已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、必修1 词组整理Unit1课后:1. 调查 : make a survey of.2. 合计: add up3. 增添: add to.4. 合计达: add up to=is5. 假装不知道: ignore =disregard=take no notice of6. 没有注意到。: be ignorant of/about7. 对。感到不安:be upset about/at/over8. 因。而担心某人:concern sb about/for9. 对。关心: be concerned about/at/over/for10. 与。有关: be concerned with/in11.

2、就。而言:as far asbe concerned12. 作弊。:cheat in13. 骗取某人某物:cheat sb out of sth.14. 通过: go through15. 经历:go through16. 搜寻:go through17. 审阅:go through18. 记下:set down=write down=take down=note down19. 放下:set down=put down20. 下车:set down=put sb off21. 创办:set up22. 提出:set forward=put forward23. 攻击:set on=attra

3、ck24. 着手做某事:set out/off to do sth=set about doing sth=get down to do sth =settle down to doing sth25. 一系列:a series of+Ns (看a 取谓) (series单,复同形)26. 故意地:on purpose =by design27. 为了。目的:for the purpose of(不能实现) With the purpose of(能实现)28. 为了。: in order to(句首,句中) So as to (句中), in order that+句子29. 在黄昏:at

4、dusk30. 在黎明:at dawn31. 有能力做某事:have the power to do sth=have the power of doing sth32. 面对面地:face to face33. 坦诚地:heart to heart34. 肩并肩地:shoulder to shoulder35. 并肩地:side by side36. 手拉手地:hand in hand37. 在。定居:settle down in38. 遭受。:suffer+(不愉快的事,坏事)-pain,loss,punishment,defeat,hardship39. 因。而痛苦:suffer fro

5、m+(疾病,自然灾害) (drought,floods)40. .从。中恢复:recover from(自我恢复)41. 对。厌烦:get/be tired of42. 因。劳累:be tired from43. 将。打包:pack up44. 与。相处:get along with45. 某事进展。:get along wtith+sth46. 喜欢上某人:fall in love with+sb(动作),be in love with+sb(状态)47. 因。感谢某人:be grateful/thankful to sb for sth48. 参加:join +人,组织,join in+临

6、时性活动,take part in+有组织的活动 Attend +会议课内:49. 对做某事十分狂热: be /grow crazy on/about doing sth =be crazy to do sth50. 因。而发疯:be crazy with51. 把某人逼疯:drive sb mad/crazy52. 因。而发疯:be crazy with53. 名列前茅:stand first on the list54. 如上所列:as listed above55. 躲藏:hide away56. 正要做某事:be on the point of doing sth57. 没有必要做某事

7、:There is no point (in) doing sth58. 敢做某事:(情态动词:dare) dare do sth-(否定) darent do sth (行为动词:dare) dare to do sth (不可省to)-(否定)dont dare (to) do sth 疑问句和否定句可省,to59. 付款让某人做某事:pay sb money to do sth=pay sb money for sth=pay money to sb for.60. 碰巧。:It happened that+句子; It happened to do 61. 听从某人的建议:take (

8、act on) ones advice62. 关于。的建议:。advice on/about63. 劝告某人做某事:advise sb to do sth-(否定) advise sb against doing sth64. 某人建议做某事:sb advise doing sth65. 与。交流:communicate with66. 尽力做某事:make an/every effort to do sth= make great efforts to do sth Make an/every effeort at doing sth=make great efforts at doing

9、sth67. 毫不费力地:without effort68. 不遗余力地做某事:spare no effort to do sth69. 不辞辛苦地做某事:take the trouble to do sth70. 给某人添麻烦:put sb to trouble71. 让某人做某事:have/make sb do sth=get sb to do sth-make oneself done72. 与。有关:have sth to do with=be to do with73. 与。无关:have nothing to do with74. 与。有很大关系:have a lot to do

10、with75. 与。作交易:make a deal with课内重点语法及句式:76某人第一(二,三。)次做某事It/This is the first time (that) sb have doneIt/This was the first time(that) sb have done76. 做某事没有用处、好处、必要、乐趣。It is no use/good/need/pleasure doing sth= It is not any use/good/need/pleasure doing sth= It is of little use/good/need/pleasure doi

