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1、1 bit logic instructions1.1 overview of bit logic instructions1.1.1 descriptionbit logic instructions work with two digits, 1 and 0. these two digits form the base of a number system called the binary system. the two digits 1 and 0 are called binary digits or bits. in the world of contacts and coils

2、, a 1 indicates activated or energized, and a 0 indicates not activated or not energized.the bit logic instructions interpret signal states of 1 and 0 and combine them according to boolean logic. these combinations produce a result of 1 or 0 that is called the “result of logic operation” (rlo).the l

3、ogic operations that are triggered by the bit logic instructions perform a variety of functions.there are bit logic instructions to perform the following functions: u -| |- normally open contact (address)u -| / |- normally closed contact (address)u -(save) save rlo into br memoryu xor bit exclusive

4、oru -( ) output coilu -( # )- midline outputu -|not|- invert power flowthe following instructions react to an rlo of 1:u -( s ) set coilu -( r ) reset coilu sr set-reset flip flopu rs reset-set flip flopother instructions react to a positive or negative edge transition to perform the following funct

5、ions:u -(n)- negative rlo edge detectionu -(p)- positive rlo edge detectionu neg address negative edge detectionu pos address positive edge detectionu immediate readu immediate write1.2 -| |- normally open contact (address)1.2.1 symbol<address>-| |-parameterdata typememory areadescription<a

6、ddress>booli, q, m, l, d, t, cchecked bit1.2.2 description-| |- (normally open contact) is closed when the bit value stored at the specified <address> is equal to "1". when the contact is closed, ladder rail power flows across the contact and the result of logic operation (rlo) =

7、"1".otherwise, if the signal state at the specified <address> is "0", the contact is open. when the contact is open, power does not flow across the contact and the result of logic operation (rlo) = "0".when used in series, -| |- is linked to the rlo bit by and log

8、ic. when used in parallel, it is linked to the rlo by or logic.1.2.3 status wordbrcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fcwrites:-xxx11.2.4 examplepower flows if one of the following conditions exists:the signal state is "1" at inputs i0.0 and i0.1 or the signal state is "1" at input i0.2.1.3 -| /

9、|- normally closed contact (address)1.3.1 symbol<address>-| / |-parameterdata typememory areadescription<address>booli, q, m, l, d, t, cchecked bit1.3.2 description-| / |- (normally closed contact) is closed when the bit value stored at the specified <address> is equal to "0&q

10、uot;. when the contact is closed, ladder rail power flows across the contact and the result of logic operation (rlo) = "1".otherwise, if the signal state at the specified <address> is "1", the contact is opened. when the contact is opened, power does not flow across the con

11、tact and the result of logic operation (rlo) = "0".when used in series, -| / |- is linked to the rlo bit by and logic. when used in parallel, it is linked to the rlo by or logic.1.3.3 status wordbrcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fcwrites:-xxx11.3.4 examplepower flows if one of the following conditions

12、exists:the signal state is "1" at inputs i0.0 and i0.1 or the signal state is "1" at input i0.21.4 xor bit exclusive orfor the xor function, a network of normally open and normally closed contacts must be created as shown below.1.4.1 symbolsparameterdata typememory areadescriptio

13、n<address1>booli, q, m, l, d, t, cscanned bit<address2>booli, q, m, l, d, t, cscanned bit1.4.2 descriptionxor (bit exclusive or) creates an rlo of "1" if the signal state of the two specified bits is different.1.4.3 examplethe output q4.0 is "1" if (i0.0 = "0&quo

14、t; and i0.1 = "1") or (i0.0 = "1" and i0.1 = "0").1.5 -|not|- invert power flow1.5.1 symbol-|not|-1.5.2 description-|not|- (invert power flow) negates the rlo bit.1.5.3 status wordbrcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fcwrites:-1x-1.5.4 examplethe signal state of output q4.0 is "0&

15、quot; if one of the following conditions exists:the signal state is "1" at input i0.0 or the signal state is "1" at inputs i0.1 and i0.2.1.6 -( ) output coil1.6.1 symbol<address>-( )parameterdata typememory areadescription<address>booli, q, m, l, dassigned bit1.6.2 de

16、scription-( ) (output coil) works like a coil in a relay logic diagram. if there is power flow to the coil (rlo = 1), the bit at location <address> is set to "1". if there is no power flow to the coil (rlo = 0), the bit at location <address> is set to "0". an output c

17、oil can only be placed at the right end of a ladder rung. multiple output elements (max.16) are possible (see example). a negated output can be created by using the -|not|- (invert power flow) element.1.6.3 mcr (master control relay) dependencymcr dependency is activated only if an output coil is pl

