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1、模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七重点单词重点单词根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1 1发疯的;荒唐的发疯的;荒唐的 adj. _ adj. _ 2 2裤子裤子 n. _ n. _ 3 3重量重量 n. _ (v.) _ n. _ (v.) _ 4 4总的;全部的总的;全部的 adj. _ (adj. _ (近义词近义词) _ ) _ 5 5文化文化 n. _ (adj.) _ n. _ (adj.) _ 6 6视视而定;决定而定;决定( (于于) v. _(adj.) _ ) v. _(adj.) _ (n.) _ (n.) _ 7 7提

2、供;供应提供;供应 v. _ (v. _ (近义词近义词) _) _crazycrazy基础知识清单基础知识清单trouserstrousersweightweightweighweightotaltotalcultureculturewholewholeculturalculturaldependdependdependencedependencedependentdependentprovideprovideofferoffer模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七8 8进步;进展进步;进展 n. &(n. &(继续继续) )发展,推进发展,推进 v. _ v. _ 9 9客

3、人;宾客客人;宾客 n. _ (n. _ (同音词同音词) _ ) _ 1010形成形成 v. & v. & 表格表格 n. _ n. _ 1111友谊;友好友谊;友好 n. _ (adj.) _ n. _ (adj.) _ 1212更喜爱;钟爱更喜爱;钟爱 v. _ (v. _ (过去式过去式) _ ) _ 1313确定的;无疑的确定的;无疑的 adj. _(adv.) _ adj. _(adv.) _ 1414短裤短裤 n. _ n. _ 1515填满;填充填满;填充 v. _v. _progressprogressguestguestguessedguessedformf

4、ormfriendshipfriendshipfriendlyfriendlypreferpreferpreferredpreferredcertaincertaincertainlycertainlyshortsshortsfillfill模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1 1为为做准备做准备 _ _ 2 2列清单列清单 _ _ 3 3在在的结尾;在的结尾;在的末端的末端 _ _ 4 4支付支付的费用;为的费用;为付款付款 _5 5太多太多 _6 6最好最好( (不不) )做某事做某事 _7 7总重量总重量 _ _ 8 8顺

5、便说一下顺便说一下 _9 9玩得开心玩得开心 _ _ 1010给某人写信给某人写信 _重点短语重点短语prepare forprepare formake a listmake a listat the end ofat the end ofpay forpay fortoo much/too manytoo much/too manyhad better (not) do sth.had better (not) do sth.total weighttotal weightby the wayby the wayhave a great time/have fun/enjoy onesel

6、fhave a great time/have fun/enjoy oneselfwrite to sb.write to sb.模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七1111给某人提供某物给某人提供某物 _ _ _1212了解美国文化了解美国文化 _1313同时同时 _ _ 1414取决于;决定于取决于;决定于 _1515个人选择个人选择 _ _ 1616参加参加 _1717和和建立亲密的友谊建立亲密的友谊 _1818和和保持联系保持联系 _1919去去旅行旅行 _ _ offer sb. sth./offer sth. tooffer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb./

7、sb./provide sb. with sth./provide sth. forprovide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.sb.learn about american culturelearn about american culturedepend ondepend onat the sameat the same timetimepersonal choicepersonal choicetake parttake part in inform close friendships withform close friendships with

8、stay/keep in touch withstay/keep in touch withtake trips totake trips to模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七2020去购物去购物 _2121确定做某事确定做某事 _ _ 2222至少至少 _ _ 2323填写;填充填写;填充 _2424在在取得进步取得进步 _go shopping/do some shoppinggo shopping/do some shoppingat leastat leastbe certain to do sth.be certain to do sth.fill outfill outmake

9、 progress in/withmake progress in/with模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七i.i.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1那听起来很荒唐,但我不知道带什么。那听起来很荒唐,但我不知道带什么。 it _ _it _ _, but i dont know _ _ but i dont know _ _ take.take.2 2短裤很好,或者你可以穿轻薄的裤子。短裤很好,或者你可以穿轻薄的裤子。 shorts _ good, _ you can wear _ shorts _ good, _ you can wear _ trousers.trouser

10、s.3 3你最好问一下旅游公司你所有包的总重量。你最好问一下旅游公司你所有包的总重量。 youd better _ the travel company about the total youd better _ the travel company about the total _ for _ your bags._ for _ your bags.4 4顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。 _ _ _ _ _, dont forget _ _ dont forget _ _ your passport.your passport.sounds crazysound

11、s crazywhat towhat toareare重点句型重点句型lightlightaskaskweightweightororallallby the wayby the wayto taketo take模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七5 5请给我写信并寄给我一些照片!请给我写信并寄给我一些照片! please _ _ me and send _ _ _please _ _ me and send _ _ _!6 6你会喜欢来洛杉矶的,一方面能了解美国的文化,同时可以提高你的英语水你会喜欢来洛杉矶的,一方面能了解美国的文化,同时可以提高你的英语水 平。平。 you will lo

