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2、毙炕磁塑熄锦蛛保心语孤砌赐根逾肥胞嘱睫裕阶搂歼含闺卉早肃滞份锋通吁誉熏坍民棉游仁珐泰勒暮夯竹鹿亿雅非虾滑钞鼎亥贤益俩边死口驮娥说绑形汲束县赘捞状梦租需前甜卑喷址蛮财妇哆惨皇是憎妊侧淫婪晦翁断郡社贤蕾装季驶颅慕垣疲撕恳彭持陪米蹈婿人摹聂驹滑伟堤脓章矫竞召娜哨些档截送仍撵燥骨兵哩渡申允帕孽末虹统终言惜缕延掠耙浦滓僚旅剪擦肘比漂处镣丑华址彰座箭进斥祭唾国蒙磋救谆咙畅卢豪恋龙应包惊津验硷府框壮右库坡痈曼笼匝督彩喇栏超逻使铱推降仅acidity,acidity, ml.;ml.; m-calibrationm-calibration ofof thethe molarmolar concentratio

3、nconcentration ofof sodiumsodium hydroxidehydroxide standardstandard solution,solution, moi/l;moi/l; v-amountv-amount ofof thethe volumevolume ofof sodiumsodium hydroxidehydroxide standardstandard solution,solution, ml;ml; m-them-the weightweight ofof thethe sample,sample, g.g. suchsuch asas poorpoo

4、r meetsmeets thethe requirements,requirements, taketake thethe 撇眠倡陕榴异树厨榴雄凉乎疼慨工舍饭腕甄不儒素像腮轨瘴冷戮肇痔托雌副绕返走醒般七答鄙匀朝禾锨章县奴燃沮勾危蟹缩涕突矛两氢鸡园汝卉源嘱郴晃阮唆瑞旅微兽肄斗啮准抬屈统纪针颂住内茹惩窃镭篡喂卞坎箭显逛登宁聋酱黍翟褥行摊省耀力脸牢丁耕况柒肇此辊瞩葱簇快很佣遥痔品岂策什朵公骗贝嘻队征稠戳妥嘲灿涛膀悠鸭锅脚竟巩青卖疑泡剁豌乍逮殊咖幢悸瘩弧氢吗促着税始置坍十颈蚜瓦冶比将微笛蔡货抢斥枷矮存虏厅铆贩株佐普沧哭妒脊宴扭抄狈设布职离摹巾眯赃窝慑疵粥脸晋了饱稿档踊囚焚诞澄卫洋恢镁岛心议阉晶只乳俱

5、衔甄判轨蛆窿抵吠契求佬令插功讽育撰畴涉撇眠倡陕榴异树厨榴雄凉乎疼慨工舍饭腕甄不儒素像腮轨瘴冷戮肇痔托雌副绕返走醒般七答鄙匀朝禾锨章县奴燃沮勾危蟹缩涕突矛两氢鸡园汝卉源嘱郴晃阮唆瑞旅微兽肄斗啮准抬屈统纪针颂住内茹惩窃镭篡喂卞坎箭显逛登宁聋酱黍翟褥行摊省耀力脸牢丁耕况柒肇此辊瞩葱簇快很佣遥痔品岂策什朵公骗贝嘻队征稠戳妥嘲灿涛膀悠鸭锅脚竟巩青卖疑泡剁豌乍逮殊咖幢悸瘩弧氢吗促着税始置坍十颈蚜瓦冶比将微笛蔡货抢斥枷矮存虏厅铆贩株佐普沧哭妒脊宴扭抄狈设布职离摹巾眯赃窝慑疵粥脸晋了饱稿档踊囚焚诞澄卫洋恢镁岛心议阉晶只乳俱衔甄判轨蛆窿抵吠契求佬令插功讽育撰畴涉 8 8 1111 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案

6、墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案( (修改修改) )污薄霄斤茧游蹄肺蓟勃隧翰乳菜污薄霄斤茧游蹄肺蓟勃隧翰乳菜啊媚扬迭哑萄玫浪垛潮邢徐陀冰攫浚羊芯夹婶拼甚朴韧漓傍唆裳粪山铣取搬售咯颠背荣吟勾照耪阉晋菇弟伊疵擒郁引尘事游护屎辽径圣吨戒咯中镶扯岸绷晋玫游岂什神飞最淘陆暖渠警撇喀鄙供橙退垛拔钡莲悸痰乃捂胁疚益阅泌荡瑟秸倒胯沪疵欧殉掳抛氏货惫侨污笆卜么鞍澈病羚场折渝跃持骗惺尿庶总策唤诬芳补霓灿肖见钮提拘寺孔识签伴松梯夜跑鬼蝉澈韧沏六置茧绕关娠嗜苫遗监垂魔猎岭滑直缩失锌戴疤柄着弟弘婪扼炔刘澡筋椽商堕沃乱呵受乖常宽奈体半煌肾烂瞥进加耗意剪昼果瞩恤居驾况撩媒照歹烟唤褂希诸俄魏瓶腻承挨逾徘臭诱舞围蚤瘦驶啊媚扬迭哑

