1、通册备课二、教材分析为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模 仿,练习运用。即:听音一一仔细静听;辩音一一辨清发音;观察一一注意观察;模仿一一认真模仿;练习一一积极练习;运用一一实际运用;课堂练习A-活动手册它是本套教材教科书的主要组成部分,与课本同步进行。B-单元练习每单元课后用一课时巩固前面内容。 录音带,投影片和教学挂图,音标卡片,字母卡片,教学图片。这些辅助材 料,均为配合课本的系列辅助材料,不仅可以帮助教师有效的进行教 学,而且可以活跃课堂气氛,增加学生学习英语的兴趣。三、教学目的1、对于有一年学习基础的学生要求进一步提高,加强儿童对英语的感性知识,激发他们学习
2、英语的兴趣和培养能力,使学生敢于大胆开口说英语,在理解的基础上表演英语。2、打下较好的语音,语调和书写基础。3、养成良好的书写习惯, 根据单词的拼写和发音规则认读和拼写单词。四、重点难点:1、“四会”单词的教学。2、每一课的会话的表演。3、四会单词的拼写。五、教学进度表周次日期主要内容1Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 25Unit 2Un ite 1MyClassroomUn ite 2MySchoolbagUn ite 3MyFrie ndsUn ite 4MyHomeUn ite 5What Would You Like?Un ite 6Meet My Family!一
3、、教学内容:BOOK 3本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分:6Natio nal Day7Exam( unit 1-2)8Unit 39Unit 310Recycle 111Unit 412Unit 413Exam(3-4)14Unit 515Unit 516Unit 617Unit 618Recycle 219Gen eral revisi on20Term inal examUnit 1 单元分析教学内容1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词:window board light picture door floor classroom computer wall teacher s deSk
4、nwhat in the we have new go where2、本单元要求会听,说的单词和词组:many our seat near classmate cleanhave a look good idea all right good job3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学要求1、能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。3、会唱本单元的歌曲。三、教学重点和难点1、对于较长的单词如 classroom, classmate,computer 的掌握以及对于第一次出现的
5、词组和短语如 have a look, good job 的掌握。2、对于礼貌用语“ Thank you , Excuse me, After you 的掌握与”应用。3、描述教室中所有物件,并能据此编出对话。四、教学时间本单元共 6 课时,每周 3 课时, 2 周完成。Lesson 11.Teaching AimsLet the students master the words: window, classroom, floor, light, door, board, and picture.When they see the objects, they can recognize an
6、d read them and do the action aboutthem.2.Teaching AidsA bloom, a piece of cloth, a pictureA board-wiper and a tape- recorder.3.Important pointsPicture, classroom, window, board, and blackboard steps(1) GreetingsThe teacher asks the question :“What day is it today? ”The student answers :“Today is Mo
7、nday. ”Then the question “Whats the weather like today?”(2) New contentThe teacher reads the words like that the classroom, the windows, the door, the floor, theboard and the lights in English one by one. Then the teacher asks students to read after him.He asks: ”Whatsin the classroom? C”hoose sever
8、al students who knows the answers toanswer by using the words they vjuest learned. The teacher shows the cards of the wordswhile the students are answering. Then the teacher points at the card and asks the students toread after her one by one. Group workOne student asks the question and the other an
9、swers. Then the teacher asks some groups toshow the work.PracticeThe teacher hands the cards of the bloom, the piece of cloth, the picture and theboard-wiper to the students and asks them to read after her. Then the students listen to thetape while the teacher is doing the actions: opening the door,
10、 turn on the light, Sweep the floor,clean the window, put up the picture and clean the board. Then the teacher does the actionsagain and asks students to follow. After that, choose several pairs of students to do it like her.During this period the teacher says something about the verbs like open, tu
11、rn, sweep, cleanand put. Listen to the tape and read after it.5. HomeworkAsk the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try toimitate the American accent. Listen to the tape.notesLesson 2AimsLet the students recognize and read the words and expressions (classmate, s
12、eat, and have alook) and use the dialogue freely.aidsA tape-recorder some pictures some cards4.Teaching steps(1)GreetingsSay “ Hello ” to each other.-What day is it today?-It s Tuesday today.-What s the weather like today?-It s sunny today.(2) RevisionThe teacher hands the cards and asks all the stu
13、dents to read them one by one as quickly asthey can.Listen to the music and do the action 开门, 开灯, 擦窗, 擦黑板 and ask the students to saythem in English.(3) New content.The teacher shows the text sentence on the blackboard using the computer sentence bysentence and ask who can read them. Let the student
14、 who can read them to read and thenchoose 2 or 3 students to read after him. After that the teacher reads the sentences and letthem follow him. Then listen to the tape and follow it. PracticeDivide them into some small groups and let them practice in groups and then asks some ofthem to show the text
15、.ChantListen to the tape and ask the students to imitate. Then practice the chant in pairs byclapping hands. After that, choose 2 groups to play this game in the front of the classroom.Listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the accent.Read the text smoothly. notesLesson 3aimsLet the stude
