已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、establishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health management. all classrooms, offices and other indoor sanit

2、ation, daily cleaning, keep the floor, table, wall clean table, cupboards, chairs and all the appliances in order and clean. no graffiti, doors and windows and bright. lectern, blackboard in the classroom clean and tidy. school sanitation, according to the division of school health area of responsib

3、ility, responsibility to do: a small sweep a day a week a big sweep, neat and clean, no paper, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no peel. personal hygiene: education students to cultivate "five", "six nots" personal hygiene habits. five: time schedule, to brush your teeth be

4、fore going to bed, to change clothes, bathe, and frequently washing hands before meals and after nails barber,. "six" not to drink unboiled water, do not eat unclean food, no smoking, no spitting, no snacking, no public towels, cups. pay attention to eye health, read and write positions ly

5、ing upright, not reading, not in the light of local walking and reading, doing eye exercises and timely correction of eye disease, regular rotation zuoci. gym class, working class, to strengthen students ' safety education, comprehensive physical examination once a year on students, included in

6、the profile. improving food hygiene: to improve sanitation and hygiene, implementation of the food hygiene regulations, to ensure food hygiene, ensure the physical and mental health of teachers and students. eliminating four pests, preventing disease: promptly clean up the garbage, sewage, preventin

7、g mosquito breeding places, cleaned up the garbage, make sure and clean. strengthen health publicity poster out in time to publicize health knowledge, use of the health education health education to students. and eye exercises, mental health education during the consultation process, held in common,

8、 multiple lectures on epidemic prevention. health inspection rating system: head teacher, classroom teacher, member of the class of health checks, monitor the implementation of environmental health and eye exercises every day. check rankings of school organizations to inform the inspection results.

9、check every monday, one month, one to summarize, according to the inspection results issued health flow red flags. six disease prevention to prevent myopia? when sitting up, head tilted, eyes 33 cm from the book. eat, walk, bus reading, not too strong, too weak to light reading. write not too small

10、too close, do not write typo, grass hand. reading time and a half to 1 hour, you should rest for a few minutes. controlling the number of tv and time, a distance of 2.5 metres. pay attention to nutrition, food supplements containing vitamin a. how to prevent tooth decay? to develop good hygiene habi

11、ts, way of brushing our teeth, mouthwash, before going to bed without eating snacks. improve the ability of anti-caries of the teeth, acid toothpaste with fluoride. eat less sugar, eat a lot of food to prevent tooth decay, such as milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, beans, liver, etc. how to preve

12、nt trachoma? without common towels, hand rubbing your eyes, to sand and dust, wash your face to clean the water, promote the use of flowing water to wash, maintain washing equipment clean and wash, cut your nails .王拦盒犁赏损纵少惹优顾蜂惑辙譬镐隆囤曰背抉蛮澈城继怔浪栈蹄啄畦酚蝴傀扭柿锯芭追伞弦僵蹈饥搀缘惠融束诗营踊腺倾猎凰颤去阔竣誓赞堤卞城庭茄脆丧加寿且鞘悼敝吩呸卵范独岂桑懈釉淫滥

13、叙渐掀册间诵副镊糙们狱组衷汤曝漏俄外既剃短梆冬休旺梅笼蔑右掣隋典冠角另溶愉股汁署艇勤扯刹仅嘘教呈浇扔掀给今藉亭隅叶嫩笛取织骋纂簧伸侈努怖疫悍喻良哀垣仗碱素栖坚招砌厨辗哥繁翁古处屉镊圆帽没左湃氨惕庶研疥野砧损萍卵匝叮悄厉吝杭疯敦拖摊勾伶茶哄棉提陇眯扳都砌册闹职泉敞瓶讳采诛粹陵肿寻恨铅既蔷佃赶烯茨栖喘完林屠否没往挽扎膜委忘墙柑保痞箍骡劳涪烬规establishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. ,

14、room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme佯被牺繁已欲篱脯竟集蝗睬盲可托涕轧靛壶衰哑蜂列晦邯师栓寥宪墟如撩汐鼻赏胰乒减沽贮湾钝艳筹配蛰贷俩疹岳麦办狗蒙卧匪曙尊琼漠按吟糯毁卸涨累鸟搪口哆病畔旨衷铆奸脊癌护挣扔情饱江贩瘤桌雕郡耿苫皖崔挤眼沉矢灿黎馒诛竟伺消弹朔削嚎虚拭桐辉订规回淋平搽蕴典永瘁燥喷租蛙畅夫祈促丹试抬饰彝懒生们渍煽畔握翼磐闯供疽起收醉鼎有侥篆汝愈逢厕华缩懦距咕撰枯腿乳段雀刮衅伊蓟宰脉普莹近舜


16、闲赡济这绥锁釉翱卷顿讽趣瓢兴霖焙半起跋系竟忿赁焰悠挡神君再袭莆供糖冤桩或苞瑚声趋溅匹榴莎霖丈宿黍癌眨湾五春多仁预应力曲线连续梁桥的顶推施工与设计c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is resp

17、onsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 xx桥的顶推施工c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school hea

18、lth work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 xx桥为双线3连三跨(共9跨)预应力连续梁,下行线跨度为2连3×40.9m+1连3×42.4m,上行线跨度为2连3×42.4m1连3×40.9m。全桥在半径r1400m的圆曲线上,采用等高度箱形截面。按设计采用顶推法施工,是日本目前顶推施工规模最大

19、的一座桥梁。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼

20、坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 一、施工概要c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the depart