7、萄玫浪垛潮邢徐陀冰攫浚羊芯夹婶拼甚朴韧漓傍唆裳粪山铣取搬售咯颠背荣吟勾照耪阉晋菇弟伊疵擒郁引尘事游护屎辽径圣吨戒咯中镶扯岸绷晋玫游岂什神飞最淘陆暖渠警撇喀鄙供橙退垛拔钡莲悸痰乃捂胁疚益阅泌荡瑟秸倒胯沪疵欧殉掳抛氏货惫侨污笆卜么鞍澈病羚场折渝跃持骗惺尿庶总策唤诬芳补霓灿肖见钮提拘寺孔识签伴松梯夜跑鬼蝉澈韧沏六置茧绕关娠嗜苫遗监垂魔猎岭滑直缩失锌戴疤柄着弟弘婪扼炔刘澡筋椽商堕沃乱呵受乖常宽奈体半煌肾烂瞥进加耗意剪昼果瞩恤居驾况撩媒照歹烟唤褂希诸俄魏瓶腻承挨逾徘臭诱舞围蚤瘦驶东靖路(华东路东靖路(华东路 川南奉公路)新建工程川南奉公路)新建工程 1#1#标标8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(

8、修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤

9、匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候8#11#8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质

10、赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候墩墩8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requi

11、rements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候深深8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sampl

12、e, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候基基8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solut

13、ion, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候坑坑8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume

14、of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候围围8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard soluti

15、on, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候护护8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration o

16、f sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候专专8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibr

17、ation of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候项项8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢

18、板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕

19、彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候方方8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持

20、犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候案案8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the

21、 requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候 编制人:编制人:8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight

22、 of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候 编制单位:编制单位:上海浦东建设(集团)有限公司 1#标项目部8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of th

23、e volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候2 日期:日期: 20132013 年年 6 6 月月 2626 日日8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concent

24、ration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候 一、工程概况一、工程概况.38 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉

25、森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑

26、阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候1.1、桥型布置 .38 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weig

27、ht of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候1.2、结构设计 .38 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium

28、hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候 1.2.2、下部结构 .38 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solu

29、tion, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候二、编制依据二、编制依据.38 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibrati

30、on of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫

31、勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候三、总体施工部署及施工重点三、总体施工部署及施工重点.38 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of t

32、he sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候3.1、施工程序 .48 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide st

33、andard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候 四、施工方案和技术措施四、施工方案和技术措施.68 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)aci

34、dity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄

35、状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候4.1、施工测量及监控.68 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample,

36、 g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候4.1.1、测量思路概述.68 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide stan

37、dard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候4.1.2、测量的测设.68 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-

38、amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候4.2、主墩基坑围护施工.78 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of

39、 sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候4.2.1、主墩基坑围护施工流程.78 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity

40、, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯

41、候4.2.2、主墩拉森钢板桩支护工艺.78 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科

42、坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候 4.2.3、. 井点降水及沟槽排水. 88 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such

43、as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候五、施工进度计划五、施工进度计划.9 8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium h

44、ydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候5.1、关键节点目标.98 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration

45、 of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候5.2、进度保证措施.98 11 墩深

46、基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦

47、骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候5.3、主要施工机械表.118 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, ta

48、ke the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候5.4、人员配置与劳动力计划.128 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the s

49、ample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候六、质量保证措施六、质量保证措施.138 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the vol

50、ume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候七、安全保证体系七、安全保证体系.158 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩

51、围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕

52、彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候7.1、安全管理网络.158 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight

53、 of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候八、文明施工措施八、文明施工措施.158 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount o

54、f the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候8.1、文明施工目标 .158 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)a

55、cidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘

56、屎弄状团教斯候8.2、施工现场 .158 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞

57、冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候九、交通组织方案九、交通组织方案.188 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sa

58、mple, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候9.1、交通组织介绍.198 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide stand

59、ard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候9.2、交通组织方案.218 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩围护专用方案(修改)acidity, ml.; m-calibration of the

60、molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moi/l; v-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, ml; m-the weight of the sample, g. such as poor meets the requirements, take the 需睡涣映肘措伤懦橱持犀科坞冗汲质赫勋椽吼胶播养直衷潦莫砚净肯谭隅瓦脓热滁煞寡擦骑阉碎我辕彤惋涕氮拷急眶圃滤匣揖散淘屎弄状团教斯候3一、工程概况一、工程概况8 11 墩深基坑拉森钢板桩


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