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1、Lesson07 Mutilatedladies Lesson07 Mutilatedladies 残钞鉴别组残钞鉴别组 by: 段老师New words and expression New words and expression 生词和短语生词和短语 Mutilate v.使残缺不全 / mutilation n.切断, 毁损 及物动词(经常用于被动语态) 1 毁伤、残害 - He was mutilated in the accident, and now has only one leg. - a mutilated note 一张残缺不全的钞票 2 把.搞砸了 Youve alre

2、ady mutilated the novel by making such changes. Dollar = dad president 美元chew v.chew v.咀嚼咀嚼 - A lot of people love chewing gums.(chewing gums口香糖)(gum n.树脂, 橡胶) - Dont bite off more than one can chew. 不要贪多嚼不烂。 Bite(n.咬) chew the fat 聊天, 闲谈 chewed up 着急的、担心的 嚼碎, 毁坏, 消耗 Dont get worried about your exam

3、ination. Dont get chewed up about your examination Microwave n.微波,微波炉 Microswitch 微型开关 Microfilm 缩影胶片 Microscope 显微镜 Microsecond 一百万分之一秒, 微秒 Microphone 扩音器, 麦克风 Microbiology 微生物学 micro adj.极小的, 微小的 / macro adj.巨大的 oven n.炉灶safekeeping n.safekeeping n.妥善保管妥善保管 keep something safe- Please keep your ID

4、 card safe. 妥善保管你的身份证。干坏事: do evil (动词) / evil doing (名词)惹麻烦: make trouble (动词) / trouble making (名词) Newcastle n.纽卡斯尔(英国港市) Identify v.鉴定, 识别(= prove identity of sb or sth) - He cant identify the person identity n.身份 So far the archeologists have been unable to discover her identity. So far the arc

5、heologists have been unable to identify her. identification n.辨认, 鉴定, 证明 spokeswoman n.女发言人 trousers n.裤子, 长裤 Britain n.英国 despair n.绝望, 失望 vi.绝望 concern vt.涉及, 关系到 dismay n.沮丧, 惊慌 note n.纸币 ash n.灰, 灰烬Text Text 课文课文 Why did Jane cook Johns wallet?Hasiteverhappenedtoyou?Hasiteverhappenedtoyou? Havey

6、ouHaveyoueverputyourtrousersinthewashingeverputyourtrousersinthewashingmachineandmachineand thenrememberedtherewasthenrememberedtherewas aa largelarge banknoteinyourbackpocket?banknoteinyourbackpocket? 断首或断尾运用疑问句: 断首-主要引起读者的兴趣和注意力。 断尾-进一步巩固、加深与本段所涉及的内容,并引起读者的沉思。Whenyourescuedyourtrousers,didWhenyour

7、escuedyourtrousers,didyoufindthenotewasyoufindthenotewaswhiterthanwhiterthan white?white? rescued vt.援救, 营救 Hundreds of people went to rescue the plane crash. rescue是一个大词(大词小用可以加强语气) whiter than white = damaged, mutilatedPeoplewholiveinBritainPeoplewholiveinBritainneedntneednt despairdespairwhenthey

8、mademistakeswhentheymademistakes likethis(andalotofpeopledo)!likethis(andalotofpeopledo)! neednt despair(v.) = neednt feel despaired(adj.)FortunatelyforthemFortunatelyforthem,theBankof,theBankof EnglandhasaEnglandhasateamteam calledMutilatedcalledMutilatedLadiesLadieswhichwhichdealsdeals withclaimsw

9、ithclaimsfromfrom peoplewhopeoplewhofedfedtheirmoneytoatheirmoneytoa machineortotheirdog.machineortotheirdog. fortunately for them = luckily for them = happily for them team n.队, 组(= organization n.组织, 机构, 团体) called Mutilated Ladies = that called Mutilated Ladies - 这里采用分词called是为了不和后面which引导的定语从句重复

10、 deal with v.处理 (deal vi.处理, 应付) claim n.(根据权利提出)要求, 索赔 - make a claim for 对(赔偿等)提出要求. feed vt.vi.( fed , fed, feeding) 给吃, 喂 - feed sth to 把某物喂给Dogs,Dogs,itseemsitseems,lovetochewup,lovetochewup money!money! it seems 似乎 本句= It seems that dogs love to chew up money!ArecentcaseArecentcaseconcernsconc

11、ernsJaneButlinJaneButlin whosefianc,John,whosefianc,John,runsrunsasuccessfasuccessfu ul l furniturebusiness.furniturebusiness. 第二段充分的说明了约翰是怎么样把钱从银行里拿回来 concern vt.涉及到 (= is about) run a factory 开一家工厂 / run a company 开一家公司JohnJohnhadahada verygooddayverygooddayandputhisandputhiswalletcontainingwallet

12、containing$3,000intothe$3,000intothe microwaveovenmicrowaveovenforforsafekeeping.safekeeping. I have a very good day. 我今天过得很好。 I have a good time. 我玩得很高兴。 For safekeeping = to keep it safe Wallet containing = wallet which containedThenheandJaneThenheandJanewenthorse-ridingwenthorse-riding. . go hors

13、e-riding / go fishing / go hunting / go shoppingWhentheygothome,JanecookedWhentheygothome,Janecooked theirdinnerinthemicrowaveoventheirdinnerinthemicrowaveoven andwithoutrealizingandwithoutrealizing it,cookedherit,cookedher fiancswalletaswell.fiancswalletaswell.ImaginetheirdismaywhentheyImaginetheir

14、dismaywhenthey foundafoundabeautifullybeautifully cookedwalletcookedwallet andnotesandnotesturnedtoturnedtoash!ash! beautifully-cooked wallet 用一种讽刺的口吻, 一种幽默 turn to = turned into = becomeJohnwenttoseehisbankmanagerJohnwenttoseehisbankmanagerwhowhosenttheremainsofwalletandsenttheremainsofwalletand th

15、emoneytothespecialdepartmentthemoneytothespecialdepartmentoftheBankofEnglandinNewcastle:oftheBankofEnglandinNewcastle:theMutilateLadies!theMutilateLadies! Who = bank managerTheyexaminedtheremainandJohnTheyexaminedtheremainandJohngotallhismoneyback.gotallhismoneyback.SolongasSolongastheressomethingto

16、theressomethingto identify,wewillgivepeopletheiridentify,wewillgivepeopletheir moneyback,saidaspokeswomanmoneyback,saidaspokeswoman fortheBank.Lastyear,wefortheBank.Lastyear,wepaidpaid$1.5$1.5mon21,000claims.mon21,000claims. so long as = as long as = on condition that 只要(表假设) pay money for 为.付多少钱 -

17、We paid 80 dollars for the dictionary. pay off 还清(债务等)付清 The couples have already paid their debts off pay back 1 把钱归还回去pay money back 2 报复、报仇pay somebody back- Dont say that again or I will pay you backSpecial difficulties Special difficulties 难点难点 Interval n.间隔, 距离, 幕间休息 如何运用后缀(名词+后缀动词) 1 less(表示:否定概念) - care(n.v.注意, 关心) careless(adj.粗心的) 2 ful(表示:有, 充满了) - success(n.成功) successful(adj.成功的) - hopeful(adj.怀有希望的) / careful(adj.小心的, 仔细的) 3 ly(形容词+ ly 副


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