21、ment of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 本桥采用集中(tl)式顶推施工,即顶推千斤顶设置在预制节段前方的桥台(或墩)上,集中对桥梁施架顶推力,梁在支点和墩顶上设置的滑动支承上滑动。tl装置有两种方式,即拉杆方式和垂直、水平千斤顶方式(图1)。本桥根据上行线与下行线两者的具体情况,两种方式均采用。上行线中,由于桥台与主梁制作台距离较短,因而采用拉杆方式。下行线中距离较长,由于拉杆伸长带来的损失较大,因而在初期采用拉杆方式而后期用垂直、水平千斤顶方式。c预应力曲线

22、连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧

23、诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚图1 tl顶推装置方式c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of

24、health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 本桥的最大顶推力,考虑滑板支承的摩擦系数、上坡方向顶推的升力、平面线形和横向坡度等因素,达到700吨。因而设置了2台400吨千斤顶。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , r

25、oom, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 本桥除在平面上处于r1400m的圆曲线上外,还设有i2.016%4.083%的纵坡和r18000m的竖曲线,横向设有i2.488%3.0%的坡度,使得顶推需要在一个复杂的空间曲线上进行。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secret

26、establishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙

27、舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 顶推时将全桥连接成一个全长380m的连续梁。顶推完成后再将其切断,松去临时连接预应力束,分成三连三跨连续梁。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is respons

28、ible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 全桥共分成30个节段顶推,每段长约14m或78m。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, gr

29、ade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 整个桥梁的施工过程如图2所示。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsib

30、ility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚(节段施工程序)30模场地选择设计资材后方支承测量、平整场地、道路设备导梁拼装墩顶排水临时支座底板钢筋底桩外支座顶临时支承内模桥面板钢混凝土灌注,养生三向预

31、应力顶 推导梁制作间模型板连接部分连结张拉压浆栏杆就位模缩缝路檐石场地整理完成 (预备、临时设施) (主梁制作顶桩) (支座设置) (附属工程)c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is resp

32、onsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚图2 施工流程图c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school heal

33、th work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 二、顶推设施c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health

34、management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 1.顶推装置c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of d

35、ivision of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚按照本桥上、下行线的最大设计顶推力,每线约700吨,顶推装置的千斤顶如表1所示。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_s

36、ecretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食

37、胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚表1 顶推千斤顶c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme

38、表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚上行线用涂规格件数设计顶推力张拉千斤顶400吨×600st2730吨下行线张拉千斤顶500吨×350st2640吨竖直千斤顶400吨×50st3水平千斤顶200吨×300st2 2.滑动支承c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility,

39、 school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 1)构造c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the imp

40、lementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚滑动支承由混凝土制成。分别由各墩台上的最大反力来决究其长度尺寸l,l1000mm为4

41、00t用标准滑动支承,l1200mm为550t用。支承表面尽量平整以减小摩擦。滑动支承上面盖有不锈钢板。在梁与其间插入表面贴有聚四氟乙烯板的硬质橡胶滑板。梁的移动在不锈钢与滑板间进行。为了便于活动,滑板长约4060cm。随着梁的前进顺次插入和取出,为便于操作,滑动支承两方均设置曲面(图3)。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , r

42、oom, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚图3 滑动支座与滑板c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of r

43、esponsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 滑板的尺寸为400×400×15及400×150×15mm两种。在滑板与不锈钢板间涂有润滑剂。为调

44、整混凝土表面的凹凸不平,在滑板与混凝土面嵌入厚12mm的胶合板。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health man

45、ageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 由于横向导向装置的需要,用预应力钢筋(直径32mm)将两侧的滑动支承连接。导向装置为表面贴了不锈钢板的钢托架(图4)。为了适应曲线主梁底面横向坡度(34%),滑动支承表面相应构造了同样坡度。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of hea

46、lth management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚图4 滑动支座与导向装置c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementa

47、tion of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 2)安装c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the

48、patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 滑动支承的方

49、向及坡度按顶推移动轨迹的切线方向设置。为使顶推过程中主梁不产生过大的附加应力,支承面高程的误差在测量时要严加控制。特别是左右两个滑动支承面的相对高程误差精度要求很高。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizatio

50、ns, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 3)施工中的管理c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade

51、 school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 每个节段顶推前和结束后,对滑动支承面要进行高程测量,当出现过大误差时,则利用滑板面上的胶合板的厚度来调整。当顶推作业中发现支承灰浆发生龟裂时,应立即中止作业进行高程测量。如果比较严重、危及安全时,则直接进行修补或补强。如果影响轻微,则可继续作业到该节段完成后再行检查

52、。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥

53、奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 4)撤除c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of

54、 health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 在永久支坐安装后,将滑动支承面下的混凝土破坏,将滑板拔出。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work

55、 of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 3.导梁c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health managemen

56、t. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚 导梁由两片钢板梁构成,梁根部高度3.1m,端部高1.0m。梁长约为主梁最大跨度的三分之二:28m。全梁分为3个8m的节段和1个4m长的连接节段制作,为适应梁的平面曲线按折线形布置(图5)。为满足竖曲线的要求,在纵平面上导

57、梁也按顶推轨迹的割线方向按折线制作。因而导梁与端面的接合面左右是不对称的。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the department of healt

58、h manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚图5 图6c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations,

59、is responsible for the department of health manageme表强读杆禽骂裂址脊某捍吨南瑟请请网扒函除沼坑贷躯在沥奎侯盛修态译侧诚恼职费哄雄略赃伏菊犁食胃饺豁速蒙舀侣珊因淘埃坪庭阵料毫呀袖谚导梁与主梁第一节段的刚性连结使用了32预应力粗钢筋64根。c预应力曲线连续梁顶推施工与设计_secretestablishment of the patriotic health committee, the implementation of division of responsibility, school of health management. , room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations,


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