试着试着 他试着把真相告诉他的妈妈他试着把真相告诉他的妈妈。He tries telling his

19、 mother the truth. Let sb. do sth 让某人做某事让某人做某事 放放 开他,让他走开他,让他走。Let him go. Im sorry, Lucy. Im afraid that I cant get up. 我恐怕会迟到我恐怕会迟到。Im afraid that I will be late. 恐怕明天会下雨恐怕明天会下雨。Im afraid (that) it will rain tomorrow. get up =stand up 站起来站起来 I think that the doctor had better see you. Ill phone Dr

20、. Carter. had better do sth 最好最好 她最好给她的妈妈打个电话她最好给她的妈妈打个电话。Shed better call her mother now. phone the doctor = call the doctor 给医生打电话给医生打电话 The doctor says (that) he will come at once. 她说她非常喜欢音乐她说她非常喜欢音乐。She says that she likes music very much. at once 马上,立刻马上,立刻 = right away常用于一般将来时。常用于一般将来时。 Im sur

21、e (that) you need an X-ray. =Im sure (that) the doctor needs to X-ray your back. 明天我要去做一个颈部的明天我要去做一个颈部的X X光透视光透视。 I will X-ray my neck tomorrow.翻译句子翻译句子 恐怕我现在必须走了恐怕我现在必须走了(be afraid that) 很抱歉,我不能帮助你。很抱歉,我不能帮助你。(be sorry that) 我敢肯定,你必须看医生。我敢肯定,你必须看医生。(be sure that) 我以为他的房子在出售。我以为他的房子在出售。(think that)

22、我相信明天天气一定很好。我相信明天天气一定很好。(believe that) 他说他感觉很累。他说他感觉很累。(say that) 他们说他们想要点钱。他们说他们想要点钱。(say that) 我想知道,你明天是否我想知道,你明天是否(if/whether)去北京。去北京。 我想知道,你为什么总是迟到。我想知道,你为什么总是迟到。(want to know why)背诵课文背诵课文 1.1.我滑了一跤,从楼梯上滑下来了。我滑了一跤,从楼梯上滑下来了。 2.2.我想最后请医生过来给你看一下。我想最后请医生过来给你看一下。 3.3.医生说他马上就来。医生说他马上就来。 4.4.安迪,我看你需要做一

23、次安迪,我看你需要做一次X X光透视。光透视。 5.5.恐怕我站不起来。恐怕我站不起来。Exercises ( ) l. Bob has hurt _ badly in the accident. A. he B. him C. his D. himself . ( ) 2. I stood_when the CEO came in.A. on B. in C. up D. off ( ) 3. A:I didnt do well in my French exam. B:Dont worry. Im _that you can pass the exam.A. understand B. k

24、now C. afraid D. sure ( ) 4. Jack_and_downstairs.A. slip; fell B. slipped; fell C. slipped, fall D. sliped;fall ( ) 5. Your hands are very dirty. Go and wash them_. A. at once B. in once C. for once D. on once ( ) 6.John says_he will go to Beijing by air.A. that B. which C. what D. where ( ) 7._you_

25、where your mother has gone? A. Do; know B. Are; knowing C. Did; know D. Have; known ( ) 8. A:Can you go shopping with me? B:Sorry, Im _that I cant.A. afraid B. know C. believe D. say ( ) 9. A: Oh, I cant find my dog. B:Dont worry. Let me_you.A. to help B. helping C. help D. Helped I have a dog. He i

26、s usually a good pet and we are good friends. But there is s_ wrong with him now. First, the dog isnt quiet any more. He often makes some n_ at night. He barks many times and always w_ my neighbours up. The second p_ is that he likes to bite things. If I w_ with him in the park, he bites the trees and even wooden chairs.This really makes me embarrassed(难堪的难堪的). I really need some h_ . So, yesterday, I listened to a t_ on how to keep pet dogs. The speaker(演讲者演讲者) shared his experience(经验经验) with us. He said that dogs looked d_ from each o


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