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1、火锅中英文菜单精品鹅肠 Special goose intestine精品鸭肠 Special duck intestine精品毛肚 Special tripes麻辣牛肉 Spicy beef香菜丸子 Meatballs served with cilantro鲜牛鞭 Fresh ox penis鹌鹑蛋 Quail eggs美国肥牛 American fatty beef鲜鹅肠 Fresh goose intestine鳝鱼 Eel午餐肉 Spam meat/Luncheon meat (spam 是美国俗语)无骨鹅掌 De-boned goose webs耗儿鱼 Corydoras脑花 Br

2、ains羊肉串 Mutton kebabs羊肉卷 Sliced mutton黄辣丁 Pelteobagrus fulvidraco fish现炸酥肉 Deep-Fried Pork Fingers鲜毛肚 Fresh tripes腰片 Sliced kidneys鲜鸭肠 Fresh duck intestines鲜猪黄喉 Fresh pork aorta千层肚 Thousand-layered tripes鲜鱼头 Fresh fish heads虾饺 Shrimp dumplings脆皮肠 Crispy intestine鲜黄喉 Fresh aorta白菜 Chinese white cabba

3、ge豆芽 Beansprouts鲜豆腐 Fresh Tofu冬瓜 Winter gourd藕片 Sliced lotus roots土豆 Potatoes木耳 agaric fungus香菜 Cilantro土豆皮 Potato skin鲜鸭血 Fresh duck blood curds海带 Seaweed青笋头 Green bamboo shoots平菇 Shitake mushrooms香菇 Champignon贡菜 dried ballonflower四川金针菇 Sichun Needle mushrooms方竹笋 Square bamboo shoots蛋炒饭 Fried rice

4、with eggs牛油火锅 butter hotpot秘制全白锅 House special white hotpot清油鸳鸯锅 Clear-oil double-flavoured hotpot牛油鸳鸯锅 butter double flavoured hotpot香油碟 Sesame oil特色菜 House special dishes 荤菜 Meat dishes素菜 Vegetarian dishes小吃 Snakes锅底 Soup base油碟 Oil dish火锅 Hot pot茼蒿菜 Done Oh 莲藕片lotus root-pieces冬瓜片Chinese wat

5、ermelon-pieces青笋片lettuce-pieces鸭血 duck blood 平菇 Even mushroom 粉条vermicelli牛百叶 stomach of the cattle 小羊羔肉goat's wilk 肥牛beef in hot pot  精品 可以用refined product肥肠 Pig's colon鱼丸 Fish meatballs 虾丸Shrimp meatballs鳝鱼片Eel-pieces午餐肉spam luncheon meat或spam爽口嫩牛肉 Tender Beef牛肉饺beef dumplings猪肉饺pock

6、dumplings虾米饺shrimp dumplings龙须面 Fine noodles 麻花fried dough twist (只能这么翻译了,因为国外没有麻花啊)火腿肠ham sausage   精品:House Special(意思是本店特色,言下之意就是精品了)鹅:goose;肠:intestine;鸭:duck;麻辣:spicy;牛肉:beef;香菜caraway;牛肉丸:beef ball;手工house-made(意思就是本店亲手制作),里脊fillet,嫩牛肉tender beef;鲜fresh;墨鱼仔cuttlefish;美国肥牛:Americ

7、an beef, 蟹肉crab meat,鳝鱼eel,无骨:boneless;火腿肠:sausage猪脑花:pig brain,羊肉串:lamb stick,带鱼hairtail,鳕鱼ling,酥肉,fried pork,腰片:sliced kidney,无骨凤爪 boneless chicken paw,大白菜cabbage,豆芽bean sprout, 鲜豆腐fresh tofu, 冬瓜chinese watermelon,藕片lotus root,鱿鱼:squid,虾饺shrimp dumpling,土豆,patato,黄瓜:cucumber,木耳agaric,血汪red tofu,海带