11、ng sth77. 强调句:It is/was +被强调部份+that/who/whom +句子其他部份。强调时间、地点、原因状语也只能用that.否定句:It is/was notthat一般疑问句: is itthat特殊疑问句:what/when/where is itthat78. 曾经有一段时间。:There was a time when79. 使某人着迷:keep sb spellbound 必 修 一 词Unit 1 Friendship1) be good to 对.友好 2) add up 合计3) another time 改时间 4) get sth done 使被做5

12、) calm down 镇定下来 6) have got to 不得不7) be concerned about 关心;挂念 8) walk the dog 遛狗9) make a list of 列出 10) share sth with sb 和某人分享某物11) go through 经历;仔细检查 12) hide away 躲藏;隐藏13) set down 放下;记下 14) a series of 一系列;一套15) be crazy about 对着迷 16) on purpose 故意17) in order to/ so as to 为了 18) face to face

13、面对面地19) according to 按照;根据所说 20) get along with 与相处21) pack up 收拾,打理行装 22) have trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹意见;做有困难23) fall in love 相爱 24) throw away the friendship 放弃/终止友谊25) try out 试验;试用 26) join in 参加(活动)27) communicate with sb 和交际 28) far and wide 到处29) look to sth 注意,留心某事 30) cheat sb (out) of sth

14、 骗取某人某物31) have the/a habit of doing sth 有做的习惯 32) be ignorant of 无知的Unit 2:课内:1. 原产地:be native to2. 出来,走近,发芽,提出:物+come up.(主动)3. 邂逅:come across/upon4. 向。补来:come at5. 发生:come about6. 传承:come down7. 达到标准:come up to standard8. A 以B为基础:base A on B=A be based on B9. 目前:at present10. 出席:be present at11.

15、把某物赠送给某人:give sb a gift=present sth to sb=present sb with sth =make sb a present of =make a present ofto sb12. 现在的。:present +n13. 出席的。:n+present14. 利用:make use of=take advantage of15. 好好利用。:make good use of16. 充分利用。:make full use of=make the best(use) of=make the most (use) of17. 正在用。:be in use18. 利

16、用。: put to use19. 命令某人做某事:command sb to do sth20. 精通。:have (a) good command of21. 统帅。:be in command of22. 由。指挥:be under ones command=be under the command of sb23. 随心所欲地: at ones command24. 要求某人做某事:request sb to do sth25. 向某人索要某物:request sth from sb26. 要求某物:make a request for sth27. 应某人的要求:at the req

17、uest of=at ones request28. 在。起作用:play a role/part in29. 扮演。角色:play a/the a role part of30. 积极参加。:take an active part in31. 把。当作。:recognize as/to be课后:32. 比以前更:than ever33. 比以往任何时候更。:than ever before34. 我想是这样的:I expect/think so35. 我想不是这样的:I dont except/think so=I expect not36. 建议某人做。:suggest sbs doin

18、g sth37. 一般说来:generally speaking38. 根据。判断:juding from.39. 朝某一方向:in one direction40. 朝四面八方:in all directions41. 来自。的方向:in the direction of42. 在某人的指导下:under the direction of sb=under ones direction43. 根据某人的指导:according to ones directions44. 听从某人的指导:follow ones directions45. 记住某人的指导:keep ones direction

19、s in mind46. 不由自主地:cant help but do sth47. 把A与B辨别开来:tell A from B48. 说出A 与 B 之间的区别:tell the difference between A and B49. 不假思索地:without a second though重点句式和语法:1. 由于:because of=owing to=thanks to=due to=on account ofA:皆可用于状语B: 也可用于表语(除because of)C.只有due to 可做定语D除due to 只放后面; 其他四个都可以放在句首和后面 E.需要用逗号隔开:

20、owing to (on account of可有可无)2.在。的末稍:at the end of=on top of At the end of +过去时间:用Ved; +将来时间:用 will do. By the end of+过去时间:用 had done; +现在时间:用have/has done +将来时间:用will have done3.由于这个的缘故:on this account; . 由于那个的缘故:on that account为了某有的缘故:on ones account4.差不多:almost;nearlyA.还差一点 almost. 无差别:nearlyB.alm

