



1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx比较状语从句讲解及精选练习(附答案)【精品文档】 比较状语从句比较状语从句表达人或事物的属性或特征的不同程度。主要运用于形容词和副词的原级、比较级及最高级的句子之中。原级:asas(和一样),not so(as)as (和不一样);比较级:morethan(更);最高级:The mostin/of, the + 形容词+estof/in。一原级比较1. as+原级+as(第一个as是副词,含“如此”的意思,在主句说明所比内容的程度;第二个as是连词,含“比”或“如此”的意思,引导从句)。例如:Our classroom is as big as theirs. 我们

2、的课室跟他们的一样大。I hope you like it as much as I do. 我喜欢你跟我一样喜欢它。在这种结构中,比较成分的前面常用表示倍数的词如···times(···倍),twice(两倍)等来表示相比较的两个成分相差的倍数,通常译作“像···几倍那样多”,“是···的几倍”。例如:The speed of sounds in water is about four times as great as in air.声音在水中的速度是空气中的4倍左右。T

3、his book is twice as thin as that one. 这本书的厚度是那本书的二分之一。2. not so / as ···as(不像···那样,不如)。第一个as/so是副词,在主句中作状语,修饰其后的形容词/副词;第二个as是连词,引导从句。not soas比not asas用得比较普遍。例如:It is not as easy as you think. 事情并不像你想的那么容易。The work did not go so smoothly as we hoped. 这工作并不像我们希望的那样顺利。二比较

4、级1. 形容词/副词的比较级+than+被比较的对象。表示两个人或事物在某(些)方面的差别。than是连词,引导从句。后面被比较对象如果是名词,多用省略形式,省去与主句中相同的部分。Man grows faster than the planet he inhabits. 人类成长的速度远比他居住的星球快得多。注意: 从句中的主语(名词)如果与主句中的主语一致,为了避免重复,常用that代替不可数或某可数名词,用those代替可数复数名词,用one或ones代替可数名词。例如: The result of this experiment is better than that of the l

5、ast one. 这次实验的结果要比上次好。The students in our class are more diligent than those in their class. 我们班的学生比他们班的学生用功。 比较状语从句的动词,如果与主句的谓语动词一致,且为行为动词时,常用do(does,did)代替,以免重复。例如: We have produced even more coal this year than we did that year. 我们今年出产煤要比去年出产得更多。 She drives better than her husband does. 她开车开得比她丈夫

6、好。2. “no+比较级+than”(不比···多,不少于)。no是副词,在主句中作状语,修饰形容词或副词的比较级;than是连词,引导从句。例如:Tom is no less diligent than peter. 汤姆用功不比彼得差。(汤姆和彼得同样用功)He feels no better today than he did yesterday.他今天的感觉不比昨天好/他今天的感觉跟昨天同样不好。 “ not more than” 不如 (前者不如后者) Jack is not more diligent than John. 杰克不如约翰勤奋。3 句型t

7、he···the···(越···越···)。即:从句:the + 比较级···,主句:the + 比较级···The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. 我们越学习,就越发现自己无知。主句如果是将来时,从句可用现在时代替将来时。例如:The longer the treatment is delayed, the worse the prognosis

8、 will be. 延误治疗的时间越长,预后越差。三最高级1. The mostin/of This book is the most interesting of the three. 这本书是三本中最有趣的。 2. the + 形容词+estof/in This road is the busiest street in our city. 这条路是我们城市最繁忙的街道。 3. one of the + 名词(复数).之一(用于最高级) Tom is one of the best students in our school. Tom是我们学校最好的学生之一。 一 填空:1. He lo

9、oks _ _ _ a brick wall. (nervous)2. Drive _ _ _ you can. (safe)3. His new boss is much _ _ _ his last. (interesting)4. The car is running less _ _ it used to. (smoothly)5. You are _ _ _ person Ive met. (annoying)6. Well drive a bit _ _ you do, so well get there first. (fast)7. I like Jack and Tom, b

10、ut I think Jack is _ _ of the two. (nice)8. Youre far _ _ _ I am. (tolerant)9. Is your mother any _ _? (relaxed)10. Shes _ _ _ of the Smith girls. (sensible)11. Could you come _ _ _ you usually do.12. Honey is just about _ _ _ sugar. (sweet)13. Doesnt Alice look a bit _ _ he did last week? (unhappy)

11、14. What is _ _ joke you have ever heard? (funny)15. We bought _ _ boards we could find. (thick)二翻译:1. 天气不如去年冬天那么冷。 2. 他行动起来比他妹妹慢。 3. 他是班里最高的学生。 4. 他跟他哥哥一样刻苦工作。 5. 她是姐妹中最漂亮的一个。 二 短文填空Dear Jim,Weve moved into the old house at last! The repairs took longer and were more expensive _ we had expected, bu

12、t living in the old house is just _ much fun _ we had hoped it would be!The cleaning wasnt quite _ bad _ we were anticipating (预料),but of course, _ more we cleaned, _ less we enjoyed it! But we knew that the sooner we started, _ _ wed have it all finished.The actual removal went quit smoothly. Fortu

13、nately, the removal men werent _ careless _ we had feared, so we had fewer breakages _ expected. The grandfather clock stood up to it all very well!How are things with you and the family? Is life in New York still _ busy _ ever?Sorry I havent written earlier, but as we say, “Better late _ never!”PeterKey:一、1. as . as 2. as . as 3.more . than 4. . than 5.the most . 6. faster than 7. the nicer 8.more . than 9.more . 10. the most . 11. more earlier than 12. as . as 13. . than 14. the funniest 15. the thickest二、1. The weather is not so cold as it was last winter. 2. He moves more s


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