8、seaweed,年糕rice cake, 花菜cauliflower,蘑菇mushroom,竹笋bamboo shoot, 脆豆腐crispy tofu, 蛋炒饭egg fried rice,八宝粥combination porridge,特色菜:Chef specialist,荤菜:meat,素材:vegetable,小吃:snack  1、红油锅底 Hot pot soup base (red chili oil)2、清汤鸳鸯锅底 Dual hot pot soup bases(red chili oil and clear soup)3、土鸡汤鸳鸯锅底 Dual ho

9、t pot soup bases(red chili oil and village chicken soup) 4、野生菌锅底 Hot pot soup base (wild mushroom)5、麻酱碟 Plate of sesame paste6、香油碟 Plate of sesame oil7、椒盐碟 Plate of pepper salt8、鳝鱼 Short eel9、尚席方竹笋 Square bamboo shoot of ShangXi10、特色毛肚 Sepcial beef omasum11、猪黄喉 Pig trachea12、重庆酥肉 Chongqing frie

10、d pork13、鸭胗花 Duck gizzard pieces14、鸭胗片 Duck gizzard slices15、腰花 Pork kidney pieces16、腰片 Pork kidney slices17、老肉片 Marbled meat slices18、牛眼肉 rib eye beef19、肥牛 Fat beef slices20、内蒙羔羊肉 Inner Mongolia kidlet slices21、羊上脑 Fillet of lamb22、手切鲜羊肉 Fresh mutton slices23、手切鲜牛肉 Fresh beef slices24、牛毛肚 Beef omas

11、um(black)25、牛黄喉 Beef trachea26、火腿肠 Ham sausages27、泥鳅 Loaches28、鱼丸 Fish meatballs29、虾丸 Shrimp meatballs30、牛肉丸 Beef meatballs31、鹌鹑蛋 Quail eggs32、猪脑 Pig's brains33、蟹肉 Crab meat34、脆皮肠 Crispy sausages38、带鱼 Frost fish39、马面鱼 Horse-faced fish40、花鲢鱼头 Spotted silver carp head41、牛百叶 Beef omasum (white)42、猪

12、肉香菜丸子 Pork and parsley meatballs43、羊肚 Lamb tripe44、牛骨髓 Bovine bone marrow45、无骨鸭掌 Boneless duck feet47、黄辣丁 Yellow cartfish48、午餐肉 luncheon meat50、九尺鹅肠 Goose intestines (long)51、肥肠 Pig's colon52、鸭舌 Duck tongues53、竹荪 Bamboo shoots54、草菇 Straw mushroom55、金针菇 Golden mushroom56、香菇 Black mushroom57、平菇 Ca

13、p fungus60、白菜 Chinese cabbage61、圆白菜 Cabbage patch62、粉丝 Vermicelli63、土豆片 Potato slices64、豆芽 Bean sprouts66、宽粉 Wide Vermicelli67、海带 Kelp stripes68、红薯片 Sweet potato slices69、龙须面 Fine noodles70、豆苗 Mung Beans71、菠菜 Spinach72、白萝卜片 Radish slices73、冬瓜 Chinese watermelon74、菜花 Cauliflower75、茼蒿 Garland Chrysant

14、hemum76、年糕 Rice cakes77、地耳 Nostoc commune78、青笋叶 Asparagus leaves79、油麦菜 Lettuces80、腐竹 Bean curd sheet rolls81、豆皮 Tofu skin82、冻豆腐 Frozen tofu83、白豆腐 Fresh tofu84、蒿子杆 Garland chrysanthemum85、鸭血 Duck blood86、黄瓜 Cucumber87、青笋条 Fresh Bamboo Shoots88、藕片 Lotus Root slices90、鲜山药 Fresh Cinnamomvine91、四川麻圆 Si Chuan Sesame Balls92、家乡叶儿粑 Cakes wrapped in leaves93、香煎糍粑块 Fried Glutinous Rice Cake94、鸳鸯小馒头 small buns in two flavors95、香芋卷 Taro Rolls96、醪糟小汤圆 Glutinous Rice Balls in Rice Wine97、酱香蒸饺 Steamed Dumplings Seasoned with Soy Sauce98、扬州炒饭 Yang Zh


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