21、ost=nearly 在肯定句中,修饰all,always,every 三个词时C,只用almost 在no,none,any,never,too much, too, 情感,心理词D. 只用nearly 修饰very ,not pretty差得远:not nearly=much less than5.close 是adj/adv 修饰介词短语 指的是具体的距离 Closely 是adv 修饰动词 译为“紧密地“ 指”抽象“6.许多。: A large amount of+不可数=1 large amounts of+不可数2 A great deal of+不可数=1 a quantity

22、of +可数、不可数=1 Quantities of +可数,不可数27.全倒装: A介词短语,地点,副词,方位副词-提到句首时 B充当表语的adj,提前 C,Vpp 等短语提前。8.虚拟句式:request/insist/command/suggest/advise/determine.(should) do sth9.不只是,岂止:more than+n,num,adj,adv,v,ving,vpp 10.仅仅:no more than=only11.不多于。:not more than=less than12.和。一样:no more+adj than13.不如。:not more+ad

23、j thanUnit2 English around the world1) inways 在方面 2) be different from 与不同3) play a role/ part (in) 在中起作用;扮演一个角色;参与4) play an important role/part在.中起重要作用 5) because of 因为;由于6) such as 例如7) come up (vi) 走进;上来;发生;被讨论8) come up with 提出9) come up to a place 参观某地10) ever before 从前11) at the end of 在末期12)

24、 even if/ though 即使 13) be based on 在.基础上14) close to 距离近15) make (good/ full) use of (好好/充分)利用16) changeinto 把变成17) in the early days 在早期18) takewith随身携带19) the sameas 与相同的20) at present 目前21) as a rule 通常;照例22) be present at 在席;出席23) carry out a rule 执行规则24) be absent from 缺席25) be a native of 是人

25、26) provide sth to sb / provide sb with sth给某人提供某物27) at sbs request 应某人的要求28) have a command of掌握29) make a request 请求30) give commands 命令31) request that (should)+v原形32) in one direction 朝一个方向33) as we know 正如我们所知 Unit3课后1. 从那以后:ever since=since then2. 说服某人做某事:persuade sb to do sth=persuade sb int

26、o doing sth3. 说服某人不做某事:persude sb not to do sth=persuade sb out of doing sth4. persuadepersuasion-persuasive5. 毕业于。学校:graduate from+学校6. 毕业于。专业:graduate in+专业7. graduate-graduation(毕业典礼)8. finally-列举后,等了好久才。;at last -带有感情色彩,表不耐烦,不情愿等in the end-表可预测将来9. 喜爱: be fond of=be keen on10. 关心。:care about=be

27、concerned about11. 照顾。:care for=take care of12. 当心:with care.13. determine-determinationdetermined14. 决心做某事:determine to do sth=be determined to do sth15. 决定。:decide on=determine on.16. 改变主意:change ones mind17. 下定决心:make up ones mind18. 有意做:have a mind to do 19. 无意做:have no mind to do20. 记得某事:have s

28、th in mind21. 看不出某人的心思:read ones mind22. 屈服:give in23. 投降。:give in to24. 上交:give in =hand in25. 赠送:give away26. 泄露:give away27. 散发(光):give off/forth28. 放弃,交付:give over29. 用光:sth+give out=sb+use up=sth+be used up30. 对。的态度:attitude to sb31. 采取某种态度:take an attitude of32. 照常;as usual33. 像以前一样:as before3

29、4. 像以往一样:as ever35. 比平常。:than usual36. 在午夜: at midnight37. 打包:make a parcel of38. 坚决做:insist on doing sth课内1. 在海拔。上:at an altitude of=at a height of2. 想像。:imagine +n to be(不能加to do)想像某人做某事:imagine ones doing sth3. 爱开玩笑;be fond of fun4. 好玩:be full of fun5. 取笑。:make fun of6. 开玩笑的:in/for fun7. 把A和B分开:s

