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1、1完形填空课下检测卷完形填空课下检测卷完形填空解题样板(一)山东天成书业有限公司2 说明文说明文3说明说明文文说明文文体特点主题明确主题明确1说明类完形填空往往在文章开头就点明说明对象。它主要是对事物的特征、本质、性能、状态、用途、原理或事情发生、发展、结果等进行介绍、解释和说明。结构清晰结构清晰2说明类完形填空往往借助于时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序或认识顺序来展开文章,这就使得文章结构清晰、层次分明。4说明说明文文记叙文文体特点多用现在时态多用现在时态3说明类完形填空通常是对客观事物或实例的介绍与说明,与时间的变化关系不大,所以文章常用现在时态。语言简练、平语言简练、平实、准确实、准确3说明

2、类完形填空的目的主要是帮助读者认清事物,明白事理,所以语言简练、平实、易于理解,内容客观真实。5说明说明文文读文技巧在做题之前,考生一定要花23分钟的时间对整篇文章进行快速浏览。通读的目的是明确说明对象,理清段落关系。6 说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! it speaks _36 than words. according to specialists, our bodies send out more _37 than we r e a

3、l i z e . i n f a c t , n o n - v e r b a l communication(非言语交际)takes up about 50% of what we really _38 . and body language is particularly _39_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化). indeed, what is called body language is so _40_ a part of us that its actually often unnoticed. and m

4、isunderstandings occur as a result of it. 36. a. straighter b. louder c. harder d. further37. a. sounds b. invitations c. feelings d. messages 38. a. hope b. receive c. discover d. mean 39. a. immediate b. misleading c. important d. difficult40. a. well b. far c. much d. long7说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考

5、 _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may l

6、ook like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.41. a. for example b.thus c. however d. in short42. a. tr

7、ade b. distance c. connections d. greetings 43. a. eye b. verbal c. bodily d. telephone44. a. strangers b. relatives c. neighbors d. enemies45. a. in other words b. on the other hand c. in a similar way d. by all means46. a. trouble b. conversationc. silence d. experiment47. a. disturbing b. helping

8、 c. guiding d. following48. a. closer b. faster c. in d. away49. a. stepping forward b. going on c. backing away d. coming out50. a. weakness b. carelessness c. friendliness d. coldness8说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 clearly, a great deal is going on when people _51_ . and only a part of it is in the words

9、 themselves. and when parties are from_ 52 _cultures, theres a strong possibility of _53_ but whatever the situation, the best_ 54 _is to obey the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be _55_ .51. a. talk b. travel c. laugh d. think52. a. different b. european c. latino d. rich53. a. curio

10、sity b. excitement c. misunderstanding d. nervousness54. a. chance b. time c. result d. advice55. a. noticed b. treated c. respected d. pleased9说明说明文文读文技巧第一步重视首句,明确说明对象,明确说明对象完形填空一般无标题,首句一般不留空格,是完整的一句,全文信息从此开始。抓住了首句信息,就抓住了文章的说明对象。10说明说明文文读文技巧第二步快速浏览,掌握大意快速浏览也叫“带空浏览”,要一气呵成,尽管有空格、生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去。读时要

11、明确作者是针对哪一个说明对象从不同的角度和侧面对其加以说明的,弄清楚说明顺序,理清各段之间的逻辑关系,注意反应作者态度的关键词或关键句,把握作者的写作情感和意图。注意不要在未弄清说明对象和文章段落层次关系的基础上,边阅读,边做题,这样速度慢、准确率低。11说明说明文文解题流程示范1重视首句,快速浏览 刚拿到这篇完形的时候,不要急着一头扎进字母组合的海洋里,一定要先扫一眼整篇文章的全貌。匆匆一眼扫去,第一句没有挖空,后面的空格基本上是分布均匀的,所以文章应该是重心平衡的类型,不会是最后抖包袱那种,阅读时着力应相对平均。 接下来就要处理首句: body language is the quiet,

12、 secret and most powerful language of all! 首句给我们提供了有效的信息支持,“所有的语言中,身势语是无声的、玄妙的且非常有力的语言”。看到首句,我们可以推知这篇文章的说明对象与身势语有关 。 接着,我们阅读下文可知,正验证了我们的预测。12说明说明文文解题流程示范1重视首句,快速浏览 通过快速浏览,首先我们应该弄清楚文章的说明对象、说明顺序及作者的态度。说明对象:身势语在交际中的重要性,尤其是跨文化交际时。身势语比言辞 更有效,而它却常常被人们忽视。说明顺序:认识顺序作者态度:遵从交际的“黄金法则”-你想别人怎么对待你,你就怎样对待别人。13说明说明文

13、文解题流程示范2边读边做,逐个突破14body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! it speaks _36 than words.36. a. straighter b. louder c. harder d. further说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考解析解析考查形容词。句组层次题,利用文章首句解题。此处it指代body language ,根据首句中的根据首句中的most powerful language of all可知此处应是身势语比言辞更可知此处应是身势语比言辞更有效

14、有效。15body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! it speaks _36 than words. according to specialists, our bodies send out more _37 than we realize.37. a. sounds b. invitations c. feelings d. messages 说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据文章开头两句的内容及空前的bodies和send

15、out可知此处应是“信息”,故d项正确。16according to specialists, our bodies send out more _37 than we realize.in fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际)takes up about 50% of what we really _38 . 38. a. hope b. receive c. discover d. mean 说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考解析解析考查动词。句内层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据前半句的non-verbal communication可知此