18、aced inside an active mcr zone. within an activated mcr zone, if the mcr is on and there is power flow to an output coil , the addressed bit is set to the current status of power flow. if the mcr is off, a logic "0" is written to the specified address regardless of power flow status.1.6.4

19、status wordbrcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fcwrites:-0x-01.6.5 examplethe signal state of output q4.0 is "1" if one of the following conditions exists:the signal state is "1" at inputs i0.0 and i0.1 or the signal state is "0" at input i0.2.the signal state of output q4.1 is "

20、1" if one of the following conditions exists:the signal state is "1" at inputs i0.0 and i0.1 or the signal state is "0" at input i0.2 and "1" at input i0.3if the example rungs are within an activated mcr zone:when mcr is on, q4.0 and q4.1 are set according to power

21、 flow status as described above.when mcr is off (=0), q4.0 and q4.1 are reset to 0 regardless of power flow.1.7 -( # )- midline output1.7.1 symbol<address>-( # )-parameterdata typememory areadescription<address>booli, q, m, *l, dassigned bit* an l area address can only be used if it is d

22、eclared temp in the variable declaration table of a logic block (fc, fb, ob).1.7.2 description-( # )- (midline output) is an intermediate assigning element which saves the rlo bit (power flow status) to a specified <address>. the midline output element saves the logical result of the preceding

23、 branch elements. in series with other contacts, -( # )- is inserted like a contact. a -( # )- element may never be connected to the power rail or directly after a branch connection or at the end of a branch. a negated -( # )- can be created by using the -|not|- (invert power flow) element.1.7.3 mcr

24、 (master control relay) dependencymcr dependency is activated only if a midline output coil is placed inside an active mcr zone. within an activated mcr zone, if the mcr is on and there is power flow to a midline output coil; the addressed bit is set to the current status of power flow. if the mcr i

25、s off, a logic "0" is written to the specified address regardless of power flow status.1.7.4 status wordbrcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fcwrites:-0x-11.7.5 examplem 0.0 has the rlo:m 1.1 has the rlo:m 2.2 has the rlo of the entire bit logic combination.1.8 -( r ) reset coil1.8.1 symbol<address>

26、-( r )parameterdata typememory areadescription<address>booli, q, m, l, d, t, creset bit1.8.2 description-( r ) (reset coil) is executed only if the rlo of the preceding instructions is "1" (power flows to the coil). if power flows to the coil (rlo is "1"), the specified <

27、;address> of the element is reset to "0". a rlo of "0" (no power flow to the coil) has no effect and the state of the element's specified address remains unchanged. the <address> may also be a timer (t no.) whose timer value is reset to "0" or a counter (c

28、no.) whose counter value is reset to "0".1.8.3 mcr (master control relay) dependencymcr dependency is activated only if a reset coil is placed inside an active mcr zone. within an activated mcr zone, if the mcr is on and there is power flow to a reset coil; the addressed bit is reset to th

29、e "0" state. if the mcr is off, the current state of the element's specified address remains unchanged regardless of power flow status.1.8.4 status wordbrcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fcwrites:-0x-01.8.5 examplenetwork 1network 2network 3the signal state of output q4.0 is reset to "0" i

30、f one of the following conditions exists:the signal state is "1" at inputs i0.0 and i0.1 or the signal state is "0" at input i0.2.if the rlo is "0", the signal state of output q4.0 remains unchanged.the signal state of timer t1 is only reset if:the signal state is "

31、;1" at input i0.3.the signal state of counter c1 is only reset if:the signal state is "1" at input i0.4.if the example rungs are within an activated mcr zone:when mcr is on, q4.0, t1, and c1 are reset as described above.when mcr is off, q4.0, t1, and c1 are left unchanged regardless o

32、f rlo state (power flow status).1 位逻辑指令1.1 位逻辑指令概述1.1.1 描述位逻辑指令使用两个数字,1和0。这两个数字,形成一个数字系统的基础,被称为二进制系统。1和0两个数字被称为二进制数字或位。在触点和线圈的世界,1表示激活或通电,0表示没有激活或不通电。解释1和0位逻辑指令信号状态,并结合他们根据布尔逻辑。这些组合会产生一个0或1的结果,被称为“逻辑运算的结果”(rlo)。位逻辑指令触发的逻辑操作可执行多种功能。有位逻辑指令,履行下列职能:u -| | -常开触点(地址)u u-| / |-常闭触点(地址)u -(save)将rlo保存到br存储器