30、eparate A from B8. 为某人提供食宿:put up+sb (搭建)9. 忍耐:put up with+sb10. 储存。备用:put away (收走)11. 镇压:put down (放下)12. 插嘴: put in=cut in (放入)13. 上演:put on (穿上)14. 启用:putinto use15. 全神惯注于。:put ones heart into.16. 伸出:put out17. 提出:put forward重点句式和语法1. journey:指远距离陆路旅行,使用范围很广。Travel 远距离,长时间,无目的和方向性的Trip 短距离,有目的和方

31、向性的Tour 以观光为主同,距离可长可短,能回到出发地Voyage:指海上旅行2. insist +句子:已做用陈述语气。 未做的用虚拟语气3. although=though,不和but 连用,可和yet句首,still 句中连用。4. 除。之外:besides不等于 except(肯定句) Besides=except=but(否定句) Except for(放在句首、句中)指除去整体中的一部份,其它的还好5. but 常和不定代词连用,当要注意当主句中含有do 等形式词时,but要省略to如要主句是其它行为动词是,but后要用to do6. 一般将来时:Abe +ving,B.will

32、/shall +doc.be going to +doD. be to do (含有个人主观意见和决心) 后可加时间状语。E.be about to 后不加时间状语 正要做。这时。:be about to do whenF.一般现在时也可表将来;短暂性动词按规定预计要发生的(交通) 在时间和条件状语从句中 用一般现在时表将来。7.。值得做。:sth be worth doing.=sth be worthy of being done=sth be worthy to be done Its worthwhile doing sth=Its worthwhile to do sth8.it 特

33、指,指物(不指人),指可数和不可数,复数为them.9.one 泛指,指人和物中的任意一个,指可数,复数为ones.10.that ,特指,指意义相同的物(不指人),指可数和不可数,复数those. Unit4课后1. 立刻,马上:right away=right now,right off,=in no time2. 突然。起来:burst into+n= burst out doing sth3. 闯入:burst in=break into4. 渴望做。:be bursting to do5. 结束:at an end=be over6. 破败不堪:in ruins7. 成为废墟;fal

34、l into ruins8. 营救某人:rescue sb=go/come to sbs rescue.9. 受困于:be trapped in10. 挖出;dig out(结果) dig up(动作)11. 挖倒:dig down12. 讥讽:dig at=laugh at.13. 钻研:dig into14. 搜集;dig for.=gather15. 由于做某事而震惊;be shocked to do sth=be shocked at (doing) sth16. 埋头于。:be buried in=bury oneself in课内 :1. 拉着某人的手:shake ones han

35、d =shake sb by the hands2. 因。而颤抖:shake with=quake with3. .对。造成损坏:do/cause damage to4. 庇护某人:give sb shelter5. 找躲避处:run for shelter6. 保护某人不受打击:shelter from7. 恐吓某人去做某事:frighten sb into doing sth-(否定) frighten sb out of doing sth8. 对。作出判断:make judgement about9. 依。来判断:judging from/by=as far as one judge1

36、0. 判决。:pass judgement on11. 灭绝:die out12. 相继死去:die off13. (风,雨)渐弱:die down14. 死于内因:die of15. 死于外因:die from16. 为了纪念。:in honour of17. 向某人表达尊敬:show honor to sb=do honour to sb18. 廉耻心:a sense of honour19. 打碎,散会:break up20. 断绝关系,休息一下:break off21. 脱离:break away (from)22. 冲跨:break through重点句式和语法1. 相当多的:qui

37、te a few+Ns=a good few+Ns2. 许多的:many a+N单=13. 数以万计的:tens of thousands of+ns4. 几十。:dozens of=scores of+ns5. dozen=12个,score=20个6. 前面有基数词时,只能用单数作定语:不加s,of=>a dozen people;2 dozen people7. 表示具体数量时,原则是这样的:dozen 后不加,2 dozen people8. 但 score 后可以加也可不加a score (of) popular resorts9. 当这些词后面的名词有了the, these,

38、 those 等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of:two dozen of them,10. dozen 与many, several连用,不加s: 几十人:many,several dozen people11. several score of people12. 几千名游客:several thousands of visitors=several thousand visitors=several thousand visitors13. 方位短语放句首时,(介词 +the)可省略+句子,-用全倒装A steel works l

