1、Dragon and Phoenix- Traditional Chinese Symbols of Royalty Dragon -乘龙快婿乘龙快婿 (a handsome son-in-law; a son-in-law of high rank) -望子成龙望子成龙 (longing to see ones son become successful) -龙腾虎跃龙腾虎跃 (a place where dragons soar and tigers leap a scene of bustling activity) -亚洲四小龙亚洲四小龙 (Four Asian Tigers )Dra
2、gon and Phoenix- Traditional Chinese Symbols of Royalty The character for dragon often appears in Chinese names: -成龙成龙 -龙翔(龙翔(Dragon-soars) -龙虎(龙虎(Dragon-tiger) -一龙(一龙(A dragon) Dragon in Western Cultures -A symbol of evil , a fierce monster -The story of Beowulf -Western drawings of dragons show th
3、e monsters with wings Phoenix in Western Mythology-Rebirth and resurrection -In Greek legend, it renewed itself every 500 years -“like the legendary phoenix, rise from the ashes in new splendor.” Phoenix in Chinese Culture-King of birds-凤,凰凤,凰-The character凤凤 in female names 凤莲(凤莲(phoenix-lotus),金凤(
4、),金凤(Golden-phoenix) -凤毛麟角凤毛麟角 (phoenix feathers and unicorns horn -rare and precious things ) Lion and Tiger1. Richard the Lion-hearted2. lion-hearted warriorsLion and TigerThe England football badge Royal Arms of EnglandLion and Tiger Lion and TigerRise like lions after slumberIn unvanquishable nu
5、mber-Shake your chains to earth like dew -Percy Bysshe Shelley-regal as a lion-majestic as a lion (Lion is the symbol for courage and chivalry) TigerTiger in Chinese culture -courage, vigor, decisiveness (虎将,生龙活虎,虎虎有生气虎将,生龙活虎,虎虎有生气 ) -ferocity, cruelty, ruthlessness (拦路虎,狐假虎威,苛政猛于虎拦路虎,狐假虎威,苛政猛于虎 ) C
6、uckooCuckoo in Chinese culture -sadness, distress, unhappiness (The cuckoo cries to bleeding ) Cuckoo Cuckoo中有一鸟名中有一鸟名杜鹃杜鹃,言是古时蜀帝魂。,言是古时蜀帝魂。声音哀苦鸣不息,羽毛憔悴似人髡。声音哀苦鸣不息,羽毛憔悴似人髡。(南北朝)鲍照 拟行路难 杜鹃杜鹃声似哭,湘竹斑如血。声似哭,湘竹斑如血。(唐)白居易 江上送客 子规子规啼不歇,到晓口应穿。啼不歇,到晓口应穿。 况是不眠夜,声声在耳边。况是不眠夜,声声在耳边。(唐)王建 夜闻子规 更那堪,鹧鸪声住,更那堪,鹧鸪声住,杜
7、鹃杜鹃声切!声切!(宋)辛弃疾贺新郎别茂嘉十二弟 CuckooThe cuckoo cries to bleeding其间旦暮闻何物?其间旦暮闻何物?杜鹃杜鹃啼血猿哀鸣啼血猿哀鸣。 (唐(唐白居易白居易琵琶行琵琶行)雾失楼台,月迷津渡,桃源望断无寻处。可堪孤馆闭春寒,雾失楼台,月迷津渡,桃源望断无寻处。可堪孤馆闭春寒,杜鹃杜鹃声里斜阳暮。声里斜阳暮。 (秦观秦观踏莎行踏莎行) 三月残花落更开,小檐日日燕飞来。三月残花落更开,小檐日日燕飞来。 子规子规夜半犹啼血,不信夜半犹啼血,不信东风唤不回。东风唤不回。 (王令(王令 送春送春) CuckooTo the Cuckoo O blithe Ne
8、w-comer! I have heard,I hear thee and rejoice.O Cuckoo! shall I call thee Bird,Or but a wandering Voice? William Wordsworth (1770-1850)啊,欢乐的客人,我听见了啊,欢乐的客人,我听见了听见了你的歌声,我真欢欣。听见了你的歌声,我真欢欣。啊,杜鹃,我该称你做鸟儿呢,啊,杜鹃,我该称你做鸟儿呢,还只称你为飘荡的声音?还只称你为飘荡的声音?CuckooAmoretti SonnetE. SpencerThemerrycuckoo,messenger ofspringH
9、is trumpet shrill hath thrice already sounded.愉快的布谷,春天的使者,愉快的布谷,春天的使者,他的号角已不断吹响。他的号角已不断吹响。(布谷催春布谷催春-The cuckoo ushers spring in.)CuckooCuckoo in English culture - a symbol of joy - A foolish or crazy person (Youre cuckoo -Youre crazy.) Plum blossom Plum blossom - What does the plum blossom symbolize
10、 in Chinese culture?- Does the plum blossom have the same symbolic connotation in other cultures ?Plum blossom Blossoming plum by the painter Wang Mian (王冕) Plum blossom -A symbol of winter and a harbinger of spring-A symbol of perseverance, strength of character-Stands for the principles and values
11、 of virtue -岁寒三友岁寒三友 (“Three Friends of Winter”, along with pine, and bamboo. )-花中四君子花中四君子 (“Four Gentlemen”of flowers- plum blossom, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo)-“Flowers of the Four Seasons” Plum blossom 卜算子卜算子 咏梅咏梅 毛泽东毛泽东风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。 俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂
12、漫时,她在丛中笑。俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。山园小梅山园小梅 林逋林逋 众芳摇落独暄妍,众芳摇落独暄妍, 占尽风情向小园。占尽风情向小园。 疏影横斜水清浅,疏影横斜水清浅, 暗香浮动月黄昏。暗香浮动月黄昏。 霜禽欲下先偷眼,霜禽欲下先偷眼, 粉蝶如知合断魂。粉蝶如知合断魂。 幸有微吟可相狎,幸有微吟可相狎, 不须檀板共金樽。不须檀板共金樽。 Plum blossom Little Plum Blossom of Hill Garden When everything has faded they alone shine forth,encroaching on the
13、 charms of smaller gardens.Their scattered shadows fall lightly on clear water,their subtle scent pervades the moonlit dusk.Snowbirds look again before they land,butterflies would faint if they but knew.Thankfully I can flirt in whispered verse,I dont need a sounding board or winecup. Plum blossom P
14、lum blossom in Taiwan-The National Flower of the Republic of China-The logo of China Airlines -City flowerPlum blossom Plum blossom Plum blossom Plum blossom Plum blossom Plum Blossom MakeupCity FlowerApple-“the Big Apple - Adams apple- An Apple of Discord New York Citylarynxthe root of disputeApple
15、-The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden-In the story of Adam and Eve, the apple became a symbol for knowledge, temptation, the fall of man into sin, and sin itself. -In Latin, the words for apple and for “evil are similar.Apple An Apple of Discord-Eris Goddess of Discord-Hera Wife of Zeus-Athena
16、Goddess of Wisdom-Aphrodite Goddess of Love and BeautyApple-Paris (Trojan Prince)-Helen (Wife of King of Sparta)- Troy-Trojan warApple-The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden-In the story of Adam and Eve, the apple became a symbol for knowledge, temptation, the fall of man into sin, and sin itself
17、. -In Latin, the words for apple and for “evil are similar.Apple-An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple in Chinese Culure -“苹苹”与与 “平平” BambooBambooBamboo, by Xu Wei, Ming Dansty (徐渭徐渭) (15211593) BambooSymbolism of Bamboo- Bamboo: a behaviour model of the gentleman- hollow-hearted A man should
18、open his heart to accept anything of benefit-bamboo joint integrity, moral courage BambooSymbolism of Bamboo- cold-resistant, evergreen perseverant- tall and straight upright and unfraid - pretty and graceful a man of noble character, a gentleman Bamboo- Bai Juyis remarks about bamboo- Bamboos role
19、in Buddism- A necessary element of Chinese culture- 苏东坡苏东坡 “可使食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,可使食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。无竹令人俗。”- 竹报平安(竹爆平安)竹报平安(竹爆平安) BambooChinese Idioms with “Bamboo”-青梅竹马青梅竹马1. a friendship formed in childhood2. green plums and a bamboo horse - childhood games of riding on a bamboo stick for a hors
20、e-势如破竹势如破竹push forward with an overwhelming momentumsmash into enemy territory like splitting a bamboo-胸有成竹胸有成竹have a preconceived idea at heart Bamboo- Bamboo Curtain an ideological barrier around communist China -Iron Curtain a Cold War euphemism for the political demarcation between the Communist
21、 and non-communist states- spotted bamboo Spotted bamboo - spotted bamboo BambooSpotted bamboo-Xiang River goddesses-Ehuang ( (娥皇娥皇) ),Nying( (女英女英) )-Emperor Yao( (尧尧), ), Emperor Shun( (舜舜) )-Wilderness of Cangwu 苍梧之野苍梧之野-Jiuyi Mountains 九嶷山九嶷山 Bamboo斑竹 (刘长卿)苍梧千载后,斑竹对湘沅。欲识湘妃怨,枝枝满泪痕。斑竹筒簟(din)(杜牧)血染
22、斑斑成锦纹,昔年遗恨至今存。分明知是湘妃泣,何忍将身卧泪痕。七律答友人 九嶷山上白云飞, 帝子乘风下翠微。 斑竹一枝千滴泪, 红霞万朵百重衣。 洞庭波涌连天雪, 长岛人歌动地诗。 我欲因之梦寥廓, 芙蓉国里尽朝晖。 Lotus Lotus- In Chinese culure, it means “holy, pure, elegant”. Confucian scholar Zhou Dunyi wrote: 予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染 (I love the lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained.) L
23、otusIn Buddist symbolism, the lotus represents purity of the body, speech and mind, as if floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire. Lotus晚出净慈寺送林子方晚出净慈寺送林子方(杨万里杨万里 )毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。赠荷花赠荷花 (李商隐李商隐)世间花叶不相伦,花入金盆叶作尘。世间花叶不相伦,花入金盆叶作尘。惟有绿荷红菡萏,卷舒开合任天真。惟有绿荷红菡萏,卷舒开合任天真。此花此叶常相映,翠减红衰愁杀人。此花此叶常相映,翠减红衰愁杀人。 The coat arms of Canada The coat arms of Canada MapleA common symbol of strength and enduranceThe national tree
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