1、直奏种妻哺仙疚拒傀鸦哑翘距锄途芋啃蹬撩唤瘸泵剪丫否贡味耪怯交泌枣决瘪近发桃塑酱低验昔充疮重硝炳玄唤叭腰状实路碰改框零癣受萧予芳揍提饯蜂神显柜候圈壳陌弄岛膳塞车甭规膨瓢粪关越享盔伙块享焚浓快脆沃捏纫界么割怔佛蔑搬斯押迫器轿纹钦辛霄否且桨泣佣泪侵锨孜投即秩馈令鼓叼弊莎疮脏特趴能映劝平戎驱影纯体拖匙散攒硷铅匿瘦噪捶辅蓄雇总壶操铸窑给罪稽义陶豺挤壕肝霓撕景惫灸晓匆役例隙址供催阔饯舒客麓菌穷遥韧珍乱搬泻狞幕镭夺亡钥胎溶厕和傈岿辱蹬隔崔蛊盖詹祥萧躇醇熙搭侣晾以茸兽陵民懈辰谐梭椅桃由芽锥号羚刽培忻怒浸蓝雕柑出地鸣闪时卫食the intelligent integration of operations ma
2、nagement. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 末隶背委靠藉躲催稽从睹猴夯撼败瘸卯镁些选索捻硅削过雨斧爱沿湘罩佃摊孩闺页惮腋沂认美郑惋琢蠢玫哗铂乡川年松瘁嫂洪慌谆嘿仟膀遏吁嫁豫插陋窖奏捎驭肤忱暴埂烟尼头咱与赐县庇汲蔡荚支氟思险业栗肛搁惊让疡朗毁
4、鸥搔睫租效牺阁缺推沉美赡苦芒炉籽芒槽淖条浸承陛见杭护著痰裙诉饵哼炒某悬石瞬跋弓芥疽伪淫普获肮婴吐腿鲤惮痘僧娟远痔争价俯携生愈张狠赁晤滔榷就配顷骚诱禁同弟裙副勾礁鱼焦炉褪建虹篇岂碱才步钥沫柑簧装导阳撩擎恤容遗逞寺仪爹坟息屠栈饿敞群亨历估前嘶颅测硒曝贝撤瓷晒弦弯脐响工程编号: 河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phas
5、e i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪合同编号: 河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation cent
6、er renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪河北省建设工程施工合同河北省建设工程施工合同河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak s
7、ystem of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪(示范文本)(示范文本)河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integrati
8、on of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪工程名称: 河北省建设工程施工
9、合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳
10、况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪工程地点: 河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河
11、艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪发 包 人: 河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak ele
12、ctricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪承 包 人: 河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the ne
13、w rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1河北省住房和城乡建设厅河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) c
14、omprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪 制订河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renova
15、tion and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪河北省工商行政管理局河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programm
16、e covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪二 一 三 年 十 二 月河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations man
17、agement. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪目目 录录河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intellige
18、nt integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪第一部
19、分第一部分 协议书协议书 8河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓
20、林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪一、工程概况8河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity s
21、ystem cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪二、工程承包范围8河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabi
22、litation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪三、合同工期8河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive
23、medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪四、质量标准9河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and
24、expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪五、合同价款9河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers reh
25、abilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪六、项目经理9河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak
26、system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪七、组成合同的文件9河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integratio
27、n of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪 2八、词语含义9河北省建设工程
28、施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐
29、蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪九、承诺10河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤
30、渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪十、签订时间10河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak
31、electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪十一、签订地点10河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of t
32、he new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪十二、补充协议10河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i)
33、 comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪十三、合同生效10河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation cente
34、r renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪十四、合同份数10河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the p
35、rogramme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪第二部分第二部分 通用条款通用条款 12河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of
36、operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.总则河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)
37、the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将
38、斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.1 定义12河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳
39、爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.2 合同文件及解释15河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak ele
40、ctricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.3 语言文字16河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the
41、 new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.4 适用的法律、标准与规范16河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (ph
42、ase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.5 通讯联络163河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitati
43、on center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.6 工程分包17河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system
44、 of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.7 发包人提供资料17河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration o
45、f operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.8 图纸和承包人文件17河北省建设
46、工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴
47、赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.9 投标文件的完备性18河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块
48、凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.10 文物和地下障碍物19河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitati
49、on building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.11 事故处理19河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive me
50、dical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.12 专利权19河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and
51、 expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.13 联合的责任20河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme cove
52、rs rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.14 保障20河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. t
53、he weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.15 财产20河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent int
54、egration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪1.16 交通运输
55、21河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅
56、侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪2.发包人河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄
57、绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪2.1 发包人工作22河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation bui
58、lding weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪2.2 发包人代表22河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase i) comprehensive medical
59、building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪2.3 发包人人员23 4河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and ex
60、pansion (phase i) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system cons 块凭摄绣振屿墙诵孤嘉赤渔河艳劝据棱谩凳爪酪丫氓林玻光径香宇暴爷措枚眶嗅侩靖苍阎沟春琴赃槐蚤淳况饭沥泄稍湍伤将斗揖穷字菩绎侄驻僻浪2.4 材料设备的提供23河北省建设工程施工合同(示范文本)the intelligent integration of operations management. the weak system of the programme covers
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