16、处应是指我们想要表达的意思,故可知此处应是指我们想要表达的意思,故d项项“意思意思”符符合句意。合句意。17and body language is particularly _39_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化). 39. a. immediate b. misleading c. important d. difficult说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考解析解析考查形容词。句内层次题,利用生活常识解题。根据常识,跨文化交流利用生活常识解题。根据常识,跨文化交流多有语言障碍,故身势语的作用尤为重要。多有

17、语言障碍,故身势语的作用尤为重要。18in fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际)takes up about 50% of what we really _38 . and body language is particularly _39_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化). indeed, what is called body language is so _40_ a part of us that its actually often unnoticed. 40. a. wel

18、l b. far c. much d. long说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据前面两句中的非言语交际占据了我们要表达意思的50%及身势语在跨文化交际中尤为重要可知此处很大的部分,故c项正确。1941. a. for example b.thus c. however d. in short说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考indeed, what is called body language is so _40_ a part of us that its actually often unnoticed. a

19、nd misunderstandings occur as a result of it. _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. 解

20、析解析考查过渡词。句组层次题,利用逻辑关系解题。空前面一句中的it指代的是身势语通常被忽视,所以空前一句说的是由于身势语被忽视在跨文化交际时常会发生误解,因此,空出应是对前面内容举例说明,故a项正确。2042. a. trade b. distance c. connections d. greetings 说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考and misunderstandings occur as a result of it. _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. north

21、ern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the latino, trying

22、 to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。47空到49空两句提及一个拉丁人好像在撵着一个挪威人满屋子转。拉丁人由于想表达友好而要拉近两人间的距离,但是挪威人为了在两人之间保持一定的距离而不停地后退。因此,此处b项“距离”符合句意。2143. a. eye b

23、. verbal c. bodily d. telephone说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考and misunderstandings occur as a result of it. _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin am

24、erican countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which

25、 the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。该句与其后45空所在句提到的“另一方面,来自于拉丁美洲国家的人们却频繁地触动对方”形成了对照,据此推知应选择c项bodily“身体的”符合句意。2244. a. strangers b. relatives c. neighbors d. enemies说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 and misunderstandings occur as a result of it. _41 _ different societies treat th

26、e_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. 解析解析考查名词词。句内层次题,利用反义词复现解题。此空与前面的friends形成对比,故a项“陌生人”符合句意。2345. a. in other words

27、b. on the other hand c. in a similar way d. by all means说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 and misunderstandings occur as a result of it. _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_

28、44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. 解析解析考查短语辨析。句组层次题,利用逻辑关系解题。上一句提到北欧人不喜欢身体接触,而本句提到拉美国家身体接触多,所以空处应是转折关系,故b项“另一方面正确。2446. a. trouble b. conversationc. silence d. experiment说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people diff

29、erently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the

30、latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用生活常识解题。身势语是在交谈中才能体现出来,故b项交谈”符合句意。2547. a. disturbing b. helping c. guiding d. following说明说明文文【高考示例】201

31、2全国新课标高考 _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 ,

32、it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查动词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据下面的moving及pushiness可推知

33、,此处应是“跟随”,故d项正确。2648. a. closer b. faster c. in d. away说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_

34、, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in re

35、turn regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查副词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据下文中的pushiness,可知此处应是不断地靠近,故可知此处应是不断地靠近,故a项项正确。正确。2749. a. stepping forward b. going on c. backing away d. coming out说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 _41 _ different societies treat the_ 42 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like hav

36、ing _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian all over the room. the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep mov

37、ing _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据前面几句可知此处应是“后退”故c项正确。2850. a. weakness b. carelessness c. friendliness d. coldness说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 _41 _ different societies treat the_ 4

38、2 _ between people differently. northern europeans usually do not like having _43_ contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with_ 44_ . people from latin american countries, _45_, touch each other quite a lot. therefore, its possible that in_ 46 , it may look like a latino is_ 47 _ a norwegian

39、all over the room. the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _. the norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _49 _ which the latino will in return regard as_ 50 _.解析解析考查名词。句组层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据下文中的the latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving _48 _.

40、 可推知,此处应是把后退视为可推知,此处应是把后退视为“冷漠冷漠”,故,故d项正项正确确。2951. a. talk b. travel c. laugh d. think说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 clearly, a great deal is going on when people _51_ . and only a part of it is in the words themselves. and when parties are from_ 52 _cultures, theres a strong possibility of _53_ but whatev

41、er the situation, the best_ 54 _is to obey the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be _55_ .解析解析考查动词。语篇层次题,利用同义词复现解题。根据上文的conversation及下文的words,可知此处应是“谈话”故a项正确。3052. a. different b. european c. latino d. rich说明说明文文【高考示例】2014安徽高考 clearly, a great deal is going on when people _51_ . and onl

42、y a part of it is in the words themselves. and when parties are from_ 52 _cultures, theres a strong possibility of _53_ but whatever the situation, the best_ 54 _is to obey the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be _55_ .解析解析考查形容词。语篇层次题,利用上下文语境解题。根据第一段中的and body language is particularly _39_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文文化化). 可知可知a项项“不同的不同的”正确。正确。第一段:第一段:and body language is particularly _39_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化文化). 3153. a. curiosity b. excitement c. misunderstanding d. nervousness说明说明文文【高考示例】2012全国新课标高考 clearly, a


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