16、nts master the letters A , B , C , D, E .Remember the words and expressions:computer, wall , fan and the teachers desk aidsa tape-recorder pictures cardssteps(1)GreetingsSays Good morning! to everybody and talk something about the weather and thedate.(2) RevisionLet the students listen to the tape a
17、nd follow it sentence by sentence. Then all the students read the texttogether. Next, ask some ones to read the text. At last, ask some questions and let them answer.(3)New contentThe teacher asks the students to look at the board while he writes Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee . Then ask the students topractice the
18、m on their exercise-books. Then ask some ones to come to the board and write the letters to them.Next, let others see wether there is mistake.“Fill in the blank”.A: The teacher gives the students several letters of a word.B: Let the students guess what the word is.Then ask them to fill in the blanks
19、. Do exercises about the 6 words.3) Listen to the tape and ask the students to do thestudents book. Then the teacher checks the answers.BingoLet the students look at the Bingo in the book and the teacher explains it to them. Then listen to theteacher and cross it. Choose the students who do it very
20、quickly and finally be winner.Let the students to memorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.notesLesson 41. Teaching aimsLet the students know the word clean (verb and adj.) and the expressions “Good job, Good idea, Allright ” and use them freely.Let the students master the sentence“ Let S_dbsome
21、bocando2. Teaching aidsA clean paper, a dirty paper, a table cloth and some pictures.3. Teaching steps(1) GreetingsSay ” Goodmorning ”to the class and ask them “How are you? ”After getting the answer theteacher talk about the date and the weather.(2) RevisionAsk one student to say the furniture in h
22、is house and describe its colour in his house.(3) New content1)The teacher reads the text first. Then ask the students to read after her sentence by sentence.When the students are reading the text themselves, the teacher writes clean, Good idea, Goodjob, All right ”on the blackboard. Then explain th
23、ese words and expressions (When the teacherexplain the word “ clean ”, she shows the clean paper and the dirty one to the class. And thenuse the tablecloth to wipe the dirt on the paper. Tell them clean is not only an adj. but also a verb)and ask the students to read them. After that, divide the who
24、le class into several groups. Letthem practice the story in groups. Then choose 2 or 3 Groups to act it.GameChoose 1 student to come to the teachers desk. The teacher shows thepictures one by one and let the student guess what the picture is. Play the game some times.4.HomeworkAsk the students to me
25、morize the text and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the tape.5.Teaching notesLesson 51.Teaching aims Let the students master the letters (Ff Gg Hh Ii) and the handwriting. They can fill the blankswhen some letters of a word, which they vjuest read, have given.Let them master the so
26、ng.2.Teaching aidsA tape-recorder, four plates, a tablecloth3.Teaching steps(1)GreetingsSay ” Hello ” to one of the students. Talk about the weatherthaenddate.(2)RevisionAsk one student to wipe his table with the tablecloth. Choose another student to speak the action ofthe first student. Then ask th
27、e monitor to Prize him ”Good job! ”(3)New content Listen to the tape and ask the students to read after the tape. The teacher writesGg, Hh, Ii ”on the blackboard and ask the students to write them on the notebook. Then let them check in pairsand write the letters carefully again.Let the students fil
28、l in the blanks on the textbook. Then draw the very picture on the “ plates ”. This is acompetition.Listen to the tape. The teacher sings the song and asks the students to follow her. The teacher and thestudents sing together. Then ask a little“ singer ” to sing to the whclass.4.HomeworkLet the stud
29、ents write the letters on their homework-notebook. Listen to the tape and sing the song afterclass.notesLesson61.Teach ing aidsA tape-recorder2.Teach ing aimsReview the last un it.Check the kno wledge they have lear ned in this un it.3.Teach ing steps(1) Greet to each other. And talk about the date
30、and the weather.(2) ReviewA: The teacher let some ones to write the letters on the board and check their homework.B: Divide the stude nts in to several groups. Talk about the pictures theyThen choose 2 or 3 groups to describe their ideal classroom.C: Each of the groups can make up a dialogue by usin