33、u xor异或u -()输出线圈u -()-中间输出u - |not| -反向功率流下面的指令作出反应的rlo1:u -(s)设置线圈u -(r)复位线圈u sr 设置复位触发器u rs复位设置触发器其他指令的反应积极或消极的边缘过渡到履行下列职能:u -(n)-rlo负跳沿检测u -(p)- rlo正跳沿检测u neg地址负边缘检测u pos地址正边缘检测u 立即读u 立即写1.2 -| |-常开触点(地址)1.2.1 符号<地址>-| |-参数数据类型存储区描述<地址>booli, q, m, l, d, t, c检查位1.2.2 描述-| |-(常开触点)指定的&

34、lt; address >是位值存储在关闭时等于“1”。 当触点闭合时,阶梯铁路电源流经的联系和逻辑操作(rlo)=“1”的结果。否则,如果信号在指定< address >的状态是“0”,联系人是开放的。当接触是开放的,功率不流经的联系和逻辑操作(rlo)=“0”的结果。串联使用时,-| |-通过与逻辑与rlo位联系。在并联使用时,通过或逻辑与rlo关联。1.2.3 状态字brcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fc未用:- -xxx11.2.4 例子功率流如果存在下列条件之一:输入i0.0和i0.1信号状态为“1”或输入i0.2信号状态为“1”。1.3 -| / |-常闭

35、触点(地址)1.3.1 符号<地址>-| / |-参数数据类型存储区描述<地址>booli, q, m, l, d, t, c检查位1.3.2 描述-| / |-(常闭触点)在指定< address >中存储的位值等于为“0”时关闭。当触点闭合时,阶梯铁路电源流经的联系和逻辑操作(rlo)=“1”的结果。否则,如果信号在指定< address >的状态是“1”,触点打开。当触点打开时,电源不流经的联系和逻辑操作(rlo)=“0”的结果。串联使用时,-| |-通过与逻辑与rlo位联系。在并联使用时,通过或逻辑与rlo关联。1.3.3状态字brcc1

36、cc0ovosorstarlo/fc未用:-xxx11.3.4 例子功率流如果存在下列条件之一:输入i0.0和i0.1信号状态为“1”或输入i0.2信号状态为“1”。1.4 xor位异或为xor功能常开和常闭触点的网络必须创建如下所示。1.4.1 符号参数数据类型存储区描述<地址1>booli, q, m, l, d, t, c扫描位<地址2>booli, q, m, l, d, t, c扫描位1.4.2 描述xor(位异或)创建一个“1”的rlo如果两个指定位的信号状态是不同的。1.4.3例子如果 (i0.0 = "0" 与i0.1 = "

37、;1") 或(i0.0 = "1" 与 i0.1 = "0").输出q4.0为“1”。1.5 -|not|-反向功率流1.5.1符号-|not|-1.5.2描述-|not|-(反向功率流)取反rlo位。1.5.3 状态字brcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fc未用:-1x-1.5.4 例子如果存在下列条件之一输出q4.0的信号状态为“0”:输入i0.0信号状态为“1”或输入i0.1和i0.2的信号状态为“1”。1.6 -( )输出线圈1.6.1 符号<地址>-( )参数数据类型存储区描述<地址>booli, q,

38、m, l, d分配位1.6.2 描述-()(输出线圈)就像一个线圈在继电器逻辑图中工作。如果有功率流线圈(rlo = 1时),在位置< address >位被设置为“1”。 如果没有功率流线圈(rlo = 0时),在位置< address >位被设置为“0”。 输出线圈只能被放置在一个梯级的右端。可能有多个输出元素(最大16)(见示例)。使用-| not| -(反电流)元素,可以创建一个否定的输出。1.6.3 mcr(主控继电器)依赖关系如果一个输出线圈只放在一个积极的mcr区域内mcr的依赖关系被激活,在激活的mcr区内,如果mcr是有电源流输送到输出线圈,那寻址位设置为当前状态的功率流。如果mcr处于关闭状态,无论功率流状态,逻辑“0”写入到指定地址。1.6.4 状态字brcc1cc0ovosorstarlo/fc未用:-0x-01.6.5 例子如果存在下列条件之一输出q4.0的信号状态为“1”:信号状态为“1”输入i0.0和i0.1或信号状态为“0”输入i0.2。如果存在下列条件之一输出q4.1的信号状态为“1”:信号状态为“1”输入i0.0和i0.1或信号状态为“0”输入i0.2和“1”输入i0.3。如果例子梯级是在一个激活的mcr区:当mcr的q4.0和q4.1设置如上所述,根


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