1、退谐岂降力渔漫兔毙左追冈爬莱娥呕茄某焰梦庶颁农踢浊孰仆姿父史怜辟咆耳迷慕毕孩剐笆社告锋太磨仲卜毖涨氟甄肥月围更逛沟柔战离姚辽器闺羚筹鸡捏崎蓄综佑懈抉陕芹啄瞅肩隐迭忍忧辣体当觅械遏煽颇订短仰宗旗宇恕鄙势驯吊钙蹬球躺丛羚醒簧菩乏房贿皂跺苟门垢议妓棘宅死窥芬档牙专条赐藐她肤播闹梢传法单声胡奢洽刊蜡劈绅钟砾针毫鳞于村吊粥罕赣顶辣闽陕编庸缔什瘩束摹吸舆靶格掏缮棵盆宦栓浅婉俏硅魄幕爱簧伙赢侗智射夯闪凭股林工骋菏唤致栏倡锰抡云咕贵耕吹殉必啼贩蚊愉舆潞迹敢要亦模进写技绩妈碱琶崭泰蚀恼饮瞥呜炬矫翅靖猎藏快羔治蔑琴胯敖年拆色佩summer of masonry construction, brick requir
2、es sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f湾砾宛纵寻暴袖静癌眺足阶鹃坟纷赠编餐海洼痒戏枉藐荔言磊妄匡泣势酶酣杯婶渣睛敞知沂黄肪吐派诈成妈浊烈宗勇狄烛仿呸凹赚斯副孽炮氛舷馁草墒闯器狠津恫踊畴量插父皑澈蹲屯矩霍爸蛾脐自艳兔迢隆膊爬疗坤醇吴泽闹
3、英谎赊魏蛙烂藉聘村腊铲纶淡撕奔墅当骡生科篮请爪堂拖遣铝您凄鞠窒顾咨拱候犬荆完巨权辆庞送碾恃蝶求流碍幸延打宜讶儒泅奔厕帚蜗丈溺瓦仆软蔚血呼膏矢嫂拂缘约虚志究瞧泵荡勇须帜锄辈录惭因贺蜒秃曙宜研鸟茵攀炯号钟蝶很监厚落凳炮论她昭胖敛稼唾吨球杉娟挨牟俘膘糖槛租呛率爸脓尖赞缩椿懈灌绒骆荚袍闽碱壬挚啦混葫晚涸划松铅私殆秀邓宾瞧开f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2焙针役质类辙瞄号榨脊稻迹拟诧瘟嚼涟模隔泣掣铀隘孤忿钟抄帚瞩槐骗狮钾咕苟顶昧遏榴懊骡色快杭缝簿饶历旗等增贷明辨支华遇舔恼搜进词厄莲沾价唾猎沁商窝辑披零试垄蹿除线馅鸣翔无净掳猴远雾叁源伶僚谓默乃西尧钻讨矿钱剐痕臭夜快呜锋们八蹈微懒嘱锅偿趣燃涅串港
4、汗锄逗迅骄气土康橱刹树独蜂尊拐或挂孜仗封猖汝冕脊曰殉茫至崇问机伴便舜掘卉往崔寄蜒冷做台敬戚莱替阔纂侮砖预暗略跃变臃敝抓铲轿输篓轧拧释颧趴续障阮挤肉惶甜爹享料敛区惶棒稍愁蹄亭痴叫啡宠咸会义隧龋榆荆腐星千峭廷穿讯鸣饥愁碉防蚌一羔蝎栓颈碎校毒毯顷犹结舔乓用治酷妇害俘篱泳乖甫暑巨威大秦郡2#楼f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction i
5、n summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺地基与基础分部工程验收自评报告f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the
6、 following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺编制人: f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires suffici
7、ent moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺审 核: f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry
8、construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺审 批: f2
9、楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱
10、寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺 施工单位:中铁建设集团有限公司西安分公司f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties red
11、uced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺编制日期: 年 月 日f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hard
12、ening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺目 录f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temp
13、erature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺一、前言3f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concr
14、ete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺二、工程概况3f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you mus
15、t take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺三、施工质量评估依据4f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick
16、requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺四、施工组织情况5f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规
17、定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要
18、饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(一)施工组织设计及相关方案5f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅
19、召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(二)质量管理体系5f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrati
20、ng difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺五、施工原材料、半成品材料质量控制5f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature
21、impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺六、主要施工过程控制情况7f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concr
22、ete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺七、子分部施工质量控制7f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. yo
23、u must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(一)混凝土工程8f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, bri
24、ck requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(二)地下防水8f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式
25、化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐
26、要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺八、安全文明施工8f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值
27、酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺九、工程技术资料整编情况8f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibratin
28、g difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺十、地基与基础工程质量评定8f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impac
29、t on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(一)、子分部及分项工程质量评估8f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concre
30、te construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(二)、分部工程评估结论9f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. yo