12、ve coming to los angeles _ _ _ you will love coming to los angeles _ _ _ american culture and improve your english _ _ american culture and improve your english _ _ _ _ _.连词成句连词成句根据括号内的中文提示,根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1 1your, it, personal, choice, depends on(your, it, personal, ch

13、oice, depends on(这取决于你的个人选择。这取决于你的个人选择。) )_me some photosme some photoswrite towrite toto learn aboutto learn aboutat theat theit depends on your personal choice.it depends on your personal choice.same timesame time模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七2 2set, check, tests, we, every week, your, to, progress(set, check

14、, tests, we, every week, your, to, progress(我们我们每周设置测验来检测你的进步。每周设置测验来检测你的进步。) )_3 3pay for, you, one, must, your, before, it, course, month, pay for, you, one, must, your, before, it, course, month, at least, starts(at least, starts(你必须在开课前至少一个月支付课程费。你必须在开课前至少一个月支付课程费。) )_we set tests every week to

15、check your progress.we set tests every week to check your progress.you must pay for your course at least one month you must pay for your course at least one month before it starts.before it starts.模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七单词单词回顾回顾根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1 1we have made much p_ in english this yea

16、r.we have made much p_ in english this year.2 2they p_ hot water for their guests in this hotel.they p_ hot water for their guests in this hotel.3 3the factory produced a lot of cars last year. do you know the the factory produced a lot of cars last year. do you know the t_ number of them?t_ number

17、of them?4 4if you have no p_if you have no p_, you cant go abroad. you cant go abroad.5 5they are skating on the thin ice. they must be c_they are skating on the thin ice. they must be c_! old.old.rogressrogress基础知识迁移基础知识迁移roviderovideotalotalassportassportrazyrazy 模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七6 6the school do

18、esnt allow students to wear _ (the school doesnt allow students to wear _ (短裤短裤) )7 7the meeting _ (the meeting _ (持续持续) four hours yesterday. ) four hours yesterday. 8 8to lose _ (to lose _ (重量重量), she does exercise for three hours ), she does exercise for three hours every day. every day. 9 9johns

19、on likes to take down what happens every day in johnson likes to take down what happens every day in the_ (the_ (形式形式) of diary.) of diary.1010you are_ (you are_ (确定的确定的) to pass the english test.) to pass the english test.shortsshortslastedlastedweightweightformformcertaincertain 模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七

20、短语运用短语运用.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1把你想参观的地方列一张清单。把你想参观的地方列一张清单。 _ _ _ _ the places that you want _ _ _ _ the places that you want to visit. to visit.2 2老师们已经和学生们建立了亲密的友谊。老师们已经和学生们建立了亲密的友谊。 the teachers have _ _ _ with the the teachers have _ _ _ with the students. students.3 3你一定能得到一段最好的学习英语和体验美国生活的经历。

21、你一定能得到一段最好的学习英语和体验美国生活的经历。 you _ _ _ get the best experience of you _ _ _ get the best experience of english learning and life in the us. english learning and life in the us.make a list ofmake a list offormed close friendshipsformed close friendships are certain to are certain to模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七4

22、4和数学比起来我更喜欢英语。我认为英语更有趣。和数学比起来我更喜欢英语。我认为英语更有趣。 i _ english _ maths. i think english is more i _ english _ maths. i think english is more interesting. interesting. 5 5昨天我们参加了英语竞赛。昨天我们参加了英语竞赛。 yesterday we _ _ _ the english yesterday we _ _ _ the english petition.6 6我和我的小学同学保持着联系。我和我的小学同学保持着联系。 i _i _

23、_ _ _ my primary school _ _ _ my primary school classmates.classmates.preferprefertook part intook part inkeep/stay in touch withkeep/stay in touch withtoto模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七ii.ii.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1.youd better _ hollywood and disneyland in los 1.youd better _ hollywood and disneyland i

24、n los angeles.angeles.2 2they _ at betty and peters wedding yesterday.they _ at betty and peters wedding yesterday.3 3it took me quite a long time to _ the form.it took me quite a long time to _ the form.4 4there are _ ten students in the classroom.there are _ ten students in the classroom.5 5she ha

25、s _ in her maths and chinese.she has _ in her maths and chinese.take trips totake trips tohad a great timehad a great timefill outfill outat leastat leastfill out, take trips to, pay for, at the same time, grow up, fill out, take trips to, pay for, at the same time, grow up, make progress, by the wa

26、y, at least, prepare for, have a great make progress, by the way, at least, prepare for, have a great time time made progressmade progress模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七6 6_, can i have your name again? can i have your name again? 7 7rose is _ her trip to beijing.rose is _ her trip to beijing.8 8what do you want

27、 to do when you _what do you want to do when you _?9 9i have _ the air ticket to paris.i have _ the air ticket to paris.1010swimming is good for our health, but _swimming is good for our health, but _ we we mustnt forget the danger.mustnt forget the danger.by the wayby the waypreparing forpreparing forgrow upgrow uppaid forpaid forat the same timeat the same time模块基础知识过关七模块基础知识过关七句型突破句型突破按要求完成下列各题按要求完成下列各题1 1 20162016济南济南 susan has been a volunteer in the hospital susan has been a volunteer in t


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