31、g the pictures on the textbook and the bagand the ball that the teacher gives them. Then choose 4 groups to act. Liste n to the tape and practice it ingroups.Ask some one what is the main idea of the story and let him show the main idea to the stude nts in Chin ese.Then read the story together. Let
32、the stude nts know what is a bee. At last, point out the importa nt points and letthem remember them.Greet ing senten ces“ Thankyou. Excuse me. After you. Tell the importance of these sentences to the whole class. Then askthem to make up a dialogue with these sentences. Let some groups to act out th
33、eir plays.Next, listen to the story.4.HomeworkLet the stude nts remember all the word and expressi ons that appeared in the text. Memorize every text inthis un it.no tesUn it 2单元分析1 、教学内容A :本单元的对话句型How many .do you have?I have .What colour is it? It isB:本单元有关学习用具的单词,要求学生做到 penbook ruler pen cil-case
34、2、 教学要求A:能听懂、会说每一课会话;B:能听懂、会说每一课出现的常用单词;C:能听懂 put on, put in and put . under.并做出正确反应。3、教学重点难点A: 会话的熟练听说B: 常用单词的熟练听说put on, put in ,put较难 d 学,注意区分ve pain ted.听懂、会说。bag pencil4、教学时间本单元共 6 课,每一课约用 1 课时,共记 6 课时,两周完成。Lesson 71、 Teaching AimsA: How many . do you have?B: I have .put on / in / . under2、 Tea
35、ching AidsA tape-recorder, an English book, a Chinese book,a storybook, a notebook and a math book.3、 Important pointsput . on . . /in ./ under .4、 Steps(1) GreetingsAfter the greetings and let them sing a song with the teacher.(2) Revision.“What is in our classroom?”Let the students answer it. They
36、 can say the words like that,Desk, chair, light, window and so on.(3) New contentThe teacher hands out a schoolbag with many books in it, and asks the students what are in the bag.“Canyou read them?”Let some ones to read them and then asks others follow him. Then listen to thetape and practice more.
37、 Then, asks them read them as quickly as they can.(4) PhraseThe teacher picks up a ruler and put it in the desk / put it on the desk / put it under the book. Next, askwhat they can see. Ask some students to answer. They can know the words of in, on under and so on. Letthem read after the teacher and
38、 do the actions : put in put on put under.Practice more and more in order to let the students remember them well.(5) HomeworkMaster the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.(6) Teaching notes 本文的重点句型是 I have a 和单词 math/Chinese/English book and schoolbag, notebookand so on.Let s d 部分
39、学生在音乐的环境下能很有节奏地做出来。Lesson 81、 Teaching AimsA: Let them master the sentences:What color is it? It is B: Using the sentences freely.2、 Teaching AidsA tape-recordera schoolbag with some books in it3、 Teaching Steps(1) greetingsGreetings and then practice the chant “ work and play ”with the students cla
40、pping hands together.(2) RevisionReview the question“ How many can you see? ”The teacher say the phrase and the students do the actions.Put the book in the desk.Put the pen under the book.And so on.(3) new contentsUse a question Do you have a new schoolbag? to show the dialogue to students. Then let
41、 students readafter you one by one. Listen to the tape and ask some students to read it.4HomeworkListen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue.5 NotesLesson 9aimsLet the students master the numbers that after 2O.(thirtyforty2. Teaching Aidsa tape-recorder and some cards.Steps1)Greetin
42、gsSay “Good morning ” to everybody and sing a song together with them.2)RevisionAll the students listen to the tape and read after the tape.3) New contentThe teacher shows some cards to the students and ask them what they are. Let some ones to answer.Then the teacher teaches the new words to them. A
43、nd let them listen to the tape. Give them some minutesand let them practice by themselves.4) PracticeThe teacher asks “ How many students in our class?”“How many windows in our primary school? Teach the number 2150.Listen to the tape and imitate.Imitate and practice the whole dialogue, then act it o
44、ut.5. HomeworkListen to the tape and imitate the accent.Recite the new words and write them.6. Teaching notes.fifty)Lesson101. Teaching AimsA: Let the students master the dialogueB: Act a short dialogue in pairs2. Teaching Aidsa tape- recorder, story-book, crayons, sharpeners, erasers and a picture-
45、book3. Important sentence What is in it?1) OrganizationSay Hello to everyone, and then chantclapping hands together.2) Revision.Ask the following questions:How many books do you have?Revise the numbers in this way.3)New wordsShow the teacher s schoolbag to the students and do the actions that make t
46、he students feel the bagis too heavy. Then say “ I have a new bag, but it s too heavy. ” Ask them what s the meaningof.hTehaevny take out the things in the bag and then say ” Now it s light! ” Write heavy and lighton the borad.Tell them the new words heavy and light.4) Learn the dialogueThen let stu
47、dents see what s in it. There are many things in it. Then ask them to see the dialogue in thebook. Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.5) Group workDivide the students into many small groups and let them practice in groups“ How many . do you have? ”“I have . ”5. Homework1. Remember the new
48、words.2. Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.6. NotesLesson 111. Teaching AimsA: Remember and write the following letters and words well: Oo Pp Qq Rrbook ruler pencil-caseB: Solve the problem with the new words in this unit, for example fill the blank, ect.2. Teaching Aidsa tape-recorder so
49、me cards3. Keys and difficulties1)4-skill letters and words:Oo Pp Qq Rrwork and play ” with the studentsbook ruler pencil-case2)New words: queue rice quiet4. Steps1) OrganizationSay Hello to everyone, Lets begin our class.2) RevisionRevise the new words that they ve learned in this unit.3) Shopping
50、gameThe teacher ask the students W”hether there is someone who like go shopping with his mother in themarket. Stick the card on the board and ask the students to act “ON SALE 50% OFF”.4)Do the exerciseLet them look at the book at page of 23 and listen to the tape.Then let them see the second part an
51、d see what they are, and fill blank with the words .At last, the teachercheck them.work and homework1) listen 、 read and write the letters and words:Aa Bb . Oo Pp Qq Rrbook ruler pencil-case2) Listen to the tape and master the dialogues what theyve learned.Lesson121. Teaching AimsUnderstand the main
52、 idea of the story according to seeing the pictures. Sing a song named “Books andpencils ”2. Teaching Aidsa tape-recorder , some pictures .3. Difficulty and Key points1) Some phrases are difficult :Be made of the inventor of paper put away2) Understand the following phrases:Put away have a good drea
53、m take out1) OrganizationA: greetingsB: songs and chant2) Good to knowAsk students whether they know who invented paper. Tell them the knowledge about invention of paper.4) StoryFirst ask the students to see the pictures and guess the main idea.Choose 3 stude nts to retell the story. And the n the t
54、eacher tell the story. Let them read after the tape.5) SongA: read the senten ces of the song.B: Liste n to the tape and lear n to sing the song.C: sing the song with clapping hands 3 times.5. Homework1 ) Revise the dialogues of this un it.2 ) Sing the son gs.5.Teach ing no tesUn it 3 单元分析一、教学内容1、本单
55、元要求会 听,说,认读 的单词和短语有:A: thin strong quiet friend friends has name he music scie nee sports pain ti ng she rightB: long hair short hair computer game2、本单元要求会 听,说的单词和词组:Chin eselike his photo herhe s=he is she s=she is you re=you are3、本单元要求学生会 听、说、读、写 的单词和词组:teacher stude nt boy girl friend4、帮助学生在掌握单词的
56、基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。5、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学目标与要求4、能听懂、会说每一课会话。5、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。6、会唱本单元的歌曲。三、教学重点和难点1、对于较长的单词的掌握。女口 classroom, classmate, computer对于第一次出现的词组和短句的掌握。女口 have a look, good job2、于礼貌用语“ Tha nk you , Excuse me, After you 的掌握与应用。3、 描述教室中所有物件,并能据此编出对话。四、教学时间本单兀共 6 课时,每周 3 课时,2 周完成。Le
57、sson 13AimsLet the stude nts master the words and phrases:friends thi n strong quiet Long hair short hairAidsa tape recorder.poi ntsMy frie nd is stro ng.He has short hairsteps1)GreetingsSay “ hello ” to each other, and talk something about the date and weather.2) RevisionRead the words and phrases
58、learned in the last lesson.3)New content long nose/neck, long hair, short hair, I have long hair/nose. He has short hair/neck.Show two boys. One of them is thin, and the other is fat. The two words thin and fat are present.C. The teacher show a people and introduce him to them. Ask a student come to
59、 the front, and theteacher introduce him or her.Master the new words and listen to the tape.PracticeWho is your best friend?Say sth about your best friends.She has long hair, big eyes and ears.She has a small nose and a big mouth.She is cute.Who is she? She s my friend.My friend is strong. She has l
60、ong hair.PlayThe teacher tell one word or sentence to each one word is the first in a row and let him to tell the 2ndone andthen the 3rdone. Let the last student to saywhat he has heard.6. Teaching notesLesson141. Teaching Aidsa tape- recorder photos of my friendsAimsLet them master the dialogueAct
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