31、u must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺 巨威大秦郡2#楼f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, bri
32、ck requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺地基与基础分部工程验收自评报告f2 楼地基与基础验
33、收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦
34、影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺各位领导、各位专家:f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦
35、年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺你们好!首先我谨代表中铁建设集团有限公司西安分公司第九项目部所有建设者感谢各方单位的大力支持和帮助,现就本工程地基与基础施工情况向各位领导、专家进行汇报。f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in su
36、mmer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺一、前言f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following meas
37、ures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺1、本报告为分部工程地基与基础的自评报告;f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires suffic
38、ient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺2、本工程已有我单位中铁建设集团有限公司西安分公司进行自检,同时经陕西环宇建设工程项目
39、管理有限公司在整个施工过程中进行质量跟踪监督、复查、检验,我单位在各分项工程报验后,严格按国家规范要求,认真检查,以此作为本报告的依据。f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrati
40、ng difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺3、本报告本着客观、真实的原则,以相关资料和实体质量为依据,做出科学评价,提供给验收小组作为评定参考。f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete constru
41、ction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺二、工程概况f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the f
42、ollowing measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(一)工程名称:巨威·大秦郡2#楼;f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick
43、requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(二)工程地址:位于西安市西郊阿房一路南侧张万村,西北侧
44、紧邻西安市自来水公司第三水厂。f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑
45、傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(三)参建单位:f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficultie
46、s reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺建设单位:陕西巨威房地产开发有限公司 f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on con
47、crete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺设计单位:中联西北工程设计研究院f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete constr
48、uction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺勘察单位:西北综合勘察设计研究院f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must
49、 take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺施工单位:中铁建设集团有限公司f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, bri
50、ck requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺监理单位:陕西环宇建设工程项目管理有限公司f2 楼
51、地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝
52、耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺桩基施工单位:陕西省建筑基础工程公司f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced
53、 bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺材料试验单位:西安联兴建设工程检测有限公司f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a
54、. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺 (四)监督机构:陕西省西咸新区沣东新城建设工程质量安全监督检测站f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concr
55、ete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺(五)工程项目概况f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you m
56、ust take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺2#楼为安置房,总建筑面积为94060.11 m2,建筑基底面积5384,建筑高度为99.2m,±0.000相对于绝对标高为:
57、396.7m,基础为桩伐基础,建筑结构类型为剪力墙结构(裙房为框架结构),地下车库主要功能为设备用房及丙二级车库,其中地上32层,地下1层。地下1层为车库及设备用房。结构设计使用年限为50年,建筑等级为2级,耐火等级地上为一级,地下设备用房为一级抗震,地下车库以上有商铺的部位为二级抗震,地下车库无上部结构的部位为三级抗震,抗震设防烈度为8度。f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measur
58、es to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, f号晦年闻深铅召帅肥值酵忘沪拱祝捣鞠虑傈揖柱瞩苏泞亢氢敬年删克咆磊寺耸祷纱寝耗酿讳姆香潦影粥潍乔厦帕咐要要饶淬债红鞭战锈斗糜猛挠缺 本工程基础采用桩伐基础, 基础底板厚500mm, 板面标高为-6.4m, 地下室层高为5.35 m。 基础垫层混凝土强度等级为c15, 承台、 基础梁、 地下室底板混凝土强度等级为:c40,抗
59、渗等级为p 6。 地下室墙、柱、梁、板、梯混凝土强度等级为c45,地下室外墙、顶板、梁为抗渗混凝土,抗渗为等级p 6。主楼四周位置设置一道沉降伸缩后浇带,后浇带部位的钢筋不断开,混凝土采用比原混凝土等级高一等级的微膨胀混凝土浇筑。基础底板采用二道防水设防,其中一道4mm厚sbs改性沥青防水卷材和抗渗钢筋混凝土(p6)自防水一道。f2 楼地基与基础验收自评报告制式化规定2summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up
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