39、ies in the east of the town=East of the town lies a steel works.14. 定语从句:A.主句是there be句式;用 that -There is a table in the corner that is folded away.That在定从中作表语时,表特指时用that(可省略):He doesnt seem to be the man (that)he was ten yesrs ago.Which在定从中作表语时,表泛指时用which 不能省略He looked like a laugher which he was先行

40、词 本身为不定代词时,用that: something,everythin,anything,nothing;none, no one; all,much ,littleB.先行词本身为that时,用whichC.as 的用法:Such.as, asas ; the sameas ; soasThe same as.(指代同类中一个)-the same that(相同)as:位于句首-句中-句后,which 句中-句后指代主句,不代先行词-which 指代主句和先行词-非限制性从句语态:主动=which, 被动(which 不能用)在其引导的否定句定从时不用,as: The result of

41、 the experiment was very good,which we hadnt expected.D.当先行词是one,ones,anyone,those只能用.who There be 句式中,先行词为人时,用who There is a comrade outside who wants to see you. 先行词被后置词修饰时,指人用whoThere is only one student in the school who I want to seeE.介词+关系代词(which,whom)作主语: 代词/名词+of+关系代词; 数量词/最高级 +of+ 关系代词; 作状

42、语: 介词+关系代词+N;(介词,名词根据先行词或表达意义来选择)=and+介词+this/that+NMr Smith can come tonight,in which case we have to do the test all by ourselves.介词短语+of+关系代词=介词+whose+名词=and+介词+物主代词+名词 The +n+of+which/whom=whose +n=of which/whom+the+nUnit5课后:1. 把。献给。:devote.to doing sth2. 致力于。:devote oneself to doing sth=be devo

43、ted to doing sth (反对做。:object to doing sth 坚持做。:stick to doing 开始认真做。:get down to doing 导致做。:lead to doing sth胜任某事:be equal to (doing) sth)3. 投票赞成:vote for+N-投票反对:vote against+N4. 就。表决:vote on+sth5. 投票通过:vote sth through-投标否决:vote sth down6. 投票做某事:vote to do sth7. 以投票方式选出某人:vote in+sb-以投票方式罢免某人:vote

44、 out+sb8. 攻击。:attack +N=make an attack on/against.=set on9. 遭到攻击:be under attack10. 空袭:air attack11. 心脏:a heart attack12. 事实上: as a matter of fact=in reality=in fact=in actual fact=in effect=actually13. 与。相等地:be equal to sth14. 处于困境中:in trouble15. 自寻烦恼:ask for trouble16. 避免麻烦:spare trouble=save trou

45、ble17. 不辞辛苦地做某事:take the trouble to do sth18. 给某人添麻烦:put sb to trouble19. 求助于。:turn to 20. 向。寻求帮助:turn to sb for help每次:at every turn轮流地:by turns依次:in turn轮到某人:in ones turn正在转变中:on the turn不按顺序:out of turn煮得恰到好处:to a turn=to a T21. 上交:turn in=hand in=give in22. 就寝: turn in23. 归还:turn in=return.24. 调

46、大;turn up25. 出现,到达:turn up=show up=appear26. 被找到:sth+turn up=sth be found27. 打开:turn on28. 依赖:turn on=depend on29. 突然攻击。:turn on sb=attack sb30. 证明是,结果是:turn out (to be)+n31. 关掉:turn off=turn out32. 生产:turn out+N=produce+N33. 赶走;turn out+N34. 拒绝:turn down=refuse35. 背叛:turn against36. 翻身:sb turn over

47、37. 移交:turn over38. 转过脸,不再看:turn away39. 拒绝帮助。:turn away40. 轮流做某事:take turns to do sth=take turns (at) doing sth41. 丧失信心:lose heart42. 喜欢上。:lose ones heart to-心碎:break ones heart43. 全部心思在。:put ones heart to44. 全心全意地:heart and heart45. 从内心里:from the bottom of ones heart46. 设法逃脱:make ones escape (from sp)47. 避免做某事:escape doing sth48. 消